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The Power of the Paedos - another high profile case hits the 'never happened' wall?
Dawn Meredith Wrote:A case this old would likely be very hard to prove. Victims often want to remain silent, as here they are put on trial.

A defendant in this kind of crime almost never admits to it.


Dawn - when the stars, the powerful, and sometimes ordinary people, had a problem that needed fixing, an expose that the press were going to run, they would go to Max Clifford. For several decades, he was the Fleet Street Fixer.

There are big political games being played with this prosectuion.

Clifford knows where a lot of the skeletons are buried, evidence which most probably could put very powerful people in prison.

Will he tell some of those stoires?

We shall see.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Excellent piece from The Slog


THE PAEDOFILE: Part 2 of a Slog Special….

How Cumbria County Council hired a paedophile-pimp childkiller in its child protection department…and promoted another employee while he stood trial for distributing paedophile pornography

And why MP Madeleine Moon is unlikely to take any real action in Bridgend

Yesterday, I posted at some length about how Conservative Under Secretary of State Edward Timpson is a dyed-in-the-wool member of the Care System being set the task of reforming that system….and doing everything but that. In today's second part of this study of contemporary systemic child abuse in Britain, The Slog looks in more detail at how tribal instincts promote cover-ups of every kind, and with astonishing regularity, at local government level.
Having been hounded by a couple of irate care' system workers following recent Slogposts about endemic perversion in Britain's childcare system "it's just more conspiracy theory fantasy" etc etc I thought last week it might be useful to put the rarity' claim to rest. However, since then so much evidence of rotten local government has come to light on the subject, this has turned into a Slog Special double-header. My goal along with thousands of other commentators is to once and for all end the glib "it's only a small problem" drivel put about by the likes of Edward Timpson.
We start in Bridgend.
A Walesonline post of five weeks ago recorded how Bridgend Council's Serious Case Review (SCR) into the care of Child S found she was left in the care of a carer…even though the Council knew he had a record of sexual offences against children. Her case was passed to a new social worker who traced the carer's record and blew the whistle. By this time, S's neighbour had also raised the alarm about the child being molested by the carer.
The Council did nothing.
After further prodding and outbursts, Bridgend opened a file on the case, and offered the convicted child sex offender an NSPCC risk assessment. He refused to take it. The police now piled in and confirmed the man's record of abuse.
The Council at last now did something. It closed the case file.
[Image: nottbridgend.jpg?w=108&h=150]Bridgend MP Madeleine Moon will be writing to council leader Mel Nott (left) to make sure the SCR report's recommendations have been implemented. I'm not holding my breath on this one, if only because the Council's response thus far has been the usual heady mixture of smugness and obfuscatory jargon. For example, In this case, the previous convictions of the former male carer for sexual offending were known about by the relevant agencies, but the historic nature of these and the absence of any identified current concerns led professionals to believe that he no longer posed a risk'. There it goes again, the same tripe about no longer a threat': anyone engaged in studying chronic paedophiles knows that redemption levels are minute. So why do these employees keep on insisting the opposite? It remains hard for the objective observer to put this down entirely to ignorant stupidity….a theme that continues in more cases presented later in this post.
[Image: moonsmithcrop.jpg?w=500]I'll tell you the other reason why I'm less than impressed with MP Moon (seen left with Jacqui Smith) simply writing to Mel Nott about this. Haringey Council by every report's account a slipshod authority when it comes to childcare has been through five SCR's about this in the last four years. In Bridgend county borough there have been thirteen over the same period.
I would've thought an urgent Parliamentary Question at least Madeleine. But I doubt if that's going to happen: you see, Ms Moon is through and through Labour….as is her mate Mel Nott.
