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Morales assassins: Bolivia gang "fought in Balkans"
Quote:Marinkovic charged with terrorism and armed uprising

Marcelo Soza prosecutor investigating links between the terrorist cell of the Croatian-Bolivian Eduardo Rózsa, foiled in April 2009 in Santa Cruz, formally charged former businessman and civic leader Branco Marinkovic on charges of terrorism and armed rebellion.

First thing Monday we filed a formal complaint against Branco Marinkovic, then publish the edict and declared it in default, "he said to reporters.

He also announced that it will proceed with preventive note the assets of former civic leader, who according to research, funded the terrorist cell composed of foreign and Bolivian Mario Tadic was arrested in the antiterrorist operation in April, near the Hungarian Elod Toas, both incarcerated in the prison of San Pedro.

The research director of the investigation said that Marinkovic is accused of delivering $ 200,000 to purchase weapons.

Soza also announced that there would be other charges against several people, including Guido Nayar, former leader of the farmers Santa Cruz, charged in connection with the irregular group of foreign mercenaries who planned to secede from Bolivia.

The Pro Santa Cruz Committee condemned and rejected the "political persecution against the Santa Cruz civic leaders" and charged that the central government run "state terrorism by members of the judiciary subservient".

"We sympathize with former President Branko Marinkovic civic and First Vice President of the Committee, Guido Nayar, who are being persecuted by the judicial government," said Santa Cruz civic entity in a statement.

The Pro Santa Cruz Committee demanded a fair, impartial and transparent manner that respects the natural jurisdiction, rights and guarantees of persons, "and also includes the vice president's brother, the Venezuelan pilots, the alleged key witness, Captain Andrade, M. Clavijo and the amount of videos that demonstrate the manipulation against Santa Cruz.

More on Croatian landowner, Branko Marinkovic, see eg here:

The assassin and mercenary, Eduardo Rózsa Flores, was given honourary Croatian citizenship by the butcher Franjo Tuđman, for the ruthless dirty tricks performed by Rózsa Flores' notorious criminal and neo-fascist "International Brigade" during the Balkan Wars of the 1990s.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Quote:Marinkovic charged with terrorism and armed uprising

Marcelo Soza prosecutor investigating links between the terrorist cell of the Croatian-Bolivian Eduardo Rózsa, foiled in April 2009 in Santa Cruz, formally charged former businessman and civic leader Branco Marinkovic on charges of terrorism and armed rebellion.

First thing Monday we filed a formal complaint against Branco Marinkovic, then publish the edict and declared it in default, "he said to reporters.

He also announced that it will proceed with preventive note the assets of former civic leader, who according to research, funded the terrorist cell composed of foreign and Bolivian Mario Tadic was arrested in the antiterrorist operation in April, near the Hungarian Elod Toas, both incarcerated in the prison of San Pedro.

The research director of the investigation said that Marinkovic is accused of delivering $ 200,000 to purchase weapons.

Soza also announced that there would be other charges against several people, including Guido Nayar, former leader of the farmers Santa Cruz, charged in connection with the irregular group of foreign mercenaries who planned to secede from Bolivia.

The Pro Santa Cruz Committee condemned and rejected the "political persecution against the Santa Cruz civic leaders" and charged that the central government run "state terrorism by members of the judiciary subservient".

"We sympathize with former President Branko Marinkovic civic and First Vice President of the Committee, Guido Nayar, who are being persecuted by the judicial government," said Santa Cruz civic entity in a statement.

The Pro Santa Cruz Committee demanded a fair, impartial and transparent manner that respects the natural jurisdiction, rights and guarantees of persons, "and also includes the vice president's brother, the Venezuelan pilots, the alleged key witness, Captain Andrade, M. Clavijo and the amount of videos that demonstrate the manipulation against Santa Cruz.

More on Croatian landowner, Branko Marinkovic, see eg here:

The assassin and mercenary, Eduardo Rózsa Flores, was given honourary Croatian citizenship by the butcher Franjo Tuđman, for the ruthless dirty tricks performed by Rózsa Flores' notorious criminal and neo-fascist "International Brigade" during the Balkan Wars of the 1990s.

