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The Power of the Paedos - another high profile case hits the 'never happened' wall?
Thanks Dave for posting the Franklin cover up link. I am sending these posts to my anti conspiracy cousin in Nova Scotia. He is yet to reply.

Maddie, I thought that from day one!! And the same with missing US studient Natalee Hollaway, who we now know the main suspect in her case was recently busted on tape trying to get girls to come to Holland to be "dancers", ie sex slaves. I have not seen the entire story, Nancy Grace is the only one in the US who is covering it, for two nights now. Sad that it takes cable news "entertainment" shows to do real investigative reporting.
Let's relate what is being described on this thread to the work of John Armstrong.

Develop his doppelganger hypothesis: An intel op that creates parallel identities/lives is most efficiently designed to begin these processes when the human subjects are children -- perhaps even infants.

Might a Maddie be chosen for such use based upon genetic profiling that matches with an already-selected subject?

I am not suggesting an either/or interpretation. In other words, if the question is, "Are children being abducted for the purpose of sexual enslavement or utilization in doppelganger ops?" ...

The answer is ...


Thus horrific spiritual and material agendas are simultaneously served even as they provide cover for each other.
The story of Hollie Greig:

Watch Youtube clip at above link.

( has taken the Robert Green video down after receiving a threatening letter from Callum Anderson of Levy and McCrae, the law firm who refuse to say whether they act for Ms Angiolini the person, or Ms Angiolini, the Lord Advocate. They also refuse to say whether or not they are being paid out of the public purse.
As a result, sadly, we have to use the version on You Tube, which is split into 10 minute chunks.
It seems this is not the only case where Ms Angiolini has dragged her feet!

