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The Power of the Paedos - another high profile case hits the 'never happened' wall?
Reporter Eileen Fairweather, some of whose articles over the years of silence can be found in this thread, alleges that at least 16 children died in suspicious or unexplained circumstances.

Her testimony is powerful and provocative.

Quote:Award-winning journalist who helped expose the North Wales child abuse scandal calls for a proper police investigation
Daily MIrror 4 Nov 2012 16:02

Powerful establishment figures accused of heinous crimes were unafraid but now live in fear of exposure

On Friday night a victim of the North Wales children's homes abuse scandal told BBC Newsnight he was prostituted in care by a senior Tory politician.

Steven Messham, now 51, had first publicly named this man 15 years ago at Sir Ronald Waterhouse's 1997 judicial inquiry into the care scandal.

But the Press was barred from reporting his shocking allegation.

I helped expose the North Wales scandal that led to the inquiry.

It is now agreed that at least 650 victims were horribly abused physically and sexually in nearly 40 care homes over 20 years.

Over several months at the inquiry, hundreds poured out their pain into a stark, modern, mostly deserted council chamber in the remote small town of Ewloe, far from the rich men's worlds of Westminster and Fleet Street.

But the Press bench was mostly empty.

Some tearfully described being raped or prostituted not just by staff but police officers, businessmen and politicians.

But reporting restrictions meant that the Press was barred from naming unprosecuted allegations.

Only seven staff were ever prosecuted and allegations against the powerful outsiders who allegedly picked up children outside the homes were never investigated by police or the inquiry, whose terms of reference were limited.

The courage and heart-breaking testimony of those who gave evidence therefore mostly went unreported.

The powerful establishment figures accused there of terrible crimes remained unafraid.

Now some ARE afraid. If you think Savile was conspiracy, the dam is about to burst on even bigger cover-ups.

The recent shocking revelations about how Savile and his pervert pals preyed for decades on defenceless youngsters in care homes and hospitals has made Britain realise that paedophile rings really do exist.

And they ARE probably protected by corrupt officials and police, not just by naivety.

For the past four decades, thousands of young people in care across Britain have described similar abuse and prostitution. Many have been dismissed as disturbed or just wanting compensation pay-outs.

Inquiries were held but their findings ignored, and no one joined the dots and asked if this was a form of well-organised crime.

The Savile scandal - which involves children of all classes and the sick, not just impoverished children abandoned to care - has made Britain ask: What if they were telling the truth all along? And what if some abusers were at the heart of Britain's Establishment?

At least 16 lads from these homes died in tragic or unexplained circumstances, several after revealing abuse. I vividly remember ringing the tribunal and asking if it would be investigating these deaths.

A very self-satisfied functionary told me it would not be and, when I angrily asked why not, he replied with an almost visible smirk: 'Well, if they're dead they can't give evidence, can they?'

I lost my professional cool and slammed down the phone and cried.

To this day no one has looked into how and why all those boys died.

Steven Messham's inquiry allegation on April 21 1997 may never be proven.

He admits he has spent time in a psychiatric hospital and received counselling, and he did not even give the inquiry the man's first name or describe him then as a politician.

He just knew that the man who abused him in posh cars and once at a hotel used by the local paedophile ring was wealthy enough to have his own driver. Young prostituted boys rarely know politicians' names or faces.

Another man who was also prostituted as a child in care in North Wales was shown a photo of the politician by another reporter and said he abused him.

I met and liked this former rent boy. But he knew that memory can play tricks and that such gossamer-thin "evidence" would hardly stand up in court.

It would be libellous and morally wrong to name the politician, given that the allegation against him has never been tested under cross-examination in open court.

But Steven's story makes one wonder what police might have found if they had really looked.

He claims police failed to put most of what he said about the politician and other man into his witness statement.

Steven Messham has asked to see David Cameron, and says these allegations ARE so serious that they must finally be made the subject of a proper police inquiry.

Much of the abuse took place at Bryn Estyn Children's Home in Wrexham, known to people as "Colditz".

All seven staff convicted of abuse were apparently picked for their similar tastes by the home's head Peter Howarth, who was jailed for 10 years in 1994 and died in prison.

