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Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter
A moot point as in Mrs. Reid's proven lie negates the rest of the lies about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter...

*IF the contrived 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter had really happened, both Baker and Truly's testimonies would have also reflected/included encounters with...

Mr. Norman (Harold)…Didn't happen, Strike One!

Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray)…Didn't happen, Strike Two!!

Mr. Jarman (James)…Didn't happen, Strike Three!!!

In their haste to FRAME an innocent party, those truly responsible for the murder of a sitting democratically elected representative of the people simply forgot to address the small, yet important, details in their hastily contrived script…details that would have surely included encounters with the aforementioned trio IF Baker & Truly were anywhere near and/or actually running up on those same stairs as their contrived script reads.

Now, enough of the phantom 2nd floor encounter smoke-screen, back to the still lingering, unanswered questions at hand…

*The white helmeted motorcycle policeman who actually rode an elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor, Who was/is this man ?

*Why did Mrs. Reid feel compelled to lie about her phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongfully accused ? Who recruited her into the viper pit of liars ?

*Why did Truly lie about the availability of the elevators ?
Not a single individual (0-4 total) individuals actually positioned in close proximity of the elevators heard him call up for an elevator.

Did they suddenly go deaf? Riight!

And then miraculously heal an instant later?, after Truly finished yelling up for the same? The problem with lies is they create a host of other lies.

*Why did officialdom need multiple, repeated off the record discussions with both Truly & Baker ?
The plain simple truth doesn't require off the record discussions, retakes, modifications and/or reliance upon Mrs. Reid's outright lie (only an initial liethe 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter-- needed her additional lie…no great surprise, since lies usually require a host of other lies).

Anything attached to one lie is already a lie (Mrs. Reid's outright lie was needed to enhance yet another lie, one parroted over and over again, and again by Truly & Baker about their phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongfully accused.

Again, the plain simple truth ---->

Friday, November 22, 1963

"As an officer rushed into the building Oswald rushed out. The policeman permitted him to pass after the building manager told the policeman that Oswald was an employee." Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry

Into the building ='s down on the first floor main entrance, quote, into the building

"The man who said he was the building superintendent was outside & met
me at the door & went in with me. Shortly after I entered the
building I confronted Oswald. We left Oswald there, & the supervisor
showed me the way upstairs".

Conclusion: this encounter was down on the first floor.

"Shortly after the shooting we raced back into the building. We saw Oswald in a small storage room on the ground floor". -- O. Virgil Campbell

Conclusion: this encountercompleting a trifecta of sightingswas also down on the first floor

Saturday, November 23, 1963
...a hastily contrived script rears its lying head...and the mounting lies simply out grow the hastily contrived script.

Who was that white helmeted motorcycle officer who rode up on an elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor before Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray) began his descent from the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor ?

Funny Truly & Baker also omit this elevator motorcycle officer's presence from their hastily contrived script. What the populace has been told and what the plain simple truth is is altogether two different things.

Mrs. Reid.
Judas, err, Truly.
et tu?@ 4triesBaker...Who needs multiple off the record discussions & four different versions to account for a singular event?

Very telling that the still lingering questions within this thread remain unanswered...

Guess it's much easier to parrot back the same lie over and over again than actually commit to answering these challenging questions. Moreover, IF the truth was being told, these questions wouldn't even exist anyway...but that's the problem with phantom encounters they raise more questions than share the plain simple truth.
Alan Ford Wrote:A moot point as in Mrs. Reid's proven lie negates the rest of the lies about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter...

*IF the contrived 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter had really happened, both Baker and Truly's testimonies would have also reflected/included encounters with...

Mr. Norman (Harold)…Didn't happen, Strike One!

Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray)…Didn't happen, Strike Two!!

Mr. Jarman (James)…Didn't happen, Strike Three!!!

In their haste to FRAME an innocent party, those truly responsible for the murder of a sitting democratically elected representative of the people simply forgot to address the small, yet important, details in their hastily contrived script…details that would have surely included encounters with the aforementioned trio IF Baker & Truly were anywhere near and/or actually running up on those same stairs as their contrived script reads.

