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Poking More Holes in Judyth Baker
" We have several witnesses who reported that Lee Oswald WAS in Mexico City. And at first, the CIA wanted everybody to know that. Later, probably due to emerging dangers of inciting WWIII with Russia or Cuba, denials set in. We have researchers such as Anthony Summers, along with John Armstrong and Mark Lane, saying Lee never went to Mexico Citty. Not so.I have given many details of why he was there, why he suddenly left, and why Lee was so upset when he could not enter Cuba.(though the efforts he made seemed more for drama to prove he 'tried' to filfill the mission, as he told me he had little hope of success from the moment the contact did not show up to pick upo the biological weapon...with its shiort shelf life, in a few days, it was really too late...).

Author H. p. Albarelli has never met me and dismisses me as a witness, but this won't stop me from citing what he has published in "A SECRET ORDER."
He relates the following: "[Charles Thomas, CIA, reported that]...In Sept. 1963...[Elena Garro de paz] went to a party at the home of Ruben Duran, who is married to her cousin. ..There she met Oswald, and two other young Americans who were with him." (p. 347)
Her mother also saw Lee Oswald at the party. Therefore, "[When]...they saw newspapers and the photographs of Oswald ...she {Elena} and her daughter both came to the independent conclusion that he was one of the young Americans at the Duran party." (p. 355)

"WE have several witnesses?" Okay... witness 1 & 2: the STATE dept thought Ozzie was a commie and Castro sympathizer... you think they wanted to find that PAZ was a lie?

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7940&stc=1]

Charles Thomas went on to report a good reason why his wife Silvia Duran denied that she had an association with Lee: "At the end of Jan. 1964, Ruben Duran visited Sra/ dePaz...He [Duran] said he was going to visit the United States and wanted her to protect him as much as possible whle he was away. He feared that it might be discvered that Oswald had been to his house. Since he {Duran} had been born in the United States, he knew it woukd be easy for the Mexican government to divest him of his citizenship and deport him." (p. 357-358). NOTE: In April 1971, Charles William Thomas "committed suicide" at age 45 -- if you believe the official report that he was a "desperate man" because he was fired from the CIA (with a pension).. He had not been able to be promoted in the CIA ever since his report and was eventually forced to retire. His wife said he would never do such a thing.

The Voice on the tape was not Oswald... now what?
TIRADO - No. I read yesterday, an article in the Reader's digest, and they say he was at the Consulate on three occasions. He was in Friday, Saturday, and Monday...That's not true, that's false
CORNWELL - All right. Let's try a different hypothetical. If the one in the Reader's Digest is definitely wrong, is it possible that he first came on like a Thursday, and then came back on a Friday?
TIRADO - No, because I am positively sure about it. That he came in the same day.

CORNWELL - During this period was your normal work week, did it include Saturdays?Tirado Yes.Cornwell Is it possible that, in addition to his visits on Friday, he also came back the following day on Saturday mourning?
CORNWELL - How can you be sure of that?
TIRADO - Because, uh, I told you before, that it was easy to remember, because not all the Americans that came there were married with a Russian woman, they have live(d) in Russian and uh, we didn't used to fight with those people because if you, they came for going to Cuba, so apparently they were friends, no? So we were nice to them with this man we fight, I mean we had a hard discussion so we didn't want to have anything to do with him.
CORNWELL - Okay. I understand that but I don't understand how that really answers the question. In other words, the question is, what is it about the events that makes you sure that he did not come back on Saturday, and have another conversation with you?
TIRADO - Because I remember the fight. So if he (come) back, I would have remembered.
CORNWELL - Did Azcue work on Saturdays?
TIRADO - Yes, we used to work in the office but not for the public.
CORNWELL - Was there a guard, was there a guard out here at the corner near number seven on your diagram on Saturdays?
TIRADO - Excuse me?
CORNWELL - Was there a doorman out near the area that you marked as number seven, on the diagram?
TIRADO - Yes, but on Saturday he never let people ...
CORNWELL - Never let people in.

Of Thomas, an FBI official, W. A. Branigan, wrote: "Thmas points out to the State Department that if the allegations he has received from Mrs. Paz are true, although they would not prove a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy, they would, if made public, damage the credibility of the Warren Commission. Report." (p. 358)

Unfortunately for an author writing about someone else saying something - Paz et al were shown to be the fakes they were... just like Alvarado, a CIA asset.

