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Trump dossier
I'm compiling a list of suspicious Donald Trump connections. It's not organized. I haven't had the time nor the patience This will basically be an info dump. Perhaps somebody with better organizational skills than I can make use of it. I'm sure many of the names will be familiar to people here, and hopefully you guys can chime in and put them in perspective.

One of the most significant, to me, is Roy Cohn.

Cohn was Trump's mentor, and Cohn said that Trump called him 15-20 times a day, seeking his advice on mundane details

Roy Cohn and child abuse networks according to ISGP

Quote:We are far from done, however. We also know that in the late 1960s an officer was working at the Geoffrey's Bank with the name "A. Newman", who has been described as a friend and business partner of - you'll never guess - Roy Cohn. [32] And there we go again: round and round. Cohn's been talked about in several previous articles of ISGP, all in relation to underground fascist groups and pedophile entrapment operations. As has already been written down in Beyond Dutroux, Senator John DeCamp once wrote:

"Said to be Harold Anderson's "closest friend in Washington," Gray [in the White House under Eisenhower; CEO Hill & Knowlton; advisory council WWF; chair George Town Club, where pedophile entrapment allegedly took place; Mason; supporter of AmeriCares at the time of its pedophile scandals] is also reportedly a specialist in homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA... Gray's associate Wilson was apparently continuing the work of a reported collaborator of Gray from the 1950'sMcCarthy committee counsel Roy Cohn, now dead of AIDS. According to the former head of the vice squad for one of America's biggest cities, 'Cohn's job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn's job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself.'"

Cohn was a good friend of Craig Spence and together with top CIA and Army men, as well as politicians and businessmen, he once threw his birthday party at Spence's house. Spence was later investigated for running a CIA-sanctioned homosexual and pedophile entrapment ring at his house with operations going straight up to the White House. Within several months Spence committed suicide while the records of the investigation were sealed. [33]

Only recently did ISGP run into another accusation that yet again seems to indicate that Cohn "ran the the little boys" with the purpose of blackmailing high officials.

"[Author Anthony] Summers says he got his info from Susan Rosenstiel, fourth wife of Lewis Rosenstiel, chairman of Schenley Industries, a liquor distiller with reputed mob connections. Ms. Rosenstiel claimed that in 1958 she and her husband went to a party at a New York hotel, where they met Hoover and McCarthy witch-hunt lawyer Roy Cohn. Hoover, whom Cohn introduced as "Mary," was supposedly wearing a wig, a black dress, lace stockings, and high heels. Hoover went into a bedroom, took off his skirt to reveal a garter belt, and had a couple of blond boys--one wearing rubber gloves--"work on him with their hands." Cohn and Hoover then watched while Lewis Rosenstiel had sex with the boys. A year later Ms. Rosenstiel attended another party at the same hotel; this time Hoover wore a red dress and a black feather boa. He had one of the blond boys, who were now dressed in leather, read to him from a Bible while the other "played" with him. Hoover then grabbed the Bible, tossed it down, and told the first boy to join in." [34]

Whatever the truth, Hoover was part of the same hard-right, anti-"communosocialist", and JFK-hating group that Cohn and many intelligence men were part of. There also are more than a few accusations of Hoover's homosexual inclinations, mainly related to his associate director at the FBI, Clyde Tolson. The pedophile accusations do seem to be new, but they are not really out of place. But to solidify Cohn's "Nebula" connections, here is another quote from the Beyond Dutroux article:

"According to a 1954 news report, Cohn and his aide David Schine had met up with Spanish members of an international underground Nazi network while on a spy-hunting trip in Europe. Some of the leading members of this network, according to the newspaper, were Col. Otto Skorzeny, Hjalmar Schacht and Werner Naumann."

Also frequently mentioned on this site: Cohn was a board member of the notorious Permindex firm (there it is again). This company brought together an international group of shady intelligence-connected men whose (overt) idea it was to fight communism on the economic front with the slogan "world trade for world peace". [35] Board members had connections to the CIA, FBI, and Mossad, not to mention the mafia.