Now, enough of the phantom 2nd floor encounter smoke-screen, back to the still lingering, unanswered questions at hand…

*The white helmeted motorcycle policeman who actually rode an elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor, Who was/is this man ?

*Why did Mrs. Reid feel compelled to lie about her phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongfully accused ? Who recruited her into the viper pit of liars ?

*Why did Truly lie about the availability of the elevators ?
Not a single individual (0-4 total) individuals actually positioned in close proximity of the elevators heard him call up for an elevator.

Did they suddenly go deaf? Riight!

And then miraculously heal an instant later?, after Truly finished yelling up for the same? The problem with lies is they create a host of other lies.

*Why did officialdom need multiple, repeated off the record discussions with both Truly & Baker ?
The plain simple truth doesn't require off the record discussions, retakes, modifications and/or reliance upon Mrs. Reid's outright lie (only an initial liethe 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter-- needed her additional lie…no great surprise, since lies usually require a host of other lies).

Anything attached to one lie is already a lie (Mrs. Reid's outright lie was needed to enhance yet another lie, one parroted over and over again, and again by Truly & Baker about their phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongfully accused.

Again, the plain simple truth ---->

Friday, November 22, 1963

"As an officer rushed into the building Oswald rushed out. The policeman permitted him to pass after the building manager told the policeman that Oswald was an employee." Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry

Into the building ='s down on the first floor main entrance, quote, into the building

"The man who said he was the building superintendent was outside & met
me at the door & went in with me. Shortly after I entered the
building I confronted Oswald. We left Oswald there, & the supervisor
showed me the way upstairs".

Conclusion: this encounter was down on the first floor.

"Shortly after the shooting we raced back into the building. We saw Oswald in a small storage room on the ground floor". -- O. Virgil Campbell

Conclusion: this encountercompleting a trifecta of sightingswas also down on the first floor

Saturday, November 23, 1963
...a hastily contrived script rears its lying head...and the mounting lies simply out grow the hastily contrived script.

Who was that white helmeted motorcycle officer who rode up on an elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor before Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray) began his descent from the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor ?

Funny Truly & Baker also omit this elevator motorcycle officer's presence from their hastily contrived script. What the populace has been told and what the plain simple truth is is altogether two different things.

Mrs. Reid.
Judas, err, Truly.
et tu?@ 4triesBaker...Who needs multiple off the record discussions & four different versions to account for a singular event?

Very telling that the still lingering questions within this thread remain unanswered...

Guess it's much easier to parrot back the same lie over and over again than actually commit to answering these challenging questions. Moreover, IF the truth was being told, these questions wouldn't even exist anyway...but that's the problem with phantom encounters they raise more questions than share the plain simple truth.

Assertions, without direct quotes of COMPLETE TESTIMONY/STATEMENTS, including relative TIMING, ​is to me an indication of a lack of reliable evidence for expressed assertions.


Ray Mitcham Wrote:
LR Trotter Wrote:
Ray Mitcham Wrote:[quote=LR Trotter]

[TD="class: votecell"]
1down votefavorite
[TD="class: postcell"]Ground floor First floor:
  • In British English, the floor of a building which is level with the ground is called the ground floor. The floor above it is called the first floor, the floor above that is the second floor, and so on.
  • In American English, the floor which is level with the ground is called the first floor, the floor above it is the second floor, and so on.


Mute point or not, it was an explanation of the possible confusion between ground and first floor.

To my knowledge, Dallas, Texas, is in the UnitedStates of America, so at the TSBD Building, the first floor is the first floor, and is not a ground floor. Although a mute point as to where the 2nd floor lunchroom encounter occurred, it actually is a provable cause for some early ambiguity regarding floor counting by someone, like DPD Officer ML Baker, who was not familiar with the building.

Officer Baker was American, so should have been aware that the bottom floor was the first, according to your arguments.

