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new 9-11 book, video at end of article.
NEW BOOK: '9/11 Unveiled' by Enver Masud
The lobbyists's choice: a challenge to those who dismiss alternative explanations of 9/11 as 'conspiracy theories' • Barnes & Noble • eBook • Wholesale
The Book
Shortly after September 11, 2001, as I looked down on the Pentagon from a nearby hill, the first question I asked was, "Where's the plane?"

Over the next few years I was to learn that: Bin Laden is NOT wanted for 9/11 by the FBI; contrary to popular reports, the FBI claims only two cell phone calls were made from all four planes responsible for the September 11 attacks; the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, and the principal author of The 9/11 Commission Report had by March 2003, with the Commission's staff barely in place, prepared a detailed outline, complete with "chapter headings, subheadings, and sub-subheadings" of The 9/11 Commission Report.

The Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission — a Commission vigorously opposed by the White House — also drafted the Bush administration's pre-emptive war doctrine.

9/11 Unveiled is unique in that it reduces the many, and complex reports of what happened on September 11 to short, easily read sections while placing them in historical and political context. The sections are:
Attack, Response
Pretexts for War
Bin Laden
The Hijackers
One, Two World Trade Center
7 World Trade Center
The Achilles Heel
Flight 93
The Pentagon

The facts presented in 9/11 Unveiled (read excerpts) will cause thinking people to question the official explanation of 9/11, and ask why our "free press" has, uncritically, accepted the official explanation.
The Author
Enver Masud is the founder of The Wisdom Fund. His articles on national and world affairs have been published in newspapers and magazines in the U.S. and overseas. He is the author of an award-winning book — The War on Islam, and a contributing author of 9/11 and American Empire and Islam: Opposing Viewpoints. He has lectured widely on 9/11.

An engineer by profession, he managed research programs, the National Power Grid Study, and the National Electric Reliability Study for the U.S. Department of Energy, and set up and directed the Operations Review Division at the Iowa Commerce Commission. As an engineering management consultant, he has worked for the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the World Bank, in Albania, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Latvia, Pakistan, Russia, and Tanzania.

He resides less than a mile from the Pentagon.

Book Reviews
9/11 Unveiled . . . is the best short summary of what most Americans and virtually all of the rest of the world consider to be the "9/11 mystery" — Robert D. Crane, Co-founder, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C., and Principal Foreign Policy Adviser to Richard Nixon

9/11 Unveiled . . . demonstrates the author's extensive research and knowledge regarding events [at the Pentagon] on 9/11 — Robert Balsamo, Founder, Pilots for 9/11 Truth

Keep up the phenomenal work!!! — Shamshad, B. Sayed, Presenter, Itv, South Africa
Buy 9/11 Unveiled — the book (video coming)
RETAIL: PURCHASE 9/11 Unveiled for $7.95 plus shipping and handling (USA only) — also available at

WHOLESALE: 24 books $110 (USA only); 48 books $180 (USA — other countries contact us first)
24 books $110.0048 books $180.00


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I cannot seem to see a way to click on things that are ON facebook and link them to here, the video did not "take" on the copy and paste. Website is You can see the video that way, I imagine. (I was able to watch it on FB).


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