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Can't find diagram of shots to jfk from conspiracy point of view?
I have the same objections to a bullet (only) throwing Connally forward as I have to a bullet (only) throwing JFK's head back and to the left.

Excerpts from testimony of Alfred G. Olivier, DVM to Rockefeller Commission, April 18, 1975. Transcript of testimony taken beginning at page 21 of the testimony. Dr. Olivier, (A.) a wound ballistics scientist, is being questioned by Robert Olsen. (Q.)

"Q. Do you have an opinion, then, based upon your work in this field over the years, as to whether President Kennedy's body would have moved in the fashion that it did after the fatal shot in the head, that movement being a consequence of the impact of the bullet?
A. As a result of the momentum imparted to the body by the bullet?
Q. Yes.
A. No, it wouldn't.
Q. Are you saying --
A. The President weights a lot more than a 100 pound goat, and if a bullet wouldn't move a 100 pound goat it isn't going to move the President. This just doesn't happen. "[end excerpts from Olivier testimony]

(emphasis added)

Dr. Oliver is a bit disingenuous in his answer. However, the physics of the event can't be approximated by the transfer of momentum from a bullet that exits the skull to the skull itself without more. A lot more. contains a mathematical analysis of the motion of JFK's head. At frame 313, the head has been accelerated forward at 56.4 ft/sec2 (somewhat higher than absorbing all the momentum from a 10.5 gram bullet moving at 2100 ft/sec). The next frame, the head is accelerated at -75.88 ft./sec2. That requires far more energy than is available from a bullet transfer. It requires an explosion.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:Or, Kellerman may have made one of the William Greer split-second "1,000 mph" turns, and it disappeared when frames were removed from the Zapruder film.

If you haven't carefully listened to Doug Horne reveal when and where the Zapruder film was altered, you need to watch this very carefully.

The title is THE ZAPRUDER FILM MYSTERY but Doug Horne does an excellent job showing even the dumbest of the JFK fans how and when the Zapruder film was altered. They only had a few hours the Sunday after the assassination to alter it. Dino Brugioni worked on the original Zapruder film on Saturday night and then Horne shows that the altered film was worked on Sunday night by another team. Brugioni says that the JFK head explosion existed for several frames in the real original so definitely some frames were removed there. Brugioni says all of the film was sharp, not the sloppy inserts that we see from just after the first shot until after the last shot was fired.

Alteration is no longer a mystery, it is a fact.

You can see the US government alterations in many places you look. The real question for today is why were all of these things done and who was behind it. Once you understand how to prove what happened during the shooting, you can easily attach names to the conspirators in the US government.

If you can lie about the JFK assassination for 50 years with the weak arguments they had to work with, think about the potential to tell some really good lies to the little people in fly over country.
Drew Phipps Wrote:I have the same objections to a bullet (only) throwing Connally forward as I have to a bullet (only) throwing JFK's head back and to the left.

Excerpts from testimony of Alfred G. Olivier, DVM to Rockefeller Commission, April 18, 1975. Transcript of testimony taken beginning at page 21 of the testimony. Dr. Olivier, (A.) a wound ballistics scientist, is being questioned by Robert Olsen. (Q.)

"Q. Do you have an opinion, then, based upon your work in this field over the years, as to whether President Kennedy's body would have moved in the fashion that it did after the fatal shot in the head, that movement being a consequence of the impact of the bullet?
A. As a result of the momentum imparted to the body by the bullet?
Q. Yes.
A. No, it wouldn't.
Q. Are you saying --
A. The President weights a lot more than a 100 pound goat, and if a bullet wouldn't move a 100 pound goat it isn't going to move the President. This just doesn't happen. "[end excerpts from Olivier testimony]

(emphasis added)

Dr. Oliver is a bit disingenuous in his answer. However, the physics of the event can't be approximated by the transfer of momentum from a bullet that exits the skull to the skull itself without more. A lot more. contains a mathematical analysis of the motion of JFK's head. At frame 313, the head has been accelerated forward at 56.4 ft/sec2 (somewhat higher than absorbing all the momentum from a 10.5 gram bullet moving at 2100 ft/sec). The next frame, the head is accelerated at -75.88 ft./sec2. That requires far more energy than is available from a bullet transfer. It requires an explosion.