You mean Marcelo Sosa, Morale's prosecutor...???..Big Grin

The same prosecutor that kindapped people in the middle of the night and carry them to La Paz, to be prosecuted by Morale's judges, like Betty Yañiquez and others, violating all bolivian laws and human rights....?.. That doesen't care to prosecute "terrorists" with evident signs of brutal police torture...??...

He doesen't care to gather "information" under torture, to kidnapp oppositors from their home and carry them to La Paz (thousands kilometers away from their homes) to be judged not by their jurisdictional natural judge (is like if you have supposedly committed a felony in Texas and they carry you to be judged in New York). Since there is no Constitutional Tribunal of Guarantees in Bolivia (Morales destroyed in his first year of government), very little can be done against those abuses.
Dozens of citizens are chased by Marcelo Sosa (all of them oppositors) with no proofs; or "proofs" obtained by torture, blackmail or money.

The most notorius case is Leopoldo Fenandez, the so called "the Pando butcher" by Morale's media and propaganda. It is evident that he has no participation in the Pando's killings and he try to avoid it asking the police, army and even church help (killings organized by Morales and his militia), but he is in prision more than a year and a half ago, with not even a formal charge against him. Its so shameful.

But "honest Jhon" prosecutor Marcelo Sosa doesen't move a finger to investigate the charge in the media made it by Blusher Alpire, assassin hired by Juan Ramon Quintana (Morale's Minister) to buy the weapons and organize the confrontation.

That is the kind of "public prosecutor" "acusations
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Quote:Marinkovic charged with terrorism and armed uprising

Marcelo Soza prosecutor investigating links between the terrorist cell of the Croatian-Bolivian Eduardo Rózsa, foiled in April 2009 in Santa Cruz, formally charged former businessman and civic leader Branco Marinkovic on charges of terrorism and armed rebellion.

First thing Monday we filed a formal complaint against Branco Marinkovic, then publish the edict and declared it in default, "he said to reporters.

He also announced that it will proceed with preventive note the assets of former civic leader, who according to research, funded the terrorist cell composed of foreign and Bolivian Mario Tadic was arrested in the antiterrorist operation in April, near the Hungarian Elod Toas, both incarcerated in the prison of San Pedro.

The research director of the investigation said that Marinkovic is accused of delivering $ 200,000 to purchase weapons.

Soza also announced that there would be other charges against several people, including Guido Nayar, former leader of the farmers Santa Cruz, charged in connection with the irregular group of foreign mercenaries who planned to secede from Bolivia.

The Pro Santa Cruz Committee condemned and rejected the "political persecution against the Santa Cruz civic leaders" and charged that the central government run "state terrorism by members of the judiciary subservient".

"We sympathize with former President Branko Marinkovic civic and First Vice President of the Committee, Guido Nayar, who are being persecuted by the judicial government," said Santa Cruz civic entity in a statement.

The Pro Santa Cruz Committee demanded a fair, impartial and transparent manner that respects the natural jurisdiction, rights and guarantees of persons, "and also includes the vice president's brother, the Venezuelan pilots, the alleged key witness, Captain Andrade, M. Clavijo and the amount of videos that demonstrate the manipulation against Santa Cruz.

More on Croatian landowner, Branko Marinkovic, see eg here:

The assassin and mercenary, Eduardo Rózsa Flores, was given honourary Croatian citizenship by the butcher Franjo Tuđman, for the ruthless dirty tricks performed by Rózsa Flores' notorious criminal and neo-fascist "International Brigade" during the Balkan Wars of the 1990s.

You mean Marcelo Sosa, Morale's prosecutor...???..Big Grin

The same prosecutor that kindapped people in the middle of the night and carry them to La Paz, to be prosecuted by Morale's judges, like Betty Yañiquez and others, violating all bolivian laws and human rights....?.. That doesen't care to prosecute "terrorists" with evident signs of brutal police torture...??...

