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The Reagan Shooting-Officer McCarthy
The March 30,1081 attempted assassination of President Reagan who shot Secret Service Agent MCarthy ? The force of the bullet made Officer McCarhy leap, but I can't see how Hinckley. who was under some retraint at this time, could have done it. I can't see how the alleged gunman on the overhang could have done it either.
This is in the seventies, after the boat lift and all that. But they were in there trying to recruit a whole new batch of anti-Castro Cubans that could be used in, not only domestic, but international operations. It was anti-Castro Cubans that were used in the murder of Lumumba for instance, by the CIA. These people were interchangeable units but World Vision was part-and-parcel of running these camps and manipulating these refugees. At the same time doing a television presence that made them seem as if they were some sort of charitable Christian operation.
Their CIA funding and their background had been exposed over a long time. The chairman of the board for some period was John W. Hinkley Sr.. The son worked at Fort Chafey at the Thai refugee camps. There were pictures of him after the Reagan shooting running in his World Vision T-shirt around the edge of the camp. He was tied-in but he was not going along with the program at the same level as Scott was. Scott was already doing the wheeling and dealing and was tight with Neil Bush. Bush's daughter was making the dating arrangements for Scott Hinkley and helping to set him up for dates.
They knew each other socially quite well. The press said that they were to have dinner -- Scott Hinkley and Neil Bush were to have dinner on March 31 1981. But they cancelled the dinner after the news of the shooting. The press said that that was ironic. It gives a new meaning to the word `irony'. Because if Robert Oswald, Lee Harvey's older brother and Lynda Bird Johnson were going to have dinner the night of the JFK assassination, somebody would figure out it meant something.
What it means is that Bush was part of the planning of the take over -- and it was a take over, I believe. There were elements that matched the Kennedy assassination. Richard Bartholomew, a researcher in Texas, told me that he himself talked to Strategic Air Command bomber pilots who, like the pilots I talked to that were in the air the hour of the Kennedy assassination, told him that on March 31 they had no code books aboard.
The black box, the presidential communication box for national emergencies -- the "nuclear football" as they call it, disappeared in Dallas after the Kennedy shooting and did not fly back on Airforce One with LBJ and didn't get back to him for many hours.
Similarly, Rodriguez, an Army Colonel that was in charge of carrying it with the president, at the time of Reagan's shooting, ducked, hit the ground during the shooting, got up and ran in the other direction and came back hours later with a Secret Service Agent trying to get the control card out of Reagan's wallet that was under the control of the FBI. FBI Agents had taken his clothes as they were clipped off in the emergency room. At that point an FBI Agent called William Sessions, the Director. But he wasn't at the Agency. He was in the situation room where the big fight had emerged between the Reagan loyalists and the Bush loyalists. Sessions told him to hold on to the card.
Sessions told the guy who had taken the football with him?
No, he told the FBI Agent who had the card. The nurses were taking Reagan's clothes off, cutting them off, whatever they had to do and in his wallet was the card that activates the box. The FBI had control of that back at the hospital. The guy in control of the box itself ran off and came back with a Secret Service Agent trying to get the card, as well. The FBI guy said `Wait a minute. I have to call headquarters.' Sessions told him `No, don't give up the card.' That's the level at which the battle was going on.
And Sessions would be with Bush or Reagan?
Sessions would have been loyal to Reagan, I believe.
Rodriguez was loyal to Reagan?
Well, Rodriguez was obviously playing the other side. Rodriguez was running off with the box.
He didn't stay with the Commander-in-Chief?
That's right. He broke rank. And then, whoever in the Secret Service -- the Secret Service helped to set-up Reagan too. Reagan was told not to wear his vest that day -- his protective vest. I'll bet he wore it after that. They did not call the procedure with the limousine. He should have come out the door and gone directly into the limousine. That's how he arrived.
He came, the Secret Service formed two rows on either side of the back door, they opened the back door and he goes in. When you hire a limousine, they don't go to the house down the street, they come to your door. When you're the president, they'll move it six inches to make sure that it's in the right place. It was in the right place when he arrived. He got out and went in through the phalanx of the two rows of agents. He's safe into the VIP entrance.
He comes out the same exit and where's the car?' It is nowhere near the door. It's 40-50 feet down the pavement. So, he's got to walk out into the open. What's supposed to happen? The Secret Service is supposed to surround him like a diamond and protect him. One guy goes forward, McCarthy, to open the door for him. The rest don't surround him. They all file out like a line of ducks off to the right and they leave Reagan walking in the open with Brady and these other guys. Then, the shooting happens.
The damage that was done there once the shooting started was quite extensive. Brady was hit which literally took a large chunk of his brain and knocked him on to the ground. A black cop was nicked in the neck, a big beefy cop, and he spun and hit the ground hard by the shot. McCarthy, 160 pounds, was lifted by the shot, that hit him in the groin at the back door of the car, and thrown through the air to the front bumper of the car. He himself says that was no 22.
All of the early press reports said that Hinkley was firing a 38 and that is much more consistent with these kinds of reactions. A 22 will hurt you, enter you and do damage inside you, but it's not going to knock you over. A 38 is a much larger caliber of bullet. Hinkley purchased a 38 at a pawn shop on Elm Street in Dallas -- the same street where Kennedy was assassinated.