The one thing Olivier never mentioned, much to his discredit, is that different bullets behave differently in wounds, and some transfer far more energy to their victims than others. For example, a FMJ bullet travelling through a victim without stopping will not be able to move a victim much. But, a hollow point or frangible bullet coming to a complete stop a couple of inches into the wound will transfer ALL of its energy to its victim. As an example, I have seen a deer shot in the head with a hollow point .308 calibre 110 grain bullet literally lifted off its front feet by the impact. Perhaps this is the type of "explosion" you are thinking of.

That being said, I agree with you that there was a lot more going on in the limo at the time JFK and JBC were shot. JBC may have felt he was knocked over by the force of the shot but, by strange coincidence, Greer was applying the brakes at the very moment JBC was shot in the back, and Nellie, Kellerman and Greer can be seen being propelled forward as the limo came to a stop. What is really strange, and smacks of alteration to me, is that JFK and Jackie seem to be unaffected by the braking of the limo. Anyways, I believe the bullet that struck JBC in the back may have moved him a little, but it was Greer's braking that bowled him over.

I have always felt that JFK fell back and to the left, and was not propelled by the force of the bullet. In the film, you can see the brief recoil of JFK's head, followed by a long slow descent as his body lost all muscular support.
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
Drew Phipps Wrote:I have the same objections to a bullet (only) throwing Connally forward as I have to a bullet (only) throwing JFK's head back and to the left.

Excerpts from testimony of Alfred G. Olivier, DVM to Rockefeller Commission, April 18, 1975. Transcript of testimony taken beginning at page 21 of the testimony. Dr. Olivier, (A.) a wound ballistics scientist, is being questioned by Robert Olsen. (Q.)

"Q. Do you have an opinion, then, based upon your work in this field over the years, as to whether President Kennedy's body would have moved in the fashion that it did after the fatal shot in the head, that movement being a consequence of the impact of the bullet?
A. As a result of the momentum imparted to the body by the bullet?
Q. Yes.
A. No, it wouldn't.
Q. Are you saying --
A. The President weights a lot more than a 100 pound goat, and if a bullet wouldn't move a 100 pound goat it isn't going to move the President. This just doesn't happen. "[end excerpts from Olivier testimony]

(emphasis added)

Dr. Oliver is a bit disingenuous in his answer. However, the physics of the event can't be approximated by the transfer of momentum from a bullet that exits the skull to the skull itself without more. A lot more. contains a mathematical analysis of the motion of JFK's head. At frame 313, the head has been accelerated forward at 56.4 ft/sec2 (somewhat higher than absorbing all the momentum from a 10.5 gram bullet moving at 2100 ft/sec). The next frame, the head is accelerated at -75.88 ft./sec2. That requires far more energy than is available from a bullet transfer. It requires an explosion.

The force couple law is the proper technique to analyze the head shot. One member of the couple reduces the linear momentum of the striking bullet. Simultaneously the equal and opposite member of this couple imparts two rotational motions to the head. For a bullet from the rear which transits the right side of the head these motions are a leftward spin and a nod.

Knowledge of the wound track through the head enables one to estimate the ratio of angular speeds acquired by the head during wounding. The exact calculation needs inaccessible knowledge of the ultimate strengths of all directly impacted structures within the head.

The head continues to rotate about its two axes of freedom until reaching its limits. At these times the head shares its angular momenta with the torso and produces an imperceptible composite rotations of the upper torso.
Drew Phipps Wrote:I have the same objections to a bullet (only) throwing Connally forward as I have to a bullet (only) throwing JFK's head back and to the left.

Excerpts from testimony of Alfred G. Olivier, DVM to Rockefeller Commission, April 18, 1975. Transcript of testimony taken beginning at page 21 of the testimony. Dr. Olivier, (A.) a wound ballistics scientist, is being questioned by Robert Olsen. (Q.)