Like other residents, Steven described being abused by a senior police officer who often visited Bryn Estyn. He sometimes gave him money afterwards.

On Friday's Newsnight, Steven also revealed the abuse extended outside the care home, saying: "In the home it was the standard abuse which was violent and sexual. Outside it was like you were sold, we were taken to the Crest Hotel in Wrexham, mainly on Sunday nights, where they would rent rooms.

"One particular night I always recall is when I was basically raped, tied down, and abused by nine different men."

Seven relatively lowly male care workers were convicted following an inquiry by North Wales police which many mistrust.

Victims say that a key figure in North Wales police was an abuser too and led a cover-up, while social services ignored complaints, victimised concerned staff, and aggressively suppressed 12 increasingly critical inquiry reports.

The outstandingly brave chairman of the council's social services committee, Labour councillor Malcolm King, was threatened by police, the council and their insurers with prison, bankruptcy, libel suits and forfeiting his home if he leaked the final devastating report by John Jillings to the Press.

Only 12 copies of the Jillings report were published and each was watermarked so the source of any leak could be identified. All were later pulped.

I wrote out the report's 300 pages by hand, to protect my source. It took me three days and, by agreement, I anonymously fed different sections to different papers. So did another whistleblower.

The resulting media firestorm led to the Waterhouse Inquiry.

Judge Waterhouse was horrified by the survivors' testimony, and his 1,000-page report is highly regarded.

Yet what people abused in these recurring care scandals really want is proper police investigation and arrests.

But to this day there has been no response to calls by the North Wales victims for a new investigation by an outside police force.

Steven's story makes clear why one is needed.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Tom Watson MP.

Takes on the Murdoch crime family.

Takes on intelligence-run paedophile networks.

He's a brave man.
Yes, a good man and a brave man and he's not backing down. The threats to his well being and perhaps life have started.


10 days that shook my world

November 3rd, 2012 |[/url]
It's ten days since I raised a question about intelligence suggesting a[url=]paedophile ring that touched the very heart
of a previous government. I'd done so because a very credible retired child protection professional had lived with a gnawing suspicion of a cover up for many years.
These people are the rarest of human beings. They're the people who labour in anonymity, day in day out, trying to make the world a better place. They have always been the foundations of our public services. Yet this retired public servant had, through a quirk of fate, stumbled on something that appeared so huge, that almost everyone he'd ever raised his concerns with had baulked at the challenge.
Since then though, many more ordinary people have contacted me about suspicions they have had of a wider wrongdoing in some cases so heinous it made me cry.
They have talked of psychopaths marking children with Stanley knifes to show "ownership". They tell of parties where children were "passed around" the men. They speak of golf course car parks being the scenes for child abuse after an 18 hole round.
And they have named powerful people some of them household names who abused children with impunity.
Two former police officers have raised their concerns of cover-ups. Child protection specialists have raised their fears that the network of convicted paedophile Peter Righton, the nexus of the group, was wider than at first thought. Others have identified a former cabinet minister who regularly abused young boys.
Some have raised mysterious early deaths, disappeared children, suspicious fires, intimidation and threats.
It's bewildering.
These allegations go way beyond the claims made on BBC Newsnight yesterday. Newsnight failed to name the paedophile mentioned by a North Wales survivor. I can understand why. A career can be destroyed by an allegation of such magnitude. There needs to be a high bar of proof.
Yet the thing I learnt most from the hacking scandal, and for that matter, the Savile case, is that the intelligence was staring the police in the face. These people were hiding in daylight. So powerful, so brazen in their actions, those who had an inkling of what was happening turned a blind eye.
Or maybe none of this happened. Maybe the 50 plus emails and numerous phone calls and letters I have received were all from fantasists. Maybe the allegations of the victims made for many years, consistently to anyone that would listen, maybe they're bogus.
One thing is for certain: someone has to join the dots. And that should be the police. There are a few hardy child protection specialists who for many years, have been burrowing away, trying to uncover the truth. Their work and insight should be taken more seriously. The police should work with them.
The hacking scandal was about the police failing to follow clear leads of wrongdoing by powerful people. They could do this because politicians turned a blind eye.
This is potentially worse. Some of those powerful people involved in a cover up may well have been and could still be powerful politicians.
I'm not going to let this drop despite warnings from people who should know that my personal safety is imperilled if I dig any deeper. It's spooked me so much that I've kept a detailed log of all the allegations should anything happen.
As I type this blog post, I'm half-smiling about how insane all this appears. It sounds like I've taken leave of my senses just like they said I had during the early days of the hacking scandal. Maybe I have. Yet with a properly resourced investigation, with the voice of victims being heard in public and with the political will we can get to the facts.
I wish I could fight the case of everybody who has been abused by a paedophile who has so far got away with it, but I can't. That is a job for the police. Up and down the country private grief is being stirred by these stories. I cannot help in each individual case, but the police and support services can, must and will. If you were abused a long time ago and want justice now, go to the police. It is not too late.

