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Discrediting Secret Service complicity in the elimination of JFK…

Re your posts #88 and #89, I'm inclined to agree with Palamara's conclusions that the security stripping was achieved by carefully placing both actual operatives, like Roberts, and second stringers, like Kellerman, in such a way that the chain of command was damaged and then usurped when the panic hit home. Contrived chaos to suit the post assassination scenario.

I've got suspicions about Rowley's convenient appointment nine months into Kennedy's Presidency and his close ties to Hoover. Also, Paterni's ties to Angleton, which I have read about elsewhere. For mine, JJA was to all intents and purposes a Mossad operative and there's a monument to him in Israel to prove it. He was instrumental in covering up Israel's nuclear weapons progress until that bombshell became public in December 1960, much to the surprise and annoyance of both the CIA and JFK.

As for the motorcade route changes, I am still of the belief--detailed on another thread--that this was accomplished not by the DPD or the SS but by the Dallas Citizens Council. They sponsored the Dallas leg of the trip and thereby gained control over all arrangements. This is very important because other legs of the trip were deemed political and thus remained under the control of the DNC. Dallas was uniquely different. Two outspoken and powerful members of the Dallas Jewish community controlled the arrangements: Julius Schepps, who held distribution rights for the Bronfman family's Seagram products, and Sam Bloom, PR man and executive director of the Citizen's Council. See Piper's Final Judgement for more details.

Who bore responsibilty for deeming Dallas 'non-political' and thus surrendering control of all arrangemnts to an elite group of wealthy businessmen--instead of the DNC--is an important question. My guess is LBJ.
Mark said:
Quote:Who bore responsibilty for deeming Dallas 'non-political' and thus surrendering control of all arrangemnts to an elite group of wealthy businessmen--instead of the DNC--is an important question. My guess is LBJ.


Your guess is that LBJ took away control of the Dallas arrangements from the DNC, suggesting that he had something to do with the assassination of President Kennedy. Is this a correct interpretation of what you meant?

If it is, then it does not make any sense since LBJ and his aides tried to convince John Kennedy and his trip planners to avoid going to Dallas.

I don't think many people have bothered to read The Thirty-First of March by Horace Busby, LBJ's speechwriter and confidant. In Chapter 12 (pages 138-150) of the book he describes how concerned and worried LBJ and others in his entourage were about the visit to Dallas, a place where Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson were accosted and spat upon during their trip to Dallas during the 1960 campaign, and where Ambassador Adlai Stevenson had just recently been attacked by right-wing extremists. It seems that the Kennedy people were anxious to have the President be in an open-car motorcade on the streets of Dallas, the city which had not supported him in the 1960 campaign, and their position gained supremacy over the advice of the Vice-President and his group of advisers who were concerned for the President's safety in Dallas.

