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you got to watch out for duncan.

I suggest you take up duncans challenge and ask him to produce that negative.

The House Committee on assassinations could not find it. But duncan can find it.

I say make a public demand on duncan to produce that negative.

If a member of his forum has the negative then lets do it. Many researches would like to have access to that negative.

I say call duncans bluff. (because that is all it is).

We can answer this question once and for all.

Duncans desire to harass me out weighs his good judgment sometimes.
And I think your days on this Forum are probably numbered if you continue to post such insane demands and accusations towards other members.
I'm surprised you've lasted so long.
I know who owns the Betzner negative, live with it lol
JFK Assassination Forum
I have made no insane demands or accusations.

I am sure that if jack wants me to be banned that he has the power to do that, but it wont change the truth. And it wont change what I have learned here.

If I have to create my own forum to get the truth out I will.
Bob Ringler Wrote:I have made no insane demands or accusations.
You are definately a screwball to say that you have made no insane demands.
Bob Ringler
[B Wrote:
I say make a public demand on duncan to produce that negative.[/B]

Now, As I don't own the Betzner negative, why the hell should I produce it. Go find it yourself.
You are definately not the sharpest knife in the drawer. You don't even understand what you are saying
JFK Assassination Forum
If you know who owns that negative what are you afraid of?

Why are you afraid to let the public know where that negative is? What are you afraid that is contained in that negative?

What are they/you afraid of?

What is contained in that negative duncan that you are so afraid of?

I think I can get a subpoena for that negative. Thank you very much for this info. That negative is in the public interest. More so now because it might contain an image of a man with rifle on the grassy knoll. I believe the company was called ITEK that could not locate the negative. I am pretty sure there are records to that effect in the HSCA archives.
Bob Ringler Wrote:I think I can get a subpoena for that negative. Thank you very much for this info. That negative is in the public interest. More so now because it might contain an image of a man with rifle on the grassy knoll. I believe the company was called ITEK that could not locate the negative. I am pretty sure there are records to that effect in the HSCA archives.

You're a real joker, Bob.
JFK Assassination Forum
I'm not joking duncan.

In case you havent figured it out when it comes to the assassination of jfk I dont joke round.

I am sure there are lots of researchers that want to get their hands on that negative.

And those researchers are going to start investiong money to obtain that negative based on your information so I hope it is the truth.
Well Bob, actually, I haven't figured out that you are not joking around, and I'm betting that no one else has figured that out either.
Do you fancy starting a thread on your Elm street crowd reflection above the fence and in the trees in Betzner too?
I'm sure you can use this to prove to the mebers here that you are not joking around ( Being Sarcastic )
JFK Assassination Forum
Bob Ringler Wrote:Anthony,

If you think I am wasting your time please do not read my threads. In fact I would appreciate it if you did not read my threads.

It is indeed unfortunate that you cannot see the woman with her baby because you will forever be stuck in an incorrect opinion about who and what "Black Dog Man " was/is.

I know for a fact that others,(many others) can see them.

The woman and baby that is in the other picture are the same woman and baby that is seen in this picture.
[Image: normal_Darnell_2.jpg]


P.S. Thanks for telling me about the change you made to the map. I will be sure to look for the map that does not have your change because I dont think I can trust your work!

More kookspeak, just like the 9/11 Truthers.
The change I made to the map is verified by the original plans from the 30's for Dealey Plaza. The distance from the middle of Main Street to the face of the TSBD is 320 feet.
Drommer and Associates redid their survey and found out that I was right.
Bob Ringler Wrote:This is doubting thomas.

I'm sorry but Jack is not god. In fact that is the problem. His research needs to be subject to examination. And he should be very willing to explain this. I would say he owes to the next geneartion of reshearchers to explain this clearly, to remove the fog and the noise.

If the two men who supposedly sit at the top of the research community refuse to be completely open about their work then we have a problem.

Who are these two men? Jack White is not at the top of the research community.

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