What I am going to do personally is to speak out on this extreme case of organised abuse in the highest places. At the core of all child abuse is the abuse of power. The fundamental power of the adult over the child. Wherever this occurs it is an abomination. But these extreme cases are abuse of power by some of the most powerful people. Abuse of trust by some of the most trusted. It is a sickening story, but one which like the truth about Jimmy Savile is now going to be told.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Tom Watson's letter to David Cameron. Looks like Watson is not going to be taking "No" for an answer. The pressure is on now.
Quote:Letter to David Cameron regarding Child Sex Abuse Investigation

November 5th, 2012
The Rt Hon David Cameron MP
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
5 November 2012

Dear Mr Cameron,
Congratulations on ordering a review of what information government departments may hold about organised child abuse at the heart of government 30 years ago.
In acting swiftly you have sent an important message about how seriously you take this matter. You have done the right thing and I commend you for it.
And the inquiry that you have announced performs a useful function. It is certainly important that government departments trawl their archives to see what documents they hold. But my experience of uncovering massive establishment conspiracies leaves me in no doubt that what you have suggested does not go anything like far enough. Its limited scope may even slow things down, muddy waters, damage trails. What is needed is a much wider, but equally immediate, investigation.
Since sharing my concerns with you at PMQs, a number of people have come forward to say that they raised their suspicions with the police, but investigations were not carried out. One allegation involves alleged child abuse and a former cabinet minister. We both know that many untruths are told about politicians, but this allegation was specific, informed and appeared well corroborated.
Cutting through a concerted establishment cover-up requires meticulous, diligent, fearless commitment to uncover the truth, whomever it unmasks.
My advice to you as Prime Minister and from one father to another is that you need to order a special police investigation, outside the affected forces, with proper resources, to review all relevant police files and those of the intelligence services. If they have documents suggesting politicians in the Commons and Lords or others in positions of power were involved in child abuse then they should make them available to a new inquiry team.
The forces so far known of be affected (Met, Surrey, West and South Yorkshire, West Mercia, Dorset, Kent, Essex, North Wales, Suffolk and Sussex) need to have their archives systematically searched for intelligence from witnesses/victims making claims which were not investigated; investigations which were closed down, and so on.
If what you really want and I believe that it is is the truth, then you must draw the terms of reference such that the police inquiry has licence to follow any lead it finds in what will be, after all, a serious criminal investigation. There should be no historic sexual abuse of children which is off limits to this investigation. The police should be supported by a dedicated team of child protection specialists, many of whom have been raising their concerns for years. Your advisers will tell you to be wary of "opening the floodgates". They are wrong. Their decorous caution is the friend of the paedophile. Narrowing the inquiry equals hiding the truth. That is the reality and it is not what you want.
Detailed recommendations about how to organise an investigation is in the possession of the government. The 2002 guidance on Complex Child abuse investigations: Inter agency issues (Home Office and DoH) continues to be relevant and is referenced in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2010 Investigating complex (organised or multiple) abuse (p194 6.10-1.6.13).
A dedicated police unit is essential, investigating the organised abuse of children, wherever it happened from the seediest backstreets even to Downing Street without fear or favour of exposing the rich and powerful, or those who covered up for them.
And if it opens a floodgate of misery, then so be it. We will all feel dirtied and sickened as we should. Victims have an absolute right to the whole truth.
I know you want to do this and ask that you give it your urgent attention.
You have no choice.
Yours sincerely
Tom Watson MP

