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JUDYTH VARY BAKER - IN HER OWN WORDS: Edited, With Commentary by Walt Brown, Ph.D
And another thing---------in listening to the interview of Walt Brown about Judy Vary Baker, Walt brought up a telling issue: in her book, she listed about 20 or 30 people who could back up her claim that Oswald could (and did) drive a car.

As I best recall, Walt Brown stated that only five of those people could actually verify Baker's claim that Oswald drove a car.

Well, if even five people had such knowledge and if JVB knew they had that knowledge, then that speaks volumes about her credibility.

And so what if JVB embellished or "dramatized" her tale, or took poetic license? IMHO, the most accurate book on the assassination (present company excluded) is the book "Treason For My Daily Bread" by Mikhail Lebedev. It's written as fiction but gets the story straighter than almost any other source I have come across.

I still think it's possible that JVB had a diary or journal that give her the "total recall" information to write her book. She may have not wanted some covert intelligence types to burglarize her living quarters to find it. Just a hypothetical possibility. I have no inside information about this.

James Lateer
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
James Lateer Wrote:I have to speak up here to support my friend and publisher Mr. Kris Millegan. Thanks to him, I have gotten my book The Three Barons published and sitting in libraries in 7 countries including Ecuador and Azerbaijan.

I have never worked with any professional who has more intelligence and integrity than Mr. Millegan. Add to that "hard-working".

As for Judyth Vary Baker, please refer to my Blog entry of a few weeks ago about the UC-Berkeley Molecular Biology Lab. According to Donald H Carpenter in his book A Man of a Million Fragments, a Jim Garrison witness placed Clay Shaw at the Berkeley lab on the day of the JFK assassination. That lab was apparently involved in military weapons projects involving molecular biology IMHO. At least their faculty had some history in that arena.

I can see why the U S Governnent wants to pull out all the stops to prevent the JFK killing from being connected to a US government plot of this controversial type. That goes double for connecting ex-Nazis to the killing. (It was ex-Nazis who dominated the Berkeley Lab according to the Garrison witness Thomas Breitner). This was Paperclip in action.

It looks like the hysterical opposition to J V Baker is that this "weaponized cancer" theory of the JFK assassination is just too threatening to the National Security State. Slinging arrows at JVB is the best those forces can arrange to obscure what is becoming more and more obvious and more and more difficult to hide.

James Lateer [/FONT]

James I cannot speak for anyone else but for me the opposition to JVB is not the cancer stories, which I believe are all true. Dr Mary's Monkey is one of the most terrifying books I have ever read. Haslam also had news articles about JVB as a promising cancer researcher when I saw him at COPA in 2009. That said what I personally do not believe is her love affair with Harvey. (LHO). I found her book interesting and a fun read. I just do not believe her. I did way back in 2004- but that is a different story and with a complicated motive. Just start at her beginning, of the alleged meeting in the post office and both speaking Russian to each other. Don't you always begin speaking Russian to a stranger when standing in line?
John Armstrong was speaking with her some years back, as she was alleging that people mistook her for Marina. John asked her how far along in her pregnancy was she in NO. She responded by hanging up on him.
And all her allegations of death in her food in Canada some years back. Fiction imho.

Yeah, I remeber her glass story, I find that unfortunate, while I was eating at Denney's some while back years ago before I even knew who my father was I chewed on a peice of glass and cracked a tooth, then spit that peice out, it was in my salad, I suppose some glass broke in the kitchen and not all of it was cleaned up, Denney's settled out of court and gave me a little over three grand, so, if she went through the same thing why didn't she contact an attorney or settle?
James Lateer Wrote:Dawn--if you have attended meetings with Judy Vary Baker, why didn't you ask her to talk to you in Russian? If she claimed fluency in Russian in her book, that would be a no-brainer as to reveal such a possibly bogus claim.

