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Nazi Black Sun technology & the Will to Power
I am posting below an extract of a chapter from Farrell's excellent book REICH OF THE BLACK SUN (chapter titled: "The Black Order - The Occult Influence on Nazi Secret Weapons").

There is much here of interest, not least of which is the immense significance of the term and meaning of the "Black Sun" which governed SS weapons programmes (and much else besides).

My forum signature draws from a statement made by the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung on the psychological meaning of the alchemical Black Sun. And whilst this may not be completely clear to those many members who have not studied Jungian Analytical Psychology, it non-the-less signals both what Himmler and the SS (and those who have since followed in their footsteps) had in mind in using this terminology - but also a remedy to combat this road to the will to power.


C. The Black Sun, the Celestial Swastika, and Other SS Connections

Central to the secret initiation that these senior SS generals received was the real significance of the anagram "SS" itself. For the "rank and file elite" of the SS, the initials stood for the German word Schutzstaffel, a term meaning loosely a special staff or military unit. But to the initiates, there was another meaning of "SS" altogether, a meaning with roots deep in the occult and in ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, and to a certain extent, Egyptian belief. For these initiates, the letters "SS" referred to die Schwatze Sonne, the Black Sun.

The doctrine of the Black Sun, reaching back to ancient Sumer and Akkadia, is that there are two suns, the "white" sun, the sun that we see at the center of our physical solar system, and the "black" sun, a "hidden" sun of (spiritual) illumination. In some versions of the myth, it is thought to reside at the center of our galaxy. Other embellishments place it as one of the causes of the immortality and reincarnation of the soul.

In Babylonian mythology it was also associated with the coming of the "King of kings" and the establishment of a New Babylon. And finally, in some variations, not only is it associated with the center of the galaxy, but also with the uttermost "Hyperborea" and "Thule", the legendary stellar home and celestial origin of the Aryan race. The doctrine received further modification in ancient Egypt.

The connection between the SS and Egypt is further evidenced by the case of one of the most famous esotericists of all: R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz. Well known to contemporary students of "alternative" or "revisionist" Egyptology, de Lubicz' claim to fame was his life-long undertaking to reinterpret the monuments, and more importantly, the writings of ancient Egypt, particularly its hieroglyphic system of writing. While many contemporary researchers denigrate de Lubicz's work as being either faulty of slip-shod, and while others denigrate his scholarship simply for his open support of the Nazi regime, it is not so easy to dismiss him as all that.

For one thing, it was de Lubicz who first noticed the weathering on the Sphinx was inconsistent with a Fourth Dynasty origin for the monument, and that it pointed to a much older and far more ancient pedigree.18 It is the Lubicz's method, however, that would have been quite at home within the Ahnenerbe and more importantly, within Kammler's black projects think tank. Briefly put, de Lubicz viewed Egyptian hieroglyphics and culture as the visible signs of a highly developed culture of analogical, rather than analytical, thought, science, and practice.19

For him, analogical thought was synonymous with "action at a distance," 20 and his thought here is quite in line with what was beginning to be bandied about in quantum mechanics, and has become a provable reality in our day, with the phenomenon of photon entanglement. This phenomenon, briefly put, is as follows. Imagine two photons have been simultaneously emitted from a particular atom, but traveling in different directions. Thus, both photons carry the harmonic systems signature, the information, of the original atom and the circumstances of their emission.

Then, imagine changing the informational signature of one of the two photons. Because the other photon is an exact analog of the first photon, it will simultaneously introduce the change into the field of its own information, instantaneously, regardless of distance.21 But it is important to note that for de Lubicz, this analogical action at a distance or sympathetic magic was expressed within the context of a broadly dualistic world view in which there were two sciences, one of genesis or creation, and one of destruction.22

18 De Lubicz's observation, in fact, inspired John Anthony West and Robert Shock's investigations which have re-dated the Sphinx to approximately 8,000 B.C. based on geological evidence, a conclusion that sent shock waves -no pun intended - through the Egyptology community and continues to spark vigorous debate in academic circles.
19 Q.v. R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz, Symbol and the Symbolic, (New York: Inner Traditions International, 1978), pp. 7, 20.
20 Ibid., p. 46.
21 That this was a major blow to relativity goes without saying. Photon quantum entanglement, as the phenomenon is called, is one of the newest and most exciting areas of contemporary physics experimentation and research.
22 De Lubicz, op. cit, p. 25.
In this context, any given hieroglyphic symbol became a synthesis of polarities of particular oppositions of forces, held in balance by the glyph - the information - itself.