"Q. Do you have an opinion, then, based upon your work in this field over the years, as to whether President Kennedy's body would have moved in the fashion that it did after the fatal shot in the head, that movement being a consequence of the impact of the bullet?
A. As a result of the momentum imparted to the body by the bullet?
Q. Yes.
A. No, it wouldn't.
Q. Are you saying --
A. The President weights a lot more than a 100 pound goat, and if a bullet wouldn't move a 100 pound goat it isn't going to move the President. This just doesn't happen. "[end excerpts from Olivier testimony]

(emphasis added)

Dr. Oliver is a bit disingenuous in his answer. However, the physics of the event can't be approximated by the transfer of momentum from a bullet that exits the skull to the skull itself without more. A lot more. contains a mathematical analysis of the motion of JFK's head. At frame 313, the head has been accelerated forward at 56.4 ft/sec2 (somewhat higher than absorbing all the momentum from a 10.5 gram bullet moving at 2100 ft/sec). The next frame, the head is accelerated at -75.88 ft./sec2. That requires far more energy than is available from a bullet transfer. It requires an explosion.

If you look at you will find that he states (somewhere in his rambling) that he assumes the Zapruder film is valid. If the Zapruder film is not valid, then all of his work is not valid.

Doug Horne in this video clearly shows someone who had access to the original Zapruder film before it was forged to hide the massive wound in the rear of JFK's head. As I've shown briefly, it also hides the wound to Gov Connally's back because we can't let the little people know that the last two shots were fired BANG-BANG.

If you listen to Dino Brugioni, he clearly says that the original film was sharp and that he was shocked to see that today's Zapruder forgery only shows one frame of the head "explosion" instead of several frames. Dino says the mist rose 3 or 4 feet above JFK's head.

Obviously when you do scientific level calculations as Ken Rahn attempted to do, your starting assumptions starting are key to getting the right answers. Any reasonable person who listens to Dino Brugioni is going to understand that the Zapruder film was forged or you can argue like Buglosi does that they were trying to make presentation boards an did not look at the film :-) .

Another way of saying it in equation form:


I wrote Ken an email a while back briefly explaining why he should remove the flawed calculations from the net but his short reply thanked me for the input and of course, he ignored it.

I made a short video that explains momentum as part of the JFK scam. It shows what you probably already know.

momentum = mass X velocity

A quickly traveling bullet's momentum equals the momentum of a much heavier slower moving object.

As the video shows, a 10 pound weight moving at several feet per second has sufficient momentum to knock Gov Connally forward just like he said happened to him. The reason a 100 pound goat was not moved by a bullet going through it and JFK's head was thrown back violently directly away from the gunman that shot him in the head simply involves how much momentum was transferred from the bullet to the target. In the goat's case, the bullet obviously hit no bone and continued on at a slightly slower velocity. In JFK's head case, many witnesses describe a massive exit wound in the right rear portion of JFK's head. Roy Kellerman described during his Warren Commission testimony that he saw a small hole with a diameter about the end of his little finger located in the hairline just forward of JFK's right ear. Kellerman then described a massive hole about 5 inches across in the right rear of JFK's head about ear height with the bone gone. (Kellerman is also one of MANY witnesses who says the last two shots were fired BANG-BANG).

The question is How much energy did it take to enter JFK's brain through bone on the entrance and then on the exit it blew out a portion of the back of JFK's skull about 5 inches across? You can do a mental exercise and think about how hard would you have to swing a hammer to knock a bullet through JFK's skull to leave a 5 inch diameter hole with the bone gone.

The momentum video shows that almost all of the bullet's kinetic energy was gone when it exited Connally's chest which means almost all of it's momentum was transferred to Connally's body. From the simple calculations in the video it shows there was sufficient momentum to knock Connally forward just as he said in many interviews over his lifetime.

