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A Rich Man's Trick
Also Brian, your exuberance is breath taking. After awhile, the "input" you'll receive, your own record of contribution to the cause notwithstanding, will tend to make you run out of gas...... Once you've been punched enough in the gut, you'll wonder why they minimize or so quickly forget what you think are your important discoveries. I mentioned Joseph F. Dryer, Jr. to Joan Mellen, and to her credit, she contacted him at his advanced age of 90 and learned he had met with Clemard Charles and DeMohrenschildt on the same day in NYC that his close friend, Devine met separately with the pair.

I am going out somewhat on a limb, but James Kelsey Cogswell lived in Scarsdale, NY less than one mile from Richard Ober and
their attendance at Phillips Exeter overlapped. Ober's father, Harold was F. Scott Fitzgerald's book agent and the Ober's took Fitzgerald's daughter Scottie (Frances) into their home. Cogswell's first marriage was with the daughter (Nancy) of this man, in New Canaan, CT.: [URL=""]
A Guide to F. Scott Fitzgerald's St. Paul - Page 52[/URL]
John J. Koblas - 2004 - ‎Preview
On his daily walks from the house on Goodrich to the office, Fitzgerald often stopped at Kilmarnock Books at 84 East Fourth Street in the Guardian Building to talk and drink with proprietors Cornelius Van Ness and Thomas A. Boyd. Boyd was ..
Tom Scully Wrote:...................
Mary Janney sat in a pew near another Vassar classmate, the bouncy blond Scottie Fitzgerald Lanahan--F. Scott Fitzgerald's daughter--and her husband, Washington attorney Jack Lanahan......
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7334&stc=1]

In Gatsby's Shadow: The Story of Charles Macomb Flandrau
Larry Haeg - 2004 - ‎Biography & Autobiography
Cornelius Van Ness, co-owner with Tom Boyd of St. Paul's Kil marnock ... home on three acres in New Canaan, Connecticut, where Van Ness spent the rest of ...
‎ New York Times - Mar 5, 1945
Lieutenant Cogswell, an alumnus of the Gunnery School and Amherst College, is a grandson of the late Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Cowton Heffenger and the late Rear...

Quote: Tom Scully - Posted 11 May 2011
Quote:Suzy Says
DeMohrenschildt Mystery
By Suzy Knickerbocker
4/16/77 DMN

....De Mohrenschildt is constantly referred to as a mystery man and reputed member of Russian nobility.
He was neither.....In fact, this self-proclaimed society-hater, a geologist who insisted he was most comfortable amongst
intellectuals spent a lot of time hanging around the Racquet Club, the exclusive New York male
stronghold with Edward Hooker (the son of his stepaunt, the Countess Dimitri de Mohrenschildt)
and such sound social chaps as Staley Tregellas and Jake Cogswell.....
...According to family and friends DeMohrenschildt was undoubtedly a CIA stringer and periodically
made unexplained trips abroad. His Socially Registered confidant Jake Cogswell, another CIA
, who established residence in Cuba before Castro. He barely made it out before the ax fell.
‎ - New York Times - May 31, 1953
daughter of Stephen Power Farish, was married to James Kelsey Cogswell 3d, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cogswell ... The best man was George O. Walbridge 2d of Southport, Conn.
Leslie Walbridge Will Be Bride Of Lewis Peter Smith Nov. 29
$3.95 - New York Times - Oct 12, 1975
Miss Walbridge is a daughter of George Olin Walbridge 2d of Madrid, formerly with the Emerson Drug Company here. Her stepfather is retired ' chairman of ..
The photo below of the three men was published in August, 1955. Around that time, Elmer H. Bobst's Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Corp. acquired Emerson Drug Co.
[Image: D15.jpg]
Diario de la marina -pg. 27 The Caption under the photograph of the three men, reads.:
Por va arra lleg a esta capital en viaje de negoolos Mr CKirk L Billings, vice presidente a cargo de Ventas y Propaganda de la Emerson Drug Co fabricantes del Nuevo Bromo-Seltzer A recibirlo acudieron Mr. George Walbridge gerente de Exportacin de esa firma y el senor Manuel Fernndez Urquiza de Publicita ...

CIA opens the book on a shady past - politics | NBC News
Jun 26, 2007 - ... of the redacted material appears in sections relating to Richard Ober, ... Jesus Angleton, the agency's legendary chief of counterintelligence.[/QUOTE]

Cogswell's second marriage was in 1953, to Bush and Queen Elizabeth's "friend" Will Farish's cousin, Joan Farish. His best man
was George O. Walbridge 3rd of Southport, CT.

Quote:HSCA Report, Volume XII, pg 60 Found in: HSCA Appendix Volumes
Jack Cogswell of Palm Beach. According to Cogswell, he ran into Joseph Dryer, who is a stockbroker with Loeb & Rhodes & Co. in Palm Beach and Dryer offered offered informa- tion about George de Mohrenschildt.(172) Dryer told Cogswell that when he knew de Mohrenshchildt in Haiti, de Mohrenschildt's behav- ior was "strange" and included following people in his car. (173) Dryer related that de Mohrenschildt was associated with a man named Charles who was the .......

Thursday, April 2, 2015
Joseph Frederic Dryer Jr., a longtime resident of Palm Beach, died Monday, March 30, 2015, in the home where he lived for 52 years, with his family at his side. He was 94 years old "and never wasted a minute of it," said his son, Gregory. "A full and happy life, a wonderful husband and father."

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7585&stc=1]

From left, Mary Hemingway, Joe Dryer Jr. with his wife Nancy on their wedding day, and friend Ernest Hemingway, in Havana, Cuba, on April, 8, 1956.

Dryer Jr. (now called Sr.) told Joan Mellen that he was not CIA and Joan surmised from his battle decorated USMC officer background and claim that he had been involved in a secret 1950's project to undermine the Soviet steel mfg. infrastructure, that he was ONI. So how did Dryer know this, on April 25, 1963?:

Quote:Our Man in Haiti: George de Mohrenschildt and the CIA in the Nightmare Republic - Joan Mellen

On April, 19, the de Mohrenschildts left for New York.
When he found his way to Washington, D.C., de Mohrenschilst met, not with Lyndon Johnson, but with Johnson's assistant for National Security Affairs, Air Force Colonel Howard Burris. A native Texan, Burris was an intelligence officer who had been involved in CIA's 1953 coup against Iranian president Mohammed Mossadegh. He was an intimate of Richard Helms and of General Charles Cabell, right hand man of Allen Dulles, and brother of Dallas mayor Earle Cabell, who was in office at the time of the assassination of President Kennedy later in the year. An oilman by profession, Burris had created the Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust Company, only to have his Cuban oil properties to be confiscated by Fidel Castro.