Without a doubt, this broadly Hegelian view brought de Lubicz to the attention of the Nazis, and vice versa. But more importantly, it was de Lubicz's knowledge of Egyptian "science-religion" that may lurk in the background of the statements of the Japanese attaché to Stockholm's curious statements about Sirius in his secret cable to Tokyo regarding the German atom bomb program that we examined in part one, for de Lubicz would have been in a position to point out the significance of Sirius to the Egyptians. For then, it "played the role of a central sun to our entire solar system" and suggested to de Lubicz,

"the existence of a cosmic system of atomic structure whose nucleus is this 'Great Provider,' the Sothis... of the ancients."23

De Lubicz would have known as well the ancient symbolism and association with the three colors of the German national flag - black, red, and white - with ancient Egypt and Atlantis,24 a symbolism of which the Nazis themselves were likely aware. Thus in its Egyptian variation, the "Black Sun" myth is bound up with the star system of Sirius, and with all the associations with death resurrection, and the "life force" that this entailed within Pharaonic religion.

For the SS Ahnenerbe, all this was a potent mix when one recalls that Himmler's stated purpose for it, reveled in a letter he wrote to an Ahnenerbe scientist, was not only to study ancient religion, science, and the occult, but also that its principal establishment was as "an institute for military scientific research."25 Consequently, the Ahnenerbe scientists working on its various secret projects had an ideological basis for the more mundane scientific view that the "Black Sun" was but the extremely strong gravitational force exhibited by the large mass rotating around the galactic center.

23 De Lubicz, Sacred Science: The King of Pharaonic Theocracy (Rochester, Vermont" Inner Traditions International, 1981), p. 28.
24 Ibid., pp. 202-205.
25 Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Volume II, p. 189.
Ancient texts might be able to afford a key to the recovery of a lost science, a science very different from the ideologically condemned "Jewish physics" of relativity, but quite in line with the "Aryan" physics of vorticular spin polarization, quantum mechanics, and its mathematical prediction of a vacuum energy flux, or "zero point energy." It goes without saying that the Black Sun symbolism formed a central doctrine to the pre-Nazi secret society, the Thule Society. The symbol of the Black Sun was also adopted as an emblem for Von Liebenfels' New Templars.

The swastika itself, in this context, becomes not only a well-known symbol from ancient esoteric traditions, but also a talisman of ceremonial magic on a celestial scale, deliberately chosen to mirror the apparent rotation of a well-known constellation around the north pole of the earth's axis of rotation. This whole concentration on quantum mechanics, black suns, action at a distance, and celestial rotation gave a strong ideological influence to Kammler's SS think tank, for as will be seen, vorticular and non-linear physics apparently became two of its primary theoretical and experimental focuses.

[Image: blacksun_21_small.jpg]

The "Celestial Swastika":

[Image: blacksun_22_small.jpg]

The Rotation of Ursa Minor, or the Little Dipper, around the Pole Star ca. 4000 BC

Consider what all this means. By war's end and his control of all secret weapons projects in Nazi Germany, Hans Kammler had attained the rank of SS Obergruppenfuhrer, the equivalent rank of a four star general, and only one rank below that of Himmler himself. Given this high rank, it is thus not only possible but very probably that Kammler was one of the chosen "Knights" of Himmler's "round table", and thus it is probable that by the war's and Kammler had a deeply connected relationship to the Ahnenerbe and its occult activities. It may be in part for this reason that his dossier in the US government's archives remains classified to this day.