MARK IN CASE YOU Hve not read pART ONE OF HIERARCHYOF THE Secret Service and Infrastructure - by Vincent Palamara...B
BREAKDOWN OF SECRET SERVICEHIERARCHY and INFRASTRUCTURECompiled by Vince Palamara Author of"The Third Alternative -- Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service and the JFK Murder" AppendixPart One: Breakdown of Secret Service Hierarchy - InfrastructureThe Top Treasury Officials:1) C. DOUGLAS DILLON Sec of the Treasury:on a Cabinet plane bound for Japan via Hawaii with *2) ASST. SEC. ROBERT A. WALLACE with Rowley at a luncheon in D.C.; denied dead agent reports;3) ACTING SEC. G. d'ANDELOT BELIN stepped in in Dillon's absence 1963-1964 (related to David?);4) [UNDERSEC. HENRY "JOE" H. FOWLER replaced Dillon in Jan. 1965]The Press Secretaries:1) *PRESS SECRETARY PIERRE SALINGER code book missing from plane; only missed "two or three" trips (almost definitely only one: Texas); extremely knowledgable about motorcade planning/ security- worked with Secret Service on all prior advance work... except for the Texas trip.2) ASST. PRESS SEC. (#2) ANDREW HATCHER in D.C. inactive.3) ASST. PRESS SEC. (#3) MALCOLM KILDUFF first trip on his own: official debut;essentially a non-player out of the loop.The Chief's Office:1) CHIEF JAMES J. ROWLEY with Wallace^2) DEPUTY CHIEF PAUL J. PATERNI member of OSS during WWII- worked with James Angleton and Ray Rocca (liaison to WC); involved in limousine inspection with Boring, beating Rowley and Kellerman---and the FBI--- to the punch (skull particles, bullet fragments, vehicle damage/ wind- shield); involved in LHO income tax check investigation right after assassination; checked on CIA connections of suspects Mosley and Homer Echevarria for the Chicago field office- matter was sum- marily dropped by a call from headquarters telling the field office agents who spoke to Paterni to send all memos, files, and notebooks to D.C. and not to discuss the case with anyone!; Thomas Kelley- liaison to WC: assigned by Paterni to go to Dallas and speak to LHO [5H67; 7H354,403;13H65]3) DEPUTY CHIEF EDWARD WILDY totally out of the loop.The Top Three Agents of the White House Detail (The SAIC's Office):1) SAIC GERALD A. BEHN in D.C. inactive: first full vacation in three years under JFK.2) ASAIC (#2) FLOYD M. BORING in D.C. at home but IN CHARGE OF PLANNING THE TEXAS TRIP [Bishop, 1988 edition, p. 558; Truman Library Oral History, p.63- on all the advance work...assigned to all the advance work; interviews with Sam Kinney and Floyd Boring 1993-1994]; involved in limo inspection with Paterni, Trade Mart decision, PRS checks, giving Lawson the Dallas assignment, etc..3) ASAIC (#3) ROY H. KELLERMAN First major trip on his own in a supervisory capacity without either Behn OR Boring.The WHD Advance Agents:1) WINSTON G. LAWSON (LEAD CAR) WHD advance agent (and former CIC agent---still with the Former Intelligence Officers Association!): only did advance work for a short time before Dallas.2) DAVID B. GRANT (TRADE MART) Lawson's oft-forgotten partner from 11/13-11/22/63; physically joined Lawson in Dallas 11/18/63 from Florida trip (manned by ASAIC Boring in place of Behn); Boring's right hand man for Chicago, Florida, and Texas advances.The Democratic National Committee Advance Men:1) JERRY BRUNO- CHIEF DNC ADVANCE MAN: early organizer but not in Dallas---adamnatly against Trade Mart/ choice of route (out of the loop).2) MARTY UNDERWOOD- DNC ADVANCE MAN: for Houston and Austin---adamantly against choice of route. Heard rumors of impending assassination---received confirmation of plot from CIA Officer Win Scott shortly after assassination (out of the loop)!3) JACK PUTERBAUGH- DNC ADVANCE MAN for Dallas: IN PILOT CAR WITH LT. COL GEORGE WHITMEYER- taught Army Intel- ligence, not originally scheduled to be in motorcade.As for Puterbaugh himself, he denied any involvemen tin the Tade mart decision he was subsequently "blamed" for. He is often blamed for the motorcade route change, as well...The Shift Leaders of the WHD (SAIC Assistants):1) ATSAIC EMORY P. ROBERTS in command of FOLLOW-UP CAR in Dallas: order[..] agent Henry J. Rybka back from rear of limo at Love Field, orders agents not to move after first shot on Elm Street, recalls agent John Ready during/ shortly after one of the head shots. Usurps Kellerman's authority at Parkland Hospital [dies of unknown causes in the late '60's].2) ATSAIC STEWART G. STOUT, JR.- stationed at the Trade Mart (out of the loop).3) ATSAIC ARTHUR L. GODFREY- stationed in Austin (also out of the loop).The V.P./ LBJ Detail:1) SAIC OF LBJ DETAIL H. STUART KNIGHT- in D.C. inactive: transfer to become effective 11/25/63 (out of the loop).2) ASAIC (#2) RUFUS W. YOUNGBLOOD- LBJ's car: listens to walkie-talkie with LBJ.Miscellaneous:1) PRS AGENT GLENN A. BENNETT- temporarily assigned to WHD: why did he ride in the follow-up car (he was an administrator)? 