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The Power of the Paedos - another high profile case hits the 'never happened' wall?

Inside the house of horrors: Revealed in chilling detail, how a boy taken to infamous gay brothel gave name of a senior politician he said abused him there to the police - who left the MP's name OUT of their report

  • Elm Guest House in Barnes is at heart of probes into paedophile activity
  • South-west London hotel allegedly visited by VIP paedophiles for decades
  • It was closed down in 1982 amid sensational allegations of child sex abuse
  • One boy who stayed there told police of attacks by one senior politician
  • His statement was left out of reports in an 'establishment cover up'
PUBLISHED: 22:03, 5 December 2014 | UPDATED: 23:15, 5 December 2014

[Image: 1700BB86000005DC-2862860-Elm_Guest_House...199895.jpg]


Elm Guest House in Barnes, south-west London, has been at the heart of probes into historic paedophile activity by Westminster MPs for decades

Bedtime at a large Edwardian house in a genteel London suburb.
In a room on one of the upper floors, a small boy is taken to a bedroom by a middle-aged woman. The world beyond the curtains is dark and cold.
On the common across the street, huge trees rustle and loom scarily. It is not a night to be outside.
In the bedroom, the child lies quietly as the woman speaks.
Across the city, countless other youngsters must be listening to lullabies and fairy tales; the confirmations of love, comfort and security before sleep.
But not this boy. He is full of foreboding. That is because his night terrors are not imaginary but real and inflicted upon him with this woman's connivance.
Tonight, her bedside chat would sound very odd to an eavesdropper.
She calls the boy a little queen' and talks of him doing tricks' for money: £20 a time.
He knows that soon after she leaves him, a strange man will come into the room and close the door. The stranger will then undress and the boy's ordeal will begin again.
Eventually the boy, who is of primary school age, will tell this heart-breaking story to the authorities. But, as we shall see, scandalously little will be done to investigate those allegedly responsible.
For more than 30 years, the now-defunct Elm Guest House in Rocks Lane, Barnes, South-West London, has been at the centre of serious and often sensational allegations concerning paedophile activity.
The main contention has long been that the address was a meeting place for a VIP paedophile ring which held orgies and abused young boys, many of whom were in local authority care.
A list of famous alleged attendees, including Cabinet ministers, MPs, churchmen, pop stars, spies, judges, tycoons and members of the royal household, has been widely circulated.
While supporting evidence for the presence of most of those named remains elusive, police accept that the late Liberal MP Cyril Smith, a known child abuser, was indeed a visitor to the guest house.
New claims, and a resurgence of interest in the historic allegations, culminated in the launch last year of Operation Fernbridge, a full police investigation into what is supposed to have happened at Rocks Lane. This summer, Home Secretary Theresa May announced a wide-ranging independent inquiry into historic child sex abuse by prominent individuals.
Last week, Mrs May suggested that the allegations aired so far including a claim of three child murders by Westminster-linked paedophiles who frequented exclusive flats in the Thames-side Dolphin Square amounted to the tip of the iceberg'.
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Both inquiries would like to get hold of a dossier of alleged abuses handed to the then Home Secretary, Leon Brittan, by Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens in November 1983.
Lord Brittan has explained that he passed the dossier to Home Office officials for examination, but the dossier remains missing from Whitehall files. There have been repeated suggestions of an Establishment cover-up.
For the past two years, the Mail has pursued its own investigation into the Elm Guest House story and child abuse by senior figures.
We led the way in revealing how a young man called Peter Hatton-Bornshin, who as a schoolboy was allegedly abused at Elm Guest House, killed himself in 1994, aged 28. Friends say the emotional trauma he suffered at Rocks Lane drove him to his drugs-related death.
We have also examined the circumstances surrounding the death of Carole Kasir, the German-born owner-manager of the Elm Guest House. She'd always maintained that the business was nothing more sinister than a gay-friendly hotel.

Leon Brittan asked about dossier passed to Home Office

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Cyril Smith is thought to have frequented the house before it was closed in 1982. The following year, Geoffrey Dickens MP (right) handed a report into paedophile activities among Westminster politicians to then Home Secretary Leon Brittan

A coroner decided that she had killed herself, again with a drugs overdose, but child protection campaigners claimed she was murdered as part of the VIP cover-up.
One friend told us Kasir had boasted she had a stash of incriminating photographs in a bank vault, for which she had turned down an offer of £20,000. One of those pictures allegedly included Cyril Smith.
Last week, the local Tory MP, Zac Goldsmith, repeated allegations that a former Cabinet minister was photographed with a naked boy in the sauna of Elm Guest House. If so, that picture has yet to emerge.
It is often hard to separate fact and fiction in the Elm Guest House affair. Over three decades, so much has been muddied by conspiracy theorists, fantasists, those bent on making political capital, and those with personal grudges who have practised smear by association.
As always, it is best to listen to those who were directly involved.
Today, following fresh investigations during which we spoke to former social workers, council officials, retired police officers, lawyers, campaigners and other key witnesses, we can present a compelling picture of Elm Guest House in the weeks leading up to its final closure in June 1982.
In particular, we can reveal that a social worker was present when the boy described above identified a senior politician as being one of his abusers. Crucially, that social worker alleges that when he later saw the police transcript of that interview, the MP's name was missing.
The boy happened to be at the property when it was raided by police.
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Leon Brittan said he handed the report to the Home Office in the 1980s, but it has been found in its files