Whether a moot point, or a point in need of muting, as well as whether he went up steps or stairs, the TSBD 1st floor is well above ground level, and considering when and why DPD Officer ML Baker had entered the building, it should be reasonable to expect some early ambiguity relative to his recall of the situation.


LR Trotter Wrote:
Ray Mitcham Wrote:
LR Trotter Wrote:[quote=Ray Mitcham]

To my knowledge, Dallas, Texas, is in the UnitedStates of America, so at the TSBD Building, the first floor is the first floor, and is not a ground floor. Although a mute point as to where the 2nd floor lunchroom encounter occurred, it actually is a provable cause for some early ambiguity regarding floor counting by someone, like DPD Officer ML Baker, who was not familiar with the building.

Officer Baker was American, so should have been aware that the bottom floor was the first, according to your arguments.

Whether a moot point, or a point in need of muting, as well as whether he went up steps or stairs, the TSBD 1st floor is well above ground level, and considering when and why DPD Officer ML Baker had entered the building, it should be reasonable to expect some early ambiguity relative to his recall of the situation.

It always seems to be a moot point when the point disagrees with your arguments.
Mr. BELIN. And then what happened?
Mr. TRULY. Then we left Lee Harvey Oswald immediately and continued to run up the stairways until we reached the fifth floor.
Mr. BELIN. All right.

*Again, why did Truly and/or Baker's respective testimonies fail to reflect as they continued upwards to the 5th floor encounters with…

Mr. Norman (Harold) S1

Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray) S2

Mr. Jarman (James) S3

Who all were actually up on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor in very close proximity to the elevator area…

*Yet not a single one of these three menwithin their own separate testimoniesshare an encounter with Truly & Baker?

A fair, objective inquiry begs the question Why?, though the answer is glaringly obvious.

*the only policeman seen was a white helmeted motorcycle officer who actually rode an elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor, there's this exchange ---->

Mr. BALL. I will take this same diagram----
Mr. WILLIAMS. First of all we made a stop before we got to the last stop that we was when the policeman came up.
Mr. BALL. Now, could you see all of the elevators from there?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, by me being the tallest, I saw --
Mr. BALL. I am not going into what you saw. But could you see either elevator from where you were standing at "Z"?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir; you could see this pretty plainly.
Mr. BALL. You mean the west elevator
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes sir.
Mr. BALL. Could you see the east elevator?
Mr. WILLIAMS. No, sir; you could not see it exactly.
Mr. BALL. Now, when you were questioned by the FBI agents, talking to Mr. Odum and Mr. Griffin, they reported in writing here that while you were standing at the west end of the building on the fifth floor, a police officer came up on the elevator and looked all around the fifth floor and left the floor. Did you see anything like that?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, at the time I was up there I saw a motorcycle policeman. He came up. And the only thing I saw of him was his white helmet.
Mr. BALL. What did he
Mr. WILLIAMS. He just came around, and around to the elevator.
Mr. BALL. Which elevator?
Mr. WILLIAMS. I believe it was the east elevator.
Mr. BALL. Did you see anybody with him?
Mr. WILLIAMS. I did not.
Who was/is this white helmeted motorcycle policeman?
Why didn't Truly & Baker encounter him, especially since, quote --à
Mr. BELIN. And then what happened?
Mr. TRULY. Then we left Lee Harvey Oswald immediately and continued to run up the stairways until we reached the fifth floor.

And, rather than go into Mrs. Reid's outright lie again, suffice it to say none of us can be in two different places at the same time (in their haste to FRAME an innocent party, the viper pit of liars simply out lied themselves, failing to factor in the small, yet all important details ( a photo capturing Mrs. Reid out in front of the building in the same time sequence she said she was encountering the wrongfully accused). OOPS!

Truly & Baker failed miserably, Failing to include encounters with Mr. Norman (Harold); Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray); Mr. Jarman (James); and, also with the white helmeted motorcycle officer who rode an elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor.

