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Trump dossier
Paul Rigby Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:Let's consign the hateful democracy experiment to the dustbin of history.

Speaking of dysfunctional democracies...Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that a pack of lyin' right wingers bum rushed the United Kingdom into leaving the EU?

Just say'n...

Obomber came, he threatened, we told him to f*ck off.

Magnificent. Not since the Iraq war protests have I felt so proud of my country.

Me neither.

And fuck off he did.

For the record, Cliff, vast amounts of people voted to leave - from all political persuasions - a great many as a protest to the fact that all the main political parties are, and remain, pro EU and have thoroughly disenfranchised large portions of the country by their arrogance and elitism. And because the EU was an American project, the vote was also a big fuck off to US meddling too.

The right-wing in the Conservative Party can't actually take the credit for it. They were as surprised as everyone else who hadn't taken the temperature of the country's anger properly.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:
Paul Rigby Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:Let's consign the hateful democracy experiment to the dustbin of history.

Speaking of dysfunctional democracies...Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that a pack of lyin' right wingers bum rushed the United Kingdom into leaving the EU?

Just say'n...

Obomber came, he threatened, we told him to f*ck off.

Magnificent. Not since the Iraq war protests have I felt so proud of my country.

Me neither.

And fuck off he did.

For the record, Cliff, vast amounts of people voted to leave - from all political persuasions - a great many as a protest to the fact that all the main political parties are, and remain, pro EU and have thoroughly disenfranchised large portions of the country by their arrogance and elitism. And because the EU was an American project, the vote was also a big fuck off to US meddling too.

The right-wing in the Conservative Party can't actually take the credit for it. They were as surprised as everyone else who hadn't taken the temperature of the country's anger properly.

I experienced an enormous patriotic swelling upon hearing the result, a defence which the judge acknowledged as novel, if ultimately unpersuasive.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Happy Fifth Anniversary, Hillary Clinton, You've Destroyed Libya… We Await Your Next War

By Edward Curtin
Global Research, July 29, 2016
OpEd News 27 July 2016

Convention confetti raining down on smiling faces should not conceal the bloody truth that trails Hillary Clinton. As the balloons rise to celebrate her triumph, her victims continue to fall.

Quote:Following the bidding of her oligarchic backers in the hidden government, she has always been fervently eager to lend her immoral authority to the massacre of foreign peoples and the destruction of their central governments. Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Serbia, etc. the list is as long as her moral turpitude is deep.

But as the "Queen of Chaos" is crowned and feted in the City of Brotherly Love, it is crucially important that we recall her role five years ago in the destruction of the African country that had the highest living standard on the continent, excellent health care, free education, good social services, etc. Libya.

As Libya, according to plan, has descended into civil war and chaos (see Iraq, Syria, etc.) as a result of the 2011 "humanitarian intervention" instigated by Clinton and her ilk, it has disappeared from mainstream media propaganda. Out of sight, out of mind. It will reappear in the corporate press if the American/Nato aggressors decide to bomb the country again in alliance with their friend, the Egyptian dictator Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, probably in support of the CIA-affiliated General Khalifa Haftar, who is presently wreaking havoc in eastern Libya with western support, as leaked tapes have shown. The time for that renewed bombing may be fast approaching, though it might be delayed for political reasons until after the presidential election.

In the popular mind, of course, Clinton is associated with the controversial events of September 2012 in Benghazi that resulted in the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. As the Secretary of State, she was no doubt aware of Stevens' work with the CIA organizing the transfer of the seized Gaddafi government weapons to Turkish ports. As the Italian historian Paolo Sensini writes in his eye-opening book, Sowing Chaos: Libya in the Wake of Humanitarian Intervention, "The arms were then transferred to the jihadi forces engaged in terrorist actions against the government of Syria under Bashar al-Assad." While bi-partisan outrage over the Americans' deaths was duly noted by the media and became a political football, the nature of Stevens' work under Clinton and Obama received no mainstream media coverage, and the illegal and immoral wars against two countries continued apace.

But the Stevens' issue pales in comparison to Clinton's larger role in waging war on a sovereign nation for propagandistic "humanitarian" reasons. As with Iraq (Hussein) and Syria (Assad), she was a central player in the lies told about Mu'ammar Gaddafi to justify a war of aggression. Each in his turn was declared to be the new Hitler. In Gaddafi's case, he was falsely accused of killing 10,000 people in Tripoli, having his soldiers use Viagra and rape as a matter of policy, and of being a bloody mad dictator intent on genocide. Rwanda and the Holocaust were elicited as warnings. President Obama justified the savage attack on Libya, fully supported by his Secretary of State Clinton, with the following lie: "We knew that if we wanted [sic] … if we waited one more day, Benghazi, a city nearly the size of Charlotte, could suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world." And he announced he was sending Clinton to London to meet with the Libyan "opposition" aka terrorists.

The western media ran with these false accusations, as usual, as did Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya, prominent Arab media. Like Iraq, Syria, and Serbia, it was another war of aggression based on lies, and Clinton was a primary player.

She was fully aware of developments in Libya from the start; knew that the rebels were Islamic militants armed and trained by the US, Britain, France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and UAE; knew that they summarily executed anyone they considered their enemies; knew that this war of lies was aimed at preventing Gaddafi from fulfilling his goal of economic independence, not just for Libya, but for the entire continent of Africa by introducing the gold dinar into Africa as common currency; knew, in short, that Libya had to be raped, its Central Bank destroyed, for its exploitation by western globalists. Thus her boss, Obama, in August 2011 confiscated $30 billion from Libya's Central Bank that Gaddafi had planned to use for the establishment of the African IMF and African Central Bank. This is what Clinton termed "smart power at its best." Under the pretext of humanitarian intervention,' Clinton supported the killing of tens of thousands and the destruction of an independent country to serve her masters.

