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The Fiasco of Spartacus

I don't know what you mean about taking an approach to an issue.

I am talking about what has happened to EF.

And I think my observations are accurate.

And if you don't know who Tracy Parnell is, or Ray Carroll, then you are a neophyte. I put up with both of them for much too long a time.

As per Graves and Speer, I know them well and I think I characterized them well.

As per John Armstrong, John does not have to explain anything. He wrote a 900 page book that is one of the most interesting and valuable works in the whole library of Kennedy books. I mean have you read it? I spent about three weeks in a restaurant one summer reading it every day, five days per week. And I never lost interest. I use it a lot, and you can see me source it in my last two books. Have you read them the second edition of Destiny Betrayed and Reclaiming Parkland? If you don't know all the interesting new information that John brought forth in that book, then again, you are new to the game.

As per David, he has already went over this with Greg and his pals. I thought David did pretty well myself.

BTW, what is radionics?
Hello Jim, nice to meet you.

As I said, I have the utmost respect for you and CTKA. But I'm surprised at the position you are taking over EF and the Armstrong debate.

Would you not like to see a debate between Mr Armstrong and Mr Parker on Black Op Radio? Wouldn't that be an appropriate place to air the opposing views?

I know who Mr Parnell and Ray Carroll are, thanks. I have not said anything in support of Mr Carroll.
Hello Brian - I understand that is your real name not Albert.

Would you care to post a comment along with that icon because it's not immediately clear what you are referring to there.


Since you seem to be a proxy for Greg Parker's troll room why don't you pass this on to him and ask him to answer it?

Greg copied one of David Josephs' posts in order to get him in trouble on the EF. I notice he didn't copy this post below and post it (or answer it). I think Greg was saying something about cowardice?:

" All you need to know about Parker and his cult minions is he said Larry Crafard was the man whom Ralph Yates saw and it explained everything. Parker stupidly neglected the fact that if it was Crafard that would prove a direct employee and associate of Jack Ruby was carrying a rifle wrapped in brown paper, backyard photos of Oswald, and speaking of a plot to shoot JFK from an office building with a high-powered rifle 2 days before the assassination. Parker thinks no answer is necessary for this nor could he give any. Meanwhile Parker ignores the fact that Scheim discovered that Crafard was noticeably more sloppy-looking than Oswald and was missing his front teeth. Something Yates would be very unlikely to not notice. Seeing how it is very unlikely that Crafard was the double Yates witnessed, and FBI was so desperate to disprove this sighting, this then begs the question of who exactly it was? And who was the Oswald taken out the back door of the Texas Theater? Parker shows no interest in honestly pursuing this. I'm sorry but these men fail the standard of objective analysis they pretend to uphold right there. What is your opinion of Parker taking a strong FBI position on witness and victim Ralph Yates? Parker stays quiet because his denial method has reached its limit. He can't answer because he would have to admit that he is confirming Yates' witnessing by acknowledging that Crafard was a look-alike to Oswald. You see Parker says Yates fabricated the whole thing because he was mentally ill (just like FBI) but then commits the gaffe of validating Yates' witnessing by admitting he saw the look-alike Crafard. So which was it Greg, mental illness or Crafard? In his zeal to deny Parker lost track of his arguments. None of these denial trolls will honestly admit Yates passed a lie detector test on these details and that's why FBI persecuted and murdered him. Parker is caught by the balls because Dempsey Jones admitted Yates came to him because the hitch-hiker discussed the same shooting JFK from a building subject that Jones and Yates had discussed earlier.

What's your opinion on Parker's hit and run approach to Oswald's driver's license? Do you honestly think it was a registration even though 6 employees whose job it was to know those identification cards by heart identified it as a driver's license. "Speculation"??? And why did it disappear?

Accusing people of lacking strict evidence is a weak and cheap position considering. It's one all deniers depend on. "

Hello Brian, are you not going to address the issue of your real name? Seems to me that might be something you'd want to clear up.

If you or David want to debate Greg then you are quite free to go on to EF and debate him there instead of casting aspersions from afar.

We have not met, and I don't know you.

But I must ask, are you being deliberately obtuse?

This whole thread is about how far the EF has fallen.

See, that is why its entitled what it is.

So I think you are either missing the point, or being obtuse.

I don't think you are aware of just how far its fallen. But others here are aware of it. Again, you appear new to the scene, so you probably don't know. But if you read this thread, you may learn something.
Hello Jim

Well, as we've just met there is no call for the deliberate rudeness, is there? I've been courteous to you and I expect the same in return.

All I am proposing is that instead of the two sides attacking each other on websites that the other side doesn't have access to wouldn't it be a lot more civilised to have a debate between Armstrong and Parker on Black Op Radio? Is that not something you are willing to support?

I know all about the history of the EF thanks, and what happened to it. You seem to be making a lot of assumptions here that aren't correct.
We interrupt this broadcast with a message from one of your moderators.....please remember to keep the conversations to the issues and debate them, not to attack individuals - although an individual's ideas are fair game if it is done with respect for the individual. Also, this Forum was formed by persons either disgusted with or kicked off of the EF - and it is a sensitive topic on this keep it to the important issues. While important and relevant information about other forums is allowed, it is not encouraged [nor long tolerated] to drag ongoing squabbles from them to here....and less so from the EF. I myself was booted off in the most immoral one can find a long thread here about.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Thanks moderator. Although I can't help feeling the warning about attacks on individuals could have come quite a few posts earlier.

All I'm proposing is a fair debate on neutral ground.

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