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JVB vs Scott Kaiser
Albert Doyle Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:JVB is done in by her friend Anne in that video she herself endorses.

"I met Lee in Feb 1962 in New Orleans" is a true statement...

Let's say she was off by a year, repeatedly. This dovetails into the question of whether the Oswalds were ever at Neely. If this was someone else
then I suppose it is possible Harvey and Marina and June are in New Orleans... yet now we are getting into unchartered waters.

Anna also did not say 1963. She was most specific and repeated it: Jan-Apr 1962 with JVB sitting right there listening while the video stops and starts.

You'd think someone in the room would have reminded her that Harvey and Marina were in Minsk having a baby.

You can judge JVB by Anna Lewis and not the other way around IMO.

Harvey & Lee is real in my opinion. The fact JVB says it isn't tells you a lot about her. Lewis almost certainly encountered Landesberg's Oswald. And I have a strong feeling Thornley did too.

Interesting Albert - expand please
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Albert Doyle Wrote:The questions would be if JVB has a real dimension how was it used back then and how is it being used now?

I don't think with JVB there ever was a "then". I think she was surfaced to derail the Haslam work, and to also continue blurring what was then emerging about CIA activities that formed the JFK conspiracy homicide.

The closest match to JVB in terms of behaviour and effect is Fred Crisman in the Maury Island "UFO" case.

As Crisman was to Arnold, so JVB is to Project Oswald.

We even have "three men in black / big black car" in both cases!

But then I've always thought the MIB were just CIA / DIA / AFOSI teams. All the silly and weird behaviour was just cover to discredit what they were up to. Proof of that is the "jello drinker" MIB who Keel made a big thing out of in terms of him being an ultraterrestrial - nope, just a plain old AFOSI scammer doing their usual play acting hijinks.
For argument sake, I'd like to point out that I identify three (3) different Lee's in my new material, all of them are backed by documentation, meaning a phone book page, an FBI or CIA document. In-fact, all three were affiliated with the Cubanos Unidos or worked with my father, two Lee's are identified as having last names, one Lee whose last name is ***** does not exist. The other Lee who's in my father's phone book has no last name.

How many Lee's can possibly been living in Miami at that time? Just a coincidence my father knew three of them?

Thought I'd share.
Well, Landesberg said it was Oswald before he clammed up. I assume that was Lee since Harvey was in Russia. Intel had a problem because the Oswald Landesberg witnessed was pre-assassination and probably only designed for anti-communist spook ops and not the JFK assassination conspiracy. So they were looser with him since his only purpose was spooking communists. This sighting of Oswald when Harvey was in Russia only became a problem after they used Oswald for the assassination. Lee's activities in New York were probably due to his needing something to do and being useful while Harvey was in Russia.

If JVB has no real New Orleans association why would Anna Lewis lie about that but tell the truth about Oswald?
Albert Doyle Wrote:Well, Landesberg said it was Oswald before he clammed up. I assume that was Lee since Harvey was in Russia. Intel had a problem because the Oswald Landesberg witnessed was pre-assassination and probably only designed for anti-communist spook ops and not the JFK assassination conspiracy. So they were looser with him since his only purpose was spooking communists. This sighting of Oswald when Harvey was in Russia only became a problem after they used Oswald for the assassination. Lee's activities in New York were probably due to his needing something to do and being useful while Harvey was in Russia.

If JVB has no real New Orleans association why would Anna Lewis lie about that but tell the truth about Oswald?

How those who impersonated Lee Oswald including the real Lee born in the south and the man who played Harvey were used, to which ends and for whom....

There are so many combinations of options to consider - so many reasons and people and groups who could want to do this -

As I wrote elsewhere... 1960 mindset is not an easy transition in 2016 and I don't think we appreciate the skew our own POV puts on this info.

Who is to say what is too crazy, too extreme for the human being to undertake in support of an ideology.
History shows most anything possible and most everything attempted.

