I have re-edited parts of this post due to the concerns raised by CD. I also am aware of my misuse of to and too's (Thom Zajac forgive me) so I'll be popping in and out correcting things from time to time.
Different thing's happen on different forums. We all know that. When I first blundered into the DPF and made an epic ass of myself in 2009 I learned pretty quickly.
My cock ups aside. It's interesting to note that with the excellent modding on DPF plus the overall quality of posters here, while active, Rigby seems to have displayed a rather likeable 'jolly' , tenacious character in the face of some very pertinant counterpoints concerning Greer and the Secret Service malarkey he himself advocated for. But putting Rigby in a slightly wilder setting like the Education Forum (a haven for the more sanguinary amongst us) like a psychopath we see his charm is superficial and a wholly different picture emerges (I have since been informed Rigby has been suspended from this very forum some months ago).
Dr Jekyll and Mr Rigby
A classic example of Rigby's 'Jekyll and Hyde' personae can be seen here at the DPF in which Rigby
raised the issue of Jim's saying that RFK enjoyed the support of Liberals in the CIA.
A brief discussion ensued with Jim's replies coming via Dawn Meredith. Thanks to Dawn's 'channelling' the misunderstanding is cleared up and in post 14 Rigby say's this about Jim's explanation concering RFK's Liberal CIA supporters comment.
"Fair enough - but you can see why I was puzzled. And thanks for the info re: the Tim Tate RFK special - I had no idea it differed from the one I had first watched back in the early 90s."
Now let's contrast this with post 95 on the Education Forum and the thread 'The Present State of Doug Horne's Evidence'
"An interesting spin as we've crossed swords before, albeit by proxy (your choice), not least when I drew attention (on the DPF) to that hoary-old nonsense you were peddling about RFK enjoying the support of that most mythical of entities, the "liberal" wing of the CIA, in 1968. Weirdly, I can't help observing, we find i) that said parapolitical unicorn was running Eugene McCarthy's campaign; and ii) killed RFK. A novel definition of support, by any standards, save, of course, the CIA's own. But I digress."
If this isn't a gross distortion of the prior discussion folks, I have little idea what is. Jim's reply was of course his 'choice'. Why? Because Rigby had written about him and taken him out of context. It's also important to note that Jim's replies concerning Greer were in many ways far more restrained than those from this very thread. Yet, Rigby seem's to have taken out a vendetta against Jim. The only things I can come up with, in terms of reasoning for this behaviour, is that-if not co-erced, Rigby is simply jealous of Jim's general popularity and or thought at one time that Jim and others would back his bogus ideas.
But I'll spare the poor soul reading this my 'bollocks' Priscilla Johnson McMillan inspired amateur psycho-analysis and move along!
Rigby's comments to Jim were so silly they even caught Greg Burnhams attention. In post number 114 GB (an individual not particularly close too Jim Di) made a note of Rigby's needlessly 'sarcastic' tone in his comments. This triggered an interesting exchange. While Rigby was mildly more conversant with Greg. His behaviour and tone was still far removed from that seen on DPF. He also seemed too misquote and put words in GB's mouth in much the same way as he did with JD.
It's a Bird it's a Plane it's.............The Brown Bottle!
As said, Rigby's ludicrous 'Greer did it' thesis, not to mention his needlessly sarcastistic, two faced, dishonest and dare I say outright
'cowardly' attempts at defending Hornes atrophied premise saw him change from the sober minded Englishman who first appeared in 2006 on the Ed Forum (unless I am mistaken) into a conspirahypocrite of the first order.
Rigby, unfortunatley bares a striking likeness too the infamous underground comic book hero 'The Brown Bottle'. By day Barry Brown is a tubby mild mannered unassuming clerk. But in times of peril he consumes a bottle of 'Newcastle Brown Ale' to become an intoxicated, foul mouthed, urine and faeces soiled, costume wearing do gooder.
Whom in typical VIZ comics style causes more mayhem than he solves.
Mr Rigby like 'The Bottle' (as his fans call him-the character not Rigby) takes the smallest doses of a drink called 'Kook' and goes off on exactly the same sort of pungent tangent. Art certainly imitates life imitating art. Indeed he also resembles another portly fellow by the name of Todd W Vaughan whose something of a match too Peter Griffin from the 'Family Guy' in appearance and competency.