Mrs. Reid's blatant lie clearly exposes the phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter for the hoax it is. All four individuals standing in close proximity of the elevators, who didn't hear Truly yell up for an elevator exposes the hastily contrived script for what it was/is. Baker's multiple tries to get his lies, err, "facts" straight about a single event exposes the phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter as nothing more than a hastily contrived script. Discussions off the record exposes the phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter as the hoax it was all along.

The plain simple truth doesn't need multiple tries to get it right the first time; nor does the plain simple truth desperately cling to discussions off the record either.

Now, back to the plain simple truth ---->

Friday, November 22, 1963

"As an officer rushed into the building Oswald rushed out. The policeman permitted him to pass after the building manager told the policeman that Oswald was an employee." Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry

into the building ='s down on the first floor

"The man who said he was the building superintendent was outside & met
me at the door & went in with me. Shortly after I entered the
building I confronted Oswald. We left Oswald there, & the supervisor
showed me the way upstairs".

Conclusion: this encounter was also down on the first floor.

"Shortly after the shooting we raced back into the building. We saw Oswald in a small storage room on the ground floor". -- O. Virgil Campbell

Conclusion: this encountercompleting a trifecta of sightingswas also down on the first floor

Saturday, November 23, 1963...a hastily contrived script rears its lying head...and the mounting lies simply out grow the hastily contrived script.

Man! Who was/is that white helmeted motorcycle policeman who rode an elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor ?????

Who was that mysterious someone with Truly ????? ----->

Mr. BALL. You mentioned you saw Truly?
Mr. PIPER. I don't know whether it was a policeman or FBI or who it was,but another fellow was with him.

That someone certainly wasn't a clearly defined white helmeted motorcycle policeman in full uniform…

In spite of the hastily contrived script to the contrary, Was Truly & Baker actually together during the immediate aftermath?, Or were their separate experiences weaved together to FRAME an innocent party?

Who is the white helmeted motorcycle officer who rode up on an elevator?, and just who is this someone who was really in the presence/company of Truly?
Ray Mitcham Wrote:
LR Trotter Wrote:
Ray Mitcham Wrote:[quote=LR Trotter]

Officer Baker was American, so should have been aware that the bottom floor was the first, according to your arguments.

Whether a moot point, or a point in need of muting, as well as whether he went up steps or stairs, the TSBD 1st floor is well above ground level, and considering when and why DPD Officer ML Baker had entered the building, it should be reasonable to expect some early ambiguity relative to his recall of the situation.

It always seems to be a moot point when the point disagrees with your arguments.

Upon entering the TSBD building in an effort to search for and/or apprehend a shooter, that had fired shots about a minute earlier, and was thought possibly on an upper floor or roof, DPD Officer ML Baker had encountered a flight of stairs in order to reach the Elm St entrance, to the first floor.

Even in 1963, Dallas, Texas was a sizable city, with many multiple story buildings. And, it is very likely that DPD Officer ML Baker was not familiar with the layout of most of said buildings. For that reason, I have to conclude that a possibility exists that a floor count ambiguity had an effect on his early expressed recall of his actions, and his perceived location of the second floor lunchroom.

Plainly stated, hopefully, once inside, and relative to the location of the second floor lunchroom, the raised first floor is a moot point, with the exception of the flight of stairs to the first floor entrance possibly being the cause for DPD Officer ML Baker's early confusion regarding floor count while searching for a shooter or shooters, that he felt possibly had shot from the building.


Mr. Mitcham

The one thing Officer Marrion Baker was sure about-- before the hastily contrived script engineered by Truly and his accomplice Mrs. Reid derailed a sense of truth, justice and honour-- was precisely where he encountered the wrongfully accused ---->

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9173&stc=1]
Youtube capture...

Please note his right index finger, indicating 1 (1st) instead of 2 (2nd) and/or 4 (4th).

Also of note is the direction he is also pointing ----> "out in front". He knows precisely where he encountered the wrongfully accused...

Of course, after the hastily contrived script was sprung upon him the very next day, he succumbed to the the paralyzing threat of play ball with the viper pit of liars Or Else.