He doesen't care to gather "information" under torture, to kidnapp oppositors from their home and carry them to La Paz (thousands kilometers away from their homes) to be judged not by their jurisdictional natural judge (is like if you have supposedly committed a felony in Texas and they carry you to be judged in New York).

Since there is no Constitutional Tribunal of Guarantees in Bolivia (Morales destroyed in his first year of government), very little can be done against those abuses.

Dozens of citizens are chased by Marcelo Sosa (all of them oppositors) with no proofs; or "proofs" obtained by torture, blackmail or money.

The most notorius case is Leopoldo Fenandez, the so called "the Pando butcher" by Morale's media and propaganda. It is evident that he has no participation in the Pando's killings and he try to avoid it asking help to the police, army and even church (killings organized by Morales and his militia), but he is in prision more than a year and a half ago, with not even a formal charge against him. Its so shameful.

But "honest Jhon" prosecutor Marcelo Sosa doesen't move a finger to investigate the statement in the media made it by Blusher Alpire, assassin hired by Juan Ramon Quintana (Morale's Minister) to buy the weapons and organize the confrontation.

By the way, José melgar, the journalist that caugth in tape the statement of Juan Ramon Quintana thereatening Pando's governator the days before to the massacre, is in jail until now accussed by Marcelo Sosa of "conspiracy" (conspiracy because he put in tape the Morale's minister statement...???...:eek:..)

That is the kind of public prosecutor "charges" agains Marinkovic you are bringing to our attention, Jan ...????...Big Grin

By the way, ALL oppositors in Bolivia are charged and chased by Morale's dog Marcelo Sosa (not a single important one left aside). That was EXACTLY Morale's purpose WHEN HE HIRED EDUARDO ROSZA FLORES. Do you understand now...???... You need more explanations...??...

Many oppositors has flew away from Bolivia due to the legal imposibility to defend themselves from Morale's prosecutor and Morale's judges abuses (there is no Tribunal of Constitutional Guarantees, remember..??..). Some has stayed no matter what, as the governor of Santa Cruz.

But most of them are not politicians, just family guys who prefer to go away pressed by their wife and kids.

- By the way: Wrong again. Branko Marinkovic IS NOT a "croatian landowner" as you stated. He is a bolivian citizen. He born here, he grow here, he married here and he has his kids here. His father was a croatian.

Hey you, the rest of american forum members....!!!...You ARE NOT americans... !!!. You are Europeans (or africans or chinese or whatever). You have no rights to be there... Take you kids, go away and return to Europe..!!!! (of course, first you have to convince the europeans you are not americans)Laugh
Senor Mundaca - I see you're still pushing the theory that President Morales hired Eduardo Rózsa Flores.

Let's just remind ourselves of who Rózsa Flores is:

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Rózsa Flores' activities from 1990 onwards clearly identify him as an assassin and mercenary willing to commit atrocities in the name of racist, far right, causes and blame them on his opponents. Tudjman, the Croatian butcher, made him an honourary Croatian for his dirty tricks and war crimes during the Balkan Wars.

Here's some detail on Rózsa Flores' notorious Croatian International Brigade:

Quote:a brigade of 380 foreigners, the First International Platoon, known by its Croatian initials, PIV.

"He was an action-chaser," a Croatian journalist with years investigating connections between foreign mercenaries and Croatian secret services tells TIME. "PIV was a notorious group: 95% of them had criminal histories, many were part of Nazi and fascist groups, from Germany to Ireland." Rozsa rose to the status of Major and gained a reputation for brashness — before scandal hit in December of 1991. That's when a PIV enlistee named Christian Wurtemburg, a Swiss national, turned up dead — tortured and garroted. British journalist Paul Jenks began investigating Wurtemburg's death and was shot dead as well. (British journalist John Sweeney made a movie about the deaths in 1994 for Channel 4 called Dying for the Truth.)

More recently, Rózsa Flores was linked with Jobbik, the far right Hungarian movement which is very close to openly espousing ethnic cleansing of the Roma (Gypsy) people. Some of his mercenary band were members of the Székely Legion, which is a Hungarian neo-fascist paramilitary group.