An FBI report was generated that said since the arty was held the night before on Oct. 1, 1963, and since Lee Harvey Oswald left Mexico City on oct. 2, 1963,, that he could not have attended the party.

Albarelli, in addition, interviewed Robert C. Buick, a notorious bank robber and bullfighter who writes very well, and has his own website that you can visit today. Buick met Lee Oswald and from him learned that JFK was going to be assassinated. Buick culd not really tell if Lee was concerned because he was going to be involved or because he had learned of the plot and felt obliged to mention it to another American. Lee tos me that he did go to a bullring, but he did not mention Buick to me. He only said he was sekeing a contact there. Buick did not meet Lee at a bullring, but, rather, at a bar, but Lee walked right up to him, he said, and asked if he was a bullfighter.
It is rather interesting, what is reported next:
"Robert Clayton Buick,: writes Albarelli, " met Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City...a note typed by [CIA asset] June Cobb in October addressed to 'DP."[Albarelli does not say so, but this may be her friend David phillips, who was Lee's handler, his betrayer, as well as being involved, Lee told me, in the plot to kill Kennedy]. What comes next isinteresting: "The note reads, 'The day after Lo [Lee Oswald] in Comercio, encountered Buick, the American bullfighter, at H. Luma. Warren [Broglie] says Buick is drawing attention here." (p. 419)
By 1966, Buick was indicted in the US for his many bank robberies, "going back to 1963."
NBote that Buick said Lee called himself b the name "Hidell." Lee told me that "Hidell" was 'a project name" and was used by others, not just by him.
(this is not the 'Charles Thomas" who was the relegated Customs Officer. who was flown in from Miami to expedite Lee's passport in only 24 hours.)
(Photo: this impersonator was identified asLee Harve Oswald by the CIA for the FBI... later, they claimed the cameras were not working at exactly the time Lee visited the Cuban Cinsuklate, where this photo was taken...] "

This photo is Mystery Man I suppose? First off the man was identified as Lee HENRY Oswald. Second, it was Anne Goodpasture with LADILLINGER (Soviet Desk officer Barbara Murphy Manell) who created the false story of this man being Oswald and claiming it was the 1st (when Ozzie was still supposed to be in MC) when in reality it was well after the FBI claims Ozzie left - the 2nd time - at 8am on the 2nd....

By the 8th of Oct they also had photos of this man from Oct 4... yet they still pushed the HENRY Oswald angle...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7943&stc=1]

The first time the FBI created evidence for his departure - the 2pm Oct 2 Frontera Bus whose manifest was created on the spot by Arturo Bosch yet was discarded as evidence due to timing conflicts for Ozzie - was scrapped. Bosch simply crossed stuff out and wrote Oswald on line 4... The manfest was actually for a diff montha nd day entirely.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7942&stc=1]

hope you noticed how all of this is first person hearsay right? Albarelli is taking the word of a thief, without a shred of evidence or proof, that he met and was told by Oswald about the JFK assassination...

This is what Judy calls "witnesses" ?? This guy Buick sounds like Hemming or Files... just enough truth to cover the mountain of crap he created from sitting in jail for 22 years

Robert Clayton Buick was charged in a twenty-two count indictment with robbing twenty-two federally insured savings and loan associations in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2113(a) and (d) (1964). Counts 19, 20, 21 and 22 were severed for a jury trial which resulted in convictions on counts 20, 21 and 22. Concurrent twenty-year sentences were imposed, subject to the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 4208(a) (2) (1964). - I was not aware that FILES had done the arwork for Buick's book - should give you some idea of it's credibility.

And when all is said and done - See if she or Albarelli know who Rafael Ochoa was and what he had to do with Mexico City Evidence....

Thanks Albert... that was fun....

Were you aware that the FBI looked all of Nov for anyone who saw him or knew he was in Mexico? Let's also remember that at that time he was just an innocent man... why would it be so hard to find the evidence of his travel within the US on his way to Mexico? I did 6 articles on Mexico at If you want to see the evidence which tries to place him in Mexico, it's there...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7944&stc=1]

Attached Files
.jpg   65-12-27 de la PAZ and her story discredited - she created the Durna Party and affair scenario.jpg (Size: 303.95 KB / Downloads: 52)
.jpg   63-10-02 CE 2527 - Frontera forgery by Bosch admitted by Hoover.jpg (Size: 637.22 KB / Downloads: 52)
.jpg   63-10-08 CIA Oct 8 cable - LEE OSWALD on Oct 1 composite with Mystery Man actual dates.jpg (Size: 420.7 KB / Downloads: 52)
.jpg   63-11-04 FBI Mexi file 105-3702 NARA 124-10230-10426 - Thorough check 11-4-63 thru 11-23 Oswald .jpg (Size: 424.1 KB / Downloads: 53)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Yeah, the referenced photo was Mystery Man.