by Robert Green
In the October 2009 print edition of the UK Column, we reported in our article “BBC Hides Truth of Girl’s Sexual Abuse Ordeal” the shocking ordeal of Downs Syndrome girl, Hollie Greig, who was horribly abused by an Aberdeen paedophile ring, over a period of ten years. After investigating and planning a documentary, the BBC abruptly dropped the case, despite admitting that Hollie was a reliable and accurate witness. It is important to stress that both the police and qualified medical experts have described Hollie as a competent and entirely honest witness.
From the age of just six, Hollie was repeatedly sexually abused by her father, Denis Charles Mackie. Later, Mackie began sharing his daughter with a gang of paedophile “swingers” that has been operating in Aberdeen for many years. The identities of a further seven child victims are already known. There is no question that the gang are well-connected, efficiently organised and totally ruthless. Our frightening story is that they are protected by individuals of “high standing” within the Scottish establishment.
In 2000, after 14 years of terrified silence, Hollie eventually told her mother, Anne, about the abuses. Formal statements were made to Grampian Police, providing all the horrifying details and the names of the abusers. They included a senior Scottish Sheriff, a policeman, social workers, a nurse, a solicitor, an accountant, a fire officer, married couples and others. Some of the rapes were carried out at the homes of these individuals, including that of the Sheriff’s sister. Other children were sometimes involved, including children of the paedophiles themselves.
The latest chapters in this astonishing and horrifying story about Hollie, and the seven other abused children, have taken place over the past few weeks. The key issues are a continued refusal by Grampian police to fully investigate the overwhelming evidence for the paedophile rapes, and a wall of silence by the Scottish establishment.
Whilst there has been some general Scottish media coverage, notably in The Firm and the Aberdeen Press and Journal, the media has been largely silent on what must be one of Scotlands worst top level paedophile scandles. A key figure in the press silence is the Lord Advocate, in her former role as Procurator Fiscal in Aberdeen, when in 2000 she is alleged to have effectively buried the case. Was this to prevent her associate and most influential member of the paedophile ring, Sheriff X, from being investigated, along with the other named members of the fifteen-strong rape gang?
Elish Angiolini, the Scottish Lord Advocate, is in charge of all criminal prosecutions. She is alleged to have reacted immediately to public calls for a full police investigation, by pressurising against publication. Subsequently, and under considerable duress, The Firm published an apology. Shortly afterwards the Press and Journal ran a story accurately describing the case, mentioning a sheriff and police officer without identifying them. Angiolini was not discussed in the article.
Mrs Angiolini`s role in the case recently aroused further suspicion, when it was claimed that she had used a private law firm, Levy and McRae, to issue warnings against all major Scottish editors, threatening them with legal action if any mention was made of her involvement in the case. Suspicious and angry, many individuals directly working to obtain justice for Hollie, as well as a growing number of the general public, now consider that key establishment figures, many with direct responsibility for criminal investigations and justice, have made a concerted and continuous effort to conceal the facts from the people of Scotland. Despite the pressure, investigators and campaigners for Hollie continue to stress that they hold documentary proof of the Lord Advocate’s actions, as well as proof that she has repeatedly failed to tell the whole truth about her connections with the Hollie abuse case for whatever reason.
The senior partner in the Law Firm, Peter Watson, who is also head of litigation, is understood to have refused to comment as to whether the firm’s fees have been billed to Mrs Angiolini personally, or if they are being paid by the Scottish taxpayer.
Mrs Angiolini’s office decided in December 2009 that they would not pursue the case due to “insufficient evidence.” Corroborating evidence by private investigators and researchers indicates that other than Hollie, not one of the twenty-four named abusers and victims has even been questioned by Grampian Police.
This follows the pattern of 2000, when the crimes and perpetrators were first reported. At that time, the police later admitted that only one of the gang, Hollie`s father, had even been interviewed.
The UK Column is aware that investigators have just received from the Crown Office, after years of rebuttals, the Post Mortem report of Robert David Greig, brother of Hollie`s mother Anne. Robert died mysteriously in an alleged car fire in 1997. Despite extreme inconsistencies in witness statements and circumstances, no inquest took place and the cause of death was officially due to smoke inhalation.
The Post Mortem stated that Robert has suffered considerable damage to his skull, two broken ribs and a broken sternum. Informal professional medical opinion so far is of the view that Robert had been severely beaten, had alcohol forced down his throat and then thrown into the burning vehicle.
Although this was not known at the time, Hollie, in 2001, told her mother that just prior to his unexplained death, Robert had caught Hollie`s father sexually abusing her.
The campaign for justice for Hollie, and other vulnerable victims of paedophiles in England and South Wales, not only goes on, but has intensified as outraged members of the public have flooded Aberdeen with leaflets naming all current members of the gang, including the head of a special school. All Aberdeen Councillors and MPs have also been alerted, but with little effect. There appears to be a conspiracy of establishment silence where the abuse of Hollie is concerned. Many people in Aberdeen are asking just who possesses the courage and decency to stand up against these staggering and shocking crimes against most vulnerable members of society? Certainly not their elected national and local representatives.
UK Column volunteers continue to be shocked by the quantity and quality of evidence reaching them on the subject of paedophile and sexual abuse against young and vulnerable children in care and otherwise. The common theme is that victims and their supporters are unable to get any real support from Members of Parliament, Local Councillors, the Judiciary, Police and other ‘officials’. Many describe the creation of a wall of silence, often accompanied by targetted intimidation against the victims.
Recently a policeman personally told the UK Column that police had themselves experienced their own paedopile investigations suddenly being dropped by senior police officers. He added “If you want to really get to the paedophiles you should look at Westminster”. The implications of this statement are frightening – a paedophile ring amongst our political leaders – the political elite which has control of education and Social Services? The general public needs to open its eyes and confront this evil – and fast.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

Quote:Was this Maddie? The photo files Portuguese police kept secret... to the fury of the McCanns

By Arthur Martin
Last updated at 7:44 AM on 03rd March 2010

Secret files have been released showing that Portuguese police dismissed dozens of potential sightings of Madeleine McCann.

Leads from around the world - including CCTV footage from New Zealand of a child looking strikingly like the missing girl - were filed away under the heading 'not relevant'.

Information that police forces in the United States, Europe and North Africa considered important was also discarded.

None of the files was handed to private investigators working for Madeleine's parents, Gerry and Kate.