Mr. Craig (Roger) is an example of what happens when one doesn't play ball with Judas, err, Truly.

Speaking of lying lips, Back tomorrow to share another glaring lie told by Truly (what's new, right?)

Hint: He tells of a trip up to the roof w/Officer Baker...

but, lo and behold, I've come across information to the contrary about that contrived tale. Unless of course there is an explanation of why that particular area was actually locked when a certain other individual within his own same day affidavit attempted to access that particular area in the same time & sequence of you guessed it Truly & Baker. But there's more...muted for now though.

I always wondered why Truly's pressed white shirt was void of sweat, dust, grime, etc IF he really exerted his 56 year old body as he claims that afternoon. Now, I know. Back tomorrow with full reveal. Of course, like all of the other remaining, still unanswered questions/inconsistencies amid Truly's tales, I suspect there won't be any forthcoming objective inquiry into this new revelation either, let alone an answer to it. So much easier to talk semantics and parrot back a phantom encounter I guess.

Oh, Mrs. Reid, Do you have a second, ma'am?

Enjoy your evening, Mr. Mitcham, Cheers!

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Alan Ford Wrote:Mr. BELIN. And then what happened?
Mr. TRULY. Then we left Lee Harvey Oswald immediately and continued to run up the stairways until we reached the fifth floor.
Mr. BELIN. All right.

*Again, why did Truly and/or Baker's respective testimonies fail to reflect as they continued upwards to the 5th floor encounters with…

Mr. Norman (Harold) S1

Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray) S2

Mr. Jarman (James) S3

Who all were actually up on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor in very close proximity to the elevator area…

*Yet not a single one of these three menwithin their own separate testimoniesshare an encounter with Truly & Baker?

A fair, objective inquiry begs the question Why?, though the answer is glaringly obvious.

*the only policeman seen was a white helmeted motorcycle officer who actually rode an elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor, there's this exchange ---->

Mr. BALL. I will take this same diagram----
Mr. WILLIAMS. First of all we made a stop before we got to the last stop that we was when the policeman came up.
Mr. BALL. Now, could you see all of the elevators from there?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, by me being the tallest, I saw --
Mr. BALL. I am not going into what you saw. But could you see either elevator from where you were standing at "Z"?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir; you could see this pretty plainly.
Mr. BALL. You mean the west elevator
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes sir.
Mr. BALL. Could you see the east elevator?
Mr. WILLIAMS. No, sir; you could not see it exactly.
Mr. BALL. Now, when you were questioned by the FBI agents, talking to Mr. Odum and Mr. Griffin, they reported in writing here that while you were standing at the west end of the building on the fifth floor, a police officer came up on the elevator and looked all around the fifth floor and left the floor. Did you see anything like that?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, at the time I was up there I saw a motorcycle policeman. He came up. And the only thing I saw of him was his white helmet.
Mr. BALL. What did he
Mr. WILLIAMS. He just came around, and around to the elevator.
Mr. BALL. Which elevator?
Mr. WILLIAMS. I believe it was the east elevator.
Mr. BALL. Did you see anybody with him?
Mr. WILLIAMS. I did not.
Who was/is this white helmeted motorcycle policeman?
Why didn't Truly & Baker encounter him, especially since, quote --à
Mr. BELIN. And then what happened?
Mr. TRULY. Then we left Lee Harvey Oswald immediately and continued to run up the stairways until we reached the fifth floor.

And, rather than go into Mrs. Reid's outright lie again, suffice it to say none of us can be in two different places at the same time (in their haste to FRAME an innocent party, the viper pit of liars simply out lied themselves, failing to factor in the small, yet all important details ( a photo capturing Mrs. Reid out in front of the building in the same time sequence she said she was encountering the wrongfully accused). OOPS!

Truly & Baker failed miserably, Failing to include encounters with Mr. Norman (Harold); Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray); Mr. Jarman (James); and, also with the white helmeted motorcycle officer who rode an elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor.