2) WILLIAM R. GREER- LIMO: slows limo, looks back at JFK twice, disobeys Kellerman, etc.3) JOHN D. READY- neutralized by Roberts.4) CLINTON J. HILL (ASSIGNED TO JACKIE)- disobeys Boring and Roberts by riding on rear of limo four times before Elm St. AND by lunging for rear of limo ON Elm Street.Part Two: Foreign and Domestic Trips Involving Motorcades 1961 - 1963: Normal Security in Comparison to Dallas1) agents on or near limo in Dealey Plaza and near Elm Street before or during shooting (up to/ inc. 11/18/63; Boring tells agents not to mount rear of limo between 11/19 and 11/21, according to Clint Hill)- blamed on JFK!2) motorcycles- from 18 flanking units down to a measely 4 non-flanking units (11/18-11/22 Fort Worth; according to DPD, this occure at the last minute: morning of 11/22+ meeting of 11/21 via SS/ Grant)- blamed on JFK!3) The Secret Service was knowledgable about prior or existing threats of 1 1/2 [Chicago], 11/9 [Milteer/ Miami], and 11/18 [Tampa/ Miami]: Boring, Grant, Bolden, Martineau, Kinney, etc. Remember PRS agent Bennett's mysterious placement in follow-up car on 11/22/63;4) Protective Research Section (PRS): ZERO threats found for Dallas trip, despite three known checks, Stevenson incident, Wanted for Treason photos, and warnings to JFK: Senator William Fulbright, DNC advanceman Marty Underwood, San Antonio Congressman Henry Gonzalez, etc.5) Deleted squad car (meeting of 11/21 between DPD and Secret Service/ Grant)6) Motorcade route: two dangerous turns (90 and 120 degrees) involving slow speeds in a warehouse district (TSBD)- changed between 11/18 and 11/19 in spite of at least two better/ alternate routes; driver- no independent knowledge: had to follow the lead car.7) Publication of route- by (and denied by) the Secret Service---accomplished with the help of Betty Forsling Harris, Bill Moyers, and "the agent in charge of the Dallas trip"!8) Vehicles were out of original, numerical order- changed 11/22 at Love Field.9) Media (press busses), photographers (always in front- cancelled at the last minute at Love Field), Cecil Stoughton ( rode near rear of limo/ in follow-up car July to November 21, 1963), Godfrey McHugh, and Ted Clifton- moved away from JFK/ limousine, against prior protocol for motorcades. DMN photographer Tom Dillard. While confirming this last minute cancellation, said this brought the press/ photographers "totally out of the picture"!10) Omissions: Behn, Salinger (Hatcher), Knight, Bruno [Rowley, Dillon]11) Trade Mart (VS. WOMEN'S BUILDING)- determined speed of cars, motorcade route choices, and security of building---Secret Service had a hand in this whole affair.12) Sheriff Bill Decker (lead car)- order 11/22 not to participate...via a call from D.C.?13) Overpass was crowded with people 11/22 in Dealey Plaza, against protocol.14) Windows not watched 11/22, despite Lawson's "usual instructions" to do so;15) ATSAIC Roberts: recall of SA Rybka at Love Field; recall of SA Ready in the Plaza (SA Hill delay); order not to move; usurps Kellerman power at Parkland/ switch of allegiance.16) Ambulances on standby- gone including "epileptic seizure" incident 12:25 ---five minutes before murder of JFK. Rike said his ambulance was called to the Dealey Plaza area on several false alarms several days and weeks before 11/22/63!17) No bubbletop-a protective device (shield JFK via sun glare,possible de- flection, psychological deterrent)---often on car in partial form, as well (just the rear piece, for example). Strange, multiple responsibility [Harris, Lawson, Kellerman, Sorrels, O'Donnell, etc.]; ultimately, blamed on JFK (although it was Kinney's sole/ regretted decision)!18) JFK and LBJ: in same city in slow, open vehicles in close proximity to each other --- unique and quite a "no-no";19) Umbrella man- presence/ actions not noted about, written or oral (cause for delay, confusion? Signal?). SS manual states that this is one of many things to watch for!20) Special ordinance of 11/18 with DPD: permitted action against unruly per- sons becoming involved with peaceful picketing---was this a loophole designed to give plotters/ SS/ DPD some flexiblity to do certain things, and not to do other things, regarding security?21) Greer: slows limo, 2 looks back, disobeys Kellerman; leads race to Parkland (despite contradictory radio transmissions of SS).22) Marina in captivity of SS.23) Autopsy related: body, x-rays, photos, skull fragments, bullet fragments ---SS firmly in control of these crucial items of evidence.24) CE399: bullet in SS possession.25) Limo: in SS possession---soon after was rebuilt, destroying and moving crime scene and evidence.26) "dead" agent---many media outlets reported this as fact, at different times and in different ways (inc. location).27) "SS" agents---phoney or REAL agents in the plaza.28) drinking incident 11/21-11/22: inc. four agents who rode in the follow-up car: Hill, Ready, Bennett, and Landis!Part Three: Evidence of Conspiracy-- Who In the Agency Knows of the Plot And Who Was Involved in ItMAURICE G. MARTINEAUABRAHAM W. BOLDEN, SR.SAMUEL A. KINNEYROY H. KELLERMANWILLIAM R. GREERJOHN NORRISFORREST V. SORRELS---shot or shots came from front)PAUL E. LANDIS---shot or shots came from front)CLINTON J. HILL---right rear of JFK's skull missing, lying in rear of limo)THOMAS "LEM" JOHNS---shot or shots came from grassy knoll)
The Strange Actions (and Inaction)
Of Agent Emory Roberts "mark"some info on roberts