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[TD="bgcolor: #e7ffe7"]The problem was that Reagan didn't get back to G.W.U. until after Brady was there, like a good 15-to-20 minutes later before Reagan finally shows up and does walk in. They finally start dealing with him because he does have a collapsed lung but he isn't shot to the extent that he can't move. . . . But it is very significant, I think, that Reagan was taken somewhere else and then turned around. I think the timing of the turn around relates to a huge fight that they later admitted broke out in the situation room at the White House in the emergency between the Reagan loyalists and the Bush loyalists in the administration. . . . There are different loyalties. That was clear in a number of instances.
One was when Bush helped to get Haig appointed as Secretary of State. The entire Cabinet staff underneath him was already pre-appointed and he wasn't allowed to pick or choose any of them, or fire any of them. So it was like he was a figure head put up at the head of this agency that he wasn't really allowed to run. Then just a few days before the shooting of Reagan, there was a switch where Bush replaced Haig as the head of an emergency preparedness committee or unit that they had at the White House. The press was asking Bush right after he was appointed in place of Haig -- this was just three days before the shooting -- `What constitutes an emergency for the purpose of this special office?' And Bush said, "The president will know it when he sees it." I think he meant that he -- Reagan -- would know it when he saw it lying on the ground dying.
This I believe was a coup. The black box disappeared for several hours. . . There was that kind of transition-of-power going on -- who was actually going to control things and there were switch-overs about the Strategic Air Command bomber pilots, again, not having code books aboard on March 31, 81 like they didn't on November 22, 63. This was a classic transition-of-power situation.