In any case, there is yet another odd fact, one that again potentially connects Kammler with the Ahnenerbe. Heinrich Himmler, who viewed himself as having some sort of "psychic connection" with the famous mediaeval German Holy Roman Emperor Heinrich the Fowler, had the Emperor's remains dug up and reentered in the cathedral of the little town of Quedlinburg. Quedlinburg is in the Harz Mountains, in the heart of the region that was the center of Kammler's empire of underground secret weapons plants and laboratories.

In any case, the Ahnenerbe in general and Himmler's Gruppenfuhrer initiates in particular did more than dabble in the patently absurd projects mentioned previously. It also mounted secret armed expeditions to South America to recover the well- known crystal skulls to investigate their optical properties. It ransacked ancient texts and the works of Sanskrit and other classical scholars for clues to "Vedic mathematics."

The SS inducted the Muslim Grand Mufti of Jerusalem into its ranks with the honorary rank of major, an act with its own dark, and contemporary, significance.26 The Ahnenerbe would mount an expedition to Tibet, and return with the only complete copy of the multi-volumed Buddhist Kang Shur to reach the West, a collection reputedly containing much lost information from the pre-classical, ancient "atlantean" world.

26 Sebottendorff, for example, one of the occult figures lurking in the background of the secret societies that had connections with the early Nazi movement, praised Islam's "vitality" and congruence with Nazi ideology.

D. The Will to Power as the Paradigm of "Occulted Science" and Nazi Secret Weapons Programs

The quest of the SS to investigate the scientific basis of occult notions, no matter how bizarre or flawed those notions were, is thus itself an integral component of Nazi ideology and is philosophical background in German romanticism and orientalism. It is Adolf Hitler's personal "will to power that betrays the interest of a potential occultist" so much so that this factor - so prevalent within the occult itself - "has never been given its proper due"27 especially in connection to secret weapons research and the Kammler Group's "think tank." Hitler himself described this ideological locomotive in no uncertain terms:

"A new age of Magic interpretation of the world is coming, of interpretation in ten of the Will and not the Intelligence."28

27 Sklar, op. cit., p. 49.
28 Ibid., p. 57.
In this, he may be seen as reaching back to the lingering effects within German culture of the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Representation. The title speaks for itself. It is significant that the mastermind behind Nazi geopolitics and himself a convinced occultist, General Karl Haushofer, was an avid scholar of Schopenhauer.

It is this connection to Will, rather than to intelligence, that points the way to the connection to physics in general, and to quantum mechanics in particular, for it is in this seemingly upside down world, where the inverted order of cause and effect seems totally at variance with common sense, that the will itself plays a key role. And it was Heisenberg himself who of course formulated one of the most basic precepts of quantum mechanics that, looked at in this way, is but a precept or doctrine of sovereign will: the Uncertainty Principle.

Briefly put, this scientific law states that on the scale of the very small sub-atomic particles that form the subject of its investigation it is impossible to determine at one and the same time the position of an electron and its velocity. If a measurement is taken of one property, the other will fade from view. It is this aspect that spelled the death knell for classical Newtonian mechanics, for it resulted in a physics that relied primarily on probability functions as a determinant of the reality in view.

"The reality in view," there's the point of contention, for this meant that even the probability functions us were themselves predetermined by the attribute the experimenter decided to concentrate upon. To that significant extent, the scientist himself predetermined the results of the experiment a priori, in an act of "sovereign will." In short, on the level of the very small, the scientist could, so to speak, "predetermine reality" simply by the way an experiment was configured. If on pressed this doctrine to one of its logical implications, then this meant that at a very fundamental level, physical reality and consciousness - Schopenhauer's "Will" - were intimately related.

One had only to study "paranormal" phenomena "scientifically" to grasp hitherto unknown "laws" of this physics. At the level of the very small, gravity, quantum mechanics and consciousness would have appeared to these physicists -free of the theoretical constraints of relativity - to pursue what must have been apparent to them: the profound link between the geometry of the fabric of space, the physics of the very small, rotation, and gravity, and perhaps of consciousness itself.

