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Trump dossier
David Guyatt Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:We students of history hate it when the USA interferes in the elections in other countries.

Ain't it just as bad when other countries interfere in our election?

How is this not treason?

I don't get it? Which other country interfered in your elections?

So. Vietnam pulled out of a peace deal in '68 in order to help Nixon.

Iran held onto the embassy hostages in '80 to help Reagan.

Republicans were more effective in their treason back in those days.

The Citizens United court decision opened the doors for "dark money" contributions from foreign sources.

It doesn't look like Putin's help is going to save Traitor Trump in 2016.
Paul Rigby Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:We students of history hate it when the USA interferes in the elections in other countries.

Ain't it just as bad when other countries interfere in our election?

How is this not treason?

I don't get it? Which other country interfered in your elections?

I strongly suspect Cliff had in mind all those dodgy despot donors to that flourishing criminal enterprise otherwise known as the Clinton Kickback Foundation. Though not, for obvious reasons, the uranium mine bung from, er, some Russian.

How does any of that sway an election?
Cliff Varnell Wrote:Donald Trump is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.

#DNCleaks And the Paranoid Style In Elite Politics


Quote:None of this was supposed to happen.

Hillary Clinton was going to be crowned by a "united" Democratic Party. Having received the endorsement of Bernie Sanders and appropriating the rhetoric of #BlackLivesMatter, Hillary was assured to have unified the coalition of the fringes, in order to bring her grrl-powered campaign straight to the White House. Donald Trump, was so despised, she picked a bland White guy running mate, seemingly signaling her "seriousness" to moderate Republicans and just daring BernieBros and minorities to vote against her, after all, what are they going to do, vote for Donald Trump?

Then came WikiLeaks.

We were treated to email, after email documenting the Democratic National Committee's(DNC) collusion with the Clinton campaign this election cycle. We saw a Democratic Party not above appealing to what I'm sure they'd call base and vulgar instincts. We even saw the naked corruption of the buying and selling of offices off to the highest bidder. But none of this is important.

What's really important, especially to our elites, is that Russia may be behind this.

Did you hear that?! Quelle Horreur! Watch the skies! Sound the Air Raids! Because the Russians are coming!

Everyone from Bill Kristol to the New York Times is jumping aboard a narrative about "Russian Influence" in our democracy. It's rich to watch our elites kvetch about supposed Russian influence while ignoring or downright praising open influence from (((other))) nations.

Even if it were true, one could hardly blame the Russians with Lady MacBeth seemingly on the verge of taking us to World War III over her paranoid delusions about "the next Hitler". This is amusing coming from a party that only last cycle attacked its opponents for being delusional on Russia. All of this reflects Elite anxiety about this election.

Our elites never seem to stop griping about "populism" or the much vaunted "paranoid style" in American politics, as articulated by Richard Hofstadter. But maybe it's time to consider their own "paranoid style".

The nomination of Donald Trump as the Republican standardbearer has sent our managerial elite into overdrive to stop the emergence of a politics outside of their paradigms. That's why these appeals to Russian influence are so telling. It's an attempt to regain control of the narrative, to be able to turn the tables on Trump supporters. To say, "we're the real patriots" not like you Ruskie influenced rubes from the heartland.

Really, it's rather boring. But what's not boring are the lengths they'll go through in order to keep control of the narrative. Nowhere is the sort of ideological hegemony of our age seen better than in social media.

For good, and many times for ill, our social media shapes the narrative structures we are bombarded by and the world as we see it. But far too often, those controlling social media are our enemies and outright hostile to our interests as a people, or to any dissent from the bland pre-planned script of diversity at the End of History.

Facebook has already admitted to removing WikiLeaks links to the DNCLeaks. This is just another example among many in the growing digital platform censorship of dissenting ideas. Not only that but just this week we've seen media social construction at its lowest after the attacks in Munich. With reporters changing the attacker's name to give the impression of a European attacker rather than an Islamic one. Go figure. You don't even have to be opposing anything as major as the DNC either, just ask Milo.

Perhaps one of the most amusing incidents out of all of this is how our elite's smugness led to the crime of being noticed by WikiLeaks' twitter account. Not that Assange and co. haven't been strangers to such controversy before.
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Ricky Vaughn @Ricky_Vaughn99

You did this. I did this. We did this.