The never-before-published details of what the child claimed to have suffered at the Rocks Lane address supported by medical evidence are deeply shocking. Much is simply too disturbing to print. Equally, while the Mail knows his name, we are being careful not to publish details which could result in him being identified.
Under Carole Kasir's ownership, Elm Guest House was transformed from a nondescript suburban hotel into a gay rendezvous which was advertised in Gay News and other specialist publications. These included the newsletter of the Conservative Group for Homosexual Equality, which strongly recommended' the guest house to its gay Tory readers.
At the time (it was still only 15 years after the decriminalisation of homosexual acts), complaints of police harassment against the gay community were commonplace.
Elm Guest House was under observation because of reports that it was being run as a brothel. Yet police interest in what was going on there in the early summer of 1982 was also focused on reports of there being a number of vulnerable' children on the premises.
Two young officers were selected to pose as a gay couple to go undercover as guests at Elm Guest House and find out more. Contemporary accounts show that the pair went to the address on June 12, 1982.
At the door, they were greeted by a youth called Lee, who, aged 16, was five years below what was then the gay age of consent.
Once inside, the two officers were introduced to other members of the guest house staff, including a man called Nellie' and a barman named Errol, both of whom called the policemen dear'. Lee then took the officers upstairs.
After being shown their £17-a-night room, the policemen were asked by Lee if they knew what other services' were on offer at Elm Guest House. They were told there was a sauna in Room 7, a selection of gay sex videos and a top-floor room in which Lee massaged' guests.
Nellie' was equally solicitous. Were the officers married, he asked. If so, it didn't matter; there would be no questions asked about their identity. The staff at the guest house were unimpeachably discreet, and were all gay apart from Mrs Kasir.
That is what made Elm Guest House unique; it was the only gay joint run by a straight woman. Later, the officers were told that Kasir had run the guest house as a straight' establishment for two years, before deciding that an exclusively gay clientele would be more lucrative.
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The Mail understands that one of the undercover officers asked a member of the staff whether children might also be among the services' on offer. While no explicit reference to sex was made, the enthusiastic answer included a reference to a youngster who was going to be a lovely queen'.
Later, the undercover officers met Carole Kasir herself in the guest house bar. She spoke of 16-year-old Lee as her little queen', and then introduced them to a much younger boy, allegedly saying that the child could show the men some new tricks'.
In their presence, Kasir called the child my little queen' and referred to him as she'. The boy seemed very camp, and acted in an effeminate manner, the officers thought.
The undercover policemen went to Lee's room and waited while he noisily finished massaging' a male client. The teenager complained to them that the establishment's gay porn videos were worn out by over-use and needed to be replaced. They were provided by a guest house lodger who got them from a Soho sex shop run by a notorious organised-crime family.
At dinner that night, Kasir boasted of the amount of trade' that Lee the latest of a number of in-house masseurs' conducted upstairs. It earned the teenager some £200 a week.
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Carole Kasir, the owner of Elm Guest House, once reportedly told a friend she had photographs incriminating public figures in paedophile activity

She asked if Lee had invited the policemen to a sauna party due to be held at Elm Guest House the following weekend. Entrance would be £5 per head, but because of the high expected attendance some 200 guests the men might have to share a bed with a number of other regulars.
During conversation with another member of staff, they were told that an elderly retired judge acted as the guest house's legal adviser'.
The officers made their excuses and left after breakfast the next morning. Plans were made to return the following Saturday, so that a police raid would coincide with the sauna party.
On the day of the raid, the undercover men returned and paid their £5 entrance charges. One of them was wearing a fake plaster cast on his arm, under which there was a device which, when pressed, would send the signal for his colleagues outside to enter.
The Mail understands that this plan went awry when Kasir hugged him on arrival, setting off the device. The raid began with only a handful of people on the premises. Kasir was arrested, along with Lee and another man.
Nevertheless, one of those present at Elm Guest House that day was the young boy. He was removed from the premises and interviewed by detectives in the presence of a social worker at nearby Richmond police station. His initial testimony was truly shocking.
He said that a man at the guest house had explained to him about how homosexual men did tricks' with each other. Afterwards, the man raped the boy in a bedroom. This was the first time the child had been sexually abused in this way.
A few weeks later, the boy was again at the guest house when Kasir told him that other men could do tricks' with him, for which he would get paid. The boy told her that he didn't want to do it, but Kasir, he said, told him the money was too good to turn down.
The boy said that afterwards, a foreign' man who was staying at the guest house came into a room in which the boy was asleep, woke him and got undressed.
The boy said he told the man that he didn't want to do anything and he should get his money back from Kasir. The man said nothing and, despite the boy's struggles, committed a serious sexual assault on him.
When the man had gone, Kasir came in and spoke to the child as if nothing had happened.
He claimed that some days later, in the same room, another man undressed and brutally raped the boy for about an hour. The boy remembered that it hurt a lot.
The following morning he saw the man with Kasir, and the adults both remarked quite casually that he looked in physical discomfort. The man even said he hoped he was all right.
This became routine. The boy was raped by a succession of clients, he said. One of them assaulted him while dressed in military uniform. Carole Kasir would leave him Vaseline.
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Home Secretary Theresa May previously said allegations of murder and paedophile activity at a number of addresses thought to have been regularly visited by MPs and public figures were 'the tip of the iceberg'

Kasir began to refer to him as little queen', the boy recalled. In return for being abused, he would receive video games, jewellery and cash. The money the men paid to abuse the boy was put in a cash box behind the guest house bar.
After the boy had been raped, Kasir would often come into the room and replace his soiled bed clothes.
Those present at this interview felt that the boy was very sexually aware for his years, and had also been made very materialistic. He referred to himself as a little queen'.
A police surgeon who examined the boy shortly after his rescue found that he had injuries consistent with male rape over a period of time.
If Uncle XXXXX' had done what was alleged, this was not just a sordid suburban scandal, but one of national importance

We have learned that one of those present when the boy was first interviewed by police recalled how the child had seemed torn between telling everything, and maintaining a silence about his ordeal.
When spoken to the following day, he was markedly more reticent.
By the following year, the boy, who was in local authority care, was insisting that his original statement was largely untrue. Officials believe that Carole Kasir had managed to communicate with him in order to buy his silence.
Elm Guest House closed for good after the police raid, which sections of the gay community viewed as an example of official homophobia.
There is no doubt the raid was bungled, but why was no one prosecuted for the alleged sustained abuse of the child they found there that day? No doubt the boy's growing reluctance to co-operate would have been fatal, in the end, to any chance of success.
Kasir was found guilty at the Old Bailey in 1983 only of running a disorderly house and possessing obscene videos. She was given a suspended sentence. She always denied that child abuse had taken place at Elm Guest House. Similar minor charges against the teenage masseur Lee were dropped. He recently claimed to have had sex with the undercover officers.
After years of drug and alcohol abuse, Kasir was found dead of an insulin overdose in 1990. Child protection campaigners who had been in contact with her claim she thought she was being watched shortly before her death.
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Dolphin Square, the Thames-side apartment complex reportedly frequented by senior politicians, is also being considered as part of the investigation into historical sex abuse