[Image: article-1254997-0889AD95000005DC-290_468x410.jpg]
Lead: This CCTV image of a girl strongly resembling Madeleine in a supermarket in New Zealand was among the leads deemed 'not relevant' by Portugese police

Mrs McCann, 41, said the disclosure of the secret files was heartbreaking and shocking.

Their existence came to light in a legal action brought by the McCanns against Goncalo Amaral, the disgraced detective who was in charge of the case.

They had wanted to stop him airing the slur that they had been involved in their daughter's disappearance.

The leads were all received and archived after Algarve police closed the case in July 2008.

Madeleine was four when she vanished from the family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz in May 2007. Her parents were at a restaurant 80 yards away.

They now have a copy of the 2,000-page dossier which was published yesterday on the order of a court in Portugal after an application by newspapers including the Daily Mail.

The McCanns are incensed that their private investigators were given no access to the sightings at the time.

Mrs McCann said: 'There are instances where information which we think is very credible and worthy of information has not been actioned.

'We're gutted, it's absolutely shocking and difficult. Some of the information handed in was very credible. It's heartbreaking to know that it seems to end there.'

Mr McCann, also 41, was particularly angered at Inspector Ricardo Paiva, who was responsible for collating any information about Madeleine after the formal investigation ended.

He said: 'Inspector Paiva believes Madeleine is dead. How can he investigate thoroughly if he believes that? We know now there is a lot of information just filed away - and that is not acceptable. Once the file has been closed, what has actually been done? Next to nothing.'

The file contains a series of sightings which the McCanns would have expected to be fully investigated.

The astonishing CCTV footage from New Zealand shows a girl very like Madeleine being led into a supermarket by a portly man in shorts - seven months after her disappearance.

The man's behaviour aroused the suspicions of a female security guard in the shop in Dunedin on the South Island and she approached the girl to establish she was British.

Although the girl said her name was 'Hailey', the security guard was convinced the girl was Madeleine and reported the incident to police.

Interpol in Wellington then sent the images to police in Portugal who promptly deemed it 'not relevant'.

Kate and Gerry McCann said they were 'gutted' to discover that they weren't given access to secret files involving their daughter's disappearance
Other discarded leads include:

• A British ex-pat saying he saw a girl being dragged along a road toward the airport on the night Madeleine disappeared. He had not approached the authorities earlier because he was wanted for fraud.

• A girl like Madeleine was seen with an unkempt Spanish-looking man in his 30s at a shop near Murcia. The woman witness followed the girl but the pair vanished. She failed to tell Spanish police until June 2008.

Secret files: The police dossier
• Another lookalike wearing only a dirty yellow jumper was seen being held at gunpoint on a French motorway by a half-naked man in August 2008. French lorry driver Michel Guidard walked toward them only to be threatened with a gun.

• Photos from the internet uncovered by a female French detective were found to show images of sexual abuse which involved a girl resembling Madeleine.

• An account by a Scottish mother of two who saw a girl who looked like Madeleine with a group of gipsies in Albufeira, Portugal, in July 2008. A woman who was with the girl ran off down the hill with her when two police officers turned up.

• Details of a sighting of a girl on October 9, 2008, with a Portuguese man living in the U.S. He allegedly ran a child trafficking operation smuggling in children from his homeland, Mexico and Greece.

Clarence Mitchell, spokesman for the McCanns, said: 'They are incredibly frustrated that this was sitting there and being disregarded by the Portuguese police.

'They were shocked when they saw the scale of the information that had come in and the lack of action taken.

'There are potential leads in the file that are now being followed up by our investigators.

'It's more than a pity that the file has just sat there for so long and simply marked "not relevant" by the Portuguese.

'There are also images in the file that are strikingly similar to Madeleine and are being looked into.'
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
It really does look so much like her doesn't it?
These secret files are quite a revelation. How could they possibly be marked 'Not Relevant'?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:It really does look so much like her doesn't it?
These secret files are quite a revelation. How could they possibly be marked 'Not Relevant'?