Duran/Paz were directly related to Silvia, who was a known source of false tales produced by CIA torture.

Typical of JVB what she probably fails to realize is the Duran family would be more likely to be the source of false tales of Oswald being in Mexico that were the result of being threatened if they didn't go along. So instead of hiding the truth in order not to be deported it is more likely they lied about witnessing Oswald for the same reason.

On the flip side if the Paz story turned out to be true it might be theoretically possible that Lee was setting up Harvey in Mexico which would explain a lot of things. Maybe they didn't send Lee to the consulates and embassies because they didn't want to risk blowing the whole Dallas job that close to the Big Event. Maybe CIA would keep Lee off the radar while in Mexico because his bad Russian, after being registered by KGB as speaking good Russian, might trigger red flags. Maybe both Harvey & Lee were too smart to not realize they were being framed so they kept the Oswalds out of the Cuban and Russian set-ups. Maybe Phillips and Angleton were keeping Oswald's face off the radar in order not to create hard evidence of taggable events that would trigger higher Intel interest.

I might be wrong about this but JVB's writing above has the linguistic forensic pattern of somebody trying to weave bullshit accounts out of written sources and placing herself into them. JVB was caught lying about Mexico when she claimed Oswald told her about his Cuban Consulate visit, something all the consulate personnel contradicted when they said the man wasn't Oswald.
Baker's Reply To David Josephs

" DOES A CONTROVERSIAL WITNESS HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXIST? TO SPEAK OUT? I do not criticize "CTKA" (Citizens for Truth in the Kennedy Assassination) even though they attack me all the time, because they have put out some darned good research articles. Until NOW, that is... This time, they went too far. I am now being attacked for existing, which existence causes dissent.I'm used to their insults. But now the CTKA is telling people that because I exist, all the discussion "trivialize[s] the murder of JFK." AFTER ALL WE DO TO SHOW HOW JFK'S MURDER IS AT THE VERY ROOT OF WHY OUR COUNTRY IS IN TROUBLE TODAY.
The complaint is in a big essay against me, filled with inaccuracies and misquotes, called "POKING MORE HOLES IN JUDYTH BAKER" by "David Josephs." (if you believe this trash, you don't know me..). Have ignored them for years, but today, I'm angry. Mr.Josephs, who does a lot of research using documents and interviewing witnesses, would not descend himself to so much as ask me if the allegations he lists against me are true or not. He does good research, but in my case, it's just an attack, without even trying to contact me to get another viewpoint.
I've been speaking out since 1999, and I answer questions from any and all, as YOU well know, but no, he won't bother.
However, he will bother to collect every trivial piece of gossip and hearsay that he can, mingled with some speculations that, had he just asked, he'd get the true picture.
Instead, he's blaming me for causing dissent in the research community, when all they ever had to do was to meet me, see the evidence, hear the tapes of my witnesses, learn the truth, and join us in our growing crusade to secure justice --once and for all --for JFK and Lee Oswald.
Here's the nasty remark from the CTKA. Read it for yourself:
"In spite of it all, Baker continues to have her backers, who seem to be tireless. Eve in the face of so many problematic areas of her story. She even
appears on respectable radio programs like Pacifica's Guns and Butter. With so much good research out there today, with so many disclosures of the ARRB that have not been properly aired, this seems to us to be quite unfortunate. With so many issues around her, Baker trivializes the murder of JFK. And really, that is nothing less than a tragedy."
The essay is very long, has a lot of typos, spells Banister with two n's, and relentlessly uses old misquotes from John McAdams and his pro-Warren Commission newsgroup, who shamelessly even altered my emails, then contrasted them with what i wrote elsewhere.
Mr. Josephs also picks on my witness, Anna Lewis, because she got a date wrong about when she first met Lee. This error, after some 35 years of her silence (which also proves she was never coached) is somehow supposed to be enough to throw her out as a witness. By the way, his comment that her husband, David Lewis , was no longer working for Banister in 1963 is an outright false statement. See details in both my books (Me & Lee, and David Ferrie: Mafia Pilot) along with documents supporting.
It's just one example of the overall bias in Joseph's essay.
We need unity, not lies to keep us divided.
Here's another example of his careless mishandling of the facts, because he never read DAVID FERRIE: MAFIA PILOT, nor did he ever at any time contact me:
sing HSCA testimony by her father, years after the event, Josephs declares that Mary Morgan (now Mary Morgan Jenkins) 'never saw an old car' and also insists that there was never a woman in the old car, even though the HSCA statement was not made by Mary.
Indeed Mary Morgan Jenkins is ON RECORD IN MY BOOK 'DAVID FERRIE, MAFIA PILOT' as stating that indeed she did see the old car parked in front of her home, just as I have described it.
She also now supports my testimony of having been in that car (See pages 281-282, and especially pp. 277, 278 and 279,)n "David Ferrie"..}
The attached photo shows Mary and me together in 2014., She gave me permission to publish her support of my testimony.
Mr. Josephs the CTKA researcher doesn't know any of this because he hasn't read my books. CTKA does not mention the titles of my books, lest somebody actually might start reading them--which would change everything.
Instead, Josephs relies on secondhand information. or wrests the evidence selectively, as in the HSCA testimony by Mary organ's father, who never went outside, but said he heard a car drive up. He said Mary never saw a car, either, but that was not true. Her dad simply assumed that.
They don't mention my books, where you can learn the truth, because they don't want anybody to know about them.
Mr. Josephs relies on the HSCA's hearsay statement from Mary's father, instead, who never went outside as she did, that evening so long ago. I saw her standing there and thought she was tall enough to be a college student. When at the end of our talk, I even described a large, reddish object on the porch, to the left, this is probably what finally convinced Mary that I had indeed been sitting in that old car, because that object, she said, was a big, rusty old freezer. In the darkening hour of sunset, I couldn't quite tell what it was, but Mary immediately told me --and Kris Millegan-- what that big object was.
Then she knew I had been there.
I am a living witness being carelessly defamed by the "Citizens for [their brand only of the] Truth in the Kennedy Assassination." Let us hope they will exert more care and --someday--that Mr.Josephs will take the time to do credible research and actually meet me and do a proper investigation, just as Edward T. Haslam did. Sadly, it's rare, once a person goes public attacking a witness, to ever back down. Pride goes hand in hand with prejudice.