All of this was to give us an early signal that this is one of their jobs. But at the same time none of Hinkley's bullets hit Reagan and that was clear from Reagan's lack of this kind of reaction. Reagan gets to the car still standing. He is pushed into the car by McCarthy. He's got some pain in his rib, which he thinks McCarthy caused by pushing him in and eventually coughs up a little blood. But even when he finally gets down to G.W. [George Washington University] Hospital, he is still standing when comes in and walks into the hospital and they put him on the gurney. He's not at all in the same shape as everyone else that's hit by Hinkley's 38.
Then the official story changes after three or four hours and Hinkley supposedly had a 22. I went through the ABC footage and you can actually see the replacement of the 22 and the pick-up of the 38 by a Secret Service agent.
How do you mean `see the replacement?' -- you can see it in watching the replay?
In watching the footage, you can see a Secret Service agent at the outer edge of the crew. There's a group that have sort of tackled Hinkley and they're taking him in and you can see the gun is on the ground. Hinkley's 38 is on the ground at the edge of the that crowd near the retaining wall. The Secret Service agent kind of sidles over to the wall, takes a handkerchief out of his pocket, kneels down, like crouches, and lifts the gun up and puts it in his pocket.
Meanwhile, a DC cop in a slick yellow raincoat comes to the outer edge of the crowd -- this is after they already have Hinkley subdued -- and for no apparent reason he comes to the edge of the crowd and puts his hand out. He's a motorcycle cop.
That motorcycle rentinue did not leave with Reagan's limousine when he did leave. He has no escort when he goes. That is not explainable either, especially if there has just been an assassination attempt -- why he would be put out there without escort. But he does, he goes without anybody.
This cop comes over, off of his motorcycle, spreads his arms and kind of moves back and forth in front of -- at the edge of the crowd. He's not serving any purpose but he's there and after a moment the camera pans back and you can see at his feet, this 22, as if he's dropped it. One of his hands goes in towards the center of his coat and then comes out and right after that, as the camera is panning all around, it pans right between his feet, and you can see this 22 that becomes the official weapon.
There is also a weapon near Brady's head that one of the Secret Service guys drops. That's how they explain the 38, saying that it was a confusion because it was really the Secret Service guy's gun. I believe, Hinkley was firing a 38. Hinkley damaged everybody but Reagan, also put holes in the car and the building across the street. But he only had six rounds and each one of those is explained and then a seventh round has to explain the wound in Reagan.
Reagan's wound is so minimal that it doesn't match either a 22 or a 38. It is described as a little thin razor line when they finally get his clothes off. They think he's having a heart attack -- actually his lung had collapsed because of the thing penetrating him. Then finally a nurse sees a little line of blood underneath his left arm pit. She determines that something has gone in but it's a little razor cut. They know what a bullet hole looks there in the emergency room at G.W.U.. They get them all the time.
They do poke around until they finally find this thing in the x-ray. They try three times to get it out and finally pull it out and it is a little disc, a flattened disc, that was described as `thin as a dime' and `razor-edged.' This fits the profile of these aerodynamic discs that are used by the intelligence agencies in weapons that the Church Committee showed during the time that they did their testimony. They are fired with a CO2 (carbon dioxide) cartridge, so they are relatively silent. They just make a little puff. They have an accuracy up to a great length. They can be fired out of a regular gun or even out of these little tubes with the CO2 cartridge at the back. They also can be loaded with toxins.
One of the uses they had for them was making them out of plastic and filling them with shellfish toxin which goes in and makes a razor split in the skin which wouldn't be noticed during an autopsy. The x-ray won't pull up the plastic and the shellfish toxin, once it gets into any part of the bloodstream, will cause a heart attack within 30 seconds. Very lethal -- several milligrams of the shellfish toxin is enough of a dose. Whether this thing had a poison load in it or not, who knows? But it didn't immediately kill him so if it did have such a load, it didn't work. It didn't shoot off.
It bounced off of his rib. It would have cut into his aorta but bounced on his rib and missed the aorta by a quarter of an inch and went into the lung instead. But they did finally get it out. The lung was collapsed from it but they got him stabilized.
Meanwhile, all night, there were people trying to move him back to the Bethesda. Because when the car takes off from the Hilton where the shooting happens, they're screaming `Rawhide is okay' into the radio. Rawhide is the code name for Reagan. They're radioing back according to McCarthy, `Rawhide is okay, Rawhide is okay.' But I don't think he is supposed to be okay. I think he was supposed to have been killed there and they've got a problem.
So the car goes up to Connecticut Avenue and if they were going to go to G.W.U. Hospital, they needed to either go straight across down Florida to 21st and then (it's close) around a little traffic circle. Or they could have gone left further down to M Street and then turned across M to 21st.
McCarthy's story is that they went under the bridge at M Street and then he coughed up some blood and then they realized he'd been hit and they said `get to the nearest hospital.' But they still didn't even turn on M, which they could have easily done. They went all the way down to the White House on Pennsylvania Avenue -- four or five more blocks. Then they turned to the right from 17th over to 21st and then came back up to 21st until they hit G.W.U. Hospital, which is going along three sides of a triangle instead of just cutting across. So if you're in a hurry -- the president's in an emergency -- you take the quickest route.
But what McCarthy says in his book is that when the car went up to Connecticut Avenue, that they went right and went toward the White House. If you turn right on Connecticut off of T, where they were, you're not going towards the White House, you're headed north toward Bethesda Hospital and out Connecticut Ave.
That was confirmed for me later when ABC News had on the doctor who was the head of the trauma room after they had the press conference with the doctors. The head of the trauma room was there with the news anchor. The newscaster said `I understand that there were people that wanted to move President Reagan out to Bethesda Naval Hospital after he had come into your trauma room.' And the doctor said, `Yes, there were people.' There were reports that it was Secret Service up to as late as 6 a.m. the next morning, insisting to move him. But in fact, he wasn't moved and it was because this trauma room doctor said, `When someone comes into my trauma room in that condition, I don't care who they are -- President of the United States or not -- they are not going to be moved.' He doesn't understand that he saved Reagan's life.
If they had gotten Reagan to Bethesda, they could have finished the job there and then done the same phony autopsy they did on John F. Kennedy at Bethesda Hospital. But instead, this trauma room doctor intervened and kept Reagan there and then Reagan recovered in relatively safety and security.

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[TD="bgcolor: #e7ffe7"]The patterns are always the same. You have a patsy that takes the blame. You have a second gunman that never comes to light. And you have an ascendance of power. That's what I think happened after that point: that Reagan was basically allowed to function but Bush was President.
That dynamic is born out by other instances including the Contragate scandal where the Tower Commission determined in testimony of all the top people, McFarland and the people at the highest levels, that one day, July 15, 1985 was this day they all name as the key day when the President of the United States signs a Finding allowing the shipment of TOE missiles to Israel . . . I went back and looked that day up -- that all of them had named in the Tower Report -- to see what Reagan was supposedly doing that day. Because Reagan later said that he could not remember signing that. In fact, on July 15, 1985 Reagan was in an eight-hour prostate operation all day and Bush was acting President of the United States for those eight hours.
It was clear to me that Bush had signed the Finding. That it was a covert operation that Reagan didn't know anything about and wasn't allowed to know anything about. When the stuff started to break, they had to then shred the signed papers and get Oliver North and the boys in there to do the shredding because it would have shown Bush's signature all over it. Bush was actually calling the shots for Contragate.