Clemard Joseph Charles departed from Haiti for Newy York on April 23. Upon his arrival, he was interviewed by a CIA informant who is identified in the CIA document describing their meeting only as a "former journalist." Whith no fear that his words would get back to Papa Doc, Charles confided to the informant that heas in a strong position to become head of a provisional government once Duvalier was removed. Duvalier was likely to unleash a reign of terror and had to be stopped before he liquidated his opposition, Charles volunteered.

Speaking as if he were aware that this "journalist" was a direct pipeline to CIA, and that CIA was motivated by fear that Haiti might become a second Cuba, Charles added that Duvalier was about to accept aid from the Soviet bloc. In contrast, he would establish a democratic Haiti, one "friendly toward the Unites States, and save the country from a Castro-type Communist takeover."

Charles then boasted of his "wide range of support among the peasantry, anti-Duvalier army officers, intellectuals, journalists and businessmen." Should he not be appointed provisional president, Charles said, he might accept the post of Secretary of Finance and Economic Affairs.

In New York, Chalres met with kenaf partner, Joe Dryer. Charles had sent a limousine to the hotel to pick up Dryer and his partner, Clark Cassidy. Dryer recounts that he and Cassidy both were fond of Charles. Charles had a secretary wwith him, a woman who, as Dryer knew through his own intellligence connections, had been planted on Charles by CIA.

In the late 1970's, Dryer told the House Select Committee on Assassinations that Charles had "many connections" with the Central Intelligence Agency. He added that George de Mohrenschildt had "some intelligence connection," although he professed not to know with which country. It seems clear that CIA held both Clemard Joseph Charles and George de Mohrenschildt within its radar, destined for some role in Haiti's political future....

....To Dryer now, in 1963, Charles described George de Mohrenschildt as his "business associate," adding that de Mohrenschildt had an appointment with Vice President Johnson.

A generous man, Dryer supplied Clemard Joseph Charles with some useful letters of introduction, testaments to his character. Senator Kenneth Keating..... to Democratic Congressman Paul Rogers of Florida.....

Dryer had his own bank conduct a credit check on George de Mohrenschildt, with the understanding that the name of the client initiating the inquiry "remain confidential." The bank official however, reported to Special Agent William W. Hamilton of the New York FBI field office. He described the person checking on de Mohrenschildt only as "a firm dealing in the import and export of fibers.".....

David Josephs Wrote:..............
Tom.. let me put this back to you...

It has long been your approach Tom, that if you throw enough of the relationships against the wall, we MUST begin to accept that everything we are paranoid about is true - simply due to these relationships.
I'm not saying it's not possible and adds fuel to the fire... but a connection to THAT endowed department does not a guilty verdict make

PROVE that the connections you cite resulted in the activity - not that as a result of our paranoia we need to ACCEPT this as true, with no concrete evidence other than the relationships and backgrounds.

I don't doubt there were many threads of curruption and control running thru these relationships... but the relationship in itself is not a priori understanding of that connection


(So I don't run on praise..... I want to wipe the silly smirk off of this family's "face".) :

George H.W. Bush's Eulogy for Gerald R. Ford
Published: January 2, 2007
....Long before he arrived in Washington, Gerald Ford's word was good. During the three decades of public service that followed his arrival in our nation's capital, time and again he would step forward and keep his promise even when the dark clouds of political crisis gathered over America. After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford's word was always good....

Remember my post the other day, about CIA's Gale Allen vouching for Tom Devine, Devine being a close friend of GHW Bush and his four meetings with DeMohrenschildt after the CIA Fanboy I quoted, had claimed recently that DeMohrenschildt had left Dallas and the country almost immediately after the Walker shooting?

Tom Scully Wrote:................
Quote:CIA Fanboy Posted 14 October 2015

So, the FBI had this information on Easter Sunday, 1963. George and Jeanne DM left the USA within days, and never saw the Oswalds again.

So -- did George DM tell the CIA about the Walker shooting, if he refused to tell the FBI about the Walker shooting? .......

The China Diary of George H. W. Bush: The Making of a ...
Jeffrey A. Engel - 2011 - ‎History
But there is Mel Laird holding the behind-the-scenes press conference, saying, ... Bemis, Lias and Devine had a meeting regarding my political futurevery ...

Tom Scully Wrote:07-18-2015
...It is even more troubing than you ever suspected. I touched on it here, several years ago, but in this monring's dawn haze, I finally put it "all" together.: (Reminds me of the feeling as a kid when the surprise of a double in
a game of checkers turned into a triple jump not noticed until you almost thought the move was over, or later, when a surprise checkmate move unfolded in a chess game vs. an opponent who almost always beat me!)

How in hell could Billy Lord have fabricated this?

Cover letter, US DOJ, 15 March, 1977:

Next page:
Tom Scully_* Posted 09 July 2011 - 01:03 PM

If the letter from Billy Lord to President Carter is reliable in the form of it I've linked to in the post above, I noticed the text of it does not include a first name of "Mr. Beamis." The FBI report, however, adds "Jim" to the name, "Beamis."

Jim Allison....Jim Beamis.... The coincidental effect is that "Gerry" Fitzgerald Bemis is disappeared for the next 34 years.

NARA Record Number: 124-10370-10013
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7215&stc=1]
Next page image link.

The connections of Reader's Digest's Henry Hurt and later, Melvin Laird, to the freeport- Williams-Bemiss - Bush racketeers were not noticed, and 91 year old Bush has a sore neck, and here we are!

Civic leader, conservation advocate FitzGerald Bemiss dies ...
Feb 9, 2011 - Civic leader, conservation advocate FitzGerald Bemiss dies at 88 .... Mr. Bemiss, known to his friends as "Gerry," eventually became a Republican, ... George H.W. Bush the men were in each other's weddings and Rep......

Quote:Excerpted from Joan Mellen's book, "Our Man in Haiti" :

....In New York, Chalres met with kenaf partner, Joe Dryer. Charles had sent a limousine to the hotel to pick up Dryer and his partner, Clark Cassidy. Dryer recounts that he and Cassidy both were fond of Charles. Charles had a secretary with him, a woman who, as Dryer knew through his own intellligence connections, had been planted on Charles by CIA.

In the late 1970's, Dryer told the House Select Committee on Assassinations that Charles had "many connections" with the Central Intelligence Agency. He added that George de Mohrenschildt had "some intelligence connection," although he professed not to know with which country. It seems clear that CIA held both Clemard Joseph Charles and George de Mohrenschildt within its radar, destined for some role in Haiti's political future....