Rózsa Flores was a self-proclaimed National Anarchist, which is a mystical, often Black-Sun worshipping, neo-Nazi cult. Several leading National Anarchists have been outed as intelligence agency assets.

Rózsa Flores was also a spokesperson for Opus Dei, and other members of his Bolivian mercenary band - dead and alive - have received financial and legal aid from SMOM groups. With SMOM and Opus Dei, and the Croatian background, we are bang in the middle of deep political covert operations run utlimately by the same gang who brought us Gladio.

Before it disappeared, Rózsa Flores' web pages further identified him as a supporter of Camba Nation, a Bolivian secessionist group. For more on Camba Nation and its funding by the secessionist European elite of Santa Cruz, see post eg #54 here:

There are well-grounded allegations that the "US Ambassador for Ethnic Cleansing", Goldberg, was sent to Bolivia to help stoke ethnic tension prior to a break-up of Bolivia in the fashion of the deliberate destruction and fracturing of Yugoslavia. See eg posts #68 & #57 here:

Fortunately, President Morales had the courage and intelligence to throw Goldberg out of Bolivia.

Oh yeah, Rózsa Flores also gave an interview in Europe about his intentions:

Quote:Croatia: Morales murder plot suspect 'wanted to form separatist army'

Zagreb, 22 April (AKI) – A Croat allegedly involved in a plot to kill leftwing Bolivian president Evo Morales said in an interview that he travelled to Bolivia to form a secessionist army in the country's mineral-rich Santa Cruz region.

“They called me from Bolivia, from Santa Cruz, they told me to come home, because the motherland calls,” Eduardo Rosza Flores said in a Hungarian media interview.

The interview was recorded last September and excerpts from it were published on Wednesday by Croatian daily Jutarnji.

Flores, who had dual Bolivian-Croatian nationality, was killed last week in Bolivia in a gunfight with police.

“My task is to form an army in Santa Cruz as soon as possible and to be its leader,” Flores said. “I’m not a mercenary, nor will I ever be, but if motherland needs me I’m going,” said Bolivian-born Flores.

In the interview, recorded just before he travelled to Bolivia, Flores said the Santa Cruz region opposed Morales’ rule and was fighting for autonomy.

“Only if autonomy doesn’t succeed by peaceful means, will we proclaim independence,” he concluded in the interview.

Flores, 49, a Bolivian of Croatian origins, said that his trip to Bolivia was well organised, including his air tickets and illegal crossing of the border from Brazil.

Flores, nicknamed Chico, went to Croatia in 1991, to fight in the secessionist war against the former Yugoslavia.

After the war ended with Croatia's independence in 1995, he retired from the army with the rank of major and lived in the Hungarian capital, Budapest.

Apart from Flores, an Irishman, Dwyer Michael Martin, and a Romanian, Arpad Magyarosi were killed in a shootout with police in the eastern city of Santa Cruz.

Two other suspected plotters, Elot Toaso, a Hungarian, and another Bolivian of Croat descent, Mario Francisco Tadic, were arrested during the gunfight.

Morales said they were members of a gang planning to kill him and several other officials. The Bolivian press linked the plotters to an opposition leader in Santa Cruz, Branko Marinkovic, who is also of Croatian descent.

The discovery of the alleged plot raised concern in Croatia about the fate of a sizeable Croat community in Bolivia after Croats were described in the media as separatists and fascists.

Some Bolivian newspapers have made a link with the World War II fake or quisling state in Croatia that was formed by the leader of the separatist Ustashe movement, Ante Pavelic, under the auspices of Hitler and Mussolini.

Now let me see.... :listen:

Who is more likely to have hired the racist butcher and mercenary Eduardo Rózsa Flores?

Evo Morales - President of Bolivia and supporter of the rights of the indigenous Aymara and Quechua people?


Branco Marinkovic - right-wing Croatian landowner and supporter of secession from Bolivia for the resource-rich province of Santa Cruz?
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Señora Jan:

If all of us apply asumptions as you do, we may be still in the dark ages. What I am showing you are not assumptions. Are facts.

