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EXCELLENT Research on LHO & Ruth Hyde Paine [and family] - Linda Minor

I always appreciate your dumping Tom!
Scott Kaiser Wrote:I like to think of myself as someone who shoots from the hip kind of guy sorta say, a person who will just tell it like it is without the bullshit, truth is, some folks will tell you it's raining while peeing on your leg.

Linda Minor is NOT the second best researcher, she's second to none in researching, (top notch,) and the only researcher I would listen to very closely, in person and through cyber communication. She is and would be the only person I could count on for accurate, honest, true information. She is the most levelheaded person I've ever met, unlike many other researchers, they add more cream to their tacos just to beef up their stories.

I love, love, love the fact that she allows the readers to judge for themselves on all points of view. The evidence she discloses and tries to bring to light is not always black and white, there appears to be some gray in the middle as she bestows her vast information before an audience of readers. She's to the point, no nonsense person is what she is, and it's not my opinion, but these are the facts.

When I read her information it reminds me of two things, one, she's asking questions in her write up so the readers may characterize what they believe is really going on, it doesn't mean she's clueless or she's unaware as to what's going on, it means she knows and understands what's going on by her own definition, and she's also allowing the reader to visualize what they believe is going on.

And, secondly, what shes done as far as her findings reminds me of a person who was/is trying to justly tell his story, (in the same manner,) by asking questions in his publication. It doesn't mean he doesn't understand or not know what's going on, on the contrary, (he does,) it's just that without solid proof he would rather present his circumstantial evidence through a series of questions that allows the readers to make up their own mind as to what they believe is really going on! Bravo Mrs. Minor! Great work, though a publisher would consider passing on the material because it presents a few questions. However, I'd rather express the story through a series of questions, than to create a story that has no questions, as if I knew everything, as if the story itself is not worthy of any fact finding evidence, perhaps, circumstantial evidence can be just as compelling than finding that needle in a haystack?

She truly is one of a kind! And, I mean that with total sincerity.

She certainly is, Scott. Why, Ms. Minor has given/raised over 450 dollars to Judyth's eye operation !!! And so did St. John give a hundred or so, too !!! My

goodness, all those Trine Day 'Love Lee Donations' !!! I'm getting verklempt !!! She'll have enough money left over for a………. third eye !!!! LOL !!!!!
Tom Scully Wrote:
Tom Scully Wrote:.................
Ruth Paine is to be encountered to be challenged, not petted, stroked, and flattered. Did Bill ask her how well she got to know her parents' close friend who was rooming in her parents' house in New York in the 1930's, and dining with them in the 1950's?
Mike did not want Ruth to be on the WC record as principal correspondent with Robert Webster's employer, Rand's friend, Frederick T Merrill at the State Dept.:

What is new? .................... Bookbinder's company of 1955, in the business of distributing films in Europe, featured as its V.P. a man who had been FDR's official steno,
leaving the White House in 1941 for a position as assistant to the president of our H. James Rand's father's company, Remington Rand.

Bookbinder's friend Blatnik had married a citizen of the German Reich employed after WWII in Frankfurt in the film business, just as Bookbinder was.

Blatnik was enlisted by John Shaheen to rehabilitate William Casey's reputation. Robert E. Webster sure knew how to pick who to work for, and lest we forget
Rand and Shaheen got along well with Drew Pearson's wife's brother Dan Moore or that Shaheen's sister was the wife of Hugh Downs, or that the birthplace of both
Reagan and John Shaheen, three years apart, is Tampico, IL., Pop. 600, or that Elroy Mccaw ended up succeeding H James Rand as chairman of Rand Development Corp.!
[Image: KatherineFordMarinaExhibition1959.jpg]
"...while H James Rand of Cleveland, Ohio was best man."
[Image: ShaheenWedRandBestMan.jpg]

[Image: ShaheenBruceMcCaw2003.jpg]
By Bob Woodward

[Image: WebsterRandShaheenCaseyBlatnik_1of2.jpg]
[Image: WebsterRandShaheenCaseyBlatnik_2of2.jpg]

The Final Film of Laurel and Hardy: A Study of the Chaotic Making ...
Norbert Aping - 2008 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
Soon after the end ofWorld War II, American businessman George H. Bookbinder realized that Laurel and Hardy still enjoyed star power in Europe which they had essentially lost ...
At the end of the forties he renamed it All Star Pictures Sales Corporation [All Star] in order to enter the European market. ... Bookbinder was also aware of the tremendous impact of World War II on the European film industry.
1956 - ‎Snippet view -
AH Star Picture Sales Corp. ... OFFICERS President George H. Bookbinder Vice-Presidents. .Henry M. Kannee.
Irving Shapiro Treasurer Julian Benjamin Secretary Eleanor Eisenberg Allart Pictures Corp.
.....Mr. Kannee compiled the official record of President Roosevelt's speeches and press conferences from 1933 to 1941, when he left to become assistant to the president of Remington Rand Inc.