Because the Dutch policeman running the investigation was compromised or otherwise involved in protecting paedophile activities. I would assume? Angel

As in Belgium and Holland and the UK and the USA, senior echelons in Portuguese society were active paedophiles, and this went to such high levels that state protection was assured.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Home Office launches secret review into Madeleine McCann's disappearance

Quote:Home Office launches secret review into Madeleine McCann's disappearance
The Home Office has secretly begun a review that could lead to a fresh police inquiry into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

By Robert Mendick
Published: 9:00PM GMT 06 Mar 2010

[Image: maddie_1591579c.jpg]
Missing Madeleine McCann Photo: PA

The move follows the release of 2,000 pages of evidence last week which Portuguese detectives are accused of having failed to fully investigate.
According to sources close to the McCanns, Alan Johnson, the Home Secretary, has ordered officials to examine the 'feasibility' of British or Portuguese detectives looking afresh at all the evidence.

Kate and Gerry McCann met with Mr Johnson last year to plead for help in their search for Madeleine, who vanished without trace in May 2007 from a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal.
The couple have also met with John Yates, the Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner, who has headed up a number of high profile inquiries in recent years.
He is said to be "sympathetic" and to have made "general offers of assistance".
The source said: "The latest we have heard from the Home Office is officials are undertaking a 'scoping exercise' to look into the possibility of a review of the case.
"They are looking at all the options. It is basically a feasibility study.

"Kate and Gerry met with Alan Johnson to request a review is done. Hopefully any political intervention can unlock obstructions that might be in the way."
Pressure is now being put on Portuguese authorities to agree in the first instance to a three-day review of the case that could be held at Interpol's headquarters in Lyon in France.
The McCanns will hope the Home Office can persuade their Portuguese counterparts to co-operate in a case review.
The review – were it to go ahead – would involve British police working with Portuguese counterparts as well as experts in child abduction across other European forces.
The Portuguese police have been heavily criticised for their handling of the case which led to detectives naming the McCanns, both doctors from Leicestershire, as arguidos – or suspects – in the case and accusing them of involvement in her disappearance.
Their arguido status was subsequently lifted and the police investigation shelved.
But with the senior officer in charge Goncalo Amaral now widely discredited and facing financial ruin after being sued for libel by the McCanns over a book he wrote, it may become harder for the Portuguese to refuse the request for a thorough review.
The revelation that possible leads – many passed to Portuguese police by the McCanns' own private detectives – had apparently been ignored will add to the clamour.
Last week, details emerged of a series of possible sightings of Madeleine, who was just three when she vanished.
A further obstacle was removed with the death from stomach cancer two weeks ago of Guilhermino Encarnacao, who was in charge of the Policia Judiciaria in the Algarve.
Mr Encarnacao was convinced Madeleine had died in her parents' apartment and was a major source of a series of off the record briefings to journalists against the McCanns.
A Home Office spokesman said: "We can confirm that the Home Secretary had a private meeting with Kate and Gerry McCann.
"Leicestershire Police stand ready to co-ordinate and complete enquiries if further information comes to light in the UK; or if requested to do so by the Portuguese authorities, who continue to lead on the overall investigation."
The spokesman refused to discuss what talks took place at the meeting or whether there was the chance of a review of the evidence at Interpol.
The spokesman added: "We are not going to comment on the outcome of any private meeting with the McCanns."
Mr Yates was unavailable for comment. He led the cash for honours investigation and was also involved in a new inquiry into the murder of Julie Ward, who was murdered in Kenya in 1988
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
So child victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests "were made to sign an oath to the Catholic church that they would not talk about their claims with anybody other than a priest".

Oh the holy sanctity of the confessional booth and the Pope-given ability to wash away sins with a few Hail Marys and a posting to a new diocese... :puke:

Quote:Irish cardinal admits knowledge of paedophile priest 'cover-up

'Victims' group says Sean Brady should consider quitting as head of Irish Catholic church over role in Brendan Smyth tribunal

The head of the Catholic church in Ireland should consider standing down over revelations that he knew about an alleged cover-up involving the country's most notorious paedophile priest, child abuse victims said today.