Connally was right about the bullet "bending him over" and the ballistic's "experts" made fools of themselves when they disagreed with him about what he said happened. The US government had to lie, they had no choice. And because Americans typically believe the presstitutes no matter how silly their presentations are, lying to Americans is easy. Journalism school probably has no prerequisites or course requirements for elementary physics. And even if they took the math in school, they probably didn't understand it.
Fortunately for people who use guns, all the "hammer swinging" is done in the chamber and barrel. The reason why blunt force blows transfer a high percentage of their momentum to the target, and bullets don't, is all about surface area. Bullets use a lot of their energy penetrating stuff.

That being said, your idea that the bullet thru his chest expended all its momentum depends on the underlying assertion being true, namely, that there was a second bullet, and that the first bullet didn't subsequently enter and shatter his wrist. You cannot prove an assumption by showing that you have relied upon it.

I agree that validity of the Z film underlies all the mathematical work done by kenrahn. He is wise enough to say so. Altered or not, it still is the best single bit of evidence there is, and I note that you too have cited it in support of your argument.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
If the Zapruder Film is altered then you have to throw all evidence connected to it out.

The only reason to alter the Zapruder Film would be to hide evidence of conspiracy.
William Charleston Wrote:
Drew Phipps Wrote:I have the same objections to a bullet (only) throwing Connally forward as I have to a bullet (only) throwing JFK's head back and to the left.

Excerpts from testimony of Alfred G. Olivier, DVM to Rockefeller Commission, April 18, 1975. Transcript of testimony taken beginning at page 21 of the testimony. Dr. Olivier, (A.) a wound ballistics scientist, is being questioned by Robert Olsen. (Q.)

"Q. Do you have an opinion, then, based upon your work in this field over the years, as to whether President Kennedy's body would have moved in the fashion that it did after the fatal shot in the head, that movement being a consequence of the impact of the bullet?
A. As a result of the momentum imparted to the body by the bullet?
Q. Yes.
A. No, it wouldn't.
Q. Are you saying --
A. The President weights a lot more than a 100 pound goat, and if a bullet wouldn't move a 100 pound goat it isn't going to move the President. This just doesn't happen. "[end excerpts from Olivier testimony]

(emphasis added)

Dr. Oliver is a bit disingenuous in his answer. However, the physics of the event can't be approximated by the transfer of momentum from a bullet that exits the skull to the skull itself without more. A lot more. contains a mathematical analysis of the motion of JFK's head. At frame 313, the head has been accelerated forward at 56.4 ft/sec2 (somewhat higher than absorbing all the momentum from a 10.5 gram bullet moving at 2100 ft/sec). The next frame, the head is accelerated at -75.88 ft./sec2. That requires far more energy than is available from a bullet transfer. It requires an explosion.

If you look at you will find that he states (somewhere in his rambling) that he assumes the Zapruder film is valid. If the Zapruder film is not valid, then all of his work is not valid.

Doug Horne in this video clearly shows someone who had access to the original Zapruder film before it was forged to hide the massive wound in the rear of JFK's head. As I've shown briefly, it also hides the wound to Gov Connally's back because we can't let the little people know that the last two shots were fired BANG-BANG.

If you listen to Dino Brugioni, he clearly says that the original film was sharp and that he was shocked to see that today's Zapruder forgery only shows one frame of the head "explosion" instead of several frames. Dino says the mist rose 3 or 4 feet above JFK's head.

Obviously when you do scientific level calculations as Ken Rahn attempted to do, your starting assumptions starting are key to getting the right answers. Any reasonable person who listens to Dino Brugioni is going to understand that the Zapruder film was forged or you can argue like Buglosi does that they were trying to make presentation boards an did not look at the film :-) .

Another way of saying it in equation form:


I wrote Ken an email a while back briefly explaining why he should remove the flawed calculations from the net but his short reply thanked me for the input and of course, he ignored it.

I made a short video that explains momentum as part of the JFK scam. It shows what you probably already know.

momentum = mass X velocity

A quickly traveling bullet's momentum equals the momentum of a much heavier slower moving object.