Blatnik, Gisela Hager Age 93, of Ashburn, VA, peacefully passed away with family at her side March 30, 2016. Born November 19, 1922, in Hamburg, Germany to Annalise and Konrad Hager. She received a degree in language translation from Heidelberg University in 1945, just weeks prior to the American liberation of the city. Her first job was as an interpreter for the commanding forces. Thereafter, she worked for the Motion Picture Association of America in Frankfurt. She was married to the late Congressman John A. Blatnik, who represented Minnesota's 8th District from 1946-1974. Their marriage ended in divorce. Gisela was an active member of numerous cultural, social, and political organizations. She was the consummate congressional wife and a loving, devoted mother. She will be remembered for her exceptional kindness, humility, and grace. She is survived by her children.......

[Image: ShaheenRandMcGawHumphrey.jpg]

[Image: modify_inline.gif]

Mark, adding to my last post.....IMO opinion there is much more here than meets the "eye"! It appears George Bookbinder and Henry Kannee
were profiting from partnering with U.S. intel psy-ops via their American film export to eastern and western European countries....

George H Bookbinder was plugged in when he transitioned from OSS into a lead in establishing a film export business. Was he still taking guidance in
full cooperation with US intel psy ops when Robert E Webster went to Moscow to represent Rand Development Corp. at the science fair?
Quote:Projecting America, 1958: Film and Cultural Diplomacy at the ...
Sarah Nilsen - 2011 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
The MPAA attempted to obtain the use of the Bavarian Filmkunst studios for the production of films (Norman 63). Instead, the Military Government responded by permitting the showing of German films considered politically safe and by ... program that allowed the circulation of French, British, Russian, and American films among the occupation zones. ... the Military Government's program, revenues from the exhibition of American films in West Germany were held in blocked accounts.....

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9132&stc=1]

Eric A. Johnston was president of MPAA from 1945 until his sudden death in 1963. He cooperated with CD Jackson in the 1950's on "thought control".
You are what is put in front of you to view.

[Image: ShaheenDussaq.jpg]
Eric Johnston (1896-1963) was an American businessman, president of both the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Chamber of Commerce as well as being a US government envoy to the Soviet Union. He was also, it seems, a CIA asset. 11 documents from the CIA's archives detail how when he went to the Soviet Union and met Premier Nikita Kruschev, and when he hosted ambassador Stanislav Menshikov and old-school Soviet Anastas Mikoyan in the US, he provided information to the Agency. He also appears to have been good friends with none other than Allen Dulles, as several letters between them containing trivial, and not-so-trivial, information demonstrate.
In particular in his role as president of the MPAA (from 1945 until his death in 1963) Johnston implemented reforms that helped the US gain a larger proportion of the film export market, for example in negotiating with the British government to end a tax on importing US motion pictures. This is in keeping with the OSS's plans for weaponising the motion picture industry detailed here.....

The Winona Daily News
Wednesday, April 27, 1955
'That Congressman' Back in Washington WASHINGTON (A*-Rep. John A. Blatnik (D-Minn) went to visit a couple of old * Army friends in Frankfurt two years ago and tlieir woman office manager greeted him with "Oh, so you are that congressman." "That congressman" has just returned from his latest trip tt Europe with the office manager as his bride. She is the former Gisela Hager, 30. They were married April 9 in Hamburg's St. Elizabeth Catholic Church. Blatnik had been corresponding for years with his two close friends, former Army intelligence offiicers he knew in the .service from 1942 to 1945. His buddies are now European representatives of an American motion picture association. The congressman's wife managed the Frankfurt office for them. Blatnik says that after meeting her he "visited her several times" while in Frankfurt. Lask/yaar she came to this country to see Blatnik and spent 10 days in Chisholm, Minn., with the; congressman's parents. The Minnesota congressman flew to Hamburg and spent the Christmas holidays with his bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Konrad Hager. They then made plans for heir wedding at Easter time vin Hamburg. Mrs. Blatnik speaks perfect English and has an "English or Boston" accent rather than German, her husband said. As a child, he said, she spent summers in London with her parents. Mrs. Blatnik is a graduate of
Heidelberg University. She was an interpreter after World War It for American forces in Heidelberg where she was a graduate student. She majored in American history and government and international relations. Blatnik, who wii'e's interests hiking, swimming and golf. Mrs. Blatnik expects to get American naturalization papers within two years.