And I'll tell you another reason why Maddy won't want to rock any boats here: before becoming Labour MP for Bridgend, she worked for, um, Bridgend social services. Yesterday's post on this issue observed, about Under-secretary for children Edward Timpson, Edward Timpson is the personification of a system that fails. No wonder he speaks in favour of it.' Similarly, no wonder Mad Moon MP is restricting her Mel Nott response to a letter.
A large proportion of uninvestigated paedophilia incidents can be traced back, with dogged research, to a political (or other interest) group's desire to protect its own. Such unethical blind eyes and cover-ups are conducted without any thought for those who have suffered: in Cruel Britannia today, tribally-sociopathic corruption is almost the norm…always remembering that the person they're covering for is psychopathically cunning in the first place.
Paedophile fireman William Wyllie insisted he was innocent when charged by Lancaster police with serious paedophile offences; he did this because it meant he could carry on being paid after suspension from his Fire Brigade job. While he was awaiting trial, however, his senior officers promoted him.
There are suspicions locally that he was paid and promoted to make Wyllie look like a jolly good egg who'd been mistakenly charged. In fact, there had been rumours about his activities for some time. And then two days before his trial, the fire station manager switched his plea to guilty. Earlier this week, he was sentenced for crimes that included swapping indecent images of children with London-based prolific HIV-positive paedophile Steven King, jailed in 2011 for four years for arranging to have sex with children as young as five. Wyllie's sentence? A three-year community order, which will involve three years' supervision and a sex offender treatment programme. This is a farcically light sentence from a judge on a man who swindled the taxpayer with help from this employers.
The Cumbrian Fire Service is answerable to Cumbria County Council. Jill Stannard, head of Cumbria County Council, retired early at 55 a few weeks ago…and has been given a golden handshake on top of her very nice thank you local government pension. Currently, the Council is refusing to say how much the payoff was but she was on £170,000 per annum salary. While in her role, Ms Stannard pushed through measures to increase the price of meals-on-wheels, and a cut in the wages of the County's teaching assistants. It may seem like I'm drifting off the point here, but I'm not: this sort of back-scratching and secrecy is endemic in local government.
"What always strikes me here in Cumbria," she said on her retirement, "is that, no matter what the challenge, our staff always face it head on and find solutions. This council is a great place to work with truly dedicated and committed staff and, as I prepare to leave, I take this opportunity to once again pay full credit to the people who work here." Especially William Wyllie, it seems.
Why did the Council try to put Fireman William Wyllie in the best light? I can't say with certainty: but I can point out Cumbria Council's odd track record in such matters. Let us turn to the case of Lianne Smith.
[Image: liannesmithcrop.jpg?w=104&h=150]Smith (left) was appointed a manager in Cumbria County Council's child protection department in 2003. By 2007, she and her husband Martin Smith were under a cloud relating to sexual abuse of children and pimping them to paedophiles. During this time, Mrs Smith also worked as a high-class hooker. The couple moved on hastily to Staffordshire (whose endemic paedophilia problems I've posted about several times in the past) where her partner was this time charged with raping infant girls. Released on bail (why?) he skipped abroad with Lianne Smith, and was finally extradited from Barcelona after Spanish police caught up with him in May 2010.
Immediately afterwards, Ms Smith checked into a hotel and murdered her two daughters. In 2010, her husband was given a 16-year sentence for his crimes. He committed suicide in December of that year.
Amazing that, don't you think? Amazing, but not remotely unusual. During 2011, half of all sex offenders were spared jail. Judges let 2,497 or 43% of the 5,784 convicted walk free from court. Between 2005-2011 while the Smiths were about their business with the blessing of local Councils the number of sex criminals allowed straight back into the community increased by 20%. Over the same period, child abuse carried out by offenders within a year of their community sentences soared by 250%. 60% of paedophiles receive sentences of under three years. But during the 2004-11 period, sexual assaults on boys and girls under 13 more than doubled.
So then, Edward Timpson MP: still think this is all conspiracy theory? You do? OK, then I'll just have to carry on.