There was a strange incident that Mae Brussell noticed that they brought blood in to him. First, it is unusual for them to bring blood because the Secret Service already knows when they travel to a city what hospital has blood and what the closest one is. They make sure that the hospitals nearby where the president travels, and those DC hospitals, have enough blood of his type in storage. It was unusual, first, that they didn't have enough and secondly, this vehicle that arrived to bring the blood wasn't anything formal from the pictures. It looked like some kind of a van where somebody had painted a red cross on the back of it but it clearly was not an official vehicle. Mae thought that tainted blood might've been brought in and caused Reagan problems later with cancer or other things.
Generally, his care there was certainly better than what would have happened to him. Interestingly enough, when the ABC News Anchor asked the doctor this and he said, `In my trauma room, they are going to stay there and we're not going to move him.' The response of the news anchor was, `No matter how much the Navy yells?' The doctor said, `That's right. No matter how much the Navy yells.' The question that we have to ask, `What is the Navy yelling about moving the president for after he's been shot?'
Meanwhile, Brady, who's lying on the ground, and still on the ground five minutes after Reagan takes off, ends up getting to G.W.U. before Reagan does. Reagan's on his way to Bethesda. Brady, who takes five extra minutes to even get the ambulance in to load him, gets to G.W.U. and is taken in on a stretcher surrounded by Secret Service agents. That became confused with Reagan. In the first hour, they said Reagan was shot, he wasn't shot, he was dead, he wasn't dead, Brady was shot, he wasn't shot, he was dead, he wasn't dead. The stories went back and forth on the news about who had been shot and who was alive or dead. Nothing was clear. And then that Reagan had gone in to the hospital on a stretcher and then another story that Reagan had walked in on his own.
The problem was that Reagan didn't get back to G.W.U. until after Brady was there, like a good 15-to-20 minutes later before Reagan finally shows up and does walk in. They finally start dealing with him because he does have a collapsed lung but he isn't shot to the extent that he can't move. But that's what confused the story as to what condition Reagan was in. At first, I wondered if they were buying time or what was happening.
But it is very significant, I think, that Reagan was taken somewhere else and then turned around. I think the timing of the turn around relates to a huge fight that they later admitted broke out in the situation room at the White House in the emergency between the Reagan loyalists and the Bush loyalists in the administration.
There was a clear split along those lines because Reagan represents the southern California (what they used to call) `Irish Mob Money' out there and the southern rim economy -- the military-industrial complex and Bush is somewhat of a cross-over coming out of Yale and the upper class schools but also having his money in the south. There are different loyalties. That was clear in a number of instances.
One was when Bush helped to get Haig appointed as Secretary of State. The entire Cabinet staff underneath him was already pre-appointed and he wasn't allowed to pick or choose any of them, or fire any of them. So it was like he was a figure head put up at the head of this agency that he wasn't really allowed to run. Then just a few days before the shooting of Reagan, there was a switch where Bush replaced Haig as the head of an emergency preparedness committee or unit that they had at the White House. The press was asking Bush right after he was appointed in place of Haig -- this was just three days before the shooting -- `What constitutes an emergency for the purpose of this special office?' And Bush said, "The president will know it when he sees it." I think he meant that he -- Reagan -- would know it when he saw it lying on the ground dying.
This I believe was a coup. The black box disappeared for several hours. There was an attempt to get the card that activated the black box by the Secret Service and Rodriguez -- the guy that was carrying it, that took it away from the President as he wasn't supposed to do -- came back three hours later to get the activating card that the FBI had taken out of the pants they had cut off of Reagan in the emergency room. The FBI guy said `I'd better call the Director.' Sessions was down in this big fight that they were having in the situation room and Sessions told him `no -- hold onto the card.'
There was that kind of transition-of-power going on -- who was actually going to control things and there were switch-overs about the Strategic Air Command bomber pilots, again, not having code books aboard on March 31, 81 like they didn't on November 22, 63. This was a classic transition-of-power situation.
I think, the loyalists won the concession that Reagan will be allowed to stay alive but Bush would come into power and at that point Haig emerged from the situation room to the press and said, his famous quote, "Gentlemen, I am in charge here until the Vice-President returns." That meant two things: number one, that they were going extra constitutional -- beyond twenty-fifth amendment, a military take-over and Haig in this office of preparedness, prior to Bush and basically he's taking charge. The press were questioning What does this mean? It's not the twenty-fifth amendment which goes to the Speaker of the House or the Vice-President. What's happening that Haig can come up and say this?
What they don't understand is all that Constitution stuff is pushed aside once they declare National Emergencies. Then they go into FEMA and they have whole other orders of succession that have to do more with the military and the Pentagon than with any of the civilian sector.
So Haig is jumping into that breech. Haig has his own strange progress up the chain-of-command and at one point jumps over literally hundreds of other people that were in line to be promoted when Califono moves him up into these high positions to take over the White House for the removal of Richard Nixon. So Haig is part of their larger game.
The second thing Haig is saying is `until the Vice-President returns.' Bush is said to be in a jovial mood on a flight between (of all places) Fort Worth and Dallas when he gets the news. There is no indication that his joviality diminished. He says that he'll come back in a few hours. There is no rush to get back on his part. Again this lack of any emergency response indicates to me that the thing is planned, they knew it was going to happen, the only thing that didn't work out right was that Reagan actually survived the shooting and survived this small disc going in under his arm.
They've got a patsy. But Hinkley, instead of being taken under civilian custody or even federal custody -- he is in a military district in DC but he is also in several federal districts -- he's whisked off to Quantico Marine Base and that's where he is held for questioning. I think that that was part of his debriefing and deprogramming. But he's not taken under civilian control, he's taken under military custody.
Then he's moved from there for psychiatric evaluation to Fort Butner, South Carolina, which was the first prison that was developed where the cells (and the blueprints) were called labs. It was the first mind-control experimentation prison in the country. He spends his time down there. Again with a group of psychiatrists that are interlinked with other assassinations and then he is eventually brought to court and declared not guilty by reason of insanity for the assassination attempt.