Mrs. Reid's blatant lie clearly exposes the phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter for the hoax it is. All four individuals standing in close proximity of the elevators, who didn't hear Truly yell up for an elevator exposes the hastily contrived script for what it was/is. Baker's multiple tries to get his lies, err, "facts" straight about a single event exposes the phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter as nothing more than a hastily contrived script. Discussions off the record exposes the phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter as the hoax it was all along.

The plain simple truth doesn't need multiple tries to get it right the first time; nor does the plain simple truth desperately cling to discussions off the record either.

Now, back to the plain simple truth ---->

Friday, November 22, 1963

"As an officer rushed into the building Oswald rushed out. The policeman permitted him to pass after the building manager told the policeman that Oswald was an employee." Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry

into the building ='s down on the first floor

"The man who said he was the building superintendent was outside & met
me at the door & went in with me. Shortly after I entered the
building I confronted Oswald. We left Oswald there, & the supervisor
showed me the way upstairs".

Conclusion: this encounter was also down on the first floor.

"Shortly after the shooting we raced back into the building. We saw Oswald in a small storage room on the ground floor". -- O. Virgil Campbell

Conclusion: this encountercompleting a trifecta of sightingswas also down on the first floor

Saturday, November 23, 1963...a hastily contrived script rears its lying head...and the mounting lies simply out grow the hastily contrived script.

Man! Who was/is that white helmeted motorcycle policeman who rode an elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor ?????

Who was that mysterious someone with Truly ????? ----->

Mr. BALL. You mentioned you saw Truly?
Mr. PIPER. I don't know whether it was a policeman or FBI or who it was,but another fellow was with him.

That someone certainly wasn't a clearly defined white helmeted motorcycle policeman in full uniform…

In spite of the hastily contrived script to the contrary, Was Truly & Baker actually together during the immediate aftermath?, Or were their separate experiences weaved together to FRAME an innocent party?

Who is the white helmeted motorcycle officer who rode up on an elevator?, and just who is this someone who was really in the presence/company of Truly?

Some things are plainly stated. Some things are not.

It appears that Mr Ball's question seems to indicate a policeman came up the elevator,to the 5th floor. However, Mr Williams's statement only indicates a policeman came up, to said floor.

Either way, accordingly, Mr Williams indicated that the east elevator was not within their view.

Additionally, I believe Mr Williams also indicated in his testimony, that 5th floor access to the stairwell was also not within their view, even if occupied by an elephant.

Certainly, I have to conclude that shelving, and cartons highly stacked effects viewability, as indicated by Mr Williams, as well as lighting, which gives cause for a white helmet to stand out in a warehouse, as the TSBD building was.

To my knowledge, DPD Chief of Police, JesseCurry, was not an eyewitness to the DPD Officer ML Baker encounter with LH Oswald.

As I recall, I believe TSBD VP OV Campbell testified/stated that he had not known, nor had seen, ​LH Oswald prior to the assassination.


Alan Ford Wrote:Mr. Mitcham

The one thing Officer Marrion Baker was sure about-- before the hastily contrived script engineered by Truly and his accomplice Mrs. Reid derailed a sense of truth, justice and honour-- was precisely where he encountered the wrongfully accused ---->

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9173&stc=1]
Youtube capture...

Please note his right index finger, indicating 1 (1st) instead of 2 (2nd) and/or 4 (4th).

Also of note is the direction he is also pointing ----> "out in front". He knows precisely where he encountered the wrongfully accused...

Of course, after the hastily contrived script was sprung upon him the very next day, he succumbed to the the paralyzing threat of play ball with the viper pit of liars Or Else.

Mr. Craig (Roger) is an example of what happens when one doesn't play ball with Judas, err, Truly.

Speaking of lying lips, Back tomorrow to share another glaring lie told by Truly (what's new, right?)

Hint: He tells of a trip up to the roof w/Officer Baker...

but, lo and behold, I've come across information to the contrary about that contrived tale. Unless of course there is an explanation of why that particular area was actually locked when a certain other individual within his own same day affidavit attempted to access that particular area in the same time & sequence of you guessed it Truly & Baker. But there's more...muted for now though.