As the video shows, a 10 pound weight moving at several feet per second has sufficient momentum to knock Gov Connally forward just like he said happened to him. The reason a 100 pound goat was not moved by a bullet going through it and JFK's head was thrown back violently directly away from the gunman that shot him in the head simply involves how much momentum was transferred from the bullet to the target. In the goat's case, the bullet obviously hit no bone and continued on at a slightly slower velocity. In JFK's head case, many witnesses describe a massive exit wound in the right rear portion of JFK's head. Roy Kellerman described during his Warren Commission testimony that he saw a small hole with a diameter about the end of his little finger located in the hairline just forward of JFK's right ear. Kellerman then described a massive hole about 5 inches across in the right rear of JFK's head about ear height with the bone gone. (Kellerman is also one of MANY witnesses who says the last two shots were fired BANG-BANG).

The question is How much energy did it take to enter JFK's brain through bone on the entrance and then on the exit it blew out a portion of the back of JFK's skull about 5 inches across? You can do a mental exercise and think about how hard would you have to swing a hammer to knock a bullet through JFK's skull to leave a 5 inch diameter hole with the bone gone.

The momentum video shows that almost all of the bullet's kinetic energy was gone when it exited Connally's chest which means almost all of it's momentum was transferred to Connally's body. From the simple calculations in the video it shows there was sufficient momentum to knock Connally forward just as he said in many interviews over his lifetime.

Connally was right about the bullet "bending him over" and the ballistic's "experts" made fools of themselves when they disagreed with him about what he said happened. The US government had to lie, they had no choice. And because Americans typically believe the presstitutes no matter how silly their presentations are, lying to Americans is easy. Journalism school probably has no prerequisites or course requirements for elementary physics. And even if they took the math in school, they probably didn't understand it.


Do you believe the bullet actually exited JFK's skull through the 5 inch exit wound at the rear of his head?
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
Drew Phipps Wrote:Fortunately for people who use guns, all the "hammer swinging" is done in the chamber and barrel. The reason why blunt force blows transfer a high percentage of their momentum to the target, and bullets don't, is all about surface area. Bullets use a lot of their energy penetrating stuff.

That being said, your idea that the bullet thru his chest expended all its momentum depends on the underlying assertion being true, namely, that there was a second bullet, and that the first bullet didn't subsequently enter and shatter his wrist. You cannot prove an assumption by showing that you have relied upon it.

I agree that validity of the Z film underlies all the mathematical work done by kenrahn. He is wise enough to say so. Altered or not, it still is the best single bit of evidence there is, and I note that you too have cited it in support of your argument.

John Connally makes two of the quickest movements in the Zapruder film:

1. 4.8 seconds BEFORE JFK is shot in the head
2. 0.7 seconds AFTER JFK is shot in the head

There are TWO INDEPENDENT WAYS to determine the timing of the shots that were fired.

a) The first way uses the Zapruder film and we can see probably without debate that a shot was fired very close to Zapruder frame 224. There is no doubt that the JFK head shot is close to Zapruder frame 313. The time between those shots can be calculated to be:

Time (Z313 to Z224) = (313 -224)/(18.3 frames per second) that works out to be about 4.8 seconds.

b) The second way to time the shots uses a technique that nearly 100% of the presstitutes think has been absolutely, no question discredited by the National Academy of Science, the FBI and every TV documentary that has come along. BUT it also shows the time between two of the shots is 4.8 seconds!

I've been told by some pretty bright people that just has to be a coincidence. But if the time between shots is the same in BOTH the Zapruder film and the Dallas police radio audio recording, then that means statistically that the audio recording did record the sounds of the shots.

Otherwise, you are forced to argue that the audio experts who were working for the HSCA picked 4.8 seconds out of random noise, made the correlation equations fit between the test shooting data and the actual recording, made the speed of the microphone (on a motorcycle) match the approximate speed of the Presidential Limo AND made the most probable microphone go around the corner SEQUENTIALLY (in other words, each of the probable microphones was further toward/ down Elm Street. IF that was random noise on the police recording that was analyzed, then the laws of probability were repealed in Dealey Plaza when JFK was killed.