Thus by dint of its own cultural tillage, German philosophical romanticism, Orientophilia, and physics had, by the time of the Third Reich, but to await the arrival of someone willing to fund and organize the pursuit of the new paradigm.

Hitler was its prophet, its "theorist"; Himmler was its "facilitator" the Dark Eminence who moved the pieces into position; and Kammler was its engineer, the Black Magus who coordinated it all on a day to day basis, and who built the "monuments", machines, and weapons for the New Atlantis. Are these elements combined and contrived by war's end to give the Nazi war machine the prototypes and futuristic blueprints of weaponry far excelling even the hydrogen bomb for the destructive power and/or technological sophistication.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
From the Daily Mail.

Quote:The blood of thousands on his hands, SS General Hans Kammler killed himself in 1945 in the dying days of Hitler's Germany.
That, at least, was his official fate. The man steeped in the horrors of the death camps had met his just deserts.
However, it is now claimed that Kammler survived the war, spirited away to America and given a new identity by the US authorities.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren Johnson Wrote:From the Daily Mail.

Quote:The blood of thousands on his hands, SS General Hans Kammler killed himself in 1945 in the dying days of Hitler's Germany.
That, at least, was his official fate. The man steeped in the horrors of the death camps had met his just deserts.
However, it is now claimed that Kammler survived the war, spirited away to America and given a new identity by the US authorities.

I've been working on this specific matter for over ten years...Kammler didn't die as advertised, but did die some weeks to months afterwards [according to my research and documents] American custody - under exact situation(s) unknown. I interviewed his driver, know some of his family, and have done other related research I can't go into in great detail here.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:From the Daily Mail.

Quote:The blood of thousands on his hands, SS General Hans Kammler killed himself in 1945 in the dying days of Hitler's Germany.
That, at least, was his official fate. The man steeped in the horrors of the death camps had met his just deserts.
However, it is now claimed that Kammler survived the war, spirited away to America and given a new identity by the US authorities.

I've been working on this specific matter for over ten years...Kammler didn't die as advertised, but did die some weeks to months afterwards [according to my research and documents] American custody - under exact situation(s) unknown. I interviewed his driver, know some of his family, and have done other related research I can't go into in great detail here.

With this in the news, it's a good time to make a run with your book, Pete.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
This is the Mail Online story in full:

Quote:Did US fake top Nazi's WWII suicide and spirit him away to get hands on Hitler's secret weapons programme?

  • S.S. general Hans Kammler was head of construction and defence projects
  • He planned forced labour factories at Auschwitz and secret V-2 rocket plants
  • Officially he committed suicide near Prague on May 9, 1945
  • But a new documentary has suggested his suicide was faked by the Americans who wanted his secrets of Hitler's weapon programme

PUBLISHED: 13:17, 10 June 2014 | UPDATED: 01:30, 11 June 2014

The blood of thousands on his hands, SS General Hans Kammler killed himself in 1945 in the dying days of Hitler's Germany.
That, at least, was his official fate. The man steeped in the horrors of the death camps had met his just deserts.
However, it is now claimed that Kammler survived the war, spirited away to America and given a new identity by the US authorities.

[Image: article-2653919-1EA2393700000578-647_306x423.jpg]


[Image: article-2653919-1EA1BDAF00000578-874_306x423.jpg]


S.S. general Hans Kammler (left and right), who was said to have killed himself at the end of the war, may have escaped to America in order to pass on the Nazis' secret weapons programme, claims a new documentary

[Image: article-2653919-0183A18F0000044D-156_634x390.jpg]


Weapons programme: The German V2 rocket was the ancestor of Cold War missiles which were still to come

For the general wasn't just an expert in the technicalities of industrial scale slavery and slaughter, he was also deeply involved in the Nazis' secret weapons programme. The Americans, according to a TV documentary, were determined to have his know-how and not let him fall into the hands of the Russians.
Both the US and the Soviet Union tried to recruit Hitler's scientists after the war to help with their own space and military programmes. But it is claimed that Kammler's record was so monstrous that his death had to be faked and he had to have a new identity.


