Quote:Not sure if I have time to write an article with detailed justification, therefore, thesis: Kiev needs another peaceful respite, otherwise the army would be destroyed in two to three weeks. For Russia it is very difficult, almost impossible "to force" the militia to peace without serious (at least to the borders of the regions) gains. For Kiev a retreat to the borders of the regions [Lugansk and Donetsk] without the collapse of the army is impossible. If the army would fall apart, stopping at the borders of the regions is not only pointless, but a crime - to leave the country to makhnovshina [anarchy]. Total return to peace is almost (except for a miracle) unrealistic. To prevent a rapid and catastrophic defeat and collapse of Kiev, and to try and to finally get something back USA and the junta need an excruciating provocation, in comparison with which the Boeing will be child's play. This provocation can happen anywhere, but the best place for it is Kiev - most noticeable (from Kiev there is a chance to spread it all over Ukraine). I am afraid that those who fear the bombing of the capital of Ukraine, in case of approaching front line, don't know what they should fear in reality. There are things, in comparison with which the artillery fire can seem like manna from heaven, and the shelling of Donetsk, although it sounds terrible - "new year's fireworks". If the junta will have enough time and opportunities for the organization of its new provocation, we will understand what it means "the living will envy the dead". One hope is that for this demo version of the Third Reich as usual, something is not going to pan out. But one should hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"
Quote:Not sure if I have time to write an article with detailed justification, therefore, thesis: Kiev needs another peaceful respite, otherwise the army would be destroyed in two to three weeks. For Russia it is very difficult, almost impossible "to force" the militia to peace without serious (at least to the borders of the regions) gains. For Kiev a retreat to the borders of the regions [Lugansk and Donetsk] without the collapse of the army is impossible. If the army would fall apart, stopping at the borders of the regions is not only pointless, but a crime - to leave the country to makhnovshina [anarchy]. Total return to peace is almost (except for a miracle) unrealistic. To prevent a rapid and catastrophic defeat and collapse of Kiev, and to try and to finally get something back USA and the junta need an excruciating provocation, in comparison with which the Boeing will be child's play. This provocation can happen anywhere, but the best place for it is Kiev - most noticeable (from Kiev there is a chance to spread it all over Ukraine). I am afraid that those who fear the bombing of the capital of Ukraine, in case of approaching front line, don't know what they should fear in reality. There are things, in comparison with which the artillery fire can seem like manna from heaven, and the shelling of Donetsk, although it sounds terrible - "new year's fireworks". If the junta will have enough time and opportunities for the organization of its new provocation, we will understand what it means "the living will envy the dead". One hope is that for this demo version of the Third Reich as usual, something is not going to pan out. But one should hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
The other thing that will save it is if the Kremlin pulls the plug like they did September 2. Mariupol was surrounded and according to Strelkov, needed only 2 days to be taken. The Kremlin snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I
"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
The UAF has not launched a major offensive, despite the heavy shelling of Novorussiya cities and villages.
The UAF has finally and completely lost the airport at heavy cost, which has become more of a symbol than a military objective.
The UAF has not demonstrated effectiveness in offensive capabilities, but is effective defensively.
The NAF probably does not have the capability to cause the collapse of the front, but has slowly been recapturing terrain.
The NAF continues to probe and send out recon/sabotage units.
Overall, there is a case for moderate optimism.
Then there is this from TASS on the RF foreign minister, Lavrov:
Quote:MOSCOW, January 21. /TASS/. Russia has secured the agreement of militias to withdraw heavy weaponry to the line proposed by Kiev, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday.
"We have obtained the agreement of militias to pull heavy weaponry not from the actual line but from the line on which Kiev insists," Lavrov told a news conference. "Now the matter depends on the Ukrainian authorities," he said.
Lavrov stressed that the shelling of towns in Ukraine's south-east continues and people are being killed there. He called on Kiev to immediately stop attacks on Donetsk and other towns in southeastern Ukraine.
"Therefore, it is most important to disengage heavy weaponry in line with the Minsk agreements," Lavrov said.
The nine-point Minsk memorandum adopted in September envisaged a ban on the use of all armaments and withdrawal of weapons with the calibers of over 100 millimeters to a distance of 15 kilometers from the contact line from each side.
The Vienna-based Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which has monitors deployed in Ukraine, was tasked with controlling the implementation of memorandum provisions.
A Normandy format meeting of foreign ministers in Berlin will discuss the disengagement line and constitutional reform in Ukraine among other things, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a news conference on the results of 2014 in Moscow on Wednesday.