I always wondered why Truly's pressed white shirt was void of sweat, dust, grime, etc IF he really exerted his 56 year old body as he claims that afternoon. Now, I know. Back tomorrow with full reveal. Of course, like all of the other remaining, still unanswered questions/inconsistencies amid Truly's tales, I suspect there won't be any forthcoming objective inquiry into this new revelation either, let alone an answer to it. So much easier to talk semantics and parrot back a phantom encounter I guess.

Oh, Mrs. Reid, Do you have a second, ma'am?

Enjoy your evening, Mr. Mitcham, Cheers!

A hand, but to whom does it belong? So, is it an exhibition of pointing, or counting? Where can a photo be found that shows Mr RS Truly's shirt that he wore on that cool November day?


LR Trotter Wrote:
Alan Ford Wrote:Mr. BELIN. And then what happened?
Mr. TRULY. Then we left Lee Harvey Oswald immediately and continued to run up the stairways until we reached the fifth floor.
Mr. BELIN. All right.

*Again, why did Truly and/or Baker's respective testimonies fail to reflect as they continued upwards to the 5th floor encounters with…

Mr. Norman (Harold) S1

Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray) S2

Mr. Jarman (James) S3

Who all were actually up on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor in very close proximity to the elevator area…

*Yet not a single one of these three menwithin their own separate testimoniesshare an encounter with Truly & Baker?

A fair, objective inquiry begs the question Why?, though the answer is glaringly obvious.

*the only policeman seen was a white helmeted motorcycle officer who actually rode an elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor, there's this exchange ---->

Mr. BALL. I will take this same diagram----
Mr. WILLIAMS. First of all we made a stop before we got to the last stop that we was when the policeman came up.
Mr. BALL. Now, could you see all of the elevators from there?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, by me being the tallest, I saw --
Mr. BALL. I am not going into what you saw. But could you see either elevator from where you were standing at "Z"?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir; you could see this pretty plainly.
Mr. BALL. You mean the west elevator
Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes sir.
Mr. BALL. Could you see the east elevator?
Mr. WILLIAMS. No, sir; you could not see it exactly.
Mr. BALL. Now, when you were questioned by the FBI agents, talking to Mr. Odum and Mr. Griffin, they reported in writing here that while you were standing at the west end of the building on the fifth floor, a police officer came up on the elevator and looked all around the fifth floor and left the floor. Did you see anything like that?
Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, at the time I was up there I saw a motorcycle policeman. He came up. And the only thing I saw of him was his white helmet.
Mr. BALL. What did he
Mr. WILLIAMS. He just came around, and around to the elevator.
Mr. BALL. Which elevator?
Mr. WILLIAMS. I believe it was the east elevator.
Mr. BALL. Did you see anybody with him?
Mr. WILLIAMS. I did not.
Who was/is this white helmeted motorcycle policeman?
Why didn't Truly & Baker encounter him, especially since, quote --à
Mr. BELIN. And then what happened?
Mr. TRULY. Then we left Lee Harvey Oswald immediately and continued to run up the stairways until we reached the fifth floor.

And, rather than go into Mrs. Reid's outright lie again, suffice it to say none of us can be in two different places at the same time (in their haste to FRAME an innocent party, the viper pit of liars simply out lied themselves, failing to factor in the small, yet all important details ( a photo capturing Mrs. Reid out in front of the building in the same time sequence she said she was encountering the wrongfully accused). OOPS!

Truly & Baker failed miserably, Failing to include encounters with Mr. Norman (Harold); Mr. Williams (Bonnie Ray); Mr. Jarman (James); and, also with the white helmeted motorcycle officer who rode an elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor.

Mrs. Reid's blatant lie clearly exposes the phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter for the hoax it is. All four individuals standing in close proximity of the elevators, who didn't hear Truly yell up for an elevator exposes the hastily contrived script for what it was/is. Baker's multiple tries to get his lies, err, "facts" straight about a single event exposes the phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter as nothing more than a hastily contrived script. Discussions off the record exposes the phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter as the hoax it was all along.