The whole history of suicide is staged,' said Berlin historian Rainer Karlsch. There are several documents that clearly demonstrate that Kammler was captured by the Americans.'
Another expert, Matthias Uhl of the German Historical Institute in Moscow, said: The reports from America are more credible than those given about the alleged suicide by Kammler's associates.'
Born in 1901, by the end of the Second World War Kammler was almost as powerful as SS Chief Heinrich Himmler and armaments Minister Albert Speer. He had access to the Nazi's most advanced technology including the weapons of retaliation' the V1 and V2 rockets that caused death and destruction in Britain, but came too late to turn the tide of the conflict.

[Image: article-2653919-07A4B85A000005DC-992_634x431.jpg]


Kammler designed and built the crematoria at Auschwitz which incinerated most of the bodies of the estimated 1.2 million people murdered at the camp in Nazi-occupied Poland

[Image: article-2653919-1EA1C58F00000578-125_306x423.jpg]


[Image: article-2653919-1EA1C59B00000578-648_306x423.jpg]


Kammler was also responsible for the construction of the so-called 'weapons of retaliation' - the V-1s and V-2s that caused tremendous death and destruction in Britain, but which came too late to turn the tide of the conflict in Germany's favour. Pictured, left, are soldiers of the US Army at Bomskirchen, Germany, inspecting a captured V-2 bomb and, right, a German V-2 rocket taking off

He was also involved in the construction of death camps, including the design of the crematoria at Auschwitz which incinerated most of the bodies of the estimated 1.2million people murdered at the camp in occupied Poland.
The history books say that, one day after the Third Reich surrendered on May 9, 1945, he either shot himself or took poison in the former German city of Stettin, now Szcecin in Poland. His body was never found.
This whole story of suicide was staged by two of his closest aides who were committed to him,' Karlsch tells ZDF TV in Germany.
At the war's end America, while taking part in the punishment of many top Nazis at the Nuremberg trials, also launched the covert Operation Paperclip the secret exit of top Nazi scientists.
ZDF says in the documentary: Sources say that Kammler was captured by the Americans and interrogated by the US Counterintelligence CIC. The secret service man responsible was Donald Richardson, a personal confidant of allied supreme commander General Dwight D Eisenhower.'

[Image: article-2653919-00D543DC00000190-125_634x511.jpg]


Police officers call for stretchers amid the damage cause by a V-2 bomb attack on Smithfield, London

The sons of the secret service man told programme makers that their father was in charge of the German weapons expert after 1945.
One of them, John Richardson, said: This engineer brought a special treasure from the Third Reich into the United States. He offered modern weapons for us.
It was put to my father that he should bring this "useful" German into the United States to prevent him from falling into the hands of the Russian intelligence service.'
It is not revealed under what name Kammler lived or when he died, though some archival material speaks of a special guest' living under Richardson's wing.

It strikes me that the US didn't need Kammler for the V1 or V2 as they had Werner von Braun and team for that. So it seems likely it was The Bell technology they were after Kammler for.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Speaking of Kammler's staged suicide with the Americans, this reminds of the supposed suicide of Kammler's boss, Heinrich Himmler in British custody.

In his book "SS-1 The Unlikely Death of Heinrich Himmler", British author Hugh Thomas, forensically deals with Himmler's apparent suicide and raises many questions about its validity.

I now wonder if the same thing happened and that Himmler fell into the hands of the Americans, was shipped to the US and later died in their custody - having been drained of the information they needed?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:It strikes me that the US didn't need Kammler for the V1 or V2 as they had Werner von Braun and team for that. So it seems likely it was The Bell technology they were after Kammler for.