....To Dryer now, in 1963, Charles described George de Mohrenschildt as his "business associate," adding that de Mohrenschildt had an appointment with Vice President Johnson.

A generous man, Dryer supplied Clemard Joseph Charles with some useful letters of introduction, testaments to his character. Senator Kenneth Keating..... to Democratic Congressman Paul Rogers of Florida.....

The 1961 article at this link includes Dryer's partner Clarke Cassidy as one of those Clemard Charles met during
his 1961 trip to NYC.:

HSCA: "(70) In May 1978 the committee received information that a stock-broker in Palm Beach, Fla., had known George de Mohrenschildt in Haiti. The information came from Jack Cogswell of Palm Beach.According to Cogswell, he ran into Joseph Dryer, who is a stockbroker with Loeb R, Rhodes R Co. in Palm Beach and Dryer offered informa-tion about George de Mohrenschildt.(172)"
James Kelsey Cogswell III was a CIA asset who was the first cousin of Catherine Hull. Obit.:
Her mother was Cogswell's aunt, Bianca Cogswell Clement. Cousin Catherine worked for OSS during WWII. Her husband was Capt. Harry Hull roomed with DeMohrenschildt in DC in 1942. Paul Joachim said DeMohrenschildt left and then returned weeks later.
Retired Admiral Joachim was victim of never solved Oct., 1962 Chicago murder.: http://www.findagrav...r&GRid=49237604
"The killer searched Joachim's pockets after he was felled, walked away, then returned to search them again. A money clip containing $35 was untouched."

Rochester Journal Dec 19, 1936
"In leading parts were Charles Boswell, Buddy Kitchen, Hawley Ward, Tom Devine. Julian Fitch, Martin Sher, Mike Mulligan, Peter Dryer,…"

Misadventures of a Fly Fisherman: My Life with and Without Papa
Jack Hemingway 1987
"I made contact with Joe Dryer and his brother, Peter, who was sharing digs with him in an apartment near the Malecon on the edge of old Havana. Their project sounded interesting, but there was no place in it for me.."

Tom Scully Wrote:..........

[Image: EdwardGordonHookerYale45.jpg]
The testimony of George S. De Mohrenschildt was taken at 10 a.m. on April 22, 1964,
Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. .....-I should go in the oil business on my own, really in the oil business, drilling and producing, which was interesting to me. And then I recalled that my exnephew, Eddie Hooker, in New York, asked me to go in business with him. He had visited me in Colorado and was very much interested in the work I had done. I gave him a telephone call from some place in Oklahoma.
I said, "Eddie, how about it?"
He was working for Merrill Lynch at the time.
And he said, "George, I am ready. I am tired of Merrill Lynch."
Mr. JENNER. Merrill Lynch, Fenner and Beane at that time?
Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes. "I am tired of that Merrill Lynch, Fenner and Beane."
We formed a limited partnership together.
Mr. JENNER. And that is the partnership of Hooker and De Mohrenschildt?
Mr. JENNER. And that was when--1950?
Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes; I think so---1950.
Mr. JENNER. And did it last very long?
Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. It lasted, I think, 3 years.
Mr. JENNER. About 2 years?
Mr. De MOHRENSCHILDT. 2 or 3 years......

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7286&stc=1]
[Image: quote_icon.png] Originally Posted by Tom Scully [Image: viewpost-right.png]
Godfrey's son, Godfrey A. Rockefeller, resided with Bush, the Macomber brothers, and Ed Hooker in the AUV
secret society house at .
Miss Alexandra Mills Is Bride of TJ Devine
- New York Times - Apr 15, 1973
Miss Alexandra Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wynne Mills of Locust ... William B. Macomber Jr., United States. Ambassador to Turkey, was best man. ...
Alexandra Mills to Marry in April
- New York Times - Jan 21, 1973
... Miss Alexandra Mills, to Thomas James Devine of New York, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. ... Mr. Devine is with Train, Cabot Associates, a company here. ...

Louise Wolcott Hooker Dodge - First cousin of Senator Jay (John D IV) Rockefeller's grandfather Elon Huntington Hooker, and grandmother of Thomas J. Devine.‎
[Image: PriscillaCoitDevineSigmaChiFall1944_46Issue2.jpg]

Students Don Ear Muffs to Shut Out Band Music
Daily Boston Globe - Aug 14, 1947

... rhumba music yesterday asked the Boston Licensing Board to shut down
the Hotel ... one of 16 Tech students livings in the adjoining Sigma Chi
fraternity house
... Other student were Thomas Devine of Rochester who
told of taking refuge in ..

Spring 2009 - Beaver Sig - Sigma Chi Fraternity, Alpha ...‎
we visited Barbara Coit, the recent widow of another Alpha Theta Sig,. Garry Coit '46, who died in February. 2008."
Lawsuit over little bridge still cutts wide chasm in Shore town‎The Baltimore Sun
Jul 31, 1992 - ... opposing the bridge are Mr. Becker, a retired aviation lawyer; L. Garry and Barbara M. Coit, two former Central Intelligence Agency officials; .

RIF#: 104-10135-10090 (03/02/65) CIA#: 80T01357A

Found in: HSCA Segregated CIA Collection, Box 49
RIF#: 104-10135-10092 (06/18/65) CIA#: 80T01357A

Quote: of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible ...
Russ Baker - 2009 - ‎Biography & Autobiography
Some years later, Devine became Stonetex's treasurer. (When I asked Devine about his association with the Stone family, he explained that the same ground ...

Thomas Devine - Director for Stonetex Oil Corp. › U.S. › New York › New York

View Thomas J Devine's profile for company associations, background information, and partnerships. Search our database of over 100 million company and ...

Tom Scully Wrote:...........
I regret not attempting to package and sell my discovery that Oliver North's trusted courier, Rob Owen, was the son of Godfrey Stillman Rockefeller's 39 year employee, lobbyist, and PR flack, Dwight Owen, Sr. Godfrey's daughter Marion, was married to Robert G. Stone, Jr.

Quote: Deceptive Investing | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson

The Harvard Crimson

Oct 15, 2002 - Harvard's shady deal with Harken smacks of corporate decadence and irresponsibility. By The CRIMSON Staff, October 15, 2002 ... seven-member top governing board, included Robert G. Stone Jr. '45 among its members. Stone ... yet students and Faculty have no meaningful input in the selection of the ...

His son, Godfrey Anderson Rockefeller was a member of Bush's Andover secret society, A.U.V. and he married Constance Vauclain Hamilton, raised by her grandfather, Samuel, president of Baldwin Locomotive and Remington, Eddystone.: .....

"His name was George Bush," Phil Kendrick, Harken's founder, said. "That was worth the money they paid him."

