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A Short Overview, thoughts appreciated
You gotta love supporting evidence, don'tcah? I mean, lets for a moment forget about what my father shared with me on the day he was killed, and look at a much bigger picture.

Mrs. Lorenz's story was dropped by researchers just as fast as it was over by trial in Miami. Lack of evidence. A short recap of her story implicates Frank Sturgis, Orlando Bosch, Pedro Diaz Lanz, two unnamed Cubans and Lee Oswald.

In her movie she names the same individuals, but also adds Hemming.

Hemming denies going to Dallas, but admits there was a caravan, and he was invited to go by Pedro Diaz Lanz and his brother Marcos Diaz Lanz.
Are you with me so far?

Enter Hunt's deathbed confession to his son St. John Hunt. Hunt starts off by saying "I heard from Frank", and admits he was a bench warmer on the "Big Event", but what Hunt does is go a step further and implicates David Morales, Frank Sturgis, a French gunman and LBJ.

Hunt says, "I have a reputation for honesty", but lets face it, he also generated false cables. Was he just a pro at propaganda for the CIA? Maybe? Who knows how far he really decided to tell the truth in his deathbed confession to his son.

Then enter's Mr. Micheal Canfield who shows photos to Dallas police officer Seymour Weitzman who identifies Barnard Barker as the Secret Service agent standing at the Grassy Knoll while all other SS agents left to Parkland Hos.

Now, you have Rudy Junco who says he drove my father to the CIA Headquarters in Miami where my father impersonates a CIA agent to gain access of the premises where he steals the only known photographs of Frank Sturgis, Howard Hunt, Gordon Liddy, David Morales and Barnard Barker, there is no photos of Lee Oswald, Hemming, the Diaz Lanz brother's, Orlando Bosch, or two unnamed Cubans.

However, the story Mrs. Lornez told the FBI their document says there were.

Finally, there is a mountain of questionable evidence that seems to indicate the following. In my father's address book there is two entries of Lee. The first Lee appears to be the brother of Elias Chajet, Elias was a long time friend of Barnard Barker for ten years, and is introduced to Frank Sturgis by my father, the first Lee was in the hospital for having what my father called "blood sickness" when he meant leukemia.

The second Lee appears above the name of Frank Fernnie aka Fiorini aka Sturgis. William Pawley then enters the picture. My father quotes Pawley saying "spending my money on getting rid of Kennedy was my best investment".

Wasn't Pawley working with Morales?

My father enters the United States on January 1960, and devotes his life to the arm services. My father is given a French Visa, then almost immediately gets involved with stealing government property, fuel and two M-2 carbines from a government vehicle during "Operation Willow Freeze" in Alaska 1961.

Those guns were never recovered by the government.

Between 1962 and 69 my father travels to Miami, Connecticut, Alaska and back to Miami.

However, there's a cable dated August 16, 1974 regarding FBI Security Supervisor from Dallas contacting a Security Supervisor in Miami about my father.
Apparently, the FBI was investigating my father, and it wasn't for impersonating an officer of the United States, he was already under investigation since 1971 for that charge.

As far as I know, my father never visited any military bases in Dallas.

This investigation would require a subpoena and three months effort to "obtain desired info". What info? Subpoena who?

Is my father confessing as to who the players involved in the Big Event were? Did my father feel somewhat guilty when he says, Five of the six men involved in Watergate were from the Bay of Pigs. 6 out of 6 from Miami. All involved at one time or another with Cuba and her problems.

I know my father was not involved in the Bay of Pigs, but he was recruited by Frank Sturgis as the sixth burglar in Watergate.

My father, Lee, perhaps, (Oswald), the Navarro brothers and Frank Sturgis all knew each other prior to 1963.

Later, my father orders a hit on Navarro for "treason", and says the U.S. government wants him assassinated. Navarro narrowly escapes while alluding two gunmen at his house.

Both Navarro brother's would later be killed in a car accident.

You have to ask yourself, whose story sounds more plausible? Courtroom drama, a deathbed confession, Seymour Weitzman, a Dallas police officer who identifies Barnard Barker, Jim Rothstein who arrest Sturgis for an attempt to commit harm to Mrs. Lorenz, Rudy Junco who says he drove my father to the CIA Headquarters or Edwin Kaiser's questionable evidence?

Or, all above?

Perhaps, the better question is whose name keeps popping up over and over again.

When Scott Kaiser receives the tapes from Howard Liebengood he'll play ALL the tapes to have a better understanding of our lost history events in order to see who's telling the truth.
On August 1973, my father is showing the photos he's kept in his briefcase to Nino Diaz, William Pawley, (do you suppose it's because Pawley viewed those photos he said what he said to my father? Then took his life after realizing he was called to testify at the HSCA?), Felix Rodriguez and Rudy Junco viewed the photos too.

Is there a reasonable explanation for all of this?
The photos my father carried around where of, Frank Sturgis, Howard Hunt, Barnard Barker, David Morales and FBI/CIA G. Gordon Liddy who's playing both sides of the fence.
My father also allows Richard Poyle to view these photos too. Edwin Kaiser then asks the United States government for protection for himself and his family, and doesn't get it, this request was made after my father backed out of a plot to assassinate president Richard Nixon, and before setting up a phony plot to assassinate Kissinger to wage war on known communist in the United States spilling over into Cuba.
Most importantly, why would my father say he couldn't trust Pawley? Could it be because my father thought that Pawley may have known more about the JFK assassination then what my father thought?
Ever thought about teaming-up with a JFK assassination expert in this area of the assassination?
Albert Doyle Wrote:Ever thought about teaming-up with a JFK assassination expert in this area of the assassination?

No, I haven't, do you know anyone? The question would be, would they consider working with me?
If none of this statements really makes any sense, or it's virtually impossible, that none of these folks including my father could possibly be involved with the assassination of the most powerful man in the world, and all facts points towards Lee H. Oswald acting as the lone assassin, please correct me, please inform me where I'm wrong, I'm here to learn.

I could throw-out everything except the fact that the word Dallas is written in my father's little black book, and the fact that Dallas was interested in my father just two years prior to the finial establishment of the HSCA.

Of all the cities in the United states from New York city to LA why would Dallas be interested in my father? Out of all the countries in the world why would Hunt mention a French gunman? Why not a German, Italian, Russian or Cuban?

Out of all the photo's my father had why Hunt's?

Out of all the tapes, documents and memos why would Liebengood not release this information to the general public? After all, being part of the Watergate committee these hearings were not all closed door sessions.

I wonder if anyone in the CIA saw the HSCA coming prior to 1976?

I'm just looking for answers.
If no one can help, then maybe, just maybe I may have the answer that might just explain everything. All of it is nothing more then just one huge coincidence. Am I right?
As I lay awake, it just dawned on me, that all the photos of the men my father had were also involved in Watergate, and because two prior assassination attempts on Nixon's life failed, Watergate didn't.

I remember my friend in Miami telling me that there were thirty "frogmen" stationed in Moa Bay Cuba when president Nixon shut it all down. It seemed as though they all had "high hopes" with Nixon, and they felt betrayed (again).

Nixon had to go, when Obama announced his foreign policy deal he was trying to cut with Cuba, they felted betrayed (again). Cuba, is at the top of the list for an American president, and since president JFK, no president has dared to change the United States policy towards Cuba.

God Bless America!

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