"The disengagement line was mentioned in very concrete terms. It is the very same engagement line that the Ukrainian side recognizes and insists on. The militias agree with it, too. We have contributed to this. Nobody disputes it. Pulling heavy armaments away from it would be easy. Everything else has been agreed on: how far away the heavy artillery and multiple rocket systems should be pulled back.
"The need for Kiev's political decision to support this approach will be discussed in Berlin, too," he said.
"Naturally, the issues concerning the political aspect of the settlement are always discussed in various formats. I am referring to the constitutional reform issue that the Ukrainian authorities have been trying to play down, and the issues described in the Minsk Accords as the special status for the Donetsk and Luhansk people's republics. We have our own ideas and proposals regarding all these issues.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I
"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Givi, commander of "Somali" battalion captured alive some UAF soldiers. It turned out to be quite a haul.
Here an initial video report:
He turned out to be Oleg Mikats is the commander of the 93rd Brigade, AND a top figure in the Pravy Sector, as seen in this illustration (top row, second from left).
Several of the soldiers were featured in an interview by the leader of the DNR, Zacharchenko, in which he invites their families to come get them. That of course is impossible, since Novorussiya has been sealed off from the rest of Ukraine.
Speaking of a needed provocation, here's Poroshenko trying to rustle up just that. 500 tanks, no less.
Quote:Russia sends 9,000 troops into Ukraine, says Petro Poroshenko
This deployment of Russian forces would be the biggest since the crisis began Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko holds a part of a damaged commuter bus hit by a rocket strike near Volnovakha that killed 13 people as he speaks during a session of the World Economic ForumPhoto: AFP
Russia has sent more troops into Ukraine than at any time since the crisis began, deploying 9,000 soldiers inside its neighbour, according to theUkrainian leader.
Petro Poroshenko, the president of Ukraine, said Russia had also dispatched 500 tanks and other armoured vehicles over the border. A total of five Russian infantry battalions are now believed to be inside eastern Ukraine.
Separatist rebels have controlled a large area of Donetsk and Luhansk regions since last summer. In the last week, however, Ukrainian forces have successfully counter-attacked, strengthening their grip on Sergei Prokofiev International Airport in Donetsk, only five miles from the separatist headquarters in the centre of the city.
The latest Russian deployment appears to be a response to Kiev's success. Whenever Ukraine's troops have gained ground against the rebels, Russia has generally reacted by sending troops to reinforce the insurgents.
Mr Poroshenko said the only way to bring peace was for Russia to obey the Minsk agreement signed last September, providing for a ceasefire and a withdrawal of forces. "The solution is very simple," he told the World Economic Forum in Davos. "Stop supplying weapons. Stop supplying ammunition. Withdraw the troops and close the border: a very simple peace plan."
Last summer, Russia sent about 3,000 troops into Ukraine to aid the rebels. If Mr Poroshenko's figures are correct, the latest Russian deployment is the biggest since the fighting began. The scale of this incursion will raise suspicions that Russia's objective could be more ambitious than to strengthen the insurgents or capture Donetsk Airport. Ukraine fears that Moscow might seize more of its territory, perhaps by capturing the port of Mariupol and then occupying a land corridor to Crimea, which Russia annexed last April. Nato declined to confirm the size of Russia's latest incursion, but Jens Stoltenberg, the Nato secretary general, said: "We have seen an increase in Russian equipment inside eastern Ukraine." However, the Kremlin denied that any Russian troops were inside its neighbour. Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, said that none of his country's soldiers had entered Ukraine and demanded "proof" of their presence.
Obviously, this report is from The Daily Bellylaugh.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
The daily bulletins from the pro-Novorossiya South Front video channel have taken a distinct turn for the satirical - and increasingly hit the target. Today's has a wonderful snippet on the professed occupations of captured Ukrop cannon-fodder. Do subscribe, for it's also much more accurate than the absurd balls served up by our CIA-controlled mainstream western media:
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"
Conquest doesn't always come by way of direct invasion and occupation; subtler methods, such as sustained psychological and spiritual warfare, have proven even more successful at suborning target populations. Vladimir Mikhailovich Chernyshev, head of the Faculty of the History of Western Confessions and lecturer at the Kiev Spiritual Academy, answers questions from the publication The World and We regarding anti-traditional sectarian religious movements in Ukraine and how they function as agents in a wider geopolitical game. Translated by Mark Hackard.
Quote:Are cults acting on the territory of Ukraine used for political ends by foreign states?