Paolo Sensini characterizes the Democratic presidential nominee (and next president) perfectly:

Mrs. Clinton's joyous exclamation on hearing the news of Gaddafi's death sums up the recklessness and irresponsibility of an entire political class an unrepentant class that has wreaked havoc around the world on a truly unprecedented scale.

When she thought cameras and microphones were off and exclaimed, "We came, we saw, he died," she was speaking not just for herself but for the party and interests that she now represents.

"I'm with her," says Michelle Obama.

"I am proud to stand with her," says Bernie Sanders.

I wonder where the dead children of Libya stand.

But this is Hillary Clinton's hour. Congratulations! Happy Anniversary!

We await your next war.

The original source of this article is OpEd News
Copyright © Edward Curtin, OpEd News, 2016
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:Happy Fifth Anniversary, Hillary Clinton, You've Destroyed Libya… We Await Your Next War

Quote:Following the bidding of her oligarchic backers in the hidden government, she has always been fervently eager to lend her immoral authority to the massacre of foreign peoples and the destruction of their central governments. Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Serbia, etc. the list is as long as her moral turpitude is deep.

And the history of the Globalist Oligarchy is deep.


American Oil and Rail money went into banking, financed the rise of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

W. Averell Harriman was Hitler's banker.

Harriman, the biggest war hawk in the Roosevelt Administration, was accused of having his nose well up Churchill's ass.

Hitler's banker took change of the Lend-Lease in '40 to arm the Brits and the Soviets.

After WW2 who was put in charge of administering the Marshall Plan for the reconstruction of Europe?

W. Averell Harriman.

Who were the Harriman retainers?

The Prescott Bush family.

When Harriman died in 1986 his wife started spending heavy on Democratic politics.

Bill Clinton was her favorite.

So for 20 years after his death the White House was occupied by Harriman proteges.

I've skipped over the inner-city drug thing and the JFK assassination thing - products of the "left wing" of the Globalist Oligarchy.

What, you don't think we know what we're getting with Hillary?

Fuck all ya'all.

What we'd be getting with Trump is 100 times worse.

"President Trump! President Trump!"

"What? What?"

"Prime Minister Theresa May has been quoted commenting on your small hands."

"What? That's disgusting! Bomb London!"

"...We can't bomb London, sir..."

"That's okay. I'll use my own planes."
Paul Rigby Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:
Paul Rigby Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:Speaking of dysfunctional democracies...Wasn't it just a few weeks ago that a pack of lyin' right wingers bum rushed the United Kingdom into leaving the EU?

Just say'n...

Obomber came, he threatened, we told him to f*ck off.

Magnificent. Not since the Iraq war protests have I felt so proud of my country.

Me neither.

And fuck off he did.

For the record, Cliff, vast amounts of people voted to leave - from all political persuasions - a great many as a protest to the fact that all the main political parties are, and remain, pro EU and have thoroughly disenfranchised large portions of the country by their arrogance and elitism. And because the EU was an American project, the vote was also a big fuck off to US meddling too.

The right-wing in the Conservative Party can't actually take the credit for it. They were as surprised as everyone else who hadn't taken the temperature of the country's anger properly.

I experienced an enormous patriotic swelling upon hearing the result, a defence which the judge acknowledged as novel, if ultimately unpersuasive.

I stand better informed, gentlemen.

Thank you.

Foreign influence is the bane of humanity.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:Foreign influence is the bane of humanity.

Ever since the Brits and the Yanks colluded to push opium in the early 19th Century the worst perps of "foreign influence" are "Anglo-American".
Cliff Varnell Wrote:What we'd be getting with Trump is 100 times worse.

I have to say, Cliff, I've enjoyed hugely your portrait of America under the Trumper. It's Hieronymous Bosch as reimagined by Sids Snot and/or Viscious, all under the influence of steaming vats of super-heated glue and all the better for it.

According to this luridly dystopian vision, Christian Gauleiters, festooned in neo-Nazi regalia and Averell Harriman badges, bestride by torch light a land beset by famine and pestilence, zealously liquidating grandmothers, abortionists, advocates of socialized medicine, computer geeks, liberals, onanists, liberal onanists, librarians, foreigners (particularly if dusky or swarthy) , pornographers, welfare recipients, anyone with an IQ in three figures, and, presumably, small, cuddly animals.

Rotting corpses of social workers and captured illegals dangle on high, swaying from manacles affixed to vast, pointless walls extending as far as the human eye can see. Headless lesbians litter the smoking ground, through which march zombie chain-gangs of weeping homosexualists forcibly "straightened" with the aid of the First Church of Ben the Snake Handler, pharmaceuticals and lavish doses of electricity. And this is only New York. Out in the mid-West, of course, it's really, really bad.

You must work this up into some sort of script: Rodham's speeches are as dull as dishwater.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:What we'd be getting with Trump is 100 times worse.

According to this luridly dystopian vision, Christian Gauleiters, festooned in neo-Nazi regalia and Averell Harriman badges,

This is a fundamental misunderstanding.

What's lurid and dysfunctional is your strawman.

You are not following my argument.

Do you know what the phrase "Christian Right" refers to in American politics?

Do you understand what domestic policies they push?

You appear as ill-informed of American politics as I am of British politics.

At least I don't try to double down on my ignorance.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:What we'd be getting with Trump is 100 times worse.

Donald Trump is a seriously disturbed human being -- all politics aside.

We're in the midst of his epic emotional meltdown.
What is the operative definition of "lurid and dystopian"?

A woman aborting her fetus with a coat hanger.

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