A paedophile ring in Oxford seven men were sentenced on May 23rd had been active on an industrial scale for eight years, but Oxford social services failed to take any action. Oxfordshire County Council CEO Joanna Simons accepted that the Council had been "at fault" but insisted she will not be resigning after the ring's members were found guilty of child rape, trafficking and organising prostitution in Oxford.
"There is going to be an independent serious case review which will look at the actions of all the agencies concerned… [but] my gut feeling is that I'm not going to resign because my determination is that we need to do all that we can to take action to stamp this out," she opined gallantly. Yet another SCR to keep the protection board too busy to investigate how exactly they got away with it.
Child protection experts said that the six victims of the ring were "let down by those who were meant to care for them and obvious signs of abuse were missed". The gang continued its brutal sexual abuse despite the concerns of some social workers….and reports to police officers at an early stage. But were they let down by incompetence or insider protection? This happens so often across Britain, I truly cannot believe that every single case is down to trained personnel who've gone blind at some point and not noticed. There is more going on here, and the British political Establishment knows this perfectly well. From the Richmond Council scandal to Staffordshire via Plymouth and Bridgend up to Cumbria, Councils are protecting employees, police are ignoring the signs, and obvious perverts are getting through the vetting procedures. How?
I've put up this Special for many reasons, but there's one I think could be the most important. On Tuesday 18 June, 2013 at 12:30 and then again at 18:00, there will be a public meeting in The Ramada Plaza Hotel, Wrexham. The Wrexham to Chester belt is a particularly important area for the study of child trafficking from the UK care home system. The Secretary of State for Justice, Chris Fishbrain' Grayling MP, announced in November 2012 that a review of Sir Ronald Waterhouse's inquiry into the abuse of children in care in the Gwynedd and Clwyd Council areas would be established. The Issues Paper can be found on the Macur Review website. Mrs Justice Macur has issued this statement:
I consider it to be extremely important to make myself and my team available in a venue local to the events and circumstances which led to the "Waterhouse Inquiry" to meet with and hear from the people who were directly or indirectly involved and wish to impart information which may be significant to my review. It is vital to engage directly with those affected by the issues central to my review.'
Now this could easily turn into yet another review of an enquiry reopened after a previous enquiry enquired into a police report about why a previous police investigation got nowhere and then was closed. This is a golden opportunity for concerned people to make it strenuously clear to the Establishment that citizens of the UK are now tired of non-reforms of the Family Courts by Grayling, and systemic deckchair rearrangement by Edward Timpson in the childcare system.
It is a chance to be constructively voluble. It is, perhaps, an opening for those who care about our vulnerable children to speak up about the continual glossing-over of organised paedophile access to children removed from their families by the State. We are not going to weed these people out of the system by creating yet more committees and writing yet more pamphlets or asking the odd teacher to warn kids off internet porn. To get rid of weeds, if you aren't going to do it by hand, requires a systemic weedkiller that will burn out the roots.
I further think that we need to take note of this extract from the Mancur press release:
This is not a press conference. There will be an opportunity at the start of the 12:30 session for media to take pictures/film for background however there must be no sound-bites of the session itself. Recording equipment must be switched off and packed away for the duration of both sessions'
I'm not sure I follow the logic of that: as this is a review not a trial hearing, there is surely no case for sub judice concerns here. In particular, the must be switched off and packed away' bit is all too typical of the Establishment's desire for cards to be held tightly to chests at all times. The media may not be able to record audio-visually, but they can still report what they see and hear. Those with media contacts should start perstering MSM hacks to get on the case with all speed.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14