People should keep in mind that Kammler was NOT a scientist. He was highly educated, but was a trained architect, planner, and bureaucrat. He had, towards the end of the War, a meteoric rise in the SS and personal trust of Hitler and his inner circle. His portfolio grew, as the War neared its end. He was in charge of all underground facilities of any size; knew which companies and projects were where within these underground facilities; knew who was in charge of these projects and where funds and supplies came from/to; additionally, he was GENERALLY aware of the science/engineering involved in them, but I don't believe he was involved in the details of any of the projects under his 'care'. He was the administrative head of all secret [and many non-secret] weapons systems and developmental projects by War's end. He would have had great value in knowing such things as 'where' and 'who' had the 'pieces of the puzzle' to such projects - rather than knowing the technical details of those projects, themselves. He re-positioned the rocket scientists just at War's end and had an interesting meetings with Dornberger [V-1, V-2 head] just before/after Dornberger met with non-Axis 'agents' in Lisbon. Then Kammler took a number of seemingly 'odd' trips....first to an underground facility in Austria, then to Prague's SS Headquarters. He was last seen leaving Prague on a convoy of defeated Nazi troops, headed South to the American lines [and away from the advancing Soviet forces] at Pisek, Czechoslovakia. All others in his full car and one other car accompanying it arrived to surrender to the Americans, except for Kammler. There are multiple versions of what 'happened' en route. I don't believe any of the one's publicly tendered. A few of those in his sub-convoy among the larger retreating convoy were not what I would call 'normal' military. There is more to this story.... The 'Bell' is an interesting Project, also under Kammler's general oversight. There were other interesting projects, as well!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Do you think any of this factors into Admiral Byrd's Operation Highjump in 1946, Pete?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:Do you think any of this factors into Admiral Byrd's Operation Highjump in 1946, Pete?

How often a short question can call for a long answer. The short of it is a resounding YES! Highjump is one of the strangest events and cover-ups of the past century. It is clear this was NOT a scientific expedition to Antarctica, but a military reconnaissance mission to find out what the Germans had been doing in Antarctica earlier. Much about this mission is not known [either mission!], but there are some very strange things recorded about the 'retreat' and early termination of the Byrd mission. I can't quite figure out either how he [Byrd] happens to be directly related to the Byrd who owned the TSBD from which one LHO was not the shooter, but the patsy for shooting, JFK in Dallas 17 years later. There is much more on this topic, and some aspects of it are still unknown [the documents being withheld - or said to have been 'destroyed'....yah, right!] The Nazi exploration [and whatever else they were doing] involved territorial claims, discovery of some reportedly warm areas under the ice; and while some say even bases in these warm areas, no one has come up with any proofs that I know of. However, that said, why would Byrd who came with a large military force, retreat in fear months before their scheduled end of the mission?! Moreover, there are now several modern bases in the general area of the Nazi claimed territory, and none have reported anything perhaps what was there just after the War is no longer there...or is still unknown to the public, including modern scientists is a very, VERY odd and publicly undocumented episode from both the Nazi and Allied sides! I think it is clear that Highjump was to see if any Nazi weapons, loot or persons were in Antarctica, but what they found, if anything, is still a closely held secret...and appears not to be there today...but much about all this is not yet known. :Blink:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
There is another angle of the story to be remembered as well. Kammler and his staff were also said to have been present in Oberammergau, a city near the Austrian border (and also near Switzerland and Italy) with the V2 scientists a day or two prior to Verner Von Braun's surrender to American forces. It is said that Kammler, in contravention of (at least one set of) orders to keep the scientists together (so that they could be conveniently shot, I imagine) ordered the dispersal of the scientists into nearby villages, ostensibly to keep them safe from Allied bombers. From there, Von Braun's brother was able to bicycle his way to Allied infantry and arrange a "capture." It is also said that Kammler and his staff left unexpectedly threafter, for parts unknown, but the stories of his appearance in Prague are dated after Oberammergau. Independent records from the town of Oberammergau support this story, unlike most of the other stories of his whereabouts and his fate, which were reported by aides or soldiers under his command.

It should also be noted that Allen Dulles was in Switzerland during this period of time and had involved himself in the surrender of German forces.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."

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