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Why CBS Covered up the JFK Case (part 1)
I have just posted the first part of the finest expose of how a network turned what was supposed to be a fair look at the JFK case into an ugly propaganda piece. And CBS did it in 1967 and 1975.

The chief criminal from these documents is Richard Salant. Working in concert with a secret group inside of CBS called the CNEC. This was set up after Murrow left, so that no individual broadcaster would ever become that powerful again and subject CBS to that kind of pressure.

The CNEC completely altered a proposal by men like Dan Schorr and turned it into a fiasco in every way. This part shows in detail, point by point how that was done. To my knowledge, no one has ever done anything like this before.

This is owed to the late Roger Feinman. He was the only person at CBS who gave two cents about how the network had prostrated itself before the figure of John McCloy. For that, he was terminated. And because of McCloy, the true facts of JFK's murder were ignored.

Part 2 is on its way.
DVP just had a rabid dog tantrum over at EF over Part 1.

Wait until he sees Part 2, he might need to go to Urgi Care for some valiums
How do people like John McCloy even live with themselves?! Guess once a liar, always a liar. Pure evil corrupt sumbritch.

This world can use many more class acts like the late Roger Feinman (RIP). Thanks for sharing, Mr. DiEugenio, hopefully Part 2 will shed even more light upon what great lengths these lying treasonous cowards went to cover up the truth. Their conniving actions are very telling. Corrupt sumbritches.
Alan, if you can cover up the escape of Klaus Barbie, as McCloy did, then, doing the same with JFK was no big deal.

BTW, that story is already the number one rated article at CTKA.

It went up like a day ago. That almost never happens.

God wait until they see part 2.
Birds of a feather...guess sadist think alike @ the ilk of McCloy and his sinister Nazi thug associate.

Imagine if there really was a Free Press instead of the spineless accessories in the MSM actively participating in the ongoing cover up (the happiest day ever would be IF any of these robots would summon the courage to do the right thing, rather than stick to their talking points). Pretty sad day for representative democracy when a remake of the classic 'The Wizard of Oz" would be left with no choice but to cast all of Dorothy's companions in need of a heart. What heartless soul is forever blinded by his thirty pieces of silver? A spineless coward.

McCloy, after helping to steer the Warren Commission astray, performs the same nefarious mission w/CBS four years later to execute the same deceptive practices. Talk about the "fox guarding the hen house".

Part 1 has already demonstrated to what great lengths these lying treasonous cowards would go to cover up the truth. Part 2, I imagine, will add the celebratory exclamation point on just how sinister these despicable sum britches really are.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:DVP just had a rabid dog tantrum over at EF over Part 1.

Wait until he sees Part 2, he might need to go to Urgi Care for some valiums

In my debates with DVP on Amazon, I've noticed that his knowledge of the case is really pretty limited, especially once you get away from the 6th floor window. He knows a lot about classic TV and movies (not that there's anything wrong with those). But his knowledge of other political/historical subjects is nil.
He does not do research on this case.

He recites what McAdams and Jean Davison, and maybe what Reitzes, tell him.
I just checked the stats tonight at CTKA.

Part 1 is the number one rated article already. By a big margin.

Its getting over 900 visits per day.

Part 2 is going up tonight.
Nice work. The vintage photos really help. I didn't know Lattimer was Hoover's urologist. No conflict of interest there.

Harold Weisberg called Lattimer a "right-wing fanatic...Urological complications not having been involved in JFK's assassination, Lattimer was not qualified under the terms of the [Kennedy family's] contract. What qualified him to the Nixon/Rhoads operation was the character of his extremist writing, which was both political and irrelevant to the fact." (Whitewash IV 9) One of Lattimer's hobbies was collecting Jack Ruby memorabilia, including notes, scribblings and drawings. Lattimer had them analyzed by other experts and they came to the conclusion that Ruby was "avenging the Jews in the gas chambers and not JFK" when he shot Oswald. They also found he was obssessive-compulsive and probably a latent homosexual. (Ruby Cover-up 321-23)

Alvarez developed the "jet effect" to explain the movement of JFK's head. I do think he was onto something with the jiggle analysis, but as you said, he ignored several of them. Alvarez was so much in bed with the national security establishment, he was a perfect example of the "hired gun" expert they like to use.
Here is the link to part 2:

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