Go ahead and read the essay, if you wish, but let's hope you realize the degree of prejudice there, and the willingness of Mr. Josephs to distort the truth, as evidenced by the gripe that, because my testimony causes dissent, that I am TRIVIALIZING THE MURDER OF JFK.
YOU should know, from all our Facebook pages, how hard you and I are trying to keep Kennedy's death from BEING trivialized! This really doesn't have to do with ME. it has to do with THEM, stubbornly blackening my name and re-posting old junk written to discredit me that was thrown together years ago. This they do, instead of coming to meet me (and you!),
CTKA would do well to join us in our drive to clear Lee Oswald's name, and to cooperate with us in our DEMAND for justice for our great, murdered President.
Shame on Mr. Josephs, who did not deem me worthy of taking the time to meet before pasting together pages and pages of old lies and misinformation. God bless him, he needs it. "

Quote:Mr. Josephs also picks on my witness, Anna Lewis, because she got a date wrong about when she first met Lee. This error, after some 35 years of her silence (which also proves she was never coached) is somehow supposed to be enough to throw her out as a witness. By the way, his comment that her husband, David Lewis , was no longer working for Banister in 1963 is an outright false statement. See details in both my books (Me & Lee, and David Ferrie: Mafia Pilot) along with documents supporting.
It's just one example of the overall bias in Joseph's essay.

This is why I have a problem with Judyth Baker. In the
kaleidoscope of claims Baker makes I don't think she realizes Anna Lewis's claim is very important because it sights Oswald in New Orleans at a time when Oswald was still in Russia. This is in the same context of Landesberg's sighting of Oswald in New York at a time when he was in Russia. If you watch Anna Lewis she is very emphatic that her Oswald witnessing was in early spring of 1962. The fact Baker doesn't realize the significance of her own witness towards the Harvey & Lee theory undermines her overall credibility and draws doubt on her Me & Lee claim. Not to mention that she never gave an adequate response to all the Cuban Consulate witnesses who all said the man who they saw at the Consulate was not Oswald. Time for Baker to be less angry and more forthcoming.
Explain this Judy

Copy C is kept by the taxpayer... B goes to the IRS. How do you have the IRS copy, where is the return and the C copy and why doesn't it match any IRS W-2 form in history?