If we are to speak of totalitarian cults in general, then yes, this is undoubtedly a global geopolitical project. Therefore we can't even talk about one individual sect. The entire spectrum of totalitarian, destructive cults and so-called "new religious movements" are a global project to destroy our Slavic mentality and culture. And in the 1990s, when all political barriers had been shattered, what had accumulated and concentrated in the West over decades in this sphere filled practically the entire space in a turbid current, penetrating into all spheres of our society. And, of course, we can't just talk about some individual cult. There's a mass of them, of the most varied tendencies.
Can we designate among them the cults operating in the most systematic and destructive way?
If we're speaking about the quantitative advantage of some cults on Ukrainian territory, then there are without a doubt two the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement and the Jehovah's Witnesses. Concerning Scientology, as is known, one of Ukraine's political leaders, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, or at least his family, belongs to the Church of Scientology. Another well-known figure, Aleksandr Turchinov, is a representative of the Charismatic movement.
Despite all the diversity, dissimilarity of external forms, and doctrinal disagreements, a majority of the sects have a common lineal indicator they're purely practical, and their most important task is finding new means of mental transformation, changes in the psyche, changes in interrelations between the conscious and subconscious, i.e. in actuality shattering our mentality, our culture, and our integral perception of the world.
Sunday Adelaja is a famous Nigerian who arrived in Ukraine and created an enormous cult here, the Embassy of God. It's actually a state within a state, an enclave with its own employment and security services and infrastructure. It's located in the bowels of the state, but lives according to its laws. Their last adventure was to found the bank "King's Capital." It was a total Ponzi scheme that robbed people; apartments were handed over as collateral. Today that money has yet to be found, and masses of people ended up on the streets, became homeless, and some committed suicide. And the most surprising thing is that his interests have been lobbied in the Rada. Adelaja himself speaks Russian well, but for the sake of exoticism he imitates a certain accent. This is one of the biggest cults, with just an affiliate in Ukraine, while the cult itself is scattered around the world.
The second sect that is in fact qualitatively equal is the Jehovah's Witnesses. This is a well-known pseudo-Christian organization that is impossible to call Christian because it rejects all basic doctrines the Holy Trinity, the Divine-Human essence of Christ, the sovereign existence of the soul from the body, etc.
Beyond that there exists a multitude of other cults that are both in Russia and Ukraine. These are, of course, Scientology, a pseudo-scientific destructive cult, the "Church of Christ" Boston Movement, the New Apostolic Church, the Moonies, Mormons, and others.
It's said that this cult colonization began with the actions of the wife former president Yushchenko Katherine Chumachenko, who was an initiate of "Native Ukrainian National Faith" (RUN-Vera). Is this cult active now, what influence does it have, and how much is it connected to the United States?
It's true, RUN-Vera does operate on the territory of Ukraine. This is a pagan cult. Its numbers are not great because it's nevertheless very strange and exotic, but a series of Ukrainian leaders are part of it.
But its role in comparison with the Embassy of God is still a lesser one. As is known, that cult has been visited by Timoshenko and practically all famous Ukrainian leaders. And they've even prayed there for victory in elections. The former mayor of Kiev Chernovetsky was one of the most well-known adepts of the sect and part of its structures. Therefore the intertwining of political interests and cult movements is indeed something we witness here.
What is the role of sects in events on the Maidan and subsequent events in Ukraine?
In reality the entire range of cults existing in Kiev supported the Euro-Maidan. They came out with their symbolism, fed people as possibilities allowed, rendered them aid, carried out loud demonstrations to attract attention. And not only the sect world the schmismatic Kiev Patriarchate also participated in these processes very actively. Such marginal, destructive forces worked at full power to support the Euro-Maidan.
Do you agree with the assertion that many cults are an instrument in the hands of American and other foreign intelligence services?
Unconditionally this is so. For example, the Mormons, whom we cannot of course wholly relegate to destructive sects. Not delving into doctrinal details…the representatives of this organization are very courteous, study the language, and come over on their own money, for example, for two years to Ukraine. They familiarize themselves with our culture, mentality, way of life, etc. And then, when they've fulfilled their mission, they return to the US. And it is a commonly known fact that they are then recruited as CIA officers because they're invaluable sources of information. They pass all of this along through proper channels first-hand.
There is yet another of the most large-scale cults initially formed as a political project linked to the Korean intelligence services the Moon Unification Church.
The most important factor is that these cults might not be rigorously managed from the sidelines, but it's enough that they compose a certain unity, a kind of religious avant-garde that envelops, swallows, attempts to dissolve and demarcate Christianity. It's sufficient that cults are present on our soil, and already by their presence they carry out their destructive work. And no grand administrative parallels or additional levers are necessary because they in themselves will conduct their ruinous activity like a kind of virus, living at the expense of society and demolishing it as a healthy organism.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"