Neighbours said that police had set up an observation post by her final address because they suspected she was dealing drugs to children.
Now in early middle age, the young victim from Elm Guest House refuses to co-operate with new police inquiries. He has also declined to speak to the Mail.
The other significant players in this affair who are still alive are being interviewed by detectives as they attempt to ascertain the truth of the legend of the VIP paedophile ring at Rocks Lane.
Was there a cover-up? We now understand that the social worker present at the boy's interview in 1982 was later shown copies of the resulting police statement. What struck him most was what had been left out.
The man recalled that during the boy's testimony at Richmond Police Station, he had spoken of an abuser whom he called Uncle XXXXX'. This abuser worked at the big houses', the boy said.
As the boy talked, at least two of those officials present came to independent realisations of his testimony's significance.
If Uncle XXXXX' had done what was alleged, this was not just a sordid suburban scandal, but one of national importance.
Why? Because it had become clear to them that the boy was describing a prominent politician of the time. The Mail knows the identity of the politician, but cannot name him for legal reasons.
Yet no politician was ever charged or even questioned, as far as we know, and there is a simple reason for this.
When the same eyewitness to the boy's interview was later shown the child's police statement which should have been a verbatim account of all his allegations there was no mention of Uncle XXXXX' or the naïve reference to the Houses of Parliament. It had simply disappeared (if it were ever put to paper at all).
This troubled the social worker. It is now troubling senior figures at the Home Office. In fact it should trouble us all. What reason could there have been to sanitise' the child's statement?
A former senior Metropolitan Police detective offered this explanation last night: You have to remember there was a Cold War still going on. Allegations concerning a senior British politician would have been of great interest to the Kremlin.
For that reason, Special Branch and the security services would almost certainly have been aware of these claims, and might have had a hand in suppressing them.'
Many will think that is an Establishment cover-up by any other name.

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The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Oh dearie me, victim rigging?

Quote:Theresa May's child sexual abuse inquiry faces new storm

Two members of panel face calls to resign after being accused of sending insulting letters to victims who criticised inquiry

[Image: 1eea15dc-c7ef-4d78-af5a-8b29f5731472-460x276.jpeg]Theresa May, the home secretary, has already apologised for delays in finding a chair for the abuse inquiry. Photograph: Neil Hall/Reuters

Two members of Theresa May's panel inquiring into child sex abuse are facing calls to resign after being accused of sending threatening or insulting emails to victims who had criticised the inquiry.
Lawyers for one abuse survivor have written to the home secretary to complain of a string of unsolicited communications, including an allegedly threatening email sent two days before an official meeting that both panellists and an abuse survivor were due to attend.
The victim, who is on medication for post-traumatic stress disorder, was left too anxious to attend the "listening meeting" in November. The development will be a huge embarrassment to May, who has already seen two chairs to the inquiry stand down since it was launched in July, both over conflicts of interest. A source close to the inquiry's secretariat said the emails should not have been sent, leaving the fate of the panel members in doubt.
The inquiry has been set up to consider whether, and the extent to which, public bodies and other non-state institutions have taken seriously their duty of care to protect children from sexual abuse in England and Wales from 1970 to the present day.
At a meeting on Friday between government officials and victims of abuse, survivors were told by the Home Office's director of safeguarding that the allegations against panel members were being examined by an unnamed QC. Survivors told officials they had "lost all confidence" in the inquiry as it was currently constituted.
Andrew Lavery, whose whistleblowing has led to a police investigation into abuse by monks at a Catholic boarding school in Scotland, has complained that he was left highly distressed after receiving an email from panel member Graham Wilmer.
A letter sent by Lavery's solicitors at Leigh Day claims that their client, who first had contact with Wilmer in 2013 through his charity, the Lantern Project, which offers help to abuse victims, "has received a number of unsolicited communications from Mr Wilmer following the end of their telephone contact".
The letter adds: "These have included repeated requests from Mr Wilmer asking Mr Lavery to get in contact with him. Mr Lavery has not responded to these requests. Mr Lavery's key concern is raised in relation to an email which he received from Mr Wilmer on 5 November 2014. This was sent following Mr Lavery's conversation on 5 November 2014 with a member of the child sex abuse inquiry secretariat about attending a meeting with the inquiry on 6 November. Mr Lavery regards the contents of the email to be threatening. Mr Lavery is of the belief that as a panel member, Mr Wilmer should not be contacting individual survivors in this manner. He was very distressed by the contents of the email and consequently did not feel comfortable about attending the meeting."
Wilmer, who was himself abused as a child, has denied that he intended the email to be threatening. His email, which has been seen by the Observer, suggests he was provoked into emailing Lavery by a social media row between a separate abuse victim and his adult son, Rory, who had sought to confront those who criticised his father's place on the panel.
In his email, which accuses his critics of "crossing the line", he writes: "I'm looking forward to meeting you on Friday. I've watched and listened to your media interviews over the past few days, and I've looked at all the Twitter feeds you and Ian [McFadyen] have pumped out. The insults you have issued about me, I have no problem with; you are entitled to your opinion. However, what has been said about my son, Rory, is a different matter."
Alison Millar, a lawyer for Leigh Day, told the Observer: "The panellist's private communications with our client, a man who is deeply traumatised by his experience of abuse, certainly seem ill-advised to us."
Lavery, who lives in Newcastle, said that he did not want Wilmer to be humiliated, but that he needed to stand down for the sake of the credibility of the inquiry.
Meanwhile, Peter McKelvie, a former child protection manager whose allegations led to the launch of the ongoing Operation Fernbridge police inquiry in 2012, has complained about an inappropriate email from a second panellist.
After McKelvie publicly raised questions about Barbara Hearn's appointment, she falsely accused him of posing as a female blogger who had been causing her distress.
McKelvie, 65, who has no presence on social media, said he would continue to call for Hearn's resignation because of her previous employment at the National Children's Bureau, where a leading member of the Paedophile Information Exchange, Peter Righton, worked as a consultant between 1972 and 1974.
McKelvie also highlighted a potential conflict of interest in Hearn's connections with social work managers from the Labour-controlled Islington council in north London, when there was widespread sexual abuse in children's homes. Hearn was appointed to the NCB in the 1990s by John Rea Price, who had been director of social services at Islington council.