by Vincent M. Palamara
During the last five years or so, I have often been asked, "What agent or agents are you most suspicious of?" in relation to the tragic events of November 22, 1963. I have always answered: "There are three agents at the top of my list: Bill Greer, Floyd Boring, and Emory Roberts." My research into Bill Greer1 and Floyd Boring2 has been well covered in the pages of several journals, and in my manuscript The Third Alternative--Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service and the JFK Murder. However, Emory P. Roberts merits the same scrutiny, if not more so; a look at his role is now in order.

Secret Service agent Emory P. Roberts was a former Baltimore policeman3 (and high school colleague of author Howard Donahue of Mortal Error fame)4 who had recently been on President Kennedy's trip to Florida on November 18, 1963. As he was later to do on the fateful Texas trip, Mr. Roberts served as the commander of the agents in the follow-up car, one of two well-used 1956 Cadillac convertibles that sometimes served as the presidential limousine (an example is provided in JFK's summer, 1963, Ireland trip).5 On both trips, Sam Kinney served as the driver of this car.6 As one of three Shift Leaders of the White House Detail (the other two were Stewart G. Stout, Jr. and Arthur L. Godfrey, both also on the Texas trip with Roberts), 7 Emory was a stern and forceful agent who took and gave out orders in a serious manner while working on President Kennedy's trips. It was during the Florida trip that some interesting things involving Agent Roberts occurred which would have a direct bearing on November 22, 1963. The President visited Palm Beach, Miami, and Tampa on November 18, 1963; however, only the beautiful city of Tampa involved a motorcade, and quite an eventful one at that, as agents Chuck Zboril and Don Lawton were riding on the rear of the limousine, someone from the crowd threw a red Powerhouse" candy bar at the motorcade, and the confection landed with a "thud" on the hood of the Secret Service follow-up car. Thinking it could be a lethal stick of dynamite, Agent Roberts pushed the object forcefully off the hood. Realizing what the object was, Roberts and the other agents shared a laugh about it. 8 But they had had good reason to be jumpy: the atmosphere in Tampa was one that gave the agents cause for concern--hostility from the anti- Castro Cuban community, 9 the Joseph Milteer threat, 10 and an organized crime related-scare. 11 As he had done countless times before, Mr. Roberts had the two agents that were riding on the rear of the presidential limousine "fall back" from time to time (sometimes based on Special Agent in Charge Jerry Behn's suggestion; in this case it was the number two agent, Asst. Special Agent in Charge Floyd Boring). this was quite often a spur-of-the-moment decision based on the speed of the cars, the size and proximity of the crowd, and the potential for threat(s) at the moment 12 (often, the two agents of the rear of JFK's limousine took their own initiative in going between the two cars, as agent Clint Hill did several times in Dallas). This will become important later.... Jumping ahead to Dallas on November 22, 1963, (after friendly, enthusiastic, and uneventful motorcades in San Antonio, Houston, and Fort Worth on November 21-22, 1963), Agent Roberts assigned the other seven agents on his particular shift to the follow-up car: Sam Kinney, Clint Hill, Paul Landis, William"Tim" McIntyre, Glen Bennett, George Hickey, and John Ready 13 -- four of whom had only hours before participated in the in famous drinking incident in Fort Worth. Mr. Roberts' shift was the worst offender of the three shifts! 14 What makes this tragic is that Roberts had the most important shift of all: the 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. shift-- the Fort Worth/Dallas part of the Texas trip (the other two shifts, Agent Stout's 4:00 p.m. to midnight
detail and Agent Godfrey's midnight to 8:00 a.m. shift were not actively protect- ing JFK during the Dallas motorcade. They were all waiting for JFK to com- plete the motorcade--Stout's detail at the Trade Mart, Godfrey's detail in Austin with Bob Burk and Bill Payne at both the Commodore-Perry Hotel and the LBJ Ranch).