Stuart Watson, who was a member of Harken's board of directors at the time of the Spectrum deal, echoed that view in a 1994 interview with a reporter for the Dallas Morning News. "George was very useful to Harken," Watson said. "He would have been more so if he had had funds, but as far as contacts were concerned, he was terrific."

Indeed, once Bush signed on, business at Harken began to pick up.
When Harken bought out Spectrum 7, the company was broke and desperately needed a cash infusion. As the talks with Spectrum 7 progressed, Harken officials were lining up a major new financial backer: Harvard Management Company, Inc. The investment firm's only client is Harvard University; it manages the school's multibillion-dollar endowment.
A month after Bush came on board, Harvard Management agreed to invest at least $20 million in Harken. It would eventually come to own some ten million shares of Harken's stock, making it one of the company's largest investors.
The Bush name may have helped seal the deal.
Michael Eisenson, a partner in Harvard Management Company who sat on Harken's board of directors, said that he and other Harvard officials picked Harken after reviewing several proposals from energy companies. "Harken management seemed capable and honest," Eisenson said.
The Bush name certainly would have made an impression on Eisenson's boss, Robert Stone, Jr., who was one of Harvard Management's directors. Stone was "the driving force" behind Harvard's Southwest oil and gas investments, according to Scott Sperling, who worked with Eisenson at Harvard. Stone himself was a player in the Texas oil and gas industry; at the time, he was the chairman of Kirby Exploration, an oil and gas transportation company based in Houston. As a longtime resident of Greenwich, Connecticut, he also knew the Bushes. His father-in-law, Godfrey Rockefeller, had invested in George Bush's oil drilling ventures in the late 1940s. Stone's brother, Galen L. Stone, was the U.S. envoy to Cyprus during the first Reagan-Bush Administration. In 1980 and 1988 he contributed to the elder Bush's presidential campaigns. And like Bush's uncle Jonathan, Stone had been on the board of directors of Russell Reynolds Associates. (Stone did not return the Center's telephone calls.).....

On a less interesting note;
John Pic's brother-in-law was Howard Johnson's driver.:
John Edward Ebel died on Saturday, June 23, 2012, after a short illness and an extraordinary 91-year life. Born July 27, 1920 to German immigrant parents Adam and Adelaide Ebel, he grew up in New York City with three brothers and three sisters. John enlisted in the U.S. Navy when our nation was attacked in World War II. His ship survived numerous Kamikaze air attacks and was one of the lead vessels in a daring night raid into Tokyo Harbor when a Navy task force destroyed a Kamikaze airplane factory. When the war ended, John was honorably discharged and returned home to meet Doris Elizabeth Fuhrman and the two were married only a few months later. They had three children. John was a chauffeur, working for hotel and restaurant founder Howard Johnson for more than a decade in the 1960s. In 1973, John and Doris moved to Palm Beach County, where John worked at The Breakers Resort in Palm Beach. Three things kept John healthy: love of family and friends, walking and swimming. He spent each summer at Lake George, NY, with his children and grandchildren. On his 90th birthday, he swam a half-mile there. Following Doris's death in 2001, John moved to Century Village in West Palm Beach, and stayed physically fit by walking and swimming almost daily, despite the use of a walker. He valued hard work and a job well done. He enjoyed driving and did so over hundreds of thousands of miles with his family throughout the United States. He did solo driving trips to New York into his 80s. He lived the last year of his life at the Noreen McKeen nursing home in West Palm Beach, where he touched many with his smile and laugh. John beamed with pride when he discussed his children and their success. He is survived by his daughter, Joan Migliardi (John), who is retired from American Airlines; and two sons, John Joseph Ebel (Nancy), an attorney in Easthampton, NY, and Peter Ebel (Kristin), a lieutenant with the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. He is also survived by seven grandchildren ........

Quote: Tom Scully - Posted 13 October 2009 -

More on Joseph F. Dryer, Bob Kleberg's family background and his sister's spouse and son.
Joseph F. Dryer 3d To Marry April 25 - Jan 18, 1981
... Mr. and Mrs. Dryer Jr. of Palm Beach, are the parents of the prospective bridegroom, whose father, an account executive in the Palm Beach offices of Shearson Loeb Rhoades, also is a co-owner of the Hotel Pulitzer in Amsterdam. ...

Amsterdam, Netherlands -- Prinsengracht 315-334

Heralded as the dawn of a new era for the Howard Johnson Company, work began on the Amsterdam property in August of 1968. It was "to be operated by Koluma Hotel Maatschappij N.V., a new corporation formed by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Herbert Pulitzer (Pulitzer, heir to the Pulitzer publishing empire, operated the circa 1966 Miami Beach Motor Lodge, and he is best known for his messy marriage and divorce from "Foxy Roxy").

[Image: amsterdam3.jpg]
Photograph Caption:
"President Howard B. Johnson (seated left) pinpoints Amsterdam on his map of the world for Howard Cummings, corporate executive vice president/operations; Herbert Pulitzer, license operator; Gen. Frederik Kruls, consultant to KLM Royal Dutch Airlines; and Joseph Dryer, co-operator or our first foreign facility."
Note the failure to recognize the Nassau Howard Johnson's as a foreign facility.

....Within four years of starting, Howard Johnson's had abandoned its bid to be worldwide......

BARBADOS -- Dover Beach
Billed as the company's first resort hotel, the Barbados unit was to offer 150 rooms overlooking the water. Additionally it was slated to include a free standing Restaurant designed to give the feeling of an open air pavilion.

It was to be a licensed unit operated by KLM, Herbert Pulitzer, and Joseph Dryer. However the site never became a HoJo's.

Howard Johnson's Landmark: February 1970; page 1

At the start of Pulitzer's partnership with Joseph F. Pryor, he was married to Lily:

Pulitzer's sister married Charles Bartlett's brother, David. JFK and Jackie were introduced to each other at David's wedding.

Quote: Tom Scully Posted 04 February 2009 - 02:14 PM

After learning more, recently,(thank you, Russ Baker !) about the relationship of George HW Bush's school roommate and close friend, to George de Mohrenschildt and his brother, Dimitri, I looked further into the background of Edward Gordon Hooker, and I found who the best man was at Hooker's wedding:;hl=en&um=1
… T. BUTLER BECOMES A BRIDE; She Is Wed to Edward Gordon...
- New York Times - May 24, 1946
S. . Willets Meyer of New York was best man. The ushers were George Herbert Walker Bush of Greenwich, ... Mrs. Edward Gordon Hooker David Berns. David Berns.