Member of Parliament for West Bromwich East
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

I have recently wondered if Jimmy fixed it for Jill Dando as I never could quite buy the Serbian hit man scenario of the day.
Quote:Savile's Travels: How Sir Jimmy Was Fingered as Peter Sutcliffe's Accomplice

Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire

It's not that big of a stretch, and you'd have to be in avoidance mode not to look into it.
There seemed to be an unnatural synergy between them, a correlation that appears to have escaped the authorities and the media, until now.
It's known that Broadmoor's esteemed patron, Sir Jimmy Savile, had befriended one Peter Sutcliffe, known as "The Yorkshire Ripper", who was moved to the secure mental hospital in Berkshire following his mass murdering spree.
[Image: o-saville-bruno-and-peter-570.jpg?w=392&h=230]Jim'll Fix it: Serial killer Peter Sutcliffe meeting with Frank Bruno, arranged by… Sir Jimmy Savile.

Sir Jim even fixed a meet-and-greet between the Ripper and boxing champ Frank Bruno at Broadmoor in 1991, when Big Frank came to open a boxing gym inside.
Pals Jim and Pete shared a passion for predatory, sadistic and violent sex practices. Nurses at Broadmoor can testify to hearing Sir Jim booming with laughter at the Ripper's jokes coming from inside Sutcliffe's cell.
But how did we miss this one: multiple murder crime scenes put Sutcliffe uncomfortably close to Savile at multiple locations in Leeds at the time of the murders a realisation which places Sir Jimmy squarely in the frame with the Yorkshire Ripper.
According to the Sun's Professor David Wilson, one of Britain's top experts on serial killers, police must now investigate whether or not the pair's unusual bond developed before Sutcliffe was caught. The Sun article explains:
"Another crime expert even thinks BBC star Savile could have turned killer himself in his craving for more and more perverted thrills.
And the family of Sutcliffe's first victim are demanding that cops question the killer, now 66, to find out if Savile was involved in any of the 13 Ripper murders or helped cover them up."
The newspapers pushing the envelope on the Savile-Sutcliffe connection this past weekend were the Sunday Sport, the Sun and others with broadsheets staying mostly clear of the that angle.
There is also the assertion by the Sunday Sport that Jimmy Savile may be connected with the murder of Crimewatch's Jill Dando, who some believe was threatening to expose Savile's paedophile activities nationally at the time. If there is a link here, then the media should also revisit the show trial of Barry George, the mentally ill patsy who was originally charged with Dando's killing, but was eventually acquitted for the murder in 2008.
Savile also boasted of his use of *violence and links to IRA gangsters when filmed during Louis Theroux's infamous BBC documentary.
More interestingly, however, is that the Sunday Sport and Sun's revelations appear almost verbatim from an Oct 11th interview on the UK Column Live show where award-winning filmmaker Bill Maloney of Pie and Mash Films had previously laid out out a damning case detailing the clear connection between Jimmy Savile and Peter Sutcliffe.
Maloney explains, "After the release of our documentary Sun Sea & Satan in 2008, a victim from Haut de la Garenne came forward with the names of Jimmy Savile and Wilfred Brambles (of Steptoe & Son). Later, in September 2012, a month before I did the UK Column Live interview with Brian Gerrish, I realized that there is horrendous information that the National press are not disclosing."

Filmmaker Bill Maloney has been a trailblazer in the arena of child abuse activism in the UK, through his personal crusade against chronic institutional child sex abuse throughout the UK, but most his work had fallen on deaf ears when it came to the mainstream media, until now.
[Image: bill_maloneyheadsquare.jpg?w=194&h=223]Filmmaker Bill Maloney: knew about Savile long before the mainstream media and the BBC would admit it.