They put the gold star on themselves.
3:18 AM - 24 Jul 2016
207 207 Retweets 502 502 likes

All of this matters because it shows our elites are worried. They're concerned that they've lost control.

The scheduled mergers haven't gone as planned, and it seems as if history has a few chapters left.

Already things aren't going as planned in Philadelphia as Sanders supporters are refusing to submit, even as their candidate urges them to do so. For those of us on the Alt-Right, it's proverbial popcorn time as we watch the Coalition of the Fringes attempt to keep from fraying apart.

As the Democratic Party elites struggle to keep on message, I'm sure the mandarins over at Conservatism Inc. are waited with baited breath to see if they really can be saved from the creeping nationalist specter in their ranks. Already we see NeoCons boomeranging back to the Democratic Party after a generation in the "Conservative" wilderness.

Ultimately, our elite's need for control will be their undoing. As they try to control the narrative further, it will only spiral more and more out of their control.

I think I speak for all of the Alt-Right watching Philadelphia when I say: #BernItDown
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
It is an over-rated virtue, I confess, but...

"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Either moderately, or progressively:


All hail Caesar!
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Any British fingerprints on Libya?

Paul Rigby Wrote:Either moderately, or progressively:


All hail Caesar!


Lemme get this straight.

The Clintons are corrupt therefore a woman's reproductive organs are property of the State?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore 20 million people have to lose their health insurance?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore 12 million undocumented immigrants have to be rounded up and deported en masse?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore anyone of the Muslim faith is regarded with suspicion, or banned from the country out-right?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore AR-15s with 100 round clips should continue to be available?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore there should be no Federal minimum wage?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore Social Security should be privatized?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore students and the elderly poor who don't have a driver's license shouldn't be allowed to vote?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore gay kids have to undergo "conversion therapy"?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore the #1 "public health crisis" is on-line pornography not heroin addiction, gun violence nor lead in drinking water?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore there should be no separation of Church and State?

If ya'all want to live in a Christian Theocracy knock yourselves out.

I'd rather deal with the Globalists.
Wow. And people say that Trump is his own worst enemy. Double down on that for H.

If she's going to be wearing the laurel leaves, let's amend the keyboard to incorporate the below "H->" symbol as part of the English language.

If people thought the original Trump/Pence symbol was symbolically obscene, I wonder what they make of this?

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8490&stc=1]

Is it just me, or is that symbol somewhat, I don't know, sexually ambiguous?

Attached Files
.jpg   th.jpg (Size: 3.3 KB / Downloads: 10)
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Cliff Varnell Wrote:Any British fingerprints on Libya?

To my regret, I retired from oversight of British foreign policy some years ago, but I will make overtures to the people who currently do, and register my objection.

Even though it's doubtless already filed away somewhere within the Orangeman's record of my hugely influential personal opinions.

Cliff Varnell Wrote:Lemme get this straight.

There is, I suppose, a first time for everything...

Cliff Varnell Wrote:The Clintons are corrupt therefore a woman's reproductive organs are property of the State?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore 20 million people have to lose their health insurance?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore 12 million undocumented immigrants have to be rounded up and deported en masse?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore anyone of the Muslim faith is regarded with suspicion, or banned from the country out-right?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore AR-15s with 100 round clips should continue to be available?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore there should be no Federal minimum wage?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore Social Security should be privatized?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore students and the elderly poor who don't have a driver's license shouldn't be allowed to vote?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore gay kids have to undergo "conversion therapy"?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore the #1 "public health crisis" is on-line pornography not heroin addiction, gun violence nor lead in drinking water?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore there should be no separation of Church and State?

If ya'all want to live in a Christian Theocracy knock yourselves out.

I'd rather deal with the Globalists.

What a lot of hyperbolic balls. One example:

Quote:Shortly after offending all of the foreign policy elites in both parties with his remarks on Russia, Trump broke with Republican orthodoxy again by announcing that he would support a $10 an hour minimum wage. Mike Pence, who opposing any minimum wage, must be having a hard time keeping up with the new talking points. The liberals, of course, reflexively denounced Trump's plan as "incoherent." But it is one more sign that Trump is trying to outflank Hilary on a range of issues. Fortunately for him, he doesn't have to veer his Rolls that far to get to the left of Clinton.