But it gets even better than that. JFK was obviously hit from the right front and Governor Connally was thrown forward by the bullet that hit him in the back which was fired from behind (3rd shot from the TSBD). The acoustical study also gives a probability of the location of the shooters which matches what we see in the Zapruder film for each of the shots. RANDOM NOISE? Hardly. IF you want to put some numbers to each of the things that are right about the Zapruder film matching the audio recording, then it becomes clear the probability is astronomical that the sounds of the shots were recorded on the Dallas police radio recording. And that proves conspiracy which leads to proof that the US government forged and lied as necessary to hide the truth.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6204&stc=1]

If you simply take the information from Vince Bugliosi's book, or the HSCA report, or the average JFK book, you will get the wrong answers. How has 4.8 seconds been hidden so long? It's actually a combination of mistakes and lies that has hidden the match between the Zapruder film and the Dallas police recording. You can start by figuring out why the latest look at the Dallas police radio acoustical analysis shows 5 shots when the HSCA report only shows 4 shots.

Was John Connally bent over by the force of the bullet to his back as he described? Or was it the limo stopping? And why do you not see Jackie thrown forward too? You may not believe it, but these questions have been answered:

1. Many witnesses heard the last two shots fired BANG-BANG
2. John Connally turns right and as he is turning back to look over his left shoulder, he is struck in the back and bent over forward. That is exactly what we see in the Zapruder film and that is exactly what John Connally said happened.
3. The mathematical analysis of the Dallas police radio suggests first a shot fired from the front at Z313 hits JFK in the head and 0.7 seconds later, the 3rd shot from the TSBD behind is fired. It misses JFK's head and hits Connally in the back.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6205&stc=1]

In this series of Zapruder frames zoomed in on Gov. Connally, you can see first Connally is looking forward and then as he is slammed forward, his head snaps downward. After this extremely rapid movement, Nellie pulls him over into her lap. Connally's head snap downward begins at frame 325, 0.7 seconds after JFK is shot in the head.

As I've posted earlier with Doug Horne's video, we now know with absolute certainty that the Zapruder film was altered to hide what you see AND that some frames were removed. But this forgery did not significantly alter the time between shots that we see. The forgers had no idea that a microphone was keyed during the whole time of the shooting and that the sounds were recorded. There was no reason to significantly change the shot sequence that you see except for removal of frames. As you might have seen, Dino Brugioni said that the head shot cloud was seen for several frames and that the film he saw on Saturday night after the shooting was crystal clear throughout. Now that we now the changes were done on Sunday, it should be easy to see that the film goes from crystal clear to lousy during the shooting and then back to real frames as the limo approaches the triple overpass.

Attached Files
.jpg   Warren_Comm_Audio_5_shots.jpg (Size: 240.61 KB / Downloads: 25)
.jpg   Connallypanamora-vertical.jpg (Size: 18.41 KB / Downloads: 25)
Whether or not the Z film is altered, what portions, and the extent of that alteration, has been widely debated for 40 years or thereabouts. Even if you assume it was partly altered, or there are frames missing, there is still a great deal of valuable information on it. If I had to guess, I would suppose that the unnaturally quick movements of the occupants of the car had more to do with frame deletion than any weird science.

One of the very misleading things about probability is how people calculate the odds of two events happening. The mathematical odds that I would be born with black hair, brown eyes, nearsighted, diabetic, and a (formerly) great first baseman are vanishingly small. But it happened, and it wasn't the result of a conspiracy. Well, I guess the "being born" part had at least two "conspirators."

The fact that an open mic (location: no one knows where) on November 22, 1963 picked up 2 sound pops 4.8 seconds apart doesn't prove that the unknown mic was recording the assassination. There are other sounds on that recording (sirens and stuff) that are more consistent with it being located at the Trade Mart than in Dealy Plaza.

Perhaps the audio recording deserves its own thread.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."

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