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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
Okay, I redid post #11, so I could be a bit more helpful to anyone who wants it, research it yourself, or use it as your own, and that includes you too Best! If not, throw it away, don't care.
I'm going to say this as plainly as I can.

Luis Castillo said there were (14) men in Dallas in buildings where he took photographs of individuals and buildings.

A CIA document report says (14) men were safely exfiltrated on 11/22/1963.

This document is a [recap of exercises] between (November 21-30,) nowhere does it discuss Kennedy's [outright assassination] in Dallas on November 1963.

But! It does discuss the plot to kill Kennedy in Miami not Dallas. There's a brief discussion about the plot to kill the president of the United States in Miami, however, there is NO [recap] of the events in Miami, why? Because nothing happened in Miami on November 16th 1963. Now, between November 17-24, 1963 we do have a [recap] of [ preparations ]discussing actual [events] that took place, and I understand completely how anyone would say, let's throw this information out because it says Miami, and nowhere in these documents does it mention Dallas. Yeah, well, you're right, perhaps, we should throw out the information because the CIA is not fully implicating themselves, they're only telling us what they did the week Kennedy was assassinated.

My bad!

Pay attention to the last paragraph because in my opinion, it's probably the most important of them all.

The recaps were specifically discussing the dates of "November 21-30," there is no discussion recap of November 16th the day Jack visited Miami.
In other words, the CIA is telling you what they did during November 21-30, please figure it out! Use it for yourself and spread the truth, or throw it away, I don't give a shit, say you found it, I don't give a flying **** anymore that includes Mr. Best? Take it! Please, please, please steal this information, and spread the truth, that's all that matters.

I apologize for the mix up in [recaps] because someone may point out the recaps (in writing) between November 17-23. The day Kennedy visited Miami was on the 16th of November. I'm talkin about the first page at the top, "Slotted 21 30, 23 Nov. 63."

This is a binding [action recap] of "events" that occurred within the CIA on November, between 17-23, but they even discuss the 24th, how about that! You may take this information for what it's worth, there is NO speculation on my part, as I've said, I already know, and when you just know, you know!

Some folks believe I should be (merited) by the community whatever that means, I ask any real researcher to dig for the truth, I employ, beg and stand my head if I have to, but don't give me any merit, please, challenge the information, challenge yourself, find the truth, set your pride aside and set yourself free, you alone have that, I'm no one, please, challenge this, and when you find the truth. I will be the first person to say thank you. Either way, right or wrong, thank you!
There is one more obvious recap I forgot to touch on and that was November 21, 1963, what happened that day? Why is it that they only added Poyle's name to the document, but did not elaborate on the recap?

I'll tell you, Richard Poyle whose name is in the same document slated for the recap of November 21-30, 1963 was in Mexico the day before Jack was killed, and now I have the proof I need to understand why my father first approached Richard Poyle with the photos he had?

And the truth shall set ME FREE!!!!
Please, carefully read the last sentence in post #19, thank you!

Scott Kaiser
If JFK visited Miami on the 16th of November, 1963, do you suppose they knew he would be on his way to Dallas? If so, do you suppose that is when the CIA began their recap and what they're discussing in the posted documents? Does the word Dallas have to be in the document instead of saying 11/22/1963 in order for it to be credible? I mean, what else could they be discussing about that day, or are we to understand what it is they're saying? Do you think that after leaving Miami it would cause the CIA any preparations of any kind for the event in Dallas? Protection maybe? I mean, since they added an additional 250 cops in Miami without the president's knowledge? Do you get it now?
I merged the threads. I should have to start with as Scott only knows one thing to talk about - his father - and tries to start endless new threads, when Scott you've been warned and warned again, that if its about your father [which it is 99% of the time], it is to stay here. One more merge and you'll be blocked from starting new threads. Sorry - you can start your own Kaiser forum, but the decision to have you not monopolize endlessly proliferating threads here has been made and is final.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:I merged the threads. I should have to start with as Scott only knows one thing to talk about - his father - and tries to start endless new threads, when Scott you've been warned and warned again, that if its about your father [which it is 99% of the time], it is to stay here. One more merge and you'll be blocked from starting new threads. Sorry - you can start your own Kaiser forum, but the decision to have you not monopolize endlessly proliferating threads here has been made and is final.

I never thought I should have to start with Pete, but apparently his post proves it. One, you have not understood any of my post, but then again, i should have expected that since you come from England and I'm from the United States you don't speak English.

That's about all i have to say, however, we all had a pool going at the Kaiser's house, thanks Pete you just helped me win 40 dollars. I bet you'd be the one to move my post when it has absolutely nothing to do with my father and you still don't understand, you will though, you will.

Thanks for the cash that I did need, lol....
Hey! I'm sorry I didn't get to read your last thought on your post, but no one threatens me, I told you! I took the blows and did it my way, what part of that don't you understand? YOU think it's about my father I can't help you're stupid, and if you want to block me go ahead, kiss my ass think I care?

You will STILL never know what I know.
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Please, carefully read the last sentence in post #19, thank you!

Scott Kaiser

Scott, post #19 in this long thread has Ray Mitcham asking you when your kindle book arrives on the market. That's not a bad idea, just put your story out there, with pics, I hope.

If it's a good one, I'm sure Hollywood will pick it up. And get yourself an agent as a spokesperson instead of the one you use now.
Magda Hassan Wrote:My life has taken me to similar landscapes such as where you are traveling. Soldiers, soldiers of fortune, the underworld and its denizens, heroes known and unknown and plenty of villains. For sure there is a surplus of testosterone and rampant ego. Wild tales told of wild adventures. Ripping yarns and boys own stories. But things do happen. Real people are involved in real adventures and crimes and wars both declared and undeclared. It is my general observation that none of them care about history or about the historical record or their role in that history. Not that they are unaware of it though some are. Just that it is never part of their motivation or their world view. If anything they much prefer to fly under the radar and not leave any traces of themselves. They don't want to get caught blow their elaborately worked for cover and have to explain in front of glaring media lights, die or go to jail for years. Those who fund them are usually 'respectable' be it a government agency or individual and they all want deniability from the crimes they commission. Remember there was no proof of MK ULTRA except that some one forgot to shred some of the financial records which were filed elsewhere and forgotten. No proof of Operation Norwoods except for one document misfiled found 40 years later by a researcher working on some thing else. There are few if any paper trails and nearly all the players are shady characters whose words are questionable or who can be painted so. Other know not to talk and never will. Others are dead. Friends are few. Communication is verbal not written. Some don't know how to even write. Some don't speak English.

I don't think you're wasting your time either. Are the Miami wise guys telling you the truth the whole truth and the only truth? I don't know. Do they even know the truth or have the whole big picture of the events? I don't think these guys are interested in history. Some people study it. Other people live it. They are telling you their stories and stories about your father. That's what led you to them. Gather what you can. Make of it what you will. I hope it makes a clearer and more detailed picture of your father's life for you. If you can share your discoveries on the public record for others to take and further explore that is wonderful and a generous act. If not for researchers who are trying to piece together the historical record with all its scratches and gaps then for other children out there looking for pieces of their lost fathers. There are a lot of orphans in the Borderlands.

Well said.

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