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Edward J. Epstein weighs in on O'Reilly - De Mohrenschildt (Yee Haa!)

O'Reilly's JFK Reporting Was Impossible. I Know Because I Was There

By Edward Jay Epstein / March 9, 2015 1:06 PM EDT

Newsweek! Note that Oswald is described as the "alleged" assassin. We move forward an inch. It's only an inch but still...Cheers
Richard Coleman Wrote:O'Reilly's JFK Reporting Was Impossible. I Know Because I Was There

By Edward Jay Epstein / March 9, 2015 1:06 PM EDT

Newsweek! Note that Oswald is described as the "alleged" assassin. We move forward an inch. It's only an inch but still...Cheers

This could be something of a breakthrough.

"De Mohrenschildt? Friend of LHO? Why haven't I ever heard of him before? He killed himself just before being interviewed? By an assassination investigation? In 1978??!! But LHO was the lone assassin, yes? What would this guy have to do with it and why would anybody be interested in him at that late date? And what do they mean "alleged" assassin? And what the hell reason did he have to kill himself over?"

I may be a cockeyed optimist, but this just might be an important wedge in bringing the conspiracy to the attention of the American people in a big way, and debunking the LN fiction.
Some people think Epstein helped set-up DeMohrenschildt.
Since he wrote LEGEND, Epstein has seemed to believe that there was a Communist conspiracy behind JFK's death. Does he still think that?
LEGEND is still valuable for all of the interviews he did with Oswald's fellow Marines, though he was also under the spell of James Angleton by that time.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Some people think Epstein helped set-up DeMohrenschildt.

Count me in there. He's a spook. I was amazed that CNN gave this story such coverage. While in Costa Rica we had CNN on one night and they were playing Fonzi and Billo's taped conversations. We could not get Fox down there so I don't know what Billo has said about all of this. Just got in late last night.
He skipped it and after making no comment later referred to it as having already been covered.

The US Government and media have moved on from having to answer to things like lies and crimes.

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