Hooker's best man, S. Willets Meyer, was the first cousin of the future head of covert activity at CIA, Cord Meyer, Jr.:

David F. Bartlett was an usher, along with S. Willets Meyer, in the wedding party of S. Willet's first cousin, and Cord's brother, William B. Meyer:;hl=en&um=1
MANBASSBT-BRE; Has 9 Attendants at Marriage to William B....
- New York Times - Dec 19, 1948
The usher were Cord Meyer Jr., another brother; Willetts Meyer. cousin of the bridegroom; David F. Bartlett of Hobo Sound, Fla.; Robert Watts of Mount Kisco ...

David F. Bartlett's wedding is described in books, and in accounts by his brother, Charles Leffingwell Bartlett, as the occasion where Charles first attempted to introduce two of his friends to each other, JFK and Jacqueline Bouvier:;hl=en&um=1
Gladys Pulitzer and David F. Bartlett Wed at Oyster Bay
Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - ProQuest Archiver - Jun 28, 1949
David Frost Bartlett and his bride, formerly Gladys Munn Pulitzer, granddaughter of late publisher, Joseph Pulitzer, married yesterday in garden of Pulitzer ...

Charles and his wife, Josephine Martha, were not successful in bringing JFK and Jackie together until a year later, at a small dinner party they hosted for that purpose.

In 1953, at the wedding of JFK and Jackie, both Charles and his wife Martha were included in the wedding party.
In December, 1960, Charles stood in for Jackie's absent brother-in-law and godfather, at the christening of John Jr., while Martha was John Jr.'s godmother.

The Bartlett brothers grew up on Sam Pryor's Jupiter Island and Charles was very close to Prescott and his son George Bush. Prescott gave the tip to Charles about Air Force secretary Harold Talbott that led to Bartlett's Pulitzer prize and Bartlett tipped Bush that the UN Ambassadorship was probably Bush's for the asking if Bush were to call Nixon.

Quote:Tom Scully Posted 02 June 2012
Cord Meyer Jr. Dies at 80; Communism Fighter at C.I.A

.....After her death, Mrs. Meyer's sister and brother-in-law said they saw the top C.I.A. counterintelligence officer, James J. Angleton, try to break into her home and take her diary.
Mrs. Meyer's brother-in-law, Benjamin C. Bradlee, later became executive editor of The Washington Post. The diary, which Mr. Bradlee and his wife found later that day, disclosed an affair between Mrs. Meyer and President John F. Kennedy.
While at the C.I.A., Mr. Meyer eventually became second-in-command of worldwide clandestine services. But, in the public mind, he was more associated with a number of domestic activities, some of which were denounced as ''dirty tricks'' by his critics and are prohibited today.
In 1967, the leftist magazine Ramparts disclosed that the C.I.A., under Mr. Meyer's direction, had provided money to American student groups and a literary magazine as part of an anti-Communist campaign.
Five years later, news organizations reported that he had asked a publisher to let the C.I.A. review a book that was critical of the agency before it went to press. The publisher (Cass Canfield, a close friend of Allen Dulles) was a former colleague from Mr. Meyer's days as a liberal activist.
At the agency, Mr. Meyer supervised Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, the United States government broadcasts to Eastern Europe.
Mr. Meyer wrote three books, including a memoir, ''Facing Reality,'' which reflected on his journey from an advocate of world government to his role as spymaster. For nearly 20 years ending in 1998, he was a nationally syndicated columnist; (Charles L. Bartlett split his two days per week, syndicated column space with Meyer) his work appeared frequently in The Washington Times....

HAROLD L. KORDA, FINANCIER, DIES; Was Little-Known Adviser...

‎New York Times - May 3, 1967
Harold L. Korda, a financier who had been an assistant and adviser to political figures, died of cancer yesterday at his home, 50 Sutton Place South. be held next Wednesday at 6 PM, at the apartment of David F. Bartlett, 830 Park Avenue.

Elizabeth Lambert, Teacher, Engaged to Ronald Mischner

New York Times - Nov 13, 1968
... Jack Mischner of 50 Sutton Place South, formerly of Call, Colombia. His father is president of the Korda Leasing Corporation here. Miss Lambert, an alumna of ...

CHINESE IN LEASE AT 50 CHURCH ST.; Procurement Mission [B]...[/B]

‎New York Times - Jun 13, 1960
Time-Life Lease The Korda Leasing Corporation, leasers of Industrial equipment, has taken space in the Time and Life Building, Avenue of the Americas (Sixth .
The Douglas A/B-26 Invader
Civil Registration:

Korda Leasing Corp, New York, NY, 1963-1964.
- Registered as M4050A.
- Gear collapsed during landing, Madison, WI, Aug. 20, 1964.

Washington confidential: Volume 1184 Jack Lait, Lee Mortimer - 1951 - 310 pages - Snippet view
There are many of these bread-and-butter lawyers who accomplish what all the
politicians and five-percenters can't, because they really know the law.
For instance, one prominent politico told us that while few tax cases are
"fixed" at the Washington level, many a fearful and repentant chiseler has
been fleeced by smart operators who told him they were wonder-workers.
For results, he recommended two relatively unknown but very successful
practitioners, Bert B. Rand, Washington-wise attorney, and Nathan Wechsler,
hard-hitting, astute CPA, because they had the staff and experience to meet
the government on an equal basis. Similarly, in the field of constitutional
law and the intricacies of corporation procedure, and claim work, they look
up Loring Black, a former Congressman from Brooklyn, who retired from the
House in 1934. One young fellow who can do more for you in Washington with
less fanfare doesn't make it his business. He is Hal Korda, onetime
newspaperman, who has many powerful friends on both sides. When the Dems
found out he knew Republicans, and vice versa, they began to use him as a
channel to square things they didn't want to talk about directly to each
other, and he secured campaign contributions for both. Many members of
Congress lobby, legitimately, for their own communities,....,2578871
Herald-Journal - Aug 23, 1956
He was usually accompanied on his festive rounds by a dark, intent young man
named Hal Korda. Korda had been connected with Estes' Senatorial ... TGhen, when Estes made front pages,
Korda began to solicit funds for "Kefauver for President."
...For a campaign contribution of 5 G's (Korda) he could arrange it so the Mercury's then owner,
wealthy Clendennin Ryan, a reformer never known to shun publicity, could sit on the dias at the hearings....

AMBASSADOR GETS ITS LICENSE BACK; Theatre Commissioner [B]...[/B]

‎New York Times - Aug 25, 1943
Hal Korda of Metro has been appointed executive assistant to BP Schulberg, After spending t/lree months on the Coast, where he supervised the "Claudia"

HAROLD L. KORDA, FINANCIER, DIES; Was Little-Known Adviser...