"We're at the point now where the mainstream media is beginning to admit that the child abuse and paedophilia issue is not just about one man Jimmy Savile, but admitting to a wider systematic problem, because they've been forced into it by the alternative media such as ourselves", says Maloney.
Among other revelations and connections, the Sun revealed that Sutcliffe victim Irene Richardson was killed in 1977 only yards from where Jimmy Savile demanded oral sex from his paperboy, and another murder victim was knifed by the Ripper in front of Savile's other Leeds home at the time.
Allegations first surfaced following the infamous ITV documentary where Savile sexually abused inmates at hospitals to which Sir Jim had his own set of keys. This is crucial, as both Savile and Sutcliffe, it seems, shared their dark ethusiasm for necrophilia. So investigators might consider here, the uglier possibility that Sir Jim could be involved in multiple murders, perhaps even whilst on duty, roaming the halls of the infirmary, looking for or worse, creating, a freshly deceased, and still warm' fix.
It's safe to say that the mainstream media ignored much of the research carried out by the alternative media researchers like Bill Maloney who looked into crime scenes like Haut de la Garenne, and has not properly explored the links between serial predators like Savile and known serial killers like Sutcliffe.
Thus far, it's the tabloid press' namely the Mirror, Express, Sun, Daily Star, and Sunday Sport, who have taken on the more risky angles of this story, whereas editors at the Guardian, The Independent, Telegraph and Times have mostly stayed clear of dirty aspects of Savile like necrophilia, murder, and his affection for the Yorkshire Ripper. Perhaps they feel it's too grim, and something reserved for the gutter press.
What is clear now, however, is that this is officially a national emergency which requires all hands on deck' from a press and media point of view.
But we have an even bigger theme now in play with the Savile-Sutcliffe link. If Savile is eventually linked to Sutcliffe or any other Savile murders turn up, then anyone who covered for Jimmy including the BBC, would, in theory, be guilty, in theory, of aiding and abetting a mass murderer.
Everyone over the years it seems, the police, the press even the great BBC, all covered for Jimmy Savile. Why?

Because he was a fixer'.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.


A hard-hitting emotionally charged 60 min documentary by Bill Maloney (Award winning independent film director) who's family were all brought up in the UK care system.

It covers Maloney's visit and interpretation of Jersey, Channel Islands, following the ongoing child abuse investigations of the children's care home 'Haut de la Garenne'. It highlights connections with the Sea Cadets and children being brought from London care homes for 'sailing holidays' on the Island. The documentary contains strong language and strong opinions.

Due to his and his family's experiences of Establishment care homes Maloney felt compelled to see first hand the response of Islanders to the alleged abuse claims and their general feeling for the Governing States. A mixed response of silence, anger and insensitivity is catalogued from this island of geographical beauty with an ugly underbelly. The film includes mainstream news reports with Jeremy Paxman, Stuart Syvret, Lenny Harper, Esther Rantzen and Frank Walker.

It is the opinion of Bill Maloney that if a child was required - Haut de la Garenne was the venue; if an adult was required - St Saviours Mental Hospital was the venue.


DONATIONS - In order to remain independent Pie and Mash Films rely on donations from generous individuals to carry out investigations into all forms of abuse and the erosion of our civil liberties.

With your help we can raise the awareness of the consequences of abuse by individuals, corporates, and the 'Establishment' and confront those in power who deny justice.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
So, photographic evidence of influential people abusing children was handed to the police.

And lost.

Whilst the coverup and limited hangout continues apace.

The video of victim Steve Messham's testimony can be seen at Channel 4.

Quote:Photographs of Wales abuse 'were handed to police'

Exclusive: Steve Messham tells Channel 4 News he passed photographs of children being abused, including himself, to the police but they failed to act.

Warning: you may be distressed by the interview above

The former Bryn Estyn care home resident also said the men who abused him as a teenager frequently threatened him, saying: "If you tell anyone, I'll have you killed."

He told Channel 4 News that he broke into the flat of one of his abusers to steal photographs of the abuse he endured, but that nothing was done after he handed them into the police.

Mr Messham was 16 when he allegedly entered the flat in Wrexham in 1979. "I broke in knowing he was away, and I found all these photographs and I handed them to the police - and out of that two people got prosecuted, and one got a caution and that was it.

"And what was on those pictures was unbelievable, it doesn't make sense. The police do admit there were pictures, but not to the extent I say .... crazy."

The photos captured lots of men raping boys, including the prominent Conservative figure he accuses of abusing him, Mr Messham alleges. He says he could see men's faces clearly, but the police said they could not identify the men from the pictures.

