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Mockingbird asset pens Gladio book, blames Mafia
There's a new book coming on Gladio, but I personally expect it won't pass the smell test, unless you're looking for an emetic after eating something noxious. (I've kept this off the book page as I don't want to give this volume any free advertising.) Just up on Amazon is


This disturbing exposé describes a secret alliance forged at the close of World War II by the CIA, the Sicilian and US mafias, and the Vatican to thwart the possibility of a Communist invasion of Europe. Journalist Paul L. Williams presents evidence suggesting the existence of "stay-behind" units in many European countries consisting of five thousand to fifteen thousand military operatives. According to the author's research, the initial funding for these guerilla armies came from the sale of large stocks of SS morphine that had been smuggled out of Germany and Italy and of bogus British bank notes that had been produced in concentration camps by skilled counterfeiters. As the Cold War intensified, the units were used not only to ward off possible invaders, but also to thwart the rise of left-wing movements in South America and NATO-based countries by terror attacks.

Williams argues that Operation Gladio soon gave rise to the toppling of governments, wholesale genocide, the formation of death squads, financial scandals on a grand scale, the creation of the mujahideen, an international narcotics network, and, most recently, the ascendancy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a Jesuit cleric with strong ties to Operation Condor (an outgrowth of Gladio in Argentina) as Pope Francis I.

Sure to be controversial, Operation Gladio connects the dots in ways the mainstream media often overlooks."

Paul L Williams's Wikipedia page notes that he is a regular Fox News guest and 'served for seven years as a consultant to the FBI about terrorist and mafia criminal organisations'. Sadly, Williams hardly seems like a Peter Dale Scott. His earlier books include the following.


"Based on the findings of U.S., Israeli, Pakistani, and U.K. intelligence, Williams describes how the theft of tactical nuclear weapons from Russian arsenals have in all likelihood made their way to al-Qaeda cells throughout the United States in preparation for the next terrorist attack… …Williams makes a persuasive case that Bin Laden and his deputies have the motive and the means and are waiting for the right opportunity to launch an apocalyptic attack against the "Great Satan" of America."

Uh oh. This was soon followed by


"Williams further explores the shocking dimensions of the international terrorist threat to America.. [revealing] persuasive evidence that al Qaeda has now established connections with the Sicilian Mafia, which is helping to finance terrorism through the sale of Number Four heroin, the present drug of choice in Europe and the United States. In addition, through its ties to the Chechen Mafia, the group responsible for the heinous attack on a Russian school, al Qaeda has managed to obtain nuclear weapons from poorly secured and carelessly guarded storehouses in Russia."

Another sensitive study came not long afterwards.


"…broadens his focus beyond al Qaeda to provide readers with newly uncovered information on terrorist activities in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, other Muslim countries - and our neighbor Canada! What emerges is a harrowing picture of international terrorist activities, all aimed at the destruction of the United States and the collapse of the Western world."

And in the same vein


"addresses a number of disturbing concerns about some aspects of the Muslim presence in America. These include: the connections between many American mosques with Saudi benefactors who promote an ultra-orthodox, anti-Western agenda; the existence of Muslim paramilitary training grounds recruiting ex-convicts; and the ties of even self-described moderate Muslim spokespersons with more politically radical elements."

The previous title is blessed with a rave quote on Amazon from an author who wrote a book called THE MYTH OF ISLAMIC TOLERANCE. Anyway, it seems evident that the limited public conversation about Gladio needed shifting away from authors and readers who were joining the dots to the Northwoods plans and later false flag events. Williams seems adept at camouflaging government propaganda under the guise of hard hitting exposes', and so his book about Gladio squeezes its titular mention of the CIA in-between ominous references to the VATICAN and (last but not least) the MAFIA. Perhaps Gladio will become a much debated' and Will we ever know the truth?" type of subject on Amazon where readers can pick from a 'the mob did it' book, a vatican did it' volume and older, more expensive works like Gansers that suggest that US intelligence was in the drivers seat. Perhaps Alex Jones pointedly mentioning Gladio during his very awkward interview with Piers Morgan was enough to set alarm bells ringing somewhere, and Paul L. Williams was tapped on the shoulder to concoct a bogus but seemingly authentic study of the phenomenon. Fingers crossed we get some good books next year to offset the poor taste suggested at by this one.
It does sou nd lime he's attempting to contort the Gladio story into a fable about it being an organised crime thing, doesn't it.

The reality is, of course, is that the "Stay Behind" units were officially unofficial the whole way. I believe they grew out of the British Resistance Organization an underground resistance manned by auxiliary units, with the purpose of harassing the nazis had they invaded and taken over the UK.

Some years ago I visited the BRO museum at the former WWII USAF base at RAF Parham in Suffolk. It was on a Saturday and it was closed. But the big guy who ran the whole thing was present and asked one of his underlings to give me a conducted tour, which was informative. The second gentleman told me how he had been a young man in WWII and was part of one of these auxiliary units. Each member was given a sealed envelope and told that they must never open it unless the nation was invaded - in which case they must carry out the orders contained therein without hesitation. Curious, he did open his envelope. His instructions were to assassinate the chief police officer in his area. From what he said he would've done it, but with the usual reservations. Btw, the big honcho was a former senior officer in MI5, I was told.

Across the country there were thousands of the secret underground bunkers the six man team were to operate from. I saw a map of each one of them and they were literally everywhere. These remained secret and in force until after the end of the cold war - and became a historical museum only in 1997. The Auxilliary Force was run in WWII by Brigadier Colin Gubbins. He was Churchill's man who was responsible for all sorts of mayhem and murder, and became the head of the SOE. What is not said in his Wiki page, is that Gubbins continued to run the underground "stay behind" units in the cold war period, on behalf of MI6 (so no longer domestic action but overseas), as can be read in Ganser Daniele's book NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe (Gubbins extract HERE)

But Gubbins career didn't end there. He was an attendee (invited by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands) at the very first Bilderberg Conference in Oostebeek, the Netherlands held in 1954. Odd that. In that first meeting, he was in the company of some very, very powerful men who went on to shape the future of NATO and the cold war.

Interestingly, the Bilderberg Hotel at Oosterbeek is just a couple of miles away from the bridge at Arnhem, where one of the most daring battles of WWII took place - but failed... the famous "A Bridge Too Far". It has been my contention for many years that the failure of this operation was not due to bad planning or poor effort (although both, as usual were present as they are in all such operations), but the failure of the operation was down to planned betrayal. By that point in the war, it was well-known - even inside the Third Reich - that Germany was finished anyway. The important thing was to ensure the survival of Germany as a future bulwark against the Soviet Union in the pre-planned cold war. And the Allie were content to go along with that plan of continuation.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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