No.10 rocked by secret love affair: 'Stunned' PM holds crisis talks over fears tryst will 'blow political agenda out of the water'

  • Identities of people involved or details of relationship cannot be disclosed
  • They are middle-aged figures and the affair has now concluded
  • Mr Cameron was stunned' when told the identities of alleged lovers
  • He immediately realised the importance of the story', sources revealed
  • 'None of us could believe it when we first heard it' said senior source
By GLEN OWENPUBLISHED: 22:14, 1 June 2013 | UPDATED: 00:39, 2 June 2013 2.5k shares

[Image: article-2334483-1A132731000005DC-298_306x483.jpg]Worried: David Cameron has held crisis talks at Downing Street after being told of allegations of a sensational love affair which has potentially significant political implications for him

David Cameron has held crisis talks at Downing Street after being told of allegations of a sensational love affair which has potentially significant political implications for him.For legal reasons, The Mail on Sunday cannot disclose the identities of the people involved or any details of the relationship even its duration other than that they are middle-aged figures. The affair has now concluded.But this newspaper can report that when aides told Mr Cameron the identities of the alleged lovers he was stunned', and, according to sources, immediately realised the importance of the story'.The Prime Minister and his aides also discussed the possible fallout should details of the affair become public and how such disclosure could blow out of the water' any major political set pieces planned by No 10.
One senior source told this newspaper last night: This revelation is dynamite. None of us could believe it when we first heard it. Then we just thought, "What a complete mess".'The source added that, apart from the political implications, the revelation had caused great personal distress to innocent parties'.It is understood that the Prime Minister was told of the relationship - which does not involve anyone serving in the Cabinet - within the past few weeks. If details of the affair do emerge, it could place a further strain on Mr Cameron's leadership, which is already being tested by backbench revolts over issues such as Europe and gay marriage and rumours of plots being hatched to overthrow him.
On Friday, he faced a further blow when one of his MPs, Patrick Mercer, resigned the party whip after being caught in a cash-for-questions sting' operation.


If the affair is revealed, it is likely to cause as much public surprise as the disclosure of the relationship between John Major and Edwina Currie, which was kept secret for nearly two decades until 2002.Like Mr Major, Mr Cameron is increasingly finding his time in Downing Street is beset by sex scandals.

[Image: article-2334483-1A020BB4000005DC-857_634x478.jpg]Surprised: When aides told Mr Cameron the identities of the alleged lovers he was said to be 'stunned'. He is pictured with his wife Samantha during their holiday in Ibiza last week

Just weeks ago, the Commons was rocked by the news that Deputy Speaker Nigel Evans, a Tory MP, had been arrested following allegations that he raped one man and sexually assaulted another between 2009 and 2013 accusations he has branded completely false'. A third person has also given a statement to Lancashire police, claiming to have been sexually assaulted by Mr Evans, and on Friday police said they were planning to interview a fourth alleged victim who claims he was intimately groped by Mr Evans in a Commons bar.In April, Scotland Yard said it had launched a formal investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by the Liberal Democrat peer Lord Rennard.
The Metropolitan Police set up a phoneline for alleged victims after a number of women made claims about inappropriate conduct by the peer, who was the party's former chief election strategist.
[Image: article-2334483-19A94FD9000005DC-806_306x423.jpg]
[Image: article-2334483-0EC84E5800000578-433_306x423.jpg]

Pressure: Mr Cameron is finding his time in Downing Street is beset by scandals. Deputy Speaker Nigel Evans, left, was recently arrested following allegations that he raped one man and sexually assaulted another . Patrick Mercer, right, was caught in a cash-for-questions sting' operation

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, who had initially denied knowing about the allegations, was later forced to concede that his office had heard indirect and non-specific concerns' as far back as 2008. And, in a further case, Liberal Democrat MP Mike Hancock will tomorrow face a disciplinary hearing to determine whether he should lose the party whip over very serious allegations' of sexual assault.
Mr Clegg asked the party's chief whip to convene the meeting after Hancock was served papers as part of a High Court civil action brought by a vulnerable' constituent.When asked about the affair last night, a Downing Street source said: This is not something we can talk about.'

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
:angeldevil: Confusedhutup: :mistress: Confusedhock: :gossip: Confusedheep:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
What's Max Clifford doing these days?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
[Image: rebekah.jpg?w=480&h=308]

Is this in the wrong thread?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.


Ben Fellows is a former child actor.

He claims that a top politician called Ken Clarke groped his penis.


"Ben was informed by Dave Eden, a former CID detective, that his wife was in immediate danger as a result of Ben's work.

"It was made clear that Ben should have an 'exit strategy'.

"On Thursday 23rd of May, after the attacks in Woolwich (approximately half a mile from the Fellows residence), Ben and his wife returned home from visiting friends to find that their flat had been broken into.

"Nothing appeared to be stolen."

"At 11:30pm that evening, the phone rang and an anonymous man told Ben to look outside his window to the other side of the street.

"A man in a black ski mask stood there on a mobile phone, the caller said 'What happened to that soldier today is what is going to happen to you'"
Is it just me but I keep getting an error message when I try to play the above video?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Should work now Magda!

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