Cover-up number one:

Agent Roberts would later write (April 28, 1964) that "there was no question in my mind as to (the agents') physical and mental capacity to function effectively in their assigned duties." 15 Like Chief
Rowley and Inspector Kelley before both the WC and the HSCA, Agent Roberts covered up the drinking incident, despite Secret Service regulations which stated that this was grounds for removal from the agency. 16 Sleep deprivation and alcohol consumption wreak havoc on even the best trained reflexes. While leaving Love Field on the way to the heart of Dallas, destiny, and murder, Agent Roberts rose from his seat and, using his voice and several hand gestures, forced agent Henry J. Rybka fall back from the rear area of JFK's limousine, causing a perplexed Rybka to stop and raise his arms several times in disgust (Rybka would then remain at the airport during the murder, having been effectively neutralized) --although Paul Landis made room for him on the right running board of the follow-up car, Agent Rybka did not budge. 17 Although Rybka worked the follow-up in Houston the day before 18 and was a gun-carrying protective agent, he was not allowed to do his job on November 22,1963 (Rybka has since died...).
Cover-up number two:

Both Emory Roberts and Winston Lawson placed Agent Rybka in the follow-up car in their initial reports, only to "correct" the record later, after November 22, although Rybka was not evenmentioned anywhere in Agent Lawson's Preliminary Survey Report--making it seem obvious that he was covering Emory Roberts' behind. 19 As the cars approached the Main and Houston Street intersection, Clint Hill fell back to the follow-up car. Agent Hill was the only agent to ride on the rear of the limousine in Dallas and he was not even assigned to JFK (as a last-minute addition to the trip, Agent Hill was, like Paul Landis, part of Jackie's detail, and came at the First Lady's personal request). John Ready, a relatively new agent, never approached JFK's side of the limousine. Why not? Emory Roberts explained: "SA Ready would have done the same thing (as Agent Hill did) if motorcycle was not a President's corner of car"(!) 20 Strange, but this posed no problem at all for Agent Don Lawton on November 18, 1963, in Tampa 21 (but unfortunately, like Rybka, Lawton was left at Love Field and was not in the motorcade detail). 22 In any event, there was always cooperation between the motorcycles and the agents; they maneuvered around each other countless times, including in Dallas on November 22nd.

Cover-up number three:
The April 22, 1964 reports from Agents Behn, Boring, Ready, Hill, and Emory Roberts, alleging, after-the-fact, that President Kennedy had ordered agents off the rear of the limousine on Novem- ber 18, 1963 in Tampa, and in other cities. 23 It has to be stated again, and with some new corroboration to boot: JFK never ordered the agents to do anything, let alone telling the men to get off the rear of the limousine (or to take off the bubbletop, reduce the number of motorcycles, etc.). Agents Behn and Boring totally refuted their own (alleged) reports in conversations with me, while agents Kinney, Youngblood, Bouck, Noris, Bolden, Lilly, Martineau, plus two recently-interviewed agents, Don Lawton and Art Godfrey, confirmed the fact that JFK
never ordered the agents to do anything. He was "very cooperative," they told me. Kenny O'Donnell did not "relay" any orders either, and in addition, Dave Powers, Marty Underwood, and a new contact, White House photographer Cecil Stoughton, confirmed to me what all the agents have told me to date! 24 If you concentrate on the critical time frame in which these "presidential orders" allegedly occurred, November 18-21, 1963, you can see what peril they caused in Dallas: no protection--as "requested"--on JFK's side of the car (including no bubbletop, partial or full, nor the usual number of motorcycles riding next to JFK, something that occurred everywhere except Dallas. 25 When I mentioned this to Agent Chuck Zboril (who was in Tampa with Agent Lawton on 11/18/63), he nervously said: "Where did you read that [JFK's alleged orders]? Do you want me commenting officially? I'm...speaking to someone I don't even see... someone else testified about what happened in Tampa [Clint Hill]...(pause)... can you....send me what you have on this matter? After sending Mr. Zboril a video and a contents sheet, he declined to respond as promised. 26 I have since learned that many former agents now have "caller I.D." on their phones, and were warned not to speak to me (on 6/7/ 96, I called the home of Winston Lawson. After asking for him, his wife called him by name and he then got on the phone and told me I had the wrong number! It gets worse...