New York Times - May 3, 1967
Harold L. Korda, a financier who had been an assistant and adviser to political figures, died of cancer ... His age was 46. ... His anonymity was by design.

President Kennedy: Profile of Power - Page 300 Reeves - 2011 - 800 pages - Google eBook - Preview

That night at 11:00 pm, Charlie Bartlett's friend, who was Hal Korda, a public relations man at US Steel, called Bartlett and said Blough was about ready to surrender. Bartlett called the White House, but the President was downstairs at ...

....... Help Wanted A Democratic Presidential

Page 4, Logansport Pharos Tribune, September 1, 1954
In 1950 Esles Kefauver introduced me to young fellow named Hal Korda who he said had practically ed me Now this aiy stery young man who once raised dough for Kefauver has a con servative Democrat bankroll looking for a candidate to stop Estes In the 56 convention He says they want no one ties to Eleanor Roosevelt Harry Dexter White the ADA internationalists or Figures Senator McClellan would have been okay if he didnt come from Arkansas and hadnt tangled with Joe How about Shivers
March 1963 President Kennedy's Schedule

The President next met with Edward Patterson, Charles Bartlett, Spencer Mosley, and Hal Korda. The President's next meeting was with Rusk, McNamara and .

U.S. news & world report: Volume 56 1964 - Snippet view
HOW LBJ IS WOOING BUSINESSMEN Within a period of 36 hours, he made a free-wheeling, one-hour speech to the Chamber of Commerce of the US, received a group of financial authorities, and served as host as well as principal speaker at a black-tie dinner in the White House for about 60 top businessmen and their wives. At the Chamber of Commerce meeting, Mr. Johnson laid aside a 15-minute prepared speech and talked off the cuff for an hour. Businessmen were treated to the Johnson wit, political philosophy, and even a bit of good-natured scolding about business's "martyr complex." A laugh a minute. The President clearly enjoyed himself, and to all appearances his audience did too. By one count, he was interrupted 60 times by applause or laughter or both. Mr. Johnson then returned to the White House to receive a task force of
John R. Kimberly, pres., Kimberly-Clark Corporation. Harold Korda, pres., Korda Leasing Corporation. Ralph Lazarus, pres., Federated Department Stores.
Covers 1-4
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
The Council of Economic Advisors under President Johnson [microform] / project ..... mainly of the files of Ackley and Okun (see the Source and Editorial Note on page ix of ..... Levinson; Stanley H. Ruttenberg; John P. Lewis; Harold L. Korda.

BTW, Brian, it is probably still not too late for you to turn and run in the opposite direction, as fast as you can!

Attached Files
.jpg   01312013-dryer-5.jpg (Size: 92.84 KB / Downloads: 34)
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
Tom Scully Wrote:Also Brian, your exuberance is breath taking. After awhile, the "input" you'll receive, your own record of contribution to the cause notwithstanding, will tend to make you run out of gas...... Once you've been punched enough in the gut, you'll wonder why they minimize or so quickly forget what you think are your important discoveries.

lol - yeah, I hear you. This (your post) is a tremendous amount of research, lots of reading.

I haven't contributed anything yet, except for a little info on Boise B Smith maybe - like you it seems, I end up finding a lot of stuff in the society columns. Wink

Quote:BTW, Brian, it is probably still not too late for you to turn and run in the opposite direction, as fast as you can!

Ha ha - no, my job is only to bring a little structure to all this. There is structure in these linkages, that's the very reason they're important, yes? So, what we need is a convenient way to represent these relationships. It's hard reading lots of words in print, but it's easier looking at a picture or a diagram. For instance in your post George de Mohrenschildt is one of the central figures, and others like Clemard are peripheral figures (at least as far as the JFK part of it is concerned) - all that's needed is a simple way to represent the relationships. That's easy, isn't it?

There's benefit in that, because once you have things in graphical form you can very easily identify where the missing pieces are. (Much easier that way, than sifting through lots of words). For instance, if Clemard knew he was talking to a CIA man that means there's a handler someplace. Was it his secretary? Put her on the list of possibles. It generates issues for further research, and they're very specific issues and questions, unlike the broad-thought conspiracy bit which tends to hover on the vague. There's a whole set of people who are only important because they relate to George de Mohrenschildt, and the reason we're researching them is because we're trying to find out more about George de Mohrenschildt. So, we need to represent that. That's easy too.

A person such as yourself who ends up doing a lot of research on names and relationships, should benefit greatly from an interactive tool that can represent the relationships between people. And, this type of research should be readily available to the public, instead of people having to sift through forum posts to get to it. If you're reading through something, the most common thing is, you get to wondering if someone might have known someone else, and is it possible they might have been able to share some information. You should be able to go straight to the Who's Who and get the answer. Did David Atlee Phillips know anyone in Dallas? Answer: yes. He was a member of the Dallas Petroleum Club. At the same time Jack Crichton was a member, the director of the Dallas Emergency Operations Center. And, we could show the list of the other membership, with a little + sign next each one that you can expand into a list of relationships, that kind of thing. Almost like a "namebase", but with personal relationships instead of publications. Anyway, it's just one of many thoughts, but that's the general idea, these things need to be "easy", not complex. Webs of personal relationships need to be made "accessible" to the layman, and maybe the easiest way to do that is in graphical form. I don't know, that's one of the things we could discover from doing an exercise like this.

And lastly then, a Who's Who is agnostic to conspiracies or lone nuts or whatever, it's just a list of names and relationships. I don't see why anyone would want to clobber a Who's Who, it's just as useful for the dedicated conspiracy theorists as it is for the government shills. I would pointedly keep "theories" out of the list, that's a whole separate section that has nothing to do with "people". The purpose of a Who's Who is specifically people and biographies of people and relationships between people. It has to be able to handle all of the basic situations one finds with people, like multiple people with the same name, multiple aliases for the same person, people identified with groups and multiple groups at the same time, all that kind of thing.

There are two situations I've found are "common" when doing research into people, one is you find "nothing" and you really have to dig, and the other is you find "fluff" and you have to work to separate the little bit that's helpful from the volume that's not. The most common thing is you read a name you've never heard of and you want some background, so both those situations are equally annoying. If you could just get a reliable "wiki-page" type summary with a little biography and links for further information, that would be a step beyond what's available today. (Stuff like Spartacus is okay, but there's only 100 names on those pages, could be more helpful from a people-research standpoint).

If fluff ever becomes an issue, it's easy to triage the data, I could think of several ways of doing that right off the bat, either before during or after data entry. For instance, if the person isn't directly involved in a JFK-related event then they're deemed "less important". If they're the second cousin of a CIA big-wig but there's no other information that relates them directly to the JFK case, then maybe they go to the second tier of importance, that kind of thing.