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[TD="bgcolor: #e7ffe7"]Contragate involved the anti-Castro Cubans, it involved covert operatives, it involved drug dealings, as well as the illegal shipment of these missiles. It was a huge scandal that again began to break open like Watergate did. But it was delimited by the people who were put in to investigate it and it was never allowed to go to the full extent of what it represented, including martial-law and military take-over plans that existed both at the time of Watergate -- the Thomas Charles Houston Plan -- and Oliver North's joint plan with FEMA, for a military take-over and martial-law at the time of Contragate.
But when Senator Jack Brooks brought that up, Senator Inouye -- who had also intervened back during the Watergate hearings -- blocked it from any open testimony and it went into a closed hearing. Then Congressperson Carl Stokes came out of that meeting and was quoted on CNN saying that they had decided that no such plan had ever existed.
But the plan not only existed, it had a name. It was Readiness Exercise '84 -- Rex '84 -- the plans were very clearly in the works and Ed Meese and Tom Turnage and Reagan's top people had participated in martial-law planning in California earlier. A lot of that stuff was not allowed to come to light and a much broader scandal than what was talked about was buried.


It's a convoluted story but the patterns are always the same. You have a patsy that takes the blame. You have a second gunman that never comes to light. And you have an ascendance of power. That's what I think happened after that point: that Reagan was basically allowed to function but Bush was President.
That dynamic is born out by other instances including the Contragate scandal where the Tower Commission determined in testimony of all the top people, McFarland and the people at the highest levels, that one day, July 15, 1985 was this day they all name as the key day when the President of the United States signs a Finding allowing the shipment of TOE missiles to Israel and then through Israel to Iran in order to make the arrangement to block the early release of the hostages in the fall of 1981. To keep the hostages in Iran and to stop the October Surprise.
They are saying that the day that the Finding was signed was on July 15, 1985, and that that authorized it. I went back and looked that day up -- that all of them had named in the Tower Report -- to see what Reagan was supposedly doing that day. Because Reagan later said that he could not remember signing that. In fact, on July 15, 1985 Reagan was in an eight-hour prostate operation all day and Bush was acting President of the United States for those eight hours.
It was clear to me that Bush had signed the Finding. That it was a covert operation that Reagan didn't know anything about and wasn't allowed to know anything about. When the stuff started to break, they had to then shred the signed papers and get Oliver North and the boys in there to do the shredding because it would have shown Bush's signature all over it. Bush was actually calling the shots for Contragate.
Contragate involved the anti-Castro Cubans, it involved covert operatives, it involved drug dealings, as well as the illegal shipment of these missiles. It was a huge scandal that again began to break open like Watergate did. But it was delimited by the people who were put in to investigate it and it was never allowed to go to the full extent of what it represented, including martial-law and military take-over plans that existed both at the time of Watergate -- the Thomas Charles Houston Plan -- and Oliver North's joint plan with FEMA, for a military take-over and martial-law at the time of Contragate.
But when Senator Jack Brooks brought that up, Senator Inouye -- who had also intervened back during the Watergate hearings -- blocked it from any open testimony and it went into a closed hearing. Then Congressperson Carl Stokes came out of that meeting and was quoted on CNN saying that they had decided that no such plan had ever existed.
But the plan not only existed, it had a name. It was Readiness Exercise '84 -- Rex '84 -- the plans were very clearly in the works and Ed Meese and Tom Turnage and Reagan's top people had participated in martial-law planning in California earlier. A lot of that stuff was not allowed to come to light and a much broader scandal than what was talked about was buried.
You may remember the people from the Baltimore group that got arrested and put in jail for six months for holding a banner inside the Congress that said `Ask them about the drugs!' and people trying to bring up the cocaine matter. Because the cocaine matter intimately involved Bush. Bush was the Drug Czar there in the Reagan years and it was during his tenure that the amount of drugs coming in actually increased.
They had this phony drug war -- the major contribution of Bush is that he further broke down the lines established under the Constitution and the Posse Comitatus Act of the military and the police not performing the same function and allowed more and more military involvement in drug policing. Therefore, corrupted further the ability of these few honest agents, that were trying to do something about the drugs, to actually stop them.