This is what The Needle has to say on the matter:


Signatory To Letter To The Home Secretary Sent Inappropriate Images To CSA Survivor.

It's really sad to see survivor attacking survivor.
But sadly it happens.
I think we're seeing it more right now because the CSA Inquiry appears stalled.
Anything I publish is only in response to media manoeuvres by others.
Right now I'm responding to this story, just published, in The Guardian HERE
I've known this from the moment I saw the list of signatories in the letter to the Home Secretary a few days ago but it was only earlier today that the survivor contacted me herself and we discussed it. The original letter including all the signatories can be found HERE
The female survivor of child sexual abuse, currently a witness in a criminal investigation connected to a prominent police operation, received this unsolicited contact via email and it contained inappropriate images of young girls in bondage. The survivor made a complaint to the police at the time about 18 months ago and contacted me about it at the time.
It's not for me to say anything more than that other than that the survivor has indicated to me that she will make the complaint once again given the prominent role that this person has assumed.
I'd prefer this to stop. I'd prefer it if otherwise good people weren't attacked but just so we're clear, if it continues then so will I. Every action will have an equal and opposite reaction.
This is only undermining the case for all survivors.

The letter concerned:


An open letter to Theresa May demanding a fit for purpose' child abuse inquiry

Rt Hon Theresa May MP, Home Secretary, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF
Dear Theresa May

As survivors and associated professionals, we were very much hoping to take up the invitations to engage with your Ministerial Officers to discuss the Child Sex Abuse Inquiry but we regret to say we have to decline. We, alongside many survivors, have made numerous representations to you regarding our view that the Inquiry as it stands is not fit for purpose. Its Terms of Reference (ToR) are inadequate for delivering the original declared intentions of the inquiry, namely to investigate government and establishment cover ups of paedophiles in their ranks and aiding bringing the perpetrators to justice.

Secondly, both your appointees to Head the Inquiry Panel have had to be forced out by survivors because of obvious conflicts of interest, and you have failed to address similar issues regarding other Panel appointees.

Thirdly, that the cut-off date for the Inquiry investigations was set at 1970 is highly disturbing given that the 1969 Children's Act transferred Home Office run youth establishments, from which thousands of abuse allegations eventually emerged. It highlights the lack of transparency regarding the Home Office's dealings with the Inquiry, not to mention the apparent obfuscations and manipulations in the defence of the appointment of Fiona Woolf. As a result, the Home Office seems to be running the Inquiry to meet others' needs rather than those of survivors and the public.
We therefore have little option but to end engagement with the Inquiry and call on other survivors, whistleblowers, associated professionals and agencies to follow suit until, as Home Secretary, you:
announce the scrapping of the current panel and its replacement on a transparent basis
declare a statutory inquiry
announce that the TOR will focus on: 1) Organised & Institutional Abuse hearing evidence from survivors of such abuse 2) Extending the cut-off date to 1945 and linking with Inquiries in other parts of the UK 3) Setting up a dedicated police team at the National Crime Agency to take evidence alongside the inquiry to investigate and prosecute offenders 4) Holding those that have failed in their professional duty or covered up allegations or been obstructive to account.

Yours faithfully

Andy Kershaw and Tony Martin (Survivors of Forde Park)
Bobby Martin, Gang Intervention Advisor & Islington Care Home Survivor
Luke Payne, Child Trafficking Survivor.
Nigel O'Mara, Former Survivors' Helpline Counsellor/ Public Relations Officer
Caroline Carnot, Author & Founding Executive Care Leavers Association
Peter McKelvie, Whistleblower and former child protection worker
Dr Liz Davies, Reader in Child Protection, London Metropolitan University
Ruth Stark MBE, President International Federation of Social Workers
Ann Davis, Emeritus Professor of Social Work and Mental Health, University of Birmingham
Phil Frampton (Founding Chair, Care Leavers Association 2000-04)
Stephen Morris, Church of England Children's Society Careleaver
Brian Douieb, Former Leaving Care Social Work Manager
Les Huckfield MP for Nuneaton 1967-83. MEP for Merseyside East 1984-89
Dr Kenneth McIntyre, CPsychol, AFBPsS
Dr Paul Redgrave, Director of Public Health, Barnsley 2004-09
Ed Nixon, Chief Executive, Family Care Associates
Anne Southworth, Senior National Education Specialist (Audit Commission) Retired
Dr Rachel Chapple, Social Anthropologist, Founder, Real Stories Gallery Foundation
Councillor Ann Kerrigan
Ann Mallaby, Justice Campaigner
Andrea Enisuoh, Community Organiser, Hackney Unites
Miriam Day, Writer and survivor of childhood sexual abuse
Robert Chewter, Campaigner
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
The beauty of the below report is the accompanying photograph. Quite where Gojam found it, I don't know, but if ever there was a bang-to-right police line up, I suspect this would be it...

Quote:BY GOJAM | DECEMBER 7, 2014 · 3:44 PM
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The Willie Whitelaw Whitewash

[Image: article-0-00daa44400000190-977_636x288.jpg?w=500&h=226]Willie Whitelaw on the right.
Cover-up ? What cover-up?
Detectives are investigating claims that former Conservative Home Secretary William Whitelaw ordered police to drop an investigation into a VIP paedophile ring.
Whitelaw allegedly told a senior Metropolitan Police boss to quash a year-long investigation into a gang accused of abusing 40 children, the youngest of whom was six.
The alleged intervention came in 1980 after a newspaper revealed the country's chief prosecutor was considering 350 offences against the gang, including allegations it obtained young boys for politicians, prominent lawyers and film stars'.
The report, published on July 7 that year in the Evening News a daily London newspaper revealed police had passed evidence to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and that up to 12 men could face trial for procuring boys and sexual assault.
Jeff Edwards, the journalist who wrote the story, claims that just days after it was published he was summoned by police to an interview and threatened with prosecution under the Official Secrets Act.
Mr Edwards also claims his source, a serving police officer, was disciplined and fined six months' wages for leaking the story.