So, you and me, would make great development partners, because you're the end user so you're in the best position to say what the convenient representations are. Like for instance, reading through your post, I'd probably say, "Show me this in a nutshell". The first time I see it, I probably don't want to read through the detailed supporting evidence, however if I'm really interested I should be able to push the "expand" button and see it.

How can I say this... Mary Ferrell doesn't really have any of this, at this level. You can type in a name and all you get is text references, and frankly they're great for testimony but they don't tell you anything about the rest. RIF's don't do me much good either, when I want information on Boise B Smith. One of the very big advantages of a Who's-Who-type format is that you can put placeholders in there saying "We Simply Don't Know" (like, oh look, Smith's counterpart Crichton was a member of the 488th military reserve, was Smith a member too? "We simply don't know." Who else was a member? "We simply don't know, but here's a list of the few people we know about.")

If we do this right, we'll spend a lot of time digitizing the Batchelor Exhibit. (For instance). Because, what'll happen is, we'll want to capture all those relationships. The DPD "Homicide and Robbery Division" becomes and important entity in its own right. The "Intelligence Division" has properties and features that no other division has. There are orders affecting entire divisions at a time, that kind of thing. Just f'r instance. Most of it's pretty straightforward though, there's a few things that need to be fleshed out at that level, like maybe the TSBD employment structure, maybe the composition of the SS and the FBI through its local offices (ie which officer was a local and which came from HQ), and so on.

It's a finite amount of work. It's not that daunting. It's not "me" who should running anyway - 'cause I'm just the software guy, it's you who knows the names and therefore it's you who has to structure the data. And, as long as you're going to do all that work anyway, you might as well do it in a useful way so others can access it too, and so it'll be around for all time in a public place. You're the researcher, I'm just the software guy, my job is to make your job as easy as possible, and as efficient as possible. The tool's supposed to work for you, and yes I benefit too (to the extent that I get involved in actual research, I get to be one of the end users too).

But look... we (the Research Community) probably need to start thinking in these terms. We're perceived as being in complete disarray, going off in a million directions with a million conspiracy theories and no structure. The information we're dealing with is in a thousand different places, it's disorganized, you practically have to be a lifetime researcher to access some of it (much less make sense of it)... we (the Research Community) really need to start changing some of this. And as far as being "just another JFK site", the only thing I can say about that is, "lead by example". Advertisements like "JFK Case Resolved!" just make a mockery out of the people creating them. By the same token, McAdams has become its own kind of laughing stock over the years. It's time for something new, something with a new look and feel, and something with a new layer of credibility. IMO.
Brian Castle Wrote:.....There's a whole set of people who are only important because they relate to George de Mohrenschildt, and the reason we're researching them is because we're trying to find out more about George de Mohrenschildt. So, we need to represent that. That's easy too......


Oswald is only important because Gerry Ford sez he was, and Gerry Ford was a man of his word!

Quote:....After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford's word was always good…."

I have to disagree. Oswald - DeMohrenschildt - Devine seems the most interesting chain, but Devine does not even
channel exclusively through DeMohrenschildt, which is what I find most fascinating about the Hooker Devine Bush "folder". Devine comes in several other flavors. He arrives at M.I.T. to bunk in the Sigma Chi frat house with 16 others. One is Garry Coit. Weeks later, Coit leaves temporarily for US Navy radio school. Two weeks after that, Devine and another of the 17 leave temporarily for US Navy radio school. This is described in the 1945 edition of their frat newsletter, "Beaver Sig".

Quote:[PDF]The Beaver Sig - Sigma Chi Fraternity, Alpha Theta Chapter
school; Brother Coit enlisted in the Naval Radio Training Pro- gram. Fall Term, 1944. Shortly after the inception of the fall term of 1944, Brothers. Devine and ...

1962, Garry Coit is assigned as Priscilla Johnson CIA contact. He conducts two days of interviews with her at the end of January, 1964, weeks after the assassination. The following year, he sends her a good-bye letter, informing her who her new CIA contact would be. She told either the HSCA or the ARRB she was unaware he was CIA. She also said she had no CIA contact known to her. She put Marina in fall 1964 twice in the hospitality of her first cousin, "CIA man" David C. Davenport.

In 1973, after much criticism for allowing Howard Hunt access to classified state department cables of period when Diem was assassinated in Vietnam without verifying Hunt's clearance and Hunt was caught forging one of the cables to implicate JFk in Diem's murder, William B. Macomber, Jr., best man in Bush's sister's 1946 wedding is sent to Turkey to distance him from congressional inquiry. Macomber comes back to the U.S. from his new ambassadorial assignment in Turkey to serve as best man in Tom Devine's wedding on Jupiter Island.
Quote:[PDF]Clearance N at Questioned

E. Howard Hunt Jr. ob~. 'tain'ed copies of 240 ... Dinh Diem of South Viet- nam. The new ... as distinct from the coup. to overthrow ... Macomber could not recall a.

I notice one of your new friends was asking about this. I was banished by him, falling out of disfavor after defending one who disagreed with and was targeted (demonized, complete with a devil's horns caricature) by his confident circle.

1960, Macomber had been in charge of the Department of State security office and was former OSS, CIA and chief of staff of Warren Commission and bonesman, John Sherman Cooper. Before State Security, he had been CIA liason to State Dept. and a close aide of John Foster Dulles. He married Phyllis Bernau, Dulles's personal secretary. Here he is asking about defectors which included Oswald, and Otepka is a subject of a hand written note. So, both Macomber and Otepka had early awareness of Oswald.

Link to 1960 defector inquiry document addressed to Macomber displayed in image below.:
Quote:'Tom Scully', on 29 Jul 2009 - 05:05 AM, said:[Image: snapback.png][URL=""]
[URL=""]....In between my two Mary Ferrell links in my old post quoted below, I had inserted a link to this document:

[Image: 3768659684_4b5737b120_o.jpg]

In view of what we now know about William Butts Macomber Jr.; that he was a close friend of Prescott Bush, his son-in-law Alexander Ellis, Bush cousin Harry Walker, and of Thomas J. Devine, it seems even more important to point out that he was aware of Oswald's name and background in 1960. Macomber either commissioned the "survey" of defection statistics, or was one of a small group of principals who requested it. Doesn't it seem convenient, in the scheme of the subsequent chain of events, that this "study" was undertaken?

Joan Mellen wrote about the background of the document displayed above, but did not mention Macomber's name in her essay, only in her notes:[/URL]

Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - ProQuest Archiver - Nov 4, 1956 (Front page, below political cartoon.)
A dip- assistant, William B. Macomber and two other aids, and Allan Dulles, brother and head of the central intelli. genre agency, also were pres- ent. ...