Bush played a role as former director of the CIA. The CIA has its hands in the drug trade from the 1940s on. The drug trade becomes the major way that, through heroin and cocaine, the CIA financed many of its covert operations all over the world. It was a sort of devil's alliance on both sides between these drug dealers and these covert operatives and genocidal killers to have a way to finance what they were doing.
I think part of the reason that they still to this day refuse to release to the public the CIA budget figures is that the official budget that they would release could not possibly cover all their activities. Then somebody would have to start asking `what is the covert financing?' Some of it is dummy-front corporations that launder or bring through money on false situations. But a lot of the baseline is the tremendous profits made on drugs, which go into the billions now per year worldwide, and a very lucrative business.
Also those drugs and the drug dealers around them link into the reactionary elements in the society. So there is a hidden drug story in almost every major situation, whether it is the Nicaraguans and the Contras or even in Vietnam with the heroin -- every counterinsurgency war -- in Afghanistan, even the Kosovo situation, the KLA had dealings at the same time that it was doing it's shenanigans. It was financing its weapons and having dealings with supporting running the drugs down through Kosovo and into Europe.
Almost every covert operation has a drug tie and the Contragate situation was no exception. They were taking weapons down in planes that then they were filling up with drugs and bringing back. One major input point for cocaine in those years was Florida. There was a whole substructure there between the anti-Castro Cubans and the drug dealers and people being paid to look the other way while they brought this stuff in through Miami. Miami was one of the main areas, main ports for importation of huge amounts of cocaine into the United States. Later Los Angeles became a main input point for crack-cocaine.
But these are routes, and routes up through Mexico, that supported what they were doing. The Bush family had ties in all of that in the covert operations, in oil interest down in Mexico and that border, in Florida, and more. If you remember November 23rd, the day after the JFK assassination, Bush was debriefed along with a Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) Officer about the reactions of the anti-Castro Cuban community in Florida, in Miami.
How could he know about that? Because he has ties going back to Florida, to the Florida mob, to the covert operations there, to the Bay of Pigs with his Zapata Oil[SUP][2][/SUP] and similarly Zapata Oil went down into Mexico. So they are already in these places.
Then eventually Jeb Bush is put in as the Governor in Florida and all the scandal that is breaking around that now. Jeb Bush had ties there in Florida through the anti-Castro Cubans. He was also tight with the people that ran these little quick "cigarette boats," as they were called, in and out of the ports that were there in Miami that were excellent smuggling boats for drugs because they didn't get picked up on as quick as the larger boats would. He had ties to some of the major drug runners there.
The family has it's hands in the dirt. But Bush, I think, was responsible for the attempted murder of Reagan. I think Reagan found that out shortly after he told his aids to get the demographics on that kid, meaning Hinkley.

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[TD="bgcolor: #e7ffe7"]The CIA has its hands in the drug trade from the 1940s on. The drug trade becomes the major way that, through heroin and cocaine, the CIA financed many of its covert operations all over the world. It was a sort of devil's alliance on both sides between these drug dealers and these covert operatives and genocidal killers to have a way to finance what they were doing.
I think part of the reason that they still to this day refuse to release to the public the CIA budget figures is that the official budget that they would release could not possibly cover all their activities. Then somebody would have to start asking `what is the covert financing?' Some of it is dummy-front corporations that launder or bring through money on false situations. But a lot of the baseline is the tremendous profits made on drugs, which go into the billions now per year worldwide, and a very lucrative business.
Also those drugs and the drug dealers around them link into the reactionary elements in the society. So there is a hidden drug story in almost every major situation, whether it is the Nicaraguans and the Contras or even in Vietnam with the heroin -- every counterinsurgency war -- in Afghanistan, even the Kosovo situation, the KLA had dealings at the same time that it was doing it's shenanigans. It was financing its weapons and having dealings with supporting running the drugs down through Kosovo and into Europe.
Almost every covert operation has a drug tie and the Contragate situation was no exception.