Vaughan (for those of you who don't know) is also good friends with Mr Rigby and is well known for being cast as Dale Myers 'bunk mate' in the upcoming Sixth Floor Museum produced 'Lone Nut Penitentary' prison drama (I'm joking Wiz/Gary-it's actually a comedy-so no emails please).
I feel I am not being overly personal or snide. Because as harsh as these observations may seem, Rigby's mocking of Jim Di's last name and personal innuendo's about his self perception, actions and thoughts whilst siding with his chum Vaughan (which we can see here) are just small parts of his unsophisticated schtick.
While I hasten to add that the above comment is the kind of silly thing many of us on forums regret saying from time to time. Rigby without any semblance of remorse is consistently making personal digs unrelated to any research. Yet for all of his venom he's positively mild when compared to the outright nasty, baseless comments that his and Vaughans close pal J Raymond Carroll (who reminds one of every iconic cliche of embittered elderly men from 'Mean Mr Mustard', 'Johnny Carson', 'Alf Garnett' to 'Steptoe' and beyond) spews.
I admit I used to find Carrolls impudence amusing in light of the illustrious fictional individual's mentioned. But after seeing how close these three are and how they operate, Carroll is cast in a wholly new light. For like Rigby, Carroll has done very little in terms of actual research outside of posting on forums. Vaughn, I guess has done some stuff with Dale Myers. But when considering Myers wrote a truckload of Bugliosi's horrific book, I am tempted to imagine that Vaughan true too his role was more likely making Myers cups of coffee, shining his shoes and giving him shoulder rubs!
The net result of this trio's research wise is minimal.
Despite this obvious credibility problem, they still try to tear down any moderate reasearchers not in favour of their 'nutty fringe positions. I like a few other people, have exchanged a number of unpleasentries with Jim Fetzer in this regard. But love him or loath his JFK work. JF has worked his ass off. He's also got one or two things I think he's done okay in terms of this area. Furthermore, as I have said in other posts his writings on the philosophy of science and technology (which are sadly over shadowed by everything else) far outstrips most people's knowledge of these areas and makes for interesting reading. Though I often wish they hadn't (lol) he like Phil Nelson also had the zealot like courage to collate their works into publications too be viewed en masse by the public and their peers.
Where's the sum parts of Rigby's 'Greer' zeal and where's his long anticipated book on Stanze? Was that just a phase? Or could it have been a con to get into people's good books? I don't have the answer to that. All I know is that if JF is contributing more positives than yourself to the JFK grist your in some very deep shite!
Well established researchers (in particularly juniors like myself) do need to be kept on our toes and should never be beyond reproach. But when the people making the attacks, literally have to lie too do so it slights the true grafters on the forums who contribute and converse on all JFK related sites. It also lead's to wary individuals like Charles or myself being inclined to decapitate rather than take the time too communicate with someone who may well be genuinely misguided, curious or wanting to have a genuine discussion (this excludes Betty C).
Rigby clearly had his shot. He does not appear unintelligent. In some ways I think he's a very calculating individual whom was a tad too clever for himself. He drank from the aformentioned bottle and never got back on the wagon. The big debate is whether he was really on it in the first place. This petty, pointless antagonistic and grossly misleading conversation between himself and Raymond Carrol certainly provides an insight into their mindset.
Disinfo Inferno
I am particularly loathe to calling people witting disinformationist's. I'm sure there are some out there. Dare I say, I may well know one or indeed someone may well think I am.
You the person reading this article may actually be of that caste, or are suspected of being one as well.
They're pretty good and slick with what they do. So who knows?
What we do know is that it's very easy to circulate rumours in and around conspiracy circles. In particularly with the internet and the ease of access into a virtual plethora of disinformation. Disinformation is really now the aim of the game. No one believes the John McAdam's and Dale Myers of the world (well Vaughan does). Hence the word from the top, seem's to be 'If you can't beat em join em! The more entertaining we make it the more we muddy the waters'. Conspiracy has become so accepted that it has become a cultural and commericial phenomena. It blinds people in a far more sophisticated way than anything seen on the History Channel.
So I'll return to the relationship between Rigby and his cohorts. I won't say much (he says a few thousand words too late) but the ties these guys have via Vaughan to Dale Myers.....well your guesse's dear readers are as good as mine.
But it's a fair bet that these likely lads wipe their mouths and brush their butts (I can delete this if need be).
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992