The Schlumbergers, through Jean de Menil, provided a link to the covert anti-Castro war with Clay Shaw and Guy Banister (the latter only associated with Permindex board members) providing Jim Garrison with a link to the John F. Kennedy assassination. In a previous article ISGP compared Permindex to the notorious European Institute of Management (EIM), which appears to have been at the center of this fascist underground with its apparently very sadistic pedophile entrapment rings. Ambassador Douglas MacArthur II, of the same political wood of Roy Cohn, just happened to be chairman of EIM.

Quote:December 6, 2002, The Straight Dope, 'Was J. Edgar Hoover a cross-dresser': "The story appears in Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover (1993), a gossipy biography by British journalist Anthony Summers, who has also written a JFK assassination conspiracy book. Summers says he got his info from Susan Rosenstiel, fourth wife of Lewis Rosenstiel, chairman of Schenley Industries, a liquor distiller with reputed mob connections. Ms. Rosenstiel claimed that in 1958 she and her husband went to a party at a New York hotel, where they met Hoover and McCarthy witch-hunt lawyer Roy Cohn.

Hoover, whom Cohn introduced as "Mary," was supposedly wearing a wig, a black dress, lace stockings, and high heels. Hoover went into a bedroom, took off his skirt to reveal a garter belt, and had a couple of blond boys--one wearing rubber gloves--"work on him with their hands." Cohn and Hoover then watched while Lewis Rosenstiel had sex with the boys. A year later Ms. Rosenstiel attended another party at the same hotel; this time Hoover wore a red dress and a black feather boa. He had one of the blond boys, who were now dressed in leather, read to him from a Bible while the other "played" with him. Hoover then grabbed the Bible, tossed it down, and told the first boy to join in."; February 9, 1993, The Gazette (Montreal, Quebec), 'G-man in drag; PBS's Frontline makes case why Hoover was soft on mob': "Regardless of its scheduling motivation, Frontline has a very hot show this week. The commercial networks would have to go some to top The Secret File on J. Edgar Hoover.

The documentary asserts that Hoover was a closet homosexual who had a 40-year love affair with his constant companion, Clyde Tolson. That's nothing new. There were whispers about Hoover and his "assistant" while the FBI boss was alive. But Frontline has broken new ground by establishing a link between Hoover's homosexuality and his peculiar view of organized crime. The FBI director - who firmly believed he and his agents were protecting the U.S. from a communist conspiracy poised to seize power - contended there was no national crime syndicate. Why did Hoover pretend the Mafia did not exist?

Did the mob have proof that the great cop and his trusted adjoint were practitioners of the love that - at that point in history - dared not speak its name? ... Rosensteil says her bisexual husband took her to a room at the Plaza Hotel in New York, where they were greeted by an unusual sight. I won't ruin the surprise, except to say that the tableaux Rosensteil witnessed featured Hoover, Cohn, a short black chiffon dress, stockings, pumps, a wig, false eyelashes - it's all just too wacky." ... Moreover, Hoover was an utterly intolerant ogre. He expanded his anticommunist crusade to include bitter and insidious opposition to the civil-rights, women's and environmental movements.

"As the years went on," former U.S. vice-president Walter Mondale tells Frontline, "(Hoover) became less and less a law-enforcement officer and more and more a political enforcer." Mondale says Hoover used the FBI to fight ideas he didn't like. And he used the vast evidence-gathering apparatus of the Bureau to amass files on the peccadillos of prominent politicians; it was no accident that successive presidents permitted the old thug to hang on to his FBI job past mandatory retirement age. ... The documentary includes testimony by numerous Runyonesque dems-and- dosers from whom one would not readily buy a used car, much less an assertion that the head of the FBI was a stooge of the Mafia. Hoover is not around to defend himself. Meyer Lansky and Frank Costello are dead. Roy Cohn died of AIDS, denying his homosexuality to the end."