Bush is also implicated in the bombing murder here in DC of Orlando Letelier that was an extension of the DINA and the Secret Police of Chile and the Chilean fascists into the United States along with Ronni Moffitt from the Institute of Policy Studies. They were bombed and killed here.[SUP][5][/SUP]
The anti-Castro Cubans that have been part of other kinds of bombings and terrorist operations were allowed into the U.S. at a time when Bush was head of the CIA and had the information that they were coming into the country but did nothing to block them. And then Orlando Bosh and the Nova brothers and these people that eventually killed Letelier.
There's just a story breaking now in the Philadelphia papers about the murder of Pablo Escobar -- the Medellin drug cartel person who was tight with, again, elements of U.S. intelligence up to a certain point. But then when they want to change the route, or someone else comes in, these people become expendable. Escobar was murdered by a joint operation of the DEA, the Drug Enforcement Agency, who at that point were chasing him down. Just in the same way that they eventually chased down Manuel Noriega who had been a drug and information contact for CIA and for Bush for many, many years. But then is abandoned at the point that they want to take over and in Noriega's case, was eventually put in jail.
Escobar was murdered and the DEA is a joint operation with something called Center Spike, which was National Security Agency, NSA. Center Spike had global positioning satellites in place and they were also able, because they monitor all electronic communications all over the world, they were monitoring the cell phone transmissions of Pablo Escobar and putting the cell phone transmission together with the global positioning satellite. They were actually able to track his physical location and once they got him making calls from a certain place then the DEA sent in the kill team and the orders came from Dick Cheney and George Herbert Walker Bush.
What year was that?
This was in the early nineties when he was still president, still in the White House. But Cheney and he were the ones who gave the kill orders. Mae Brussell used to call him "Killer Bush" and felt that he was behind a number of murders. Then, of course, as head of the CIA, all the international murders that they were doing and some history going back.
Neil Bush was part of a huge scandal that involved the whole family and dirty dealings with Silverado Savings and Loans and was part of the collapse of the Savings and Loans. The Savings and Loans had been corrupted entirely by mob and Intelligence.
Mae thought that besides drugs, the major way that covert operations were being financed during the 70s and 80s was by draining the paper resources and the credit off of these S&Ls. She used to talk about what she called the "missing millions" of all this money that went up in smoke from these financial institutions that were compromised and then drained up to the point that they would announce their bankruptcy and everybody lost their money.
Silverado was a similar one. Pete Brewton did work on the collapse of the Savings and Loans and the role of the Bushes and Bush's ties within the CIA and also ties to the mob. Little of that history has gotten out.
Neil Bush was also sent into a strange situation that I discovered just in reading the Post and the New York Times as I used to. There was a point at which Michael Manley, who was the president in Jamaica, refused to take the International Monetary Fund loans that were being offered by the IMF because he understood the strings that came with them. Manley was deposed in a CIA-orchestrated coup by someone named Edward Siaga. When Siaga got in, he was CIA-backed and very reactionary, he had these criminal thugs that were helping support him and some of them were sent to a concert of the political reggae rock musician, Bob Marley. Siaga's goons shot Marley on the stage. They didn't succeed in killing him but they wounded him pretty severely.
He recuperated from the shooting up in this mountain retreat he had called `Sugarloaf'. There was a visit while he was recuperating by someone from Rolling Stone magazine to interview him. It came out later that Rolling Stone denied that they had sent anyone to interview him and it came out in the press that the person posing, as a Rolling Stone reporter was actually Neil Bush.
Where was that reported?
Judge: They have a daily society and gossip column about celebrities, or people in the news, in the Washington Post. The Washington Post reported the story about Rolling Stone making this denial and that it was Neil Bush that actually did the visit. Neil Bush has no more business with reggae than the man and the moon. He doesn't have any interest in reggae music. He's the son of the former director of the CIA and the President of the United States sneaking into Bob Marley's house after the CIA has already tried to kill him.
Within a period after that, Bob Marley got cancer, supposedly got something in his toe and the next thing, he was dead of brain cancer. Mae Brussell was suspicious of the death. But yet another link of the family member -- as I said, was tight with Scott Hinkley -- right at the periphery of these assassinations.
I think that Bush continues, even to this day in a private mode, many of his covert operations. Cheney had to give up a multi-million dollar money pocket that he was put into in one of the military-industrial complex companies that was making big finance for him. The people around Bush are part and parcel to the problems that go on.
Thus they're bringing in the only son that was literally, I think, too limited to even be allowed to participate in the crime operations and the dirty dealings. He was just a sort of party animal and a buffoon. But he is the one now that the family is now running into the Oval Office and pushing him in regardless of a vote or popular will. Which has always been the case. They are just doing it in a very blatant way now of taking power and putting the Bush back in for yet another term of control over this country and to bring about the reactionary agenda.