The Daily Mail story follows:

Quote:'Willie Whitelaw ordered police to scrap inquiry into VIP child sex abuse ring': Police launch probe into sensational new cover-up claims

  • Detectives investigating claim that Whitelaw ordered police to drop inquiry
  • He allegedly told a senior Met Police boss to quash year-long investigation
  • It came following revelation CPS prosecutor was considering 350 offences
  • The revelation provides new line of inquiry for investigation into VIP gang
PUBLISHED: 22:15, 6 December 2014 | UPDATED: 09:17, 7 December 2014

Detectives are investigating claims that former Conservative Home Secretary William Whitelaw ordered police to drop an investigation into a VIP paedophile ring.
Whitelaw allegedly told a senior Metropolitan Police boss to quash a year-long investigation into a gang accused of abusing 40 children, the youngest of whom was six.
The alleged intervention came in 1980 after a newspaper revealed the country's chief prosecutor was considering 350 offences against the gang, including allegations it obtained young boys for politicians, prominent lawyers and film stars'.
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Whitelaw pictured with Margaret Thatcher in 1964. A journalist has now claimed Whitelaw told a Metropolitan Police boss in 1980 to quash a year-long investigation into a gang accused of abusing 40 children

Thatcher and right-hand man Willie Whitelaw chat in 1984

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The report, published on July 7 that year in the Evening News a daily London newspaper revealed police had passed evidence to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and that up to 12 men could face trial for procuring boys and sexual assault.
Jeff Edwards, the journalist who wrote the story, claims that just days after it was published he was summoned by police to an interview and threatened with prosecution under the Official Secrets Act.
Mr Edwards also claims his source, a serving police officer, was disciplined and fined six months' wages for leaking the story.

He also says he was told by his police source that Whitelaw called a senior police boss and told him to halt the inquiry.
Mr Edwards said: My source told me the Home Secretary had spoken to a senior Met Police boss and demanded action was taken to make sure nothing more was printed about the affair and that the investigation be dropped.'
The Mail on Sunday can reveal Mr Edwards has spoken to senior detectives working on the Met's Operation Midland about the incident, but the Met would not confirm this. Midland was set up last month to investigate sensational claims that boys were murdered and abused by Conservative politicians at parties held in Dolphin Square, an upmarket block of flats close to Westminster popular with MPs, in the 1980s.
Mr Edwards said he had been invited to give a statement to detectives in the next few weeks and hopes to give evidence to the upcoming Home Office inquiry into historic sexual abuse.
Last night, campaigning MP Simon Danczuk described the allegations as a breakthrough' in the Westminster child abuse scandal and suggested it was strong evidence there was a paedophile network operating at the heart of the Establishment.
The article, unearthed by The Mail on Sunday from newspaper archives, provides a fresh line of inquiry for police probing claims a paedophile network with links to Westminster.
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Reporter Jeff Edwards (pictured) was threatened with prosecution under the Official Secrets Act after he wrote a story about the 1980 investigation

It revealed six officers in a special unit were conducting the operation from Arbour Square police station in East London. Police had taken statements from 40 youngsters, it said, and established the gang had links between London and Liverpool.
It said 12 children in Liverpool from schools for the educationally subnormal' had given police information. Mr Edwards told The Mail on Sunday his police contact, an experienced detective sergeant who was part of the Arbour Square team, told him when the story broke it caused an eruption at the top in Scotland Yard'.
My friend told me the anti-corruption squad, then known as A10, had been told to carry out an urgent investigation about how this matter had got in the press,' he said.
He told me he had been threatened with demotion. Within a day or two I was summoned to the anti-corruption branch HQ at Tintagel House in Vauxhall [South London]. At the end of the interview, which went on for two hours, I was told I could be in breach of the Official Secrets Act and the matter would be formally reported to the DPP to consider whether I should be prosecuted.'
Mr Edwards, who is president of the Crime Reporters Association and was chief crime correspondent on The Mirror, said he heard nothing more from police or the DPP. The Mail on Sunday asked Scotland Yard whether Mr Edwards's police source, who is now in his 80s and in a care home, was disciplined. It refused to answer questions and claimed it was unable to pursue such historical inquiries'. The Crown Prosecution Service said there was not enough information in Mr Edwards's article to search DPP records.
Viscount Whitelaw, who was Deputy Prime Minister in Margaret Thatcher's government from 1979 to 1988, died in 1999. Mr Edwards's claims come amid a flurry of allegations politicians were involved in a VIP paedophile ring.
Operation Midland was started after a man came forward to say he witnessed a Tory MP murder a boy at a party. The man also claimed that a different Tory MP watched as a boy was sexually abused.
The Met's Operation Fernbridge is looking into claims that politicians, lawyers and pop stars abused children at the Elm Guest House in Barnes, South-West London, in the 1980s. Police have confirmed disgraced former Liberal Democrat MP Sir Cyril Smith was a visitor and this year The Mail on Sunday interviewed a boy he abused.
Last night, Mr Danczuk said: This is the strongest evidence yet that there was a paedophile network operating at the heart of the Establishment. The fact we now know hundreds of child abuse offences linked to politicians and other prominent people were being examined by the DPP is a breakthrough.
That Cabinet Ministers and police helped shut this investigation down through collusion and cover-up is something the Government's child sex abuse inquiry must look at.'

The knot seems to be tightening, but will the Establishment tough it out and allow the matter to sink beneath the waves again?

Answers on a postcard addressed to the Rt. Hon. Minister in Charge of Establishment Cover-ups, c/o The Home Office, Whitehall, London.

30 years ago, Willie Whitelaw was named in a fraud trial in Kent where he was named as a leader of a satanic cult called the Sons of Lucifer. See story HERE. I agree with Aangirfan on this occasion, the defendant was a fraudster and untrustworthy, but did the story have a grain of truth to it? There were rumours circulating at that time regarding Whitelaw's proclivities you see. Who knows if they were true? I don't.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
D Notice Secretary uses civil service rhetoric to avoid answering direct questions - further confirming by implication that there is still much to hide and much that has been hidden in the past.

From Cathyfox


DA / D Notices Secretary says no paedophiles in secret services

Posted on December 7, 2014by cathyfox
I had wrongly assumed that Andrew Vallance would not reply to my last email. However to his credit he has. First I include part of my last email to him which is relevant to his reply. If you want to check out the whole correspondence the links are [15] [1] and the full FOI Request [2]
[Image: andrrew-vallance.jpg?w=640]Andrew Vallance
Cathy Fox to Andrew Vallance, (Secretary D Notice Committee)
"I shall acquiesce to your request to desist from further
correspondence, after this email. However I refute that 3 emails on
pertinent and legitimate points could be taken by any
reasonable person to be "repeated questioning that has become
burdensome and vexatious".