Cardinal Sean Brady said today that he had been present at a closed canonical tribunal into the activities of the late Father Brendan Smyth. During the meeting, two of Smyth's child victims were made to sign an oath to the Catholic church that they would not talk about their claims with anybody other than a priest.

The disclosure that the children gave these written assurances in Brady's presence will again raise fears that the church thought it was above the law. The support group Irish Survivors of Child Abuse said it confirmed that a cover-up of clerical abuse of children "went to the very top".

The tribunal was held over two meetings in 1975 behind closed doors at a Dominican Friary outside Dundalk, close to the Northern Ireland border, and later in Ballyjamesduff. Smyth was accused of sexually assaulting a boy then aged 10 while on holiday. A girl said the priest had abused her around Easter 1970, when she was 10.

Both alleged victims were required to sign affadavits swearing they would not talk to anyone except priests given special permission to hear their allegations. The church at the time did not inform Irish police about the children's allegations.

It was not until the broadcast of an Ulster Television documentary in 1994 on Smyth's history of serial child sex abuse that the church admitted it had known about his paedophilia and had moved him around Ireland, Britain and the US, where he was able to continue to abuse other children.

Smyth died in jail 13 years ago while serving 12 years for 74 sexual assaults on children.

The Irish Survivors of Child Abuse co-founder Patrick Walsh said: "This is an extraordinary turn of events where the most senior Catholic man in Ireland knew about allegations of child abuse more than 30 years ago. These revelations confirm there was a systemic problem within the Roman Catholic church in Ireland over a great number of years. It went to the very top.

"The church was more interested in protecting its reputation than anything else. Certainly the cardinal needs to examine his conscience about this. He needs to take stock of his position. In 1975 he was just a priest acting as a secretary and he was not the decision maker. But he knew what was going on. He really should consider standing down."

The Catholic Information Office in Ireland said: "In 1975, Father Sean Brady, as he then was, was the part-time secretary to the then bishop of Kilmore, the late Bishop Francis McKiernan. At the direction of Bishop McKiernan, Father Brady attended the two meetings ... In the Dundalk meeting Father Brady acted as recording secretary for the process involved. In the Ballyjamesduff meeting he asked the questions and recorded the answers given.

"At those meetings the complainants signed undertakings, on oath, to respect the confidentiality of the information-gathering process. As instructed, and as a matter of urgency, Father Brady passed both reports to Bishop McKiernan for his immediate action."

The cardinal is now being sued by the female victim, who claims she suffered assault, battery and bodily trespass by Smyth. Brady, one of three defendants in the case, is accused of "failing to report to An Garda Siochana [the Irish police] the fact of formal signed complaints against Father Brendan Smyth of sexual assault and paedophilia on other children made to the church authorities investigated by them at interviews".

Smyth's extradition from the Republic to face charges in Northern Ireland led to the collapse of Albert Reynolds' government months after he had helped secure the 1994 IRA ceasefire. His Labour party coalition partners pulled out of government after it emerged that the Royal Ulster Constabulary's extradition warrant had sat in the Irish attorney general's office
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Meanwhile a Vatican spokesperson is claiming, risibly, that Ratzinger (sorry Pope Benedict XVI) is the innocent victim of a conspiracy.

Ratzinger was of course Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith from 1981-2005, which is the Vatican's intelligence and enforcement arm. Ratzinger knows where all the skeletons are buried, because he was in charge of burying them. (Or not.)

Quote:Pope being set up over Munich sex abuse case, says Vatican

Benedict XVI's spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, suggests 'tenacious' plot to implicate pontiff in cover-up

The pope's spokesman has launched a vigorous counter-attack against a report linking Benedict XVI to a sex abuse cover-up while he was archbishop of Munich from 1977 to 1981.

Father Federico Lombardi appeared to suggest in an interview on Vatican Radio that the pope, who also has strong links to the city of Regensburg, was the victim of a plot.