Although Agent Roberts admitted recognizing "Oswald's" first shot as a rifle blast, 27 as the Altgens photo confirms, he made a mysterious transmission via radio microphone that is not accounted for in his reports or in the official record. 28 Instead of offering a shout of alarm, alert, or orders to his agents to do something that their own initiative lacked for some reason, ie., protective action, he did nothing to help the wounded President. Roberts' recall of Agent Ready is well documented, 29 although we have...
Cover-up number four:

The alleged speed of the limousine and the alleged distance between the two cars (9-11 mph and five feet in reality, not the 20-25 mph and 20-25 feet stated in both SAs Roberts and Agent Ready's reports) was used as the pretext for the recall of Ready. 30 Taking everything cited to the point into account, there is still another factor that has escaped virtually everyone, and this "factor" came about quite accidentally. In Groden and Livingstone's High Treason , (pages 16 and 487 of the Berkley edition, respectively), it was noted that "Emory Roberts ordered the agents not to move," which I took to be an unintended overstatement at the time. So, I decided to read the passage to Sam Kinney who told me, "Exactly right, and I'm involved in that, too!" Besides the Love Field recall of Agent Rybka and Dealey Plaza recall of Ready, Roberts also immobilized the other agents at a critical juncture in the shooting, causing a non- JFK agent (Clint Hill) to react too late to do anything but cover the corpse of the President. 31 I believe aides Ken O'Donnell and Dave Powers best summed up the situation when they wrote:

"Roberts, one of President Kennedy's agents...had decided to switch to Johnson as soon as Kennedy was shot" (emphasis added. 32 In addition, four other authors have noted Agent Roberts' "switch of allegiance," including Chief Curry! 33 Once at Parkland Hospital, SA Robert totally usurped his superior, number three man Roy Kellerman (on his first trip on his own for the first-time vacationing Gerry Behn, leaving Floyd Boring in charge of the Texas trip back in Washington, DC) 34; Emory ordered Kellerman's agents around and confided in Rufus Youngblood, the soon-to-be SAIC, replacing the absent Behn (just as ASAIC Youngblood replaced SAIC Stu Knight in Dallas, and Henry Fowler re-placed the absent Treasury Secretary C. Douglas Dillon. For his part, Youngblood was to become the SAIC of the Vice-Presidential Detail on November 25,1963, a move planned before Dallas, but he rose much higher after Dallas). What William Manchester reports as having occurred at Parkland on page 170 of his book makes one both sick and repulsed: "Powers and O'Donnell bounded toward the Lincoln. Powers heard Emory Roberts shouting at him to stop but disregarded him; a second might save Kennedy's life [Dave, too bad you weren't on the running board of the follow-up car...!]...Emory Roberts brushed past O'Donnell, determined to make sure that Kennedy was dead. 'Get up,' he said to Jacqueline Kennedy. there was no reply. She was crooning faintly. From his side Roberts could see the President's face, so he lifted her elbow for a close look. He dropped it. To Kellerman, his superior, he said tersely, 'You stay with Kennedy. I'm gong to Johnson.'" (Emphasis added) 35
Need I say more? It is a shame that Emory Roberts cannot tell us more: having never been questioned by the WC or the FBI, he died in the late 1960's, the same time an unnamed agent took his life with his own weapon in Washington (he showed signs he was beginning to buckle) 36 ---was this Roberts? LBJ's chief private secretary was Mrs. Juanita Roberts 37 -- was Emory her husband?

I intend to follow-up on these leads (and more). Stay tuned....