My last question,
Reading the DA notice below, if an agent or officer of a secret
service mentioned in a) was a paedophile and abused children, is it
not entirely possible that there arises a conflict of interest in
that if the paedophilia was exposed, national security could be
said to be at risk and newspapers asked not to publish?

Indeed bearing in mind that paedophiles are open to blackmail, is
it not likely that agents or officers are chosen because they are
paedophiles, and are able to be "turned" to do what their bosses
and people who wield real power wish them to do?

If their bosses are in fact paedophiles, as is alleged with
Oldfield and Hayman, then the situation gets more complicated,
especially when a different secret service realises this.

This is one reason why people believe D / DA notices have been
used/misused to cover up paedophilia.

Can you state categorically that no D/DA Notice 05 has been used,
and that use has not inadvertently or deliberately covered up abuse of

DA Notice 05: United Kingdom Security & Intelligence Services &
Special Services

Information falling within the following categories is normally
regarded as being highly classified. It is requested that such
information, unless it has been the subject of an official
announcement or has been widely disclosed or discussed, should not
be published without first seeking advice:

(a) specific covert operations, sources and methods of the Security
Service, SIS and GCHQ, Defence Intelligence Units, Special Forces
and those involved with them, the application of those methods*,
including the interception of communications, and their targets;
the same applies to those engaged on counter-terrorist operations; "

Dear Cathy Fox,
Your hypothesis below is not only completely speculative and unfounded, but also ignores the internal checks and balances within the intelligence agencies (not the least of which is the direct vetting system). These impose a constant watch for any potential security risks; they would certainly involve anyone (however exalted) involved in paedophilia.
However, the subject of this correspondence has not been the possibility of paedophiles within the intelligence agencies, but whether the D/DA Notice System has sought to suppress media reports about them. As I have repeatedly said to you, but which you seem unable to grasp, I know that in the 10 years since I have been DPBAC Secretary that that has never and could never have happened, but also for all the reasons set out to you in my previous emails, which you seem determined to ignore I believe it is inconceivable that any of my predecessors would have done so. Certainly, and having yet again gone through the archived files, there is not the least shred of hard evidence to support this empty conspiracy theory. I say again to you, if you or those who are making these allegations have hard evidence (not hearsay) about this issue, would they please give us copies of it, rather than making unsupported allegations or indulging in open-ended enquiries which lead nowhere? Finally, the only people who believe D / DA notices have been used/misused to cover up paedophilia' are those who are either ignorant of the facts or cannot view them objectively.
As I said in my last email, I have replied to your enquiries with full openness and transparency, save those that would breach the DPBAC code of confidentiality and thus put at risk the whole DA Notice System. The contents of your last email has only confirmed my view that your repeated questioning has indeed become vexatious, and hence this will be my last communication to you.
Andrew Vallance
Andrew first dealt with my hypothesis that "if an agent or officer of a secret
service mentioned in a) was a paedophile and abused children, is it not entirely possible that there arises a conflict of interest in that if the paedophilia was exposed, national security could be said to be at risk and newspapers asked not to publish?"

I consider this to be one reasonable explanation of how part of the paedophile cover up has happened.
However Andrew not will not even contemplate that a member of the intelligence agencies can be a paedophile…."Your hypothesis is completely speculative and unfounded, but also ignores the internal checks and balances within the intelligence agencies (not the least of which is the direct vetting system). These impose a constant watch for any potential security risks; they would certainly involve anyone (however exalted) involved in paedophilia."
Firstly I would not say that my hypothesis is completely speculative or unfounded. Peter Hayman [14] Maurice Oldfield [12] and Anthony Blunt [13] were paedophiles I believe. Cyril Smiths widespread paedophilia was covered up by politicians, police, special branch and MI5 [11]. Jimmy Savile of course would have been vetted at BBC [10] and should have been on other occasions yet that apparently did not pick up his paedophilia. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
The Secretary of the D Notice committee will not even accept the premise of my hypothesis, and he relies on "direct vetting" and unspecified checks and balances to assume that no one in the intelligence services is a paedophile.
From this flows his conclusion regarding that a D notice could not be used to cover up an operation in which there was a paedophile agent or officer. "I know that in the 10 years since I have been DPBAC Secretary that that has never and could never have happened, but also for all the reasons set out to you in my previous emails, which you seem determined to ignore I believe it is inconceivable that any of my predecessors would have done so."
There are no paedophiles in the secret services so that it could not be covered up by a D notice, it seems is the thrust of his argument. So move along, nothing to see here!
I disagree and think it is very dangerous that the Secretary for 10 years of this committee thinks so. In fact this opinion itself puts national security at risk, and explains partly why we are in the postion we are today with a paedophile network across people in power.
[1] 2014 Dec 3 Cathy Fox
[2] Cathy Fox FOI Request
[3] 2014 Nov 4 NY Enquirer
[4] 2014 Nov 22 Guardian
[5] 2014 Oct 21 Central Lobby
[6] 1989 May 13 After Dark Out of Bounds', Channel Four
[7] 2014 Jun 14 Express
[8] 2014 RTE
[10] 2014 Jun 26
[11] 2012 Nov 19 rochdale Online
[12] Paul Foot Who Framed Colin Wallace ISBN-13: 978-0330314466
[13] Peter Wright Spycatcher ISBN-13: 978-0670820559
[14] 2014 Nov 8 Daily Mirror
[15] 2o14 Dec 1 Cathy Fox D Notices 1