JULY 28, 2016
Night of the Hollow Men: Notes From the Democratic Convention
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Emphasis added

Paul Rigby Wrote:HANNIBAL BATEMAN · JULY 25, 201

The nomination of Donald Trump as the Republican standardbearer has sent our managerial elite into overdrive to stop the emergence of a politics outside of their paradigms. That's why these appeals to Russian influence are so telling. It's an attempt to regain control of the narrative, to be able to turn the tables on Trump supporters. To say, "we're the real patriots" not like you Ruskie influenced rubes from the heartland.

Donald Trump operates outside the boundaries of normal adult behavior.

A hyper-narcissist with a molecule-thin skin and the attention span of 5 year old, he isn't concerned with winning so much making making his opponents lose.

He's still bragging about winning over Cruz, Bush and Co.

The aching maw of his soul-less existence constantly seeks flattery.

Yeah, let's have a new form of government ruled with an iron fist by the Big Orange Shit-bag....unh-hunh...thanx...
I should do this in Trump Orange but I'll stick to red.

Paul Rigby Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:Any British fingerprints on Libya?

To my regret, I retired from oversight of British foreign policy some years ago, but I will make overtures to the people who currently do, and register my objection.

Just curious. I seem to recall Libya as a NATO operation...lots of blame to go around, no?

Even though it's doubtless already filed away somewhere within the Orangeman's record of my hugely influential personal opinions.

Cliff Varnell Wrote:Lemme get this straight.

There is, I suppose, a first time for everything...

Well then, you're present for a milestone!

Cliff Varnell Wrote:The Clintons are corrupt therefore a woman's reproductive organs are property of the State?

The Clintons are corrupt therefore 20 million people have to lose their health insurance?

Trump and the GOP have called for a repeal of the Affordable Care Act to be replaced by...nothing.

The Clintons are corrupt therefore 12 million undocumented immigrants have to be rounded up and deported en masse?

It was Trump's first position the day he announced.

You didn't hear?

It was in all the papers, Paul...

The Clintons are corrupt therefore anyone of the Muslim faith is regarded with suspicion, or banned from the country out-right?

Trump has repeatedly called for a ban on Muslim immigration and surveillance of American mosques.

The Clintons are corrupt therefore AR-15s with 100 round clips should continue to be available?

The usual National Rifle Association view, which Trump repeatedly endorsed.

The Clintons are corrupt therefore there should be no Federal minimum wage?

Trump was against a Fed minimum wage before he was for one.

Who knows where he'll go next on the issue.

The Clintons are corrupt therefore Social Security should be privatized?

Trump was against privatizing Social Security before he came out and endorsed Paul Ryan's "granny-killer" budget.

The Clintons are corrupt therefore students and the elderly poor who don't have a driver's license shouldn't be allowed to vote?

Millions of people have been denied the right to vote by Republican voter suppression laws.

The Clintons are corrupt therefore gay kids have to undergo "conversion therapy"?

It's right there in the 2016 Republican platform.

The Clintons are corrupt therefore the #1 "public health crisis" is on-line pornography not heroin addiction, gun violence nor lead in drinking water?

It's right there in the 2016 Republican platform.

The Clintons are corrupt therefore there should be no separation of Church and State?

Trump just a few days ago said that Churches should be able to keep their tax-exempt status while engaging in partisan politics.

If ya'all want to live in a Christian Theocracy knock yourselves out.

Jesus-shouters please take a flying fuck.

I'd rather deal with the Globalists.

What a lot of hyperbolic balls.


That's the GOP/Trump playbook, Paul.

Take them one at a time...

One example:

Only one?

How instructive.

Quote:Shortly after offending all of the foreign policy elites in both parties with his remarks on Russia, Trump broke with Republican orthodoxy again by announcing that he would support a $10 an hour minimum wage.

That's Trump's third position on the issue.

He takes pretty much every side of every issue eventually.

Mike Pence, who opposing any minimum wage, must be having a hard time keeping up with the new talking points.

Trump changes his positions constantly.

The GOP will shove its agenda down his throat and he'll thank them and ask for more.

The liberals, of course, reflexively denounced Trump's plan as "incoherent." But it is one more sign that Trump is trying to outflank Hilary on a range of issues. Fortunately for him, he doesn't have to veer his Rolls that far to get to the left of Clinton.

And when he gets bored or forgetful about his positions he'll come up with new ones.

JULY 28, 2016
Night of the Hollow Men: Notes From the Democratic Convention

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