James Lateer

After all these years don't you think anyone could've learned how to say a few words?
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
James Lateer Wrote:Dawn--if you have attended meetings with Judy Vary Baker, why didn't you ask her to talk to you in Russian? If she claimed fluency in Russian in her book, that would be a no-brainer as to reveal such a possibly bogus claim.

James Lateer

After all these years don't you think anyone could've learned how to say a few words?

And I bet if you asked her what they said to each other, in Russian that is, I'm willing to bet my life savings, (Which isn't much), she could quote her conversation word for word to you.

Look, truly, I am the biggest asshole on Facebook, and second to none here, but the reason for that is I want to keep a level head, reality, I do NOT need to allow the assassination or Watergate to hinge on any part of my life that can alter me, who I am, and what I beleive in, reality.
Just got back after a weekend of being a delegate at our State Democratic Convention. I am tempted to approach the new CEO of the DP to serve as a "Deep State" consultant or trainer. The leaders just HAVE TO understand the National Security State to do their jobs. AND THEY DON'T HAVE A CLUE ABOUT IT'S REAL NATURE OR ITS HISTORY.

The JFK assassination, (no matter what people might say) is still at the back of many people's minds. And IMHO, only people who understand the Deep State/National Security State can properly interpret what has gone on from 1947 to now in Washington, DC.

Not wanting the JFK assassination or Watergate to influence one's reality is important. But coming to an understanding of the JFK murder and the creation story of the CIA have been the keys (for me) which has unlocked a decent understanding of all current government events.

People who are "conspiracy deniers", i.e. "lone gunman" people are not much better off than people who don't know where babies come from or people who think the world is flat. Kennedy Assassination Denial IMHO should be listed as a World Health Organization category of mild insanity. It should be in the DSM V.

The people on this website are literally at the front edge and the cutting edge of contemporary history analysis in the US. And I don't think I'm exaggerating with this claim. Let's pat ourselves on the back a little.

James Lateer
How can someone who in abstract or rather acronyms so often abbreviate IMHO, which I believe stands for in my honest opinion say he is not exaggerating. All too often men have made the simple mistake of reading too many books in conspiracy theories, as well as incorporating that information along with any findings from FOIA documents, however, ones biggest matake is not listening to reason, therefore, rather than receiving wise council, they are left with one single emotion that clouds their mind, that is, people are judgemental.

The wise once said to learn is by learning, it is counciled by truth, sworn an oath, but sadly, truth is the one single accord that many do not want to bind to, truth is rejected, because it will invalidate whatever theories were birth long ago.
James Lateer Wrote:Dawn--if you have attended meetings with Judy Vary Baker, why didn't you ask her to talk to you in Russian? If she claimed fluency in Russian in her book, that would be a no-brainer as to reveal such a possibly bogus claim.

James Lateer

By the time she began attending meetings- the 50th anniversary- she knew I was no fan so there was no conversation. Good idea however. I will ask my good friend Richard Bartholomew to try this the next time he is speaking at one of her events.
I use the acronym IMHO to mean "in my humble opinion". There are two reasons to use this:

(1) my publisher Kris Millegan cautioned me not to claim absolute truth because it will turn people off--hence the reliance on opinion only and

(2) since I'm not on facebook or twitter, etc., I try to sound like an internet insider or internet jock (since I really don't know the ropes in terms of website technology, etc).

James Lateer
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
James Lateer Wrote:Dawn--if you have attended meetings with Judy Vary Baker, why didn't you ask her to talk to you in Russian? If she claimed fluency in Russian in her book, that would be a no-brainer as to reveal such a possibly bogus claim.

James Lateer

By the time she began attending meetings- the 50th anniversary- she knew I was no fan so there was no conversation. Good idea however. I will ask my good friend Richard Bartholomew to try this the next time he is speaking at one of her events.

Judyth Vary Baker = LIAR !!! Lock her and her publisher up for perpetrating a decades-long fraud !!! Shame on the lot of them !!!
That last post belongs on the Rachel Maddow or Anderson Cooper shows IMHO.

James Lateer

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