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

Barbara Kahan, Peter Righton, Louis Minster and Malta

Barbara Kahan pioneered the development of social work in UK with children and families, taking it on as a career from 1948 and its very inception. From the point at which she took her first post at Dudley in 1948 as Children's Officer where she created its first local authority children's home to spending 1951 1970 building Oxfordshire's cohesive approach to social services, working closely with her husband an Oxford based child psychiatrist, managing Louis Minster (9 years before he was to become Director of Social Services at Richmond), as County Care Child Officer for Oxfordshire in the mid 1960s to taking opinion from Peter Righton report on Staffordshire's Pin Down regime in the 1991 report and championing distance learning education particularly for residential children's care workers a special interest of Righton's.
Due to Kahan's pioneering role, she is a person around which others have pivoted in their roles within their remit of child welfare whether for the state or charities. Despite Kahan's formal retirement from civil service in 1980 her continued influence and kudos was demonstrated when she was asked to work on the Pin Down report 10 years post retirement, in her early 70s.
Her life's work in essence was the transferral of responsibility for children in care from the government to the local authority. I haven't yet read the Pin Down report in full but will need to. However, it's interesting to look at her life's work, where she spent her time and efforts and who she influenced, managed or sought opinion from during her career before looking further at the report.
As Ian Pace points out on his blog (featuring much detailed information on Peter Righton, some of which is featured in the chronology below): "In 1981, Righton published his most blatant article to date, The adult', in Brian Taylor (ed), Perspectives on Paedophilia (London: Batsford, 1981), pp. 24-40. Drawing upon an unholy canon of paedophile writers, Righton made the case for sex with children being unharmful, in his characteristically elegant manner. No-one who read this could have been in any doubt about Righton's inclinations (or the nature of the volume in general)."
Despite Righton's public clues to his private life Kahan still invited Righton's advice for the Pin Down report in 1991, speaking publicly In The Secret Life of a Pedophile (BBC's Inside Story documentary see below) about Righton's explanation to her for his conviction for child abuse images and the shield his homosexuality gave him from the suggestion that underage sex was underage sex no matter which underage gender he was interested in.
Kahan concludes at 42:50: "I feel that perhaps I should have made the connections earlier, but the difficulty is that first of all somebody presents themselves in the way that Peter presented himself. Secondly, he took enormous trouble, now in retrospect to keep his private life from his professional life and thirdly one would have hesitated to extend ideas beyond the fact that he was homosexual into other fields, but in many respects he must be seen as a conman. He certainly conned a wide range of people in the social work world who I'm sure feel as upset about is as I do."

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Exaro publishes cops talking on a private police forum about the ongoing aped cover-up. "It went to Cabinet level", says one. "Special Branch shut it all down in one day. Took all the files and evidence", says another.

Read HERE.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
No one is letting this inquiry go away quietly. It has even been all over the news here looking for witnesses and updating on the current police investigations. The police stories in the link above extraordinary.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Good news. It shouldn't be swept under the carpet again, though Cameron and May are, for me, still hell bent on doing just that to protect their rotten political careers.

As I suggested earlier in this thread, I believe there is a group in Parliament and others outside too, who are intent on getting justice done, and I believe they are news smart.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:Good news. It shouldn't be swept under the carpet again, though Cameron and May are, for me, still hell bent on doing just that to protect their rotten political careers.

As I suggested earlier in this thread, I believe there is a group in Parliament and others outside too, who are intent on getting justice done, and I believe they are news smart.

Agree on both counts. It is transparent that Cameron and May have no intention of supporting a full and open independent inquiry. But thank god there is social media and a billion eyes watching every move. Nowhere to hide now. People are connecting and talking and exchanging information like they never could before.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Bombshell documentary about Hollywood pedophile ring preying on child actors that's been linked to X-Men director Bryan Singer premieres in New York

  • An Open Secret, by Oscar-nominated documentarian Amy Berg, debuted at the DOC NYC festival Friday
  • Film claims X-Men star Brian Peck abused a well known child star and got away with it
  • Among the men named are talent managers Marty Weiss, Michael Harrah and Bob Villard, who represented Leonardo DiCaprio as a budding actor
  • It also includes interviews with Michael Egan III who accused X-Men director Bryan Singer of raping him before dropping his suit earlier this year
  • Berg said she has been having trouble finding a distributor for her controversial film
By Annette Witheridge for MailOnline
Published: 05:31 AEST, 16 November 2014 | Updated: 16:16 AEST, 17 November 2014
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Uncomfortable topic: Director Amy Berg attends New York premiere of her controversial documentary An Open Secret about child sex abuse in Hollywood

A controversial documentary that allegedly links X-Men director Bryan Singer to a gang of Hollywood pedophiles got its first and possibly only viewing in New York last night.
An Open Secret contains the astonishing revelation that a major child star was sexually abused by X-Men actor Brian Peck but refused to speak out for fear of wrecking his career.
Whilst there is no suggestion that Singer was involved in the abuse of the unnamed actor, Oscar-nominated director Amy Berg admitted she had yet to find any company willing to distribute the disturbing 100-minute film.
Stopping short of saying that Hollywood was protecting its own, Ms Berg confessed that even small movie festivals had refused to show An Open Secret.
We have this one screening. Maybe we will get distribution but it is not very likely,' she said. But people will talk about it.'
The documentary discredited after one of the major accusers filed, then dropped lawsuits against Singer and three other men -- finally aired at the Doc New York festival before 400 people in a quarter-empty Chelsea theater.
Singer, 49, gets several mentions in the film. He is shown in archive footage discussing X-Men and his inspirations, yet only once does his young male accuser Mark Egan allege impropriety.
Former child actor Egan filed lawsuits against Singer, TV executive Garth Ancier, Broadway producer Gary Goddard and ex Disney honcho David Neuman in California and Hawaii earlier this year alleging wide-scale sexual abuse, only to dramatically drop the action a few months later.
Egan is one of the major voices in the documentary and claims Singer, who vehemently denies the allegations, was one of the big players at drug-fueled male-only parties.
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[Image: 1416079247926_wps_4_From_the_film_Evan_Henzi_.jpg]

Emotions running high: Evan Henzi, 21, who had accused talent manager Marty Weiss of grooming him for sex abuse, wept throughout the movie

[Image: 1416079240670_wps_3_Director_Amy_Berg_second_.jpg]

Photo-op: Amy Berg, second from right, poses with (L to R) Paula Dorn, Anne Henry, Evan Henzi and Anita Henzi at DOC NYC at the SVA Theater Friday