Tom Scully
April 28, 2014

L. Fletcher Prouty:
"… in its buildup the CIA obtained the services of one of the military's top communications giants, General Harold McClelland
. General McClelland began with a typical military base system and then let brains and technology run their course. …."

Marion O. McCaw Garrison Obituary:
"On March 21, 1942, she married John Elroy McCaw from Aberdeen. With a degree in business administration from WSU and an FCC Engineering License, Elroy was an energetic and farsighted entrepreneur who founded the first radio station, KELA, in Centralia in 1937…Throughout the war, she commuted from Washington D.C. when necessary while Elroy served at Army Air Forces Headquarters in the Pentagon as Executive Officer and Special Assistant to General McClelland, head of USAAF communications. He was also McClelland's liaison to OSS."

Quote: 1951, a sharp increase in diplomatic tensions was seen by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as the precursor to war. A greater volume of communications required a stronger system, and CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith hired McClelland as chief of CIA communications, a position known as "Assistant Director, Communications", on September 10, 1951.[SUP][4][/SUP] There, McClelland oversaw the technical development and implementation of a secure global communications system.[SUP][4][/SUP] He served the CIA for 14 years until his death in Washington, D.C. in 1965.[SUP][19][/SUP] ......

1961 Berlin Crisis:
"..Salinger, describing the mistake as the worst security breech in his four years at the White House… Salinger said, "When he (Mccaw) called Gen. Curtis Lemay's office saying he was expected at a National Security Council' meeting the Genera'secretary called the White House and somehow got clearnce from Mrs.Evelyn Lincoln, the president's secretary…"

"Info on Special Ops Wanted Bruce McCaw writes: My father, Lt. Col. John Elroy McCaw, worked on OSS Special Projects known as operations Aphrodite, Simmons, and Javaman. He worked with OSSers John Shaheen and Jim Rand and is particularly interested in Javaman, which called for blowing up the tunnel…"

Tampico IL. May 1,1951 "John M. Shaheen And Eastern Young Lady Wed…. while H James Rand of Cleveland, Ohio was best man."

1956: "includes J. Elroy McCaw and John M. Shaheen. Transaction is on basis of $1.5 million for 100% but with Baker family retaining 25 %."

Rand Development And Chief Have A Great Fall, Dec. 29, 1968: "James Rand owned 83,700 shares and Elroy Mccaw chairman of the firm and a Seattle investor,"

Robert Webster, 71, who died Thursday, Nov. 11, 1999: "He was employed by Edey & Duff of as a boat builder until he retired."

IMPACT was brought to life in April, 1943, by Mr. (then major, later lieutenant colonel) Edward K. Thompson of LIFE magazine. . Major Maitland A. Edey… "In 1942, Thompson joined the Army, where he edited a magazine for air force intelligence. By 1944, he was in charge of intelligence concerning the German Air Force."

Attached Files
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Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:I like to think of myself as someone who shoots from the hip kind of guy sorta say, a person who will just tell it like it is without the bullshit, truth is, some folks will tell you it's raining while peeing on your leg.

Linda Minor is NOT the second best researcher, she's second to none in researching, (top notch,) and the only researcher I would listen to very closely, in person and through cyber communication. She is and would be the only person I could count on for accurate, honest, true information. She is the most levelheaded person I've ever met, unlike many other researchers, they add more cream to their tacos just to beef up their stories.

I love, love, love the fact that she allows the readers to judge for themselves on all points of view. The evidence she discloses and tries to bring to light is not always black and white, there appears to be some gray in the middle as she bestows her vast information before an audience of readers. She's to the point, no nonsense person is what she is, and it's not my opinion, but these are the facts.

When I read her information it reminds me of two things, one, she's asking questions in her write up so the readers may characterize what they believe is really going on, it doesn't mean she's clueless or she's unaware as to what's going on, it means she knows and understands what's going on by her own definition, and she's also allowing the reader to visualize what they believe is going on.