Page 2, top:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7615&stc=1]

Aside from being a board member of Bush's A.U.V. secret society member Godfrey A. Rockefeller's sister Marion Stone's husband Robert's Stonetex petroleum co., founded in 1950, I thought the other reason Tom Devine was such a trusted insider was because his grandmother was first cousin of John D. Rockefeller III's wife Blanche Hooker's father.
Tom Scully - 06 April, 2013[/URL]

Thomas J. Devine's maternal grandmother was the first cousin of John D. Rockefeller III's wife's father. (Note that he is buried in same cemetery as Devine's mother and grandmother.) :

Louise Wolcott Hooker Dodge

Charlotte W. Dodge Devine (1895 - 1956)

Charlotte W. Dodge Devine

Brian, please contrast (weigh) these details, vs. speculation over a photo that looks like Bush leaning against the TSBD or standing on Elm St. in front of the stopped press bus. Recall that I linked North's "CIA courier" fresh out of Quayle's office with no related experience or track record, suddenly a key intel operative with a daddy who was employed by Godfrey Stillman Rockefeller as his lobbyist and company spokesman for 39 years.

I post the description and first page of Oswald's boat to Europe bunkmate, Billy Lord, implicating Bush and tying him to one of
Bush's closest friends, Fitzgerald Bemiss. Reader's Digest Henry Hurt was the person Lord accused of using "Bush Jr.'s" name
as part of a threat to Lord's continued employment. I found that Bemiss was related to Hurt's wife who was the niece of Freeport
Sulphur's chairman, Langbourne Williams. Williams used Jock Whitney's money to accomplish a hostile takeover of Freeport.

Gale Allen generated a CIA document that states that Devine read Bush in to some details of the secret OP, Wubriny, a component'of which was interviewing DeMohrenschildt, and under this OP, Devine had at least four contacts with DeMohrenschildt
in April-May, 1963. Prescott Bush invited Macomber to JFK's senate oath swearing ceremony.

I cannot emphasize enough that the purpose of seeking and presenting these details is to use the odds that there is too much presented for it to all be dismissed as coincidence, to pressure certain folks into deliberating whether to leave all this unaddressed and go out with "Jerry Ford was a man of his word, blah, blah, blah....." or to choose another option.
I like to think I have much less to lose than Dan Rather did, and I can prove what I present, and he could not quite get there.

Can you post with a straight face that GHW Bush is not at the center of all of these connections, from Edward Gordon Hooker to
Devine? I am not an Oswald advocate, but in a real sense, Oswald is what Gerry Ford and GHW Bush, et al, were trying to sell us.
I want to influence their legacies so as to wrap their Oswald accusations and related narrative as an albatross around their necks.
They don't have to be laid out next to Oswald to become history's Nick Beef's.

Attached Files
.jpg   MacomberDulles1956.jpg (Size: 86.89 KB / Downloads: 25)
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
Tom Scully Wrote:Brian,

Oswald is only important because Gerry Ford sez he was, and Gerry Ford was a man of his word!

Quote:....After a deluded gunman assassinated President Kennedy, our nation turned to Gerald Ford and a select handful of others to make sense of that madness. And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford's word was always good…."

Yep, and Jerry Ford assured the country in the 1976 debate with Carter that Eastern Europe was not under Soviet domination, and never would be while he was president!
Well, I watched the whole video, "Rich Man's Trick"... it kinda has me thinking till the part about the JFK assassination, then I couldn't help busting out in laughter. It was like that Onion thing, a combination of every conspiracy theory ever invented. "They're all true[/u]" (except for the part about the space aliens, it didn't mention that one.... lol).

Once again, I'm running into the same pattern I've found with a lot of this internet-driven information, it's like people repeating and transmitting the same old conjectures over and over again but no source evidence. The video has one of the most astounding portrayals of the 488th reserve MIG I've ever heard, there's a specific claim it was privately funded, which I've never heard and I have no idea how anyone would get that information in the first place, and secondly they make claims about the membership that go well beyond anything in PDS or Baker's books....

So this, to me, is disinformation. This is an embellishment of what may have a kernel of truth in it. My purpose is to get to the kernel of truth, I care not for Military Industrial Complex fairy tales, any more than I'd care for Warren Commission fairy tales.

I have yet to see a list of the membership of the 488th. Can anyone point me to one?

I have yet to see any confirmation of Fabian Escalante's claim that Bush and Crichton were working together on the private funding of Operation 40. Is anyone aware whether this claim can be independently corroborated?

To the best of my knowledge, in 1960 when Eisenhower (and Nixon) left office the 488th was still called the "Strategic" Intelligence "Detachment", and I'd like to know exactly when and why its name was changed. My reasoning is, this must correspond with the period during which the focus of the 488th shifted from petroleum to subversives. Jack Crichton specifically states in his oral history that "50 to 100" Dallas police officers were involved in the activities of the 488th, including the "entire intelligence division" (I take the word "entire" euphemistically). However we know only a very few specific names: Lumpkin, Westbrook, Gannaway, Revill... and we have to acquire those names on an individual basis by getting lucky, reading society columns or civil defense information or some such thing. There's no list, that I know of.

So like, the video weaves this whole very plausible story in which it mentions the communications facilities of the 488th, and then links that group to right wing extremists like John Birchers - well.... I don't believe the makers of that video had any idea whatsoever about the communications facilities that may or may not have been controlled by the 488th.

And I should also mention, that all the aforementioned members of the 488th were busy that day, attending to little things like the Kennedy assassination and the Tippit shooting.... so.... who was manning the communications facilities?

I'll predict right here and now, that a few months from now you'll start seeing Boise B Smith's name associated with this particular activity, just because someone read his name in print here next to Crichton's. Trust me, it'll happen. The next time they make a movie like this, you'll see the little still of Boise Smith standing there next to the bomb blast doors of the Emergency Operations Center, and there'll be some verbiage about the "communications facilities".

This is the kind of stuff that sends the investigation backwards, in my opinion. This is why I'm so adamant about seeing the source material with my own two eyes.

Since when is a military reserve detachment "privately funded"? Since never. What they could (and did) do was piggyback on ongoing business operations, so if a guy like de Mohrenschildt was going to Haiti anyway, they'd have him do a little business while he was there - but even that would usually be reimbursed in some way, in kind if not in cash. The US government is very generous with our money, there wouldn't have been any need to privately fund an outfit engaged in petroleum research. There's not even anything very "black" about it, nothing secret about monitoring other countries' petroleum purchases.

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