Quote:In an interview with former NYPD detective James Rothstein, this author discovered that such operations do exist and go far back into America's secret history. Rothstein is no conspiracy theorist. He is a legend in American law enforcement and speaks from experience. Furthermore, he gave me two notable examples from his time as a detective. Rothstein had an opportunity to have a sit-down with infamous McCarthy committee counsel Roy Cohn. During this sit-down, Cohn admitted to Rothstein that he was part of a rather elaborate sexual blackmail operation that compromised politicians with child prostitutes (Rothstein, no pagination). Cohn told Rothstein that this operation was being carried out as part of the anticommunist crusade of the time (no pagination).

Quote:During the investigation by the New York State Select Committee on Crime, information was received that Roy Cohn (famed attorney who represented Senator Joe McCarthy at the notorious McCarthy Hearings) helped in covering up the murder and the disposal of the bodies. When Cohn was questioned about the murder of the three 14-15 year old boys at Ben Rose's apartment, he stated that he was aware of what had happened, but would comment no further. Information at that time was that Cohn was often used to compromise people and, if situations such as those described by Rose occurred, Cohn would take care of them.
Roy Cohn, cousin of Dick Morris

Roy Cohn and Rupert Murdoch
Roger Stone, Roy Cohn, Emperor Club VIP

Donald Trump mentions how close he was to Jeffrey Epstein
Donald Trump and Felix Sater, CIA asset

Donald Trump walks out of interview after being questioned about Felix Sater

Relevant segment begins at about 1:20

Donald Trump and Tevfik Arik, who ran an elite prostitution ring in Turkey that included underage girls

Tevfik Arik, Bayrock, and Fethullah Gulen

Quote:"'Bayrock,' as used herein, refers to that certain association of juridical entities including, for example and without limitation, Bayrock Group LLC, Bayrock Camelback LLC, Bayrock Whitestone LLC, Bayrock Spring Street LLC, and Bayrock Merrimac LLC, in the last ten years variously engaged in the businesses of financial institution fraud, tax fraud, partnership fraud, insurance fraud, litigation fraud, bankruptcy fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, human trafficking, child prostitution, statutory rape, and, on occasion, real estate.
Cohn and Roger Stone are intimately connected. Roger Stone was working for Trump's campaign

Cohn, Craig Spence, Franklin Scandal

Resorts International, Trump, and the CIA takeover of ABC
Trump and Adnan Khashoggi

Photo of Khashoggi at Trump's wedding:
Trump's Carl Icahn Super PAC

Icahn connected to Ramy el-Batrawi, Khashoggi and Genesis Intermedia

Ramy el-Batrawi has some interesting photos on his Twitter account, showing Trump, Sterling, and playing poker with Icahn

Trump bought 40 Wall Street (The Trump Building) for a steal, because it formerly belonged to CIA asset Ferdinand Marcos, and his assets were frozen.

Khashoggi was also part of that case, illegally helping Marcos hide his assets. This is connected to the story of the hidden Japanese gold in the Philippines.

CIA Heroin, Yamashita's Gold, and Adnan Khashoggi

Hopsicker also seems to be on this trail. I look forward to his next article.

Morris D. Jaffe and Roy Cohn involved in uranium scandal

Jaffe and the JFK assassination

Jaffe, Clinton, Khashoggi, Mossad, BCCI, and Marc Rich

Quote:Safir claims he was present at a spy exchange at Templehoff Airfield in West Berlin in 1986 when an East German lawyer offered $250 million on behalf of Marc Rich. During Clinton's first term, Douglas Jaffe was approached by the Egyptian financier Adnan Khashoggi to intercede for Rich. "He was prepared to pay a hell of a lot more," Jaffe says. "Adnan asked me, Is it something you could work on?' I said, No, it really isn't.' "

Morris D. Jaffe, Jr. and Trump

Quote:His latest ventures involve aviation where Mr. Jaffe has over twenty years' experience and earned worldwide recognition from notable clients including: Gordon and Ann Getty (Getty Oil), Marvin Davis (Davis Energy), the King of Thailand, Donald Trump and the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia.

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