Now, I think, they are going to take the glove off the fist in a more clear way. They have already militarized the police to a tremendous degree that even the progressive communities talk about militarization of police now as I was doing in 1984, now in 2000 somebody is finally noticing; it was clear in Seattle, it was clear in D.C. and it's clear in other countries. It won't be just be that but it'll be tremendous economic pressures because they have concentrated the wealth to such a degree and the technology to such a degree that most of us in their schema are expendable.
Bush will preside over that sort of ravaging of even the last of the social services. For example they want to get their hand into the social security pot and privatize and use that to spend on the stock market to make more profits for themselves. There is not any social money that they don't want to put into their profit scheme.
The defense money that they keep wanting to increase is clearly nothing but a cash flow to these corporate munitions and weapon companies and aerospace people who make tremendous profits off of these contracts but has nothing to do with what people in this country need. The reason that we have a deficit is the military. The reason that we go and fight wars for oil is the military because the military is the largest user of oil.
Bush is right in the center of all of that; the oil and its secret history in the manipulations around oil. What actually goes on in other countries many, many times has to do with oil resource and access to oil or blocking access to oil. It's a family that's grounded in criminal activity and covert operations and in dirty money and in oil profits and oil manipulation and speculation and control, not only here in the United States but all over the world. One of the sons, I believe it's Neil again, has controlling oil interest rights in the country of Bahrain, which is a country that sits a little bit off the coast of Kuwait.
They have both direct financial interest in what goes on and a long dirty history of having their hands in these things. That's whose being brought in to preside over this next move towards social repression and control from the darker side. Which is not to say that that agenda would not have gone forward or hasn't gone forward in the time that Clinton and Gore have been in. It has.
These people are not really in charge but they are going to give us a different spin while they're in. They're going to give us the appearance of a breather and we're even less likely to complain about the things as our rights are being taken away. A lot of basic first and fourth amendments rights were trampled during the Clinton years.
That went on almost without comment. Not just in the Supreme Court but also by much legislation that they supported and backed-up and put into law. That goes almost without comment because we supposedly have had a liberal group in power.
But now we come into this election sequence. The Bush family is yet again "unleashed." Dummy Bush is going to become President, the dummy that sits on your knee while the old man makes him yap. Cheney is there to make sure that that works out. It certainly would've changed the mood of the country, don't you think, if Cheney had had his heart attack before the election. I wonder if he had something and they never said anything about it.
Exactly. If they could have somehow snuffed it over they certainly would have left that out.
Exactly. He's not in the best of health and then the question is who is going to replace him? They got somebody else worse waiting in the wings? The rumor beforehand was that they were going to find a way to replace Cheney and then put in Colin Powell to make him a more acceptable election choice. I don't know if that is still on the back burner in the works or not.
It's people coming into the White House again that are openly tied to these kinds of dirty tricks that mark our current period. Of course, none of them have an agenda or a social program or anything that deals with the real pressing needs of the people of this country. Everything is still geared on global international corporate control. There are just basically two attitudes in the class: one is that they should show their hand as they slap us. The other is that they shouldn't. But we still get slapped.
There are several books out about Bush's perfidy: Jonathan Vankin wrote Conspiracies, Cover-ups and Crimes: Political Manipulation and Mind Control in America (1991); Pete Brewton wrote The Mafia, CIA and George Bush, The Untold Story of America's Greatest Financial Debacle (1992); Stephen Pizzo with Mary Fricker and Paul Muolo wrote Inside Job, The Looting of America's Savings and Loans(1989, 1991). Another book called Hot Money and the Politics of Debt by R.T. Naylor gets a little bit into the machinations and Penny Lernoux's book In Banks We Trust, Bankers and Their Close Associates: The CIA, the Mafia, Drug Traders, Dictators, Politicians, and the Vatican (1984) shows the narcotic and banking circles. And then there is spate of books about the cocaine deal -- Gary Webb's Dark Alliance, The CIA, The Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion (1998),[SUP][6][/SUP] Powder Burns and other books.


  1. See section a and section b in the Nov 10 interview.

  2. See Fletcher Prouty's recounting the name of Zapata being employed as the code name for the Bay of Pigs operation and other indications that George H.W. Bush was "somewhere around".[SIZE=-2](

  3. The National Security Act of 1947.

  4. Colby, Gerard with Dennett, Charlotte. Thy Will Be Done -- The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil. New York: HarperCollins, 1995. 960 pages. See a hypertext cross-section of references listed in this book at Public Information Research's NameBase:

  5. To learn where this case is at in the present, see the Transnational Institute's DOSSIER ORLANDO LETELIER which "presents recollections of his life & work and brings together documents on what has become `The Letelier Case', part of the international campaign to bring Pinochet to justice."

  6. This story, how it was actually covered, reported in and loudly ignored by the press was a significant chapter in the dwindling history of "freedom of the press". See especially:

    See Also: 1986 Dan Sheehan Speech on Christic Institute "Secret Team" lawsuit and the facts and charges behind it.
  7. [/SIZE]

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Thanks for the fantastic information.

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