Read more: Eyewitness 'saw Thatcher aide take boys to abuse'

Home Secretary Theresa May on Thursday launched two separate inquiries into abuse in north Wales care homes. The director general of the National Crime Agency will investigate claims about sex offences against youngsters in the 1970s and 1980s, and review how previous inquiries were carried out by the police.

Mrs Justice Julia Wendy Macur will lead a separate review into the "scope and conduct" of the original Waterhouse inquiry into allegations of child abuse at north Wales care homes.

Mr Messham, who claims he was abused more than a dozen times by a Conservative figure and a wider circle of abusers including businessmen and police, told Channel 4 News: "They took photographs, very much so - loads of photographs.

"As I said, I broke into that flat and handed them to the police... (they took them) in the hotel room, in the flat itself they were taking photographs. They got their kicks out of it, whatever they were doing they got kicks off it. It's just a power thing."

'They remind you who they are'

He also says he was threatened by the abusers: "We always got threats. When they abuse you, they always remind you who they are. They always did that whether it was the prominent Tory member, or the staff in the homes… 'You tell anybody, you know what you're going to get. You tell anybody, I'll have you killed'. You're scared anyway, you're a kid, but they just scare you that little bit more.

"It's not during the act, it's after they'd finished with you…'Remember who I am'…There wasn't one who didn't threaten me afterwards."

In 1996 the Waterhouse Inquiry sat for 203 days and heard evidence from 650 people, with more than 80 people named as abusers - mainly care workers and teachers. There were 140 compensation claims settled on behalf of the victims and 72 recommendations were made.

However Mr Messham said that the inquiry failed to disclose a prominent child abuser at the time, because Sir Ronald Waterhouse ruled that making names public would be defamatory.

'Names will come out'

Speaking before his meeting with the Welsh secretary on Tuesday, Mr Messham said: "I could kill them. They wrecked my life. My life's not normal, never has been …. nightmares, sweats. I ended up in being in hospital for over three and a half years with it it's not good is it?

"I tried to give up several times, took several overdoses, slashed my wrists several times. What has kept me going is my daughter, without her I don't think I'd be here."

Mr Messham, who until now has not named his abusers, said he is hopeful that the inquiry will be successful, but added: "If I feel nothing's being done then names will come out".
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Time to be very careful and cautious.

The real heart of the Savile case is a British elite paedophile ring, the British Dutroux ring - if you will.

If it become established and accepted fact that powerful figures - British cabinet ministers and other senior politicians, judges, diplomats, businessmen - were involved in the systematic abuse of children, then trust in major institutions such as the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, county councils, the judiciary, the police and the BBC will be shattered.

Trust is hard won, and easily lost.

So, we can anticipate cover up, destruction and loss of evidence, legal and national security blockages.

We should also expect the planting of false trails - especially salacious ones, designed to limit the damage to the powerful and avert the public gaze to notorious hate figures.

And so we come to the story currently being run in the Murdoch press and now the British establishment rag known as the Telegraph.

There are clear and provocative connections between Jimmy Savile and Peter Sutcliffe, the serial killer known as The Yorkshire Ripper. Savile spent plenty of time with Sutcliffe at Broadmoor. Sutcliffe recounted murderous incidents when he appeared dazed, in one of which he heard voices and ended up near Savile's home.

Now, the Murdoch press and the Telegraph have joined the dots, and suggested - explicitly or implicitly - that Savile was the Yorkshire Ripper, not Sutcliffe.

Quote:Jimmy Savile was suspected of being Yorkshire Ripper

Jimmy Savile was questioned by police investigating the Yorkshire Ripper murders, a senior officer who worked on the inquiry revealed

Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe, left, has jumped to the defence of Savile Photo: REX FEATURES/PA
5:39AM GMT 07 Nov 2012

Former West Yorkshire Police detective John Stainthorpe said yesterday the disgraced presenter was a suspect in the notorious case more than 30 years ago.

Savile, who died last year aged 84, has also been linked to allegations of abuse at a acre home in north Wales, according to reports.

The Sun newspaper claimed boys were molested for the former DJ's ''entertainment'' at Bryn Estyn in the 1970s.

Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe has jumped to the defence of Savile, who he claims is innocent and befriended him during visits to Broadmoor high security hospital.

Mr Stainthorpe, who spent 40 years in the force, told ITV's Calendar News: ''When the Ripper was really active, one of the suspects put forward by the public was, in fact, Jimmy Savile.

''Obviously, it was not he, but he was interviewed along with many others.''

Mr Stainthorpe said the person who gave police the anonymous tip-off was ''aiming in the right direction''.

''Child perverts soon become child killers,'' he added.

Peter Sutcliffe was convicted of murdering 13 women in 1981 and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

He is held at Broadmoor and has been told he will never be freed.

Sutcliffe yesterday claimed Savile regularly visited him in custody and the pair became friends.

Dismissing claims the late DJ abused around 300 victims over six decades, he said those making allegations were ''jumping on the bandwagon''.

Sutcliffe, 66, told The Sun: ''It's a load of rubbish. People are just getting carried away.

''He visited a lot. He'd always come and chat with me on visits and I would introduce him to my visitors. Several times he left £500 for charities I was supporting.''

Savile is now believed by police to be one of the UK's most prolific child abusers.

Scotland Yard is leading a national investigation into the television and radio star's activities. Detectives are following 400 lines of inquiry while the BBC has launched an inquiry into the culture and practices at the corporation in the era of Savile's alleged sexual abuse.

Is the trail real?

Are we being played?

Certainly, this story turns the bright shining light away from politicans and onto a notorious hate figure.

I sign this:

"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Daily Mail running the "Ripper Savile" story too...

Lots of photos and video at the link.

Quote:Former detective makes shock claims that Jimmy Savile was quizzed over Yorkshire Ripper murders

Member of the public named Savile as a 'potential Ripper suspect'

Peter Sutcliffe today rubbished claims that Savile abused patient at Broadmoor mental hospital, where he is a patient

Yorkshire Ripper claims Savile was his 'friend' and donated money to charities Sutcliffe supported

By Anna Edwards

PUBLISHED:18:31, 6 November 2012| UPDATED:09:16, 7 November 2012

A former detective who helped catch the Yorkshire Ripper has tonight made the shocking claim that Jimmy Savile was quizzed over the serial murderer's crimes.

Former West Yorkshire detective John Stainthorpe told ITV Yorkshire Calendar News that Savile was brought in for questioning after members of the public contacted the police naming the eccentric DJ as a possible killer.

Mr Stainthorpe, who worked for the West Yorkshire force for more than 40 years, and who spent years trying to catch Peter Sutcliffe, told the programme: 'When the Ripper was really active one of the suspects put forward by members of the public was Jimmy Savile, strange as it may seem.

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Savile, seen at Broadmoor in 1991, as Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe meets boxer Frank Bruno, who was on a visit to open a new gym

John Stainthorpe said a member of the public named Savile as a suspect

'Obviously it was not him, but he was interviewed along with many others, as you can appreciate.'

Today, however, a West Yorkshire Police spokesman said: 'Hundreds of people were identified in the operation, we cannot be more specific than that at this time.

'Details of all who were questioned in connection with the crimes are in storage, so we cannot confirm that Jimmy Savile was spoken to.'

Mr Stainthorpe said the person who gave police the anonymous tip-off was 'aiming in the right direction'.

'Child perverts soon become child killers,' he added.

The detective's shocking revelation comes as the killer claimed today that Savile regularly visited him in custody and the pair became friends.

Rubbishing claims the late DJ abused around 300 victims over six decades, Sutcliffe said those making allegations were 'jumping on the bandwagon'.

The Yorkshire Ripper's horrific crimes shocked the nation as he embarked on a murderous rampage across the country, slashing his victims, mutilating them and killing them.

Between 1975 and 1980, the vicious murderer attacked women, stabbed his victims with screwdrivers, stamped on them, left notes with their bodies taunting police for not catching him and killed in total 13 women.

Officers desperate to catch him cast their net far and wide as they hunted for the man who signed his notes as 'Jack The Ripper' and launched a huge campaign, publishing his notes and voice recordings in a bid to have someone identify the murderer by his writing or voice.

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In 1981 he was convicted of murdering 13 women and attempting to murder seven others.