He alleges he and other young boys were urged to get naked in a hot tub with Singer and his middle-aged entertainment industry friends.
Amy Berg refused to cut Egan, who also sued another group of Hollywood players 10 years ago alleging similar abuse, from her documentary.
He puts Bryan Singer at the party,' she told MailOnline. He talks about him being at the party.'
Asked about 31-year-old Egan's rocky history filing, then dropping, lawsuits, she snapped: I met him two years ago and I am not changing my film.'
Berg, 44, uncovered large-scale sex abuse in the Catholic Church for her Oscar-nominated 2006 documentary Deliver Us From Evil.
The initial premise of An Open Secret was to follow the lives of five aspiring child stars whose innocence was destroyed by predatory older males in Hollywood.
Now adults, they tell how a network of Hollywood agents and managers including Bob Villard, who represented Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey McGuire when they were children, abused them.
Villard was later convicted of selling images of young boys on eBay.
[Image: 1416079255171_wps_5_Director_Amy_Berg_center_.jpg]

Hollywood's wall of silence: Berg (center) said she has been having trouble finding a distributor for her film

[Image: 1416079259865_wps_6_Director_Amy_Berg_poses_w.jpg]

Changing the culture: Anne Henry (right) started the organization BizParentz to help families of child actors navigate the pitfalls of Hollywood

Berg's film revolves around an early web TV company called Digital Entertainment Network and its owners Marc Collins-Rector, Chad Shackley and Brock Pierce.
Major Hollywood players including Singer, David Geffen and Arianna Huffington's gay ex-husband Michael invested $150million into the company, according to the documentary.


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Collins-Rector, Shackley and Pierce threw lavish parties where young boys were encouraged to drink and take drugs before mandatory skinny-dipping sessions in the swimming pool and hot-tub.
[Image: 1416081309344_wps_21_BRIAN_PECK_A_controversia.jpg]

[Image: 1416081305317_Image_galleryImage_BRYAN_S...ory_Cr.JPG]

Naming names: Actor Brian Peck (left), who had a role in Bryan Singer's (right) X-Men, is named in the documentary as one of the major abusers.

The boys claimed Collins-Rector, who later fled to Spain before being jailed for child abuse, hinted he could have people eliminated' and would derail the careers of anyone who spoke out.
Egan, who filed lawsuits against the DEN owners a decade ago, did not attend the New York screening but two other accusers, Evan Henzi and Joey Coleman, did.
Henzi, 21, cried throughout the film and fought back tears when he told MailOnline how talent manager Marty Weiss had groomed him for abuse.
Coleman, who appeared in Growing Pains, confronts one of his alleged abusers Michael Harrah, a Screen Actors Guild child rep, in the documentary.
X-Men and Return of the Living Dead star Peck, a close friend of Charlie Sheen, is named in the documentary as one of the major abusers.
[Image: 1416079273799_wps_9_Plaintiff_Michael_Egan_sp.jpg]

Accuser: Michael Egan III, pictured in April after he filed lawsuits against four Hollywood figures, appears in the film and recounts the alleged abuse he witnessed at pool parties hosted by internet company bosses

[Image: 1416079270137_wps_7_Director_Bryan_Singer_arr.jpg]

[Image: 1416079270144_wps_8_michael_egan_jpg.jpg]

Lawsuit: Egan, pictured left as a boy, accused X-Men director Bryan Singer, right, of abuse but later dropped the lawsuits after it emerged he had given inconsistent stories. Singer has always denied the abuse

[Image: 1416081657635_wps_26_DAVID_NEUMAN_BEVERLY_HILL.jpg]

Change of heart: Egan filed a lawsuit against ex Disney executive David Neuman (pictured), but later dropped it

Anne Henry, who set up BizParentz to help families navigate the pitfalls of Hollywood, claims that a major child star filed charges against 50-year-old Peck anonymously.
People don't want this out,' she said. 'Brian Peck moved to Nickelodeon. He befriended a pretty major child actor, who filed charges against him.
Peck pleaded guilty. The victim was anonymous so he was able to continue to work.
The kid who wants to speak out would have to give up their career.
[Image: 1416079278360_wps_10_marc_collins_rector_jpg.jpg]

Named: The film also looks at accusations that Marc Collins-Rector, an internet company owner, pictured, hosted pool parties for men and young boys

Peck is still working on kids shows and he has been convicted.'
Henry slammed the handful of convictions as the tip of the iceberg,' questioning how Peck could continue to work with children.
Diff'rent Strokes star Todd Bridges also talks in the documentary about abuse he suffered as a child star and Corey Feldman is seen in archive footage discussing his own experiences at the hands of older Hollywood men.
The documentary also flashes up a clip of Home Alone star Macauley Culkin discussing his career with David Letterman.
Perhaps the most disturbing story in the documentary involves Mark Ryan, an aspiring model from Cincinnati, Ohio, who turned to drink after being abused in Hollywood.
His parents, Fred and Jane, appear throughout the film, initially proudly showing off Mark's high school sports photos and modeling shots.
Then as the film progresses, they talk about how he returned from Hollywood withdrawn and broken.
After attempting to give up booze cold-turkey, he suffered an alcohol-withdrawal seizure and is now confined to a wheelchair, unable to speak or feed himself.
His friend Egan is seen visiting him at the nursing home, where he needs 24/7 medical care. And his father is in tears as he recounts finding legal papers in Mark's bedroom recounting the sexual abuse he suffered in Hollywood.
Some filmgoers who saw Friday's screening believe if Berg had concentrated on Mark's story she would probably have had another award-winning documentary on her hands.
Instead, An Open Secret has become tangled up in Egan's allegations against Singer, whose girlfriend, Michelle Clunie, is expecting their first baby.
[Image: 1416081566756_Image_galleryImage_TODD_BR...ory_Cr.JPG]

[Image: 1416081569137_wps_25_Corey_Feldman_Mandatory_C.jpg]

Familiar faces: Diff'rent Strokes star Todd Bridges (left) also talks in the documentary about abuse he suffered as a child star and Corey Feldman (right) is seen in archive footage discussing his own experiences

[Image: 1416079281640_wps_11_Martin_Weiss_a_Hollywood_.jpg]

Accused: Marty Weiss, a talent agent, pleaded no contest in 2012 to two counts of committing lewd acts

His lawyer Martin Singer, who is not related to the Usual Suspects director, told MailOnline: My client and his representatives have not seen the movie.
It's disappointing and sad that Amy Berg would rely on the word of Michael Egan, a proven liar, who recently was admonished by a federal judge for lying in court.
Egan continues to lie about our client. He has no credibility at all and can hardly be considered a reliable source for Berg's so-called documentary.'
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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