I can say with confidence Harvey was in Minsk with Marina.

I do agree Albert, that the pre-ass'n activity was Commie-infiltration related, which later was easily co-opted for Ozzie the lone Nut with "leanings" incrimination....

just no conspiracy, foreign or domestic
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Anna Lewis is like the people in a couple villages in England who, to this day, repeat either what they saw or what their parents saw in WW2, namely extremely high tech tanks with giant dishes on them, along with what looked like "modern" delta wing jets. And just over the fields there was a whole army, and a new village, all built for the army.

And the point is, they are telling the truth as they understand it. They really did see things, things that they were not in a position to critically evaluate.

What they ACTUALLY saw was a mengerie of inflatable, cardboard, plywood and papier mache props, all calculated to create a deceptive idea in the Germans' minds about where the staging of an invasion of Europe was going to occur. The earlier sightings of high tech super weapons was the initial experiment with making fake technology, and that occurred well before the later D-Day fakery but in the same general area.

The fake village was actually fake barracks, but a road sign was "accidentally" left on a signpost when the others were removed, pointing to a nonexistent village.

In this way a series of real sightings of real events became a local tradition, an oral history, which was correct in all its superficial observations - but still 100% wrong.

We can take two views of Anna Lewis before drilling down using liespotting, etc. and verifying with reference to documents and the testimony of others.

View 1: she is a liar. Possibly a congenital liar, ie someone who lies with the ease of a psychotic. Intelligence doesn't enter into it.

View 2: she is truthful. She saw what she describes. THAT IN AND OF ITSELF DOES NOT IN ANY WAY SUPPORT JVB. JVB can still be 100% lying. The Lewis testimony records a meeting with people she has subsequently identified. Is JVB the person she met? We don't know and can't verify that.

Three different "journalists" all claim to be the journalist LHO spoke to just after the shooting at the TSBD. LHO himself said he spoke to a secret service agent who showed him his "book" of credentials. Who is telling the truth? The journalists tell the story after having been first told what happened by investigators for the government who CONVINCED them that their own "lying eyes" were wrong.

What I am saying is that the Lewis interviews, as with all of this stuff, are not automatically dichotomous yes-no boolean true-false records of events.

The woman we know as JVB (and in fact we don't know her at all, no one does) might not even be the "original" JVB.

Not trying to be an ass here, but it's how intel would look at it. You don't buy any part of a story, you confirm every step of the chain. The whole point of this kind of situation is to make people buy it and stop checking.
Welcome to the Wilderness Of Mirrors.

I'd risk saying the real JVB met and knew Anna Lewis and Anna met Lee in early 1962.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Welcome to the Wilderness Of Mirrors.

I'd risk saying the real JVB met and knew Anna Lewis and Anna met Lee in early 1962.

I think if that is true then that isn't the same JVB now. Menorah Mormonism doesn't exist.

Basically I see a lot of these people as playing a role - and the implication is that more than one person can play each role.

Just as it is hard for a lot of people to wake up out of the dream and see more than one LHO, so too it is difficult to further awaken and see if LHO is doubled (or tripled etc.)... Then so are others.

"You ain't the first son of a bitch to wake up out of their dream."

Jonathan Nolan Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:Welcome to the Wilderness Of Mirrors.

I'd risk saying the real JVB met and knew Anna Lewis and Anna met Lee in early 1962.

I think if that is true then that isn't the same JVB now. Menorah Mormonism doesn't exist.

Basically I see a lot of these people as playing a role - and the implication is that more than one person can play each role.

Just as it is hard for a lot of people to wake up out of the dream and see more than one LHO, so too it is difficult to further awaken and see if LHO is doubled (or tripled etc.)... Then so are others.

"You ain't the first son of a bitch to wake up out of their dream."

Quote:"You ain't the first son of a bitch to wake up out of their dream."

I don't want to wake up!

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