The plain simple truth doesn't need multiple tries to get it right the first time; nor does the plain simple truth desperately cling to discussions off the record either.

Now, back to the plain simple truth ---->

Friday, November 22, 1963

"As an officer rushed into the building Oswald rushed out. The policeman permitted him to pass after the building manager told the policeman that Oswald was an employee." Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry

into the building ='s down on the first floor

"The man who said he was the building superintendent was outside & met
me at the door & went in with me. Shortly after I entered the
building I confronted Oswald. We left Oswald there, & the supervisor
showed me the way upstairs".

Conclusion: this encounter was also down on the first floor.

"Shortly after the shooting we raced back into the building. We saw Oswald in a small storage room on the ground floor". -- O. Virgil Campbell

Conclusion: this encountercompleting a trifecta of sightingswas also down on the first floor

Saturday, November 23, 1963...a hastily contrived script rears its lying head...and the mounting lies simply out grow the hastily contrived script.

Man! Who was/is that white helmeted motorcycle policeman who rode an elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor ?????

Who was that mysterious someone with Truly ????? ----->

Mr. BALL. You mentioned you saw Truly?
Mr. PIPER. I don't know whether it was a policeman or FBI or who it was,but another fellow was with him.

That someone certainly wasn't a clearly defined white helmeted motorcycle policeman in full uniform…

In spite of the hastily contrived script to the contrary, Was Truly & Baker actually together during the immediate aftermath?, Or were their separate experiences weaved together to FRAME an innocent party?

Who is the white helmeted motorcycle officer who rode up on an elevator?, and just who is this someone who was really in the presence/company of Truly?

Some things are plainly stated. Some things are not.

It appears that Mr Ball's question seems to indicate a policeman came up the elevator,to the 5th floor. However, Mr Williams's statement only indicates a policeman came up, to said floor.

Either way, accordingly, Mr Williams indicated that the east elevator was not within their view.

Additionally, I believe Mr Williams also indicated in his testimony, that 5th floor access to the stairwell was also not within their view, even if occupied by an elephant.

Certainly, I have to conclude that shelving, and cartons highly stacked effects viewability, as indicated by Mr Williams, as well as lighting, which gives cause for a white helmet to stand out in a warehouse, as the TSBD building was.

To my knowledge, DPD Chief of Police, JesseCurry, was not an eyewitness to the DPD Officer ML Baker encounter with LH Oswald.

As I recall

I believe TSBD VP OV Campbell testified/stated that he had not known, nor had seen, ​LH Oswald prior to the assassination.

Mr Campbell did not have to have known Oswald before he saw him in the small cupboard in the vestibule at the entrance to the TSDB to state that it was Oswald he saw there afterwards.

Mr Holmes :Then he said when all this commotion started, "I just went on downstairs." And he didn't say whether he took the elevator or not. He said, "I went down, and as I started to go out and see what it was all about, a police officer stopped me just before I got to the front door, and started to ask me some questions, and my superintendent of the place stepped up and told the officers that I am one of the employees of the building, so he told me to step aside for a little bit and we will get to you later. Then I just went on out in the crowd to see what it was all about."…Mr Belin :Where did this policeman stop him when he was coming down the stairs at the Book Depository on the day of the shooting?Mr Holmes :He said it was in the vestibule.Mr Belin :He said it was in the vestibule?Mr Holmes :Or approaching the door to the vestibule. He was just coming, apparently, and I have never been in there myself. Apparently there is two sets of doors, and he had come out to this front part.Mr Belin Big Grinid he state it was on what floor?Mr Holmes :First floor. The front entrance to the first floor.Mr Belin Big Grinid he say anything about a Coca Cola or anything like that, if you remember?Mr Holmes :Seems like he said he was drinking a Coca Cola, standing there by the Coca Cola machine drinking a Coca Cola.(WCHE, vol.7, pp.302, 305306

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