The first thing to know in evry event, is who wins and who lose with. Clearly, Branko has losed evrything here in Bolivia, except his family and the deep respect gained by the people. Not a single word of separatism has come from him. I respect him very much. His father was a hard worker who begin with almost nothing and their sons work at the side of their employees since they where kids. They had a very difficult beginning and you can't find nobody in Santa Cruz who claim to be battered or swindlered by them.

You are right in one thing: We have to compare the quality of people we are talking about. Your president Morales lose by faaaaar compared with Branko. Laugh

There is not a single proof that linked Rosza with Marinkovic, except the eventuality that both has croatian roots (very well expolited by Morales. In fact, some say that he hired Rosza because his Croatian roots).

Is not the first time that Morales hire assassins. If you see my previous post, there is a statement made by Blusher Alpire, former assassin hired by Juan Ramon Quintana, Morale's minister. Now : we have to be very childish to think that he do that without Morale's permission.

Is not the first time that Morales order to kill people, either. In year 2.000, he (together with his former lover Margarita Terán) ordered the assassination of the Andrade couple in Chapare region. He was not convicted not because he was not guilty (there are eyewitness of the fact), but because the coca farmers he command blocks the bolivian main road during many weeks, paralyzing the commerce and exports of all nation. The government those days, in his desesperation, agreed not to prosecute him allowing Morales to present false proofs and versions of the fact. The weakness of justice and a tolerant judge do the rest, giving him impunity and a new discourse that he was "chased", claiming to be a "victim". Here is the truth:

Until now, nobody has been convicted of that horrible crime.

Now you know why when the brothers of Margarita Teran (his former lover and complice in the Andrade couple assassination) where caught by DEA traffiking with more than 100 kilos of cocaine, Morale's reaction was to expell DEA from Bolivia. They are free now.

Now señora Jan: You still want to compare Marinkovic with Morales..??Laugh.. Because I can fill this forum with Morale's felonies. And you will be in disavantage trying to criminalize Branko Marinkovic because you will find nothing, except the charge of Morale's prosecutor and some "assumptions" you can make ( Like "he is a croatian landowner" rich and because that, he is a "separatist" linked with Ustacha, Mossad, USA, Rosza, Opus Dei, fascists, etc, etc.)

No, señora Jan: he is a hard worker man, a family guy with no dirty political experience (his only political experience in his life was to lead the Comite Pro Santa Cruz. That is considered the highest honor in Santa Cruz region). But he give all in his carryng out of his duty: he give most of his fortune and lost much money with Morale's economic war against him, he is now chased and prosecuted, he is in personal danger and the worst: he put HIS FAMILY (sisters, wife and kids) in danger. I can't ask more from a leader.
Ruben Mundaca Wrote:Señora Jan:

If all of us apply asumptions as you do, we may be still in the dark ages. What I am showing you are not assumptions. Are facts.

Hablando de supuestos 'Jan' tiene cojones y no es una señora. Jan es un nombre macho muy comun en Polonia y Holanda. Este es un hecho.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Ruben Mundaca Wrote:Señora Jan:

If all of us apply asumptions as you do, we may be still in the dark ages. What I am showing you are not assumptions. Are facts.

Hablando de supuestos 'Jan' tiene cojones y no es una señora. Jan es un nombre macho muy comun en Polonia y Holanda. Este es un hecho.

No estoy obligado a saberlo.

Estamos en un foro escribiendo en INGLES, por lo tanto no es un "supuesto". Por lo que sé (aún estoy aprendiendo) en Inglés, "Jan" es FEMENINO, diminutivo de "Janice" o "Jane".
Su Ingles es bastante bueno. Pense que le gustaria saber ella era un el. Jan es un diminutivo de Janet, Janette, Janice, Janelle etc but never Jane.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Su Ingles es bastante bueno. Pense que le gustaria saber ella era un el. Jan es un diminutivo de Janet, Janette, Janice, Janelle etc but never Jane.

Gracias por la corrección, Magda.
Es bueno saberlo. A veces las personas se ofenden por cosas tan pequeñas como esa.

Tks. a lot.
De nada
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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