"It's rather clear that in recent days there have been people who have searched – with notable tenacity – in Regensburg and Munich for elements to personally involve the holy father in the question of the abuses," Lombardi said. "To any objective observer it's clear that these attempts have failed."

The Vatican has been appalled in recent days by a flood of allegations of priestly sex abuse in Germany, Holland, Austria and even Italy.

Today, the pope's former diocese rushed out a statement to pre-empt a story in tomorrow's edition of the Munich-based daily Süddeutsche Zeitung. It said that when Joseph Ratzinger was the city's archbishop he had agreed that a priest from another diocese should undergo therapy at a rectory. The records suggested that "it was known then that this therapy should probably be carried out due to sexual relations with children". But instead of sending him for therapy, the statement said, the diocese's then vicar-general, Gerhard Gruber, assigned him to a parish where at least one child was subsequently abused.

"Gruber takes full responsibility for the wrong decisions," the diocese said.

The church's attempt to bury the affair was immediately challenged by the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, which tomorrow is holding "sidewalk vigils" in more than 30 US cities in support of European victims. David Clohessy, the network's national director, said: "As a high-ranking church official for decades, if Ratzinger knew of one reassigned paedophile priest, the odds are he knows of others, possibly dozens. German secular authorities should do in Munich what Irish secular authorities did in Dublin: launch a thorough secular probe of clergy sex crimes and cover-ups."

The latest front was opened in Austria where two newspapers reported cases of abuse among choirboys in Fügen and Vienna. Today a newspaper in the predominantly German-speaking Italian province of Bolzano-Bozen recounted the story of a then 15-year-old boy who said that in the 1960s he was coerced into providing sexual services to local friars.

The growing scandal has also put Catholic leaders under siege elsewhere in Europe. Bishops in the Netherlands are looking into more than 200 suspected cases, and in Germany at least 170 former pupils at Catholic schools have made accusations. Another case concerns an all-boys choir in Regensburg, the Domspatzen, once conducted by the pope's brother, Georg Ratzinger. The reported sex abuse dates from before his 30-year tenure as director.

The scandals have set off an unprecedented public debate among church leaders on one of Roman Catholicism's strongest taboos – whether the paedophilia in its ranks is a consequence of priestly celibacy. On Friday, Benedict himself vigorously defended an unmarried priesthood, telling an audience of priests that it was not something to be given up for "passing cultural fashions". But one of his own prelates, Hans-Jochen Jaschke, said in a radio interview: "The celibate lifestyle can attract people who have an abnormal sexuality and cannot integrate sexuality into their lives."

Priestly celibacy is a discipline, rather than a doctrine, and most of the Eastern rites of the Catholic church follow the practice of the Orthodox in allowing for married priests; the pope could do away with celibacy at any time. The Italian daily La Repubblica reported that a Vatican working group had been set up secretly to consider reform, but said no change was likely for at least 50 years.

The Vatican's own newspaper, meanwhile, added to the debate. In an article in L'Osservatore Romano, Catholic academic Lucetta Scaraffia linked the scandals to the lack of women in pastoral and decision-making roles in the church. She said a more significant female presence "could have ripped away the veil of male omertà" that had covered up abuse.

On Friday, the head of the German bishops' conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, briefed the pope on measures being taken by his archdiocese to deal with clerical sex abuse. But, as a German lay group noted, the pope did not take the opportunity to express sympathy with victims, and doubts remained as to how many of his pastors understand the gravity of the situation. The day before, one of the bishops closest to Benedict, Gerhard Müller, declared that the scandal was over "cases from 40, 50 years ago" that had been blown out of proportion by "a big media clamour".

He lashed out at Germany's justice minister, Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, who had talked of a Catholic wall of secrecy. Müller said she belonged to a humanist association which he claimed was a kind of "masonry" that "considers paedophilia normal and wants to decriminalise it". Müller, who founded the institute that is publishing Benedict's complete works, is also the prelate charged with probing abuses in the Domspatzen choir.

There's also a red herring thrown in suggesting that the sexual abuse of children by priests is somehow linked to the priestly vow of celibacy.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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