Sutcliffe, 66, who will never be released from Broadmoor mental hospital, told the Sun that the claims made against his 'friend' Savile were just exaggerations.

Jimmy Savile, shown relaxing at his penthouse flat in Roundhay, Leeds, in 2006, lived just yards from where Sutcliffe killed his third victim

A victim of Savile has demanded police instigate any links between him and the Yorkshire Ripper

Peter Sutcliffe has defended Savile

He said: 'It's a load of rubbish. People are just getting carried away.

'He visited a lot. He'd always come and chat with me on visits and I would introduce him to my visitors.

Several times he left £500 for charities I was supporting.'

One of Savile's abuse victims urged police to investigate any links between the pair, The Sun reported.

The victim told the newspaper: 'Sutcliffe and Savile are two peas in a pod.

'It's quite fitting the only person to stick up for Savile is Sutcliffe.'

Sutcliffe's 'friend' Savile was said to have been given his own set of gold-plated keys to high-security Broadmoor mental hospital, where Sutcliffe is a patient.

He was allegedly given bedrooms or an office at three hospitals, and yesterday more former patients came forward to say he abused them on children's wards.

The details come after it was reported that Sutcliffe killed his third victim, Irene Richardson, mere yards from Savile's flat in Roundhay, Leeds, in 1977.

Miss Richardson was killed near the disgraced paedophile's three-bedroom penthouse, which overlooks Roundhay Park.

It is three miles outside Leeds city centre, with floor to ceiling windows, and has been put on the market for £325,000, with the proceeds intended for the Jimmy Savile Charitable Trust.

Savile's relatives said they do not want a penny of his £4.3million estate and called for the cash to be donated to an organisation to tackle sex crimes.

Mental hospital: A gold-plated set of keys to Broadmoor was presented to the predatory paedophile as a reward for his volunteering, and gave him access to mentally ill patients, it was claimed

At Broadmoor, Savile boasted that he was actually responsible for getting some mentally ill patients - among them murderers - freed from their sentences.

He called himself the Governor' of the hospital and was made chairman of a hospital taskforce by the Department of Health in the 1980s.

Savile, who died a year ago aged 84 in his Leeds flat, is now believed by police to be one of the UK's most prolific child abusers.

Scotland Yard is leading a national investigation into the television and radio star's activities.

Detectives are following 400 lines of inquiry while the BBC has launched an inquiry into the culture and practices at the corporation in the era of Savile's alleged sexual abuse.

VIDEO: John Stainthorpe says Jimmy Savile was questioned by police...

Savile was allegedly questioned by police about the crimes of Peter Sutcliffe. Seen here are twelve of his 13 victims

Police are pictured searching the grounds of a property where the body of Marguerite Walls, the 12th victim of Peter Sutcliffe, was discovered. A detective claims the disgraced DJ was quizzed by police in connection with the terrible deaths

Police and forensic experts, seen examining the place where another victim was killed by the Yorkshire Ripper, spoke to hundreds in their hunt for the killer

The police launched a huge campaign to track down the killer who hurt so many women, and were given Savile's name by a member of the public during the inquiry

Last month health chiefs announced an inquiry into Jimmy Savile's reign of abuse at three NHS hospitals.

It will be run by the Department of Health itself, raising fears it cannot be truly independent.

Former barrister Kate Lampard will oversee the investigation to provide independent oversight', Downing Street pledged.

It will examine why the paedophile presenter was allegedly given the keys to Broadmoor mental hospital, a bedroom at Stoke Mandeville and free rein at Leeds General Infirmary.

He allegedly raped and molested young victims for decades without anyone stopping him.

A Department of Health spokesman said: [Kate Lampard] will provide oversight of the Stoke Mandeville, Leeds General Infirmary and Broadmoor inquiries as well as the Department of Health's inquiries into the appointment and role Savile held at Broadmoor Hospital.

All relevant information from these inquiries will be passed to the police.'

Unlike the BBC, which has issued several grovelling apologies, none of the hospitals has yet said sorry for the alleged abuse.

Savile, who raised £40million for the hospital in his lifetime, boasted that he lived' in a bedroom managers had given him at Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire, and said he could do as he pleased.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
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