And, secondly, what shes done as far as her findings reminds me of a person who was/is trying to justly tell his story, (in the same manner,) by asking questions in his publication. It doesn't mean he doesn't understand or not know what's going on, on the contrary, (he does,) it's just that without solid proof he would rather present his circumstantial evidence through a series of questions that allows the readers to make up their own mind as to what they believe is really going on! Bravo Mrs. Minor! Great work, though a publisher would consider passing on the material because it presents a few questions. However, I'd rather express the story through a series of questions, than to create a story that has no questions, as if I knew everything, as if the story itself is not worthy of any fact finding evidence, perhaps, circumstantial evidence can be just as compelling than finding that needle in a haystack?

She truly is one of a kind! And, I mean that with total sincerity.

She certainly is, Scott. Why, Ms. Minor has given/raised over 450 dollars to Judyth's eye operation !!! And so did St. John give a hundred or so, too !!! My

goodness, all those Trine Day 'Love Lee Donations' !!! I'm getting verklempt !!! She'll have enough money left over for a………. third eye !!!! LOL !!!!!

Mark, what I believe has absolutely no bearing on wishing anyone ill health, if I had known about her condition, and knew she was in need of funds for an operation to save her sight, I would have given towards it. I applaud both St. John and Mrs. Minor for contributing to JVB sight, and shame on you for knowing and not doing anything about it.

You see Mark, it's called compassion, a tribute only few people have, and something you'll rarely find. It's like feeding someone some food because they're hungry instead of walking away with a full belly of your own. Personally, if I were a monitor of this cite, I would've considered having you removed long ago, some folks may ask me why, my answer would be, because this is a forum that discusses the assassination, Watergate, and other topics of intrigue regarding unsolved murders, whereas folks can post answers to questions that otherwise had no answers to before.

In more than five years I've been posting here I have never, ever seen you post anything that contains any "information of value," in-fact, I wouldn't know whether or not you believe if Oswald is guilty or not. ***Nothing,*** but what you have posted overtime contributes to negative issues, nothing positive, your posts may spark some interest in those who wish to argue, you find joy in that, you're an instigator, you must be pretty proud of surviving this long here.
She is such a huge JV Baker supporter which always surprises me.

She does do excellent research otherwise.
More on Ruth's parents' lifelong friend, Talbot Bielefeldt. It appears several 1930s and WWII Americans with Japanese language and
Friedman's Purple intercepts/deciphering, translation, and discreet dissemination were shift to Soviet surveillance and analysis.

Attempting to advance the thread's page one facts, in this post I am trying to avoid including details already presented by Linda Minor.

Interestingly, these research details mesh with Jim Root's focus on Gen. Maxwell Taylor and NSA's John Hurt, formerly of Friedman's WWII Purple deciphering and translation.

Nelson, originally a Far East specialist, later of Fluor/Gary Webb reporting was best man in Philip Fendig's wedding.

New York Times - Apr 28, 1976
William E. Nelson, deputy director for operations, confirmed that he announced h( s plans to retire at a staff meeting on Monday, the same day the committee report was made public. ... "It's a coincidence," Mr. Nelson, 5b years old, said.

rW. E. NELSON WEDS MISS 11/[. P. O'OIALLEN; Graduate of ...
New York Times - May 15, 1949
... brothel-s of the bride; Philip A. Fendig of Washington, Gardner Cunningham of Princeton, NJ, David Schirmer of iN ew York and Andrew E. Rice of Milwaukee.

New York Times - May 17, 1953
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9762&stc=1]

CIA Who's Where in Europe

Ted Shackley introduces Philip F. Fendig to the HSCA :

Quote:The Stanford Magazine - Volume 12 - Page 60
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9763&stc=1]
written in Japanese publications.

As were Bagnall, Nelson, and Ferdig, Talbot Bielefeldt was shifted from Japanese to Russian monitoring and analysis.
We know from the 1936 wedding announcement presented by Linda Minor, that Bielefeldt had already familiarized himself with Japan.:

Bagnell and Bielefeldt were members of the June, 1942 language class.:

[Image: OswaldRuthPurpleTalbotBielefeldt1936Japan_1of5.jpg]
[Image: OswaldRuthPurpleTalbotBielefeldt1936Japan_2of5.jpg]
[Image: OswaldRuthPurpleTalbotBielefeldt1936Japan_3of5.jpg]
[Image: OswaldRuthPurpleTalbotBielefeldt1936Japan_4of5.jpg]
[Image: OswaldRuthPurpleTalbotBielefeldt1936Japan_5of5.jpg]
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9765&stc=1]

page 4, (most recent unredactions) for context, and I would appreciate reading your take on the Golitsin references in pages 2 and 3.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9766&stc=1]

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Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.

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