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7951&stc=1]

Attached Files
.jpg   Baker Reily Coffee 1963 W-2 NOT the NEW FORM.jpg (Size: 305.2 KB / Downloads: 52)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
You see Judy... I have nothing at all against you... I am about the Evidence.

Like math, it either works or it doesn't. It either makes common sense or does not.

I fully expected to find an exact, blank copy of your W2... I didn't. Has nothing to do with you other than you offered it up.

You've been replying to me for years now both directly and indirectly and not once have addressed that document.

As for Anne. Well, you were in the room with her, there were cuts in the video, and she stated Jan-Apr 1962 both before and after these cuts.

She was insistent even.

As for the rest... these 2 lead the list... If you feel this is evidence in your support... by all means, your right to assert whatever you like.

I was curious about the authenticity of the evidence.
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
For what it is worth Pam Brown said JVB still had a Florida address at the time of that W-2 (as seen on the form). Florida has no local or state tax and if you look at that form the local and state tax sections are blacked out with dots. Strong indication it is a Florida W-2.

Is it possible that form is used for those employed in states other than their home address? The re-arrangement of the columns is probably just a simple visual indicator to IRS that the taxpayer is employed in a different state than they live in. A simple non-resident bureaucratic measure. This is probably what Pam Brown was trying to say.

What Jim DiEugenio said. Why do we care what Judy posts on fb? She has been proven a liar. End of story.
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Drew Phipps Wrote:"when 60 Minutes said they were investigating a "Judyth Vary Baker," I thought this was the same person. She was not... When it became clear to me that the woman introduced to me by 60 Minutes was not the same person I had met in 1972, I realized that I now had two separate women claiming to be "Judyth Vary Baker," who both claimed to have known "Lee Oswald." Simply stated, one had to be an imposter." (p. 287)

I've always suspected JVB to be some kind of op aimed at Oswald.

It would be extremely interesting to know how this relates to Anna Lewis.

I noticed one unusual thing which is what I tend to call a "continuity error".

(Real life can't have continuity errors - only fiction gets its "continuity" wrong sometimes)

In footage of JVB talking in her home, there is a menorah on the side table.

In her website excerpts she talks about her strong Mormon faith.

Is part of the Mormon religious melange the use of a menorah? Or is this indeed a continuity error?
Dawn Meredith Wrote:What Jim DiEugenio said. Why do we care what Judy posts on fb? She has been proven a liar. End of story.

One other interesting point. JVB associates with a rather unusual collection of people in California. Of these individuals, ALL of them are frauds of one sort or another, and two of them have admitted to me personally that they are "police" informers. In one case I am fairly sure the "police" involved are actually FBI.

For what it's worth my driver at the time was an ex-bodyguard of a now deceased pop star and he saw this group when he was dropping me off at an hotel. His comment to me before I got out the back seat was

"that whole f-ing crowd up there is one big rat pack."

"what do you mean by that?"

"no one's THAT weird in real life less they're hidin' somethin'. You be careful boss. This has cop written all over it."

I have no idea what the point of it all is, exactly, if indeed JVB is one of a "set" of "police" agents provocateurs / informers. But it stinks to high heaven of the sort of thing Mae Brussell exposed within the peace and love movement of so-called "hippies".

My suspicion -unfounded- is that JVB is yet another dangle intended to get people with REAL information to break cover.
In her own words JVB stated that she lived at 1032 Marengo Street New Orleans LA,

[Image: data=RfCSdfNZ0LFPrHSm0ublXdzhdrDFhtmHhN1...XKhgC6qccY]
[URL=",-90.0981602,3a,75y,271.4h,90t/data=%213m4%211e1%213m2%211sNMEI9Qm99RfNIzu5ev2WVQ%212e0%214m2%213m1%211s0x0:0x7f335922627a219e?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjFr6n4mejKAhUBFpQKHdUWBeUQxB0IHDAA"]Street View
Get directions
1032 Marengo St, New Orleans, LA 70115, USA

and Lee moved to Magazine Street 7 Blocks away, with Marina and his children. She further states that it's the Magazine Street bus that they rode together for work but also "rode it all the time whenever they want[ed]".

At this time JVB and Oswald were having a physical relationship.

Clay Shaw helped them, and was alleged to be a close confidante of Ochshner.

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