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Gil Jesus' JFK You Tube Channel
so sayeth the warren dismission...amen...say the logger heads...MY FAVOURITE BELOW.nothing lines up, but what the hell, he's guilty anyway....b

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A beautiful photo--of the Queen Mary, not the Lincoln SS-100X. Even though the crime scene car was available. Something to do with the height differential between the rear and jump seats, and the height-to-pavement.

More magic.

[Image: vnmb0w.jpg]
More confirmation of Gil's evidence!

The enclosed image shows the Carcano in evidence turned around the opposite way from the side-mount side. You can CLEARLY see from this side that there are ABSOLUTELY no mounting fixtures visible on the bottom of the rifle. Compare this to the backyard photo and you can see the difference right away.


I edited off the parts that said this was case cracking evidence due to standards of absolute proof.
Gil Jesus Wrote:Because of the overwhelming success of my current Youtube Channel and
its need to expand, I am taking the following action:

Over the next few months, I am going to be moving the assassination-
related videos to a new channel. I will maintain the old channel for
the speeches, historical videos, newsreels and the like.

But the new channel will be devoted ENTIRELY to the assassination.

Until I can get all of the current assassination videos over onto the
new channel, they will remain intact on the old one.

Thanks for your patience.

Gil Jesus

Wow! I came to this forum just a year and a half ago, and until tonight hadn't looked at the YouTube JFK assassination playlist Gil Jesus put together roughly four years ago in the second link above (JFK63Conspiracy). This is basic stuff, and everyone here probably knows at least some of it already, but it is POWERFUL!

It may be the briefest and most compelling collection of evidence I've ever seen showing how thoroughly the FBI and the Warren Commission lied to America and the world about President Kennedy's assassination and the witnesses who saw it.

If I'm the only one here just discovering this ... well ... sorry for the interruption and NEVER MIND.

But if you haven't seen this before, DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND CLICK HERE NOW!!! [size=12][size=12](I'd suggest starting with the FBI lied....)[/SIZE][/SIZE]

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996
My youtube videos can be found on my two youtube channels.


in addition, I have documentaries and other videos on my website
(01-10-2009, 02:05 AM)Magda Hassan Wrote: 232 videos on the assassination of growing so check for updates. An excellent resource. Thank you Gil for all your work.

Update on my two channels as of 11/13/23 for interested parties:

And my website:
Many thanks for sharing your exemplary research, Gil, the assassination research community are inspired by and grateful for your due-diligence sir.

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