1. "47 WitnessesBig Grinelay on Elm Street", (by the author) THE THIRD DECADE.
January /March 1992. The Third Alternative. pp.22-33.
2. "Boring is Interesting" THE FOURTH DECADE, (by the author) May 1995;
"More Boring Details", op.cit., November 1995.
3. Manchester, Death of a President, (Perennial Library edition), p.165
4.Author's interview with Howard Donahue, September 23, 1992.
5. From the videotape presentations "Kennedy's Ireland" and "JFK: A Celebration of his Life and Times" (the vehicle had the D.C. license plate number GG678)
6.Author's interviews with Sam Kinney during October 1992, March-April 1994.
7.Author's interview with Art Godfrey (who guarded JFK at the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth on the evening of November 21, 1963, and was waiting for the president in Austin, when the assassination occurred; for his part, Agent Stout also protected President Truman during the assassination attempt at Blair House in 1950 -- along with Floyd Boring). Their designation was ATSAIC -- Assistant to the Special Agent in Charge, a position right below the ASAIC's.
8. Author's interviews with Kinney and Agent Don Lawton.
9. Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1993) see also Gaeton Fonzi, The Last Investigation (New York: Thunder's Mouth 1993)
10. Author's interviews with Robert Bouck, September 27, 1992; HSCA document 180- 10074-10394, an interview with agent Robert J. Jamison states that "the threat of November 18, 1963 was posed by a mobile, unidentified rifleman with a high- powered rifle fitted with a scope." In addition, HSCA document 180-10083-10419, an interview with Lubert F. deFrees, states that "a threat did surface in connection with the Miami trip", the stop right after the trip to Tampa.
11. see note 6.
12.Author's interviews with: Jerry Behn (9/27/92), Robert Bouck
(9/27/92) and Bob Lilly (three)
13.18H 738. Agent John Ready may have also been mentally occupied: and unidentified "emergency leave" took Ready out of the White house detail from November 15-19, 1963, miss ing the entire Florida trip. Although he went back on duty November 21, he did not ride in the follow up car in San Antonio, Houston or Fort Worth on
November 21, 1963.
14.18H665-702; Agents Hill, Ready, Landis and Bennett were the guilty parties in Roberts' shift.
16. 18H665
17.WFAA-TV (ABC's Dallas affiliate) on 11/22/63; 25H 787 18. Advance man Jerry Bruno's notes from the
JFK Library in Boston. Agent Henry Rybka was also on the follow-up car team in San Antonio on 11/21/63. In addition, the newly-released Cooper film depicts Rybka jumping out of the follow-up car in Fort Worth on 11/22/63 -- he was the first agent out of the car. In both cases, Rybka was not the driver.
19. 18H739, Lawson's final Survey Report. Incredibly, Emory Roberts made the same "mistake" twice: In the shift report of 11/22/63 (separate from the one depicted in 18H739), Roberts placed Rybka in the "center
rear seat" between Hickey and Bennett! Oddly, this was not the first time Rybka was "mistakenly" replaced in the follow-up car during November 1963. The shift report of 11/9/63, written by agent David Grant, stated
that Rybka drove the follow-up car in New York. The problem lies in the fact that Rybka was actually left behind in Washington, D.C. at the time, as the November 8 and 9 shift reports make abundantly clear -- bizarre indeed!
20. 18H738
21. Cecil Stoughton photos from John F.Kennedy Library in Boston;
interviews with agents Don Lawton and Chuck Zboril (November 1995)
24. Author's interviews 1992-1996, also The Third Alternative.
25. Hill: 18H 809 and 2H 136-137; Hill even reported the 11/18/63 episode on the 1995 Discovery cable channel program "Inside the Secret Service". In fact, so did William Manchester back in 1967, allegedly quoting Agent Floyd Boring as hearing President Kennedy tell him to "keep those Ivy League charlatans off the back of the car" (Death of a President, pp.37-38). However, Boring told me quite emphatically on more than one occasion that he never spoke to Manchester, (as pp. 660-669 would indicate) and that this was totally false! Interestingly, Manchester did interview Emory Roberts twice (p.667).
26. Author's interviews with Chuck Zboril during November 1995.
27. 18H 734-735, Manchester 155.
28. 18H735-739 --the first transmission was made a full minute before the shooting, while the other was made after the shooting (see also The Third Alternative, pp. 27-28)
29. 18H 749-750; also 734.
30. see note 29.
31. Hill described the president's skull defect as located in the "right rear" with the actual missing piece of skull lying in the back of the car. This was confirmed to me by Agent Sam Kinney on two occasions.
32. O'Donnell, Ken, Dave Powers and Joe McCarthy. Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1970.) p. 32
33. Manchester 165, Curry 36-37, Hepburn 229, Jerry ter Horst, The Flying White House, p.215
34. Manchester 232-233; interviews with Kinney and boring in March and April 1994.. The Texas trip was apparently Kellerman's first trip on his own in a supervisory capacity, for the November 8th and 9th shift reports place Kellerman in New York (without Agents Behn or Boring). This was not the more publicized trip which JFK made to the same city a few days later (11/14 and 15 with Floyd Boring). Evidently, the president made a low-key trip to New York before the NYC trip that was well-covered in the media. As for Floyd Boring, the agent defined his
role during JFK's term to the Truman Library in 1988: "I was on all the advance work out of there. I was assigned all the advance work, sort of an administrator... I was second in charge [behind Special Agent in Charge Jerry Behn]."
35. Manchester 170.
36. Confessions of an ex-Secret Service Agent. pp.216-217.
37. Manchester 403; Jim Bishop The Day Kennedy was Shot (Harper Perennial Edition, 1992) pp.430 and 528. This article is © by Vincent M. Palamara, and cannot be reprinted or otherwise
published in hard copy or electronically without express permission of the author.
All rights reserved.

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Adele Edisen Wrote:Mark said:
Quote:Who bore responsibilty for deeming Dallas 'non-political' and thus surrendering control of all arrangemnts to an elite group of wealthy businessmen--instead of the DNC--is an important question. My guess is LBJ.


Your guess is that LBJ took away control of the Dallas arrangements from the DNC, suggesting that he had something to do with the assassination of President Kennedy. Is this a correct interpretation of what you meant?

If it is, then it does not make any sense since LBJ and his aides tried to convince John Kennedy and his trip planners to avoid going to Dallas.

I don't think many people have bothered to read The Thirty-First of March by Horace Busby, LBJ's speechwriter and confidant. In Chapter 12 (pages 138-150) of the book he describes how concerned and worried LBJ and others in his entourage were about the visit to Dallas, a place where Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson were accosted and spat upon during their trip to Dallas during the 1960 campaign, and where Ambassador Adlai Stevenson had just recently been attacked by right-wing extemists. It seems that the Kennedy people were anxious to have the President be in an open-car motorcade on the streets of Dallas, the city which had not supported him in the 1960 campaign, and their position gained supremacy over the advice of the Vice-President and his group of advisers who were concerned for the President's safety in Dallas.


Yes Adele. I firmly believe LBJ was deeply involved in the plan to murder JFK. Had JFK not been killed, LBJ would have ended up in the stripey hole---where he belonged.

He certainly did a sterling job covering up for the killers. And he hated Jack and Bobby Kennedy, that is well known.

I haven't read Busby's book, but it looks like a load of rubbish. LBJ was desperate to get Jack to Texas.
Bernice Moore Wrote:2) DEPUTY CHIEF PAUL J. PATERNI member of OSS during WWII- worked with James Angleton and Ray Rocca (liaison to WC); involved in limousine inspection with Boring, beating Rowley and Kellerman---and the FBI--- to the punch (skull particles, bullet fragments, vehicle damage/ wind- shield); involved in LHO income tax check investigation right after assassination; checked on CIA connections of suspects Mosley and Homer Echevarria for the Chicago field office- matter was sum- marily dropped by a call from headquarters telling the field office agents who spoke to Paterni to send all memos, files, and notebooks to D.C. and not to discuss the case with anyone!;

This part is very interesting, imo.

Paterni, presumably close to Angleton, covered up Echevarria's embarrassing faux pas in Chicago. Sadly, Vince doesn't say who made that phone call from headquarters. Perhaps Rowley or Dillon? Whoever it was made the call after speaking to Paterni, and that's the kicker.

btw Bernice, do you know where Vince got this particular piece of info from? I couldn't find it in the footnotes. Might save me trawling through Vince's stuff at JFK place.

Has Vince updated since 2003? I trust he hasn't jumped the fence or anything.
MArk he is still very active. will contact him, see if he recalls......if not no one will...he is very good about replying and sharing could also try yourself, he is very pleasant, has been very with me......his latest is posted free for all on dr.jim FETZER'S site .assassination science.....B
Bernice Moore Wrote:[size=12][FONT=TIMES]Secret Service agent Emory P. Roberts was a former Baltimore policeman3 (and high school colleague of author Howard Donahue of Mortal Error fame)4 who had recently been on President Kennedy's trip to Florida on November 18, 1963.

Unfortunately, that's all Vince says about Emory Roberts' background. The rest of Vince's piece simply proves Roberts' guilt beyond doubt.

That probably explains why Roberts' background and apparent suicide is such a mystery.
Bernice Moore Wrote:MArk he is still very active. will contact him, see if he recalls......if not no one will...he is very good about replying and sharing could also try yourself, he is very pleasant, has been very with me......his latest is posted free for all on dr.jim FETZER'S site .assassination science.....B

Thanks. I'll resist my natural laziness and do it too.
I pose this question to no one in particular. And it's kind of awkward, but I have to ask. Can Vince Palamara's work and conclusions be trusted? I used to think they could, but then he went all Bugliosi and started spouting LN fundamentalist doctrine. I'm wary of him now.

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