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The Power of the Paedos - another high profile case hits the 'never happened' wall?
Malcolm Pryce Wrote:David, this is a highly concentrated stock cube of a sentence, any chance you could turn it into a more dilute consomme for us slow-slurpers? Smile

'…the Nazis engaged in early mind control experiments in the work-to-death camps - and so this would all nicely fit the timing of the first 1947 Flying Saucer "sighting" reported by the spook connected Kenneth Arnold…'

Many thanks


My apologies for that Malcolm. These subjects have been covered on the forum fairly extensively in the past. I would offer links, but I'm not much good at navigating around the older posts of the forum myself. Jan posted a search help guide somewhere (but I can't find that either - I'm truly ashamed), but if you go to google type in the search bar the following:

followed by your search term/s, you should get some good links to the above threads.

However, in brief, the Nazis conducted early mind control experiments at one of the death labour camps. From memory I think it was Dr. Mengele at Auschwitz. However, the citation for this is in the paper I wrote back in 1995 for the International Committee of Red Cross for their symposium on The Medical Profession and the Effects of Weapons. The essay was titled "Some Aspects of Anti Personnel Electromagnetic Weapons" (freely available HERE). Check the footnotes.

As you know the first UFO sighting that caused a real stir and led to the name "Flying Saucers", was Kenneth Arnold's 1947 sighting. There is a picture Arnold sketched of the flying disc he saw. It is identical to the secret Nazi Horton Flying Wing. Comparison photos of the two are on this forum, but also can be found fairly easily, again using Google. This Nazi technology was recovered and shipped to the US. Two books are available that discuss these matters in far more detail. First is Volume 1 of Peter Levenda's trilogy "Sinister Forces - A Grimorie of American Political Witchcraft". Well worth reading anyway. The other is Nick Cook's "The Hunt for Zero Point - Inside the Classified World of Anti Gravity Technology. Cook was the aerospace editor for Jane's Defence Weekly (really prestigious publication) at the time he wrote this book. He may still be too. But again this is a highly reccomended book.

Thus the point I was making, rather poorly as it turned out, was that it seems there could have been - probably was - a Nazi connection to both mind control technology and UFO's.

This is especially the case when you add into the foregoing sulphorous mix the very strange occult practises of the Nazis (very dark), their occult belief that intelligent life here derived from the planet Aldebaran in Alpha Tauri (the origin of the Aryan race don't you know), the transmission of these occult practises to the US (according to the son of Scientology's L Ron Hubbard, a practising satanist and disciple of occultist and Crowleyian disciple Jack L Parsons, founder of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena (not coincidentally, the base of Crowley's occult Agape Lodge of the O.T.O.

The use of occult techniques and rituals in mind control experiment, as Jan has discussed, further ties all these apparently diverse and unrelated subjects together.

Then there is the paedophile activity (the main purpose of tis particular thread) and the deeply unpleasant satanic practises connected to that fell vileness.

it's all one big merry go-round. Not.

Who'd have thunk, eh?

Anyway, I hope this has adequately coveres the central points, but please shout if it hasn't.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
The Finders for the C21st:

Quote:Qld boy's horror, raised by global pedophile ring

PAULA DONEMAN, 7News June 29, 2013, 5:59 pm

HE was a child star but all for the wrong reasons.

He made his debut at just 22-months old - not for a toy store advertisement or even a family friendly PG film. This was for hardcore global pornographic syndication.

He would be filmed being sexually abused by his "adoptive parents" and at least eight other pedophiles in Australia, France, Germany and the United States.

His horrific introduction to the insidious world of pedophilia dated back to 2005 when his Russian mother sold him for $8,000 to a member of Boy Lovers a sophisticated global network of men whose sexual preference are boys aged between six and eight years old.

The boy was "adopted" by American Mark J Newton who lived in Brisbane and Cairns with his Australian boyfriend, Peter Truong.

Such was the extent of the abuse, the boy, who will be called Adam for legal reasons, grew up believing the abuse and exploitation was a natural part of his daily existence.

Newton even coached Adam on how to deny any inappropriate activity if questioned by investigators.

He was so indoctrinated that when interviewed by a queue of US experts, Adam did not reveal the severe sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of his "parents" and the Boy Lovers network.

Queensland Police Taskforce Argos, which targets pedophiles, also fear the same techniques may have been used on several other children who came into contact with the men.

Newton and Truong's secret life began to unravel at a New Zealand home in August 2011 when a fan of their work and fellow sex offender was arrested with computer drives containing "happy snaps" of Adam and his parents among images of child exploitation.

To the untrained eye, the pictures depicted a family outing, but to a network of veteran detectives the snaps triggered grave concern.

"On examination of the drives, they located some of the images whilst they were not of a nature that would constitute a criminal offence, to the trained eye, and there is a network of investigators across the world who do this on a daily basis, the images were not what you would see as a traditional family snap,'' said Detective Inspector Jon Rouse, head of Queensland police Taskforce Argos which targets pedophilia.

"The pictures were kind of modeling shots, it looked wrong to us," said Inspector Rouse in an exclusive interview with Seven News.

However a detectives' hunch was not sufficient for a search warrant but it was enough for both Argos and New Zealand's Department of Internal Affairs to launch an investigation.

Argos conducted background checks and used their specialist victim identification staff to identify who the people were in the photos and locate the boy. At the same time New Zealand authorities examined chat logs and information contained on their offender's hard drives.

"The information and text from those logs was the catalyst to gain grounds for a search warrant. The text clearly indicated communication between the suspects (Truong and Newton) and other child sex offenders where the child had been sexually abused and the material live-streamed in some cases to these other offenders,'' Insp Rouse said.

Further checks revealed Truong and Newton had travelled extensively, and at that time, had left Queensland for the US.

Argos conducted several raids in Queensland including the men's Cairns home where they found a sophisticated set-up of surveillance cameras.

Concerned for Adam's welfare, Queensland police alerted their US counterparts who raided the men's Los Angeles home and took them into custody and placed Adam into care in October 2011.

"Now the information we provided them at the time was tantamount to what you would call the smoke but not the gun. We had our concerns, the chat logs and material but it was not enough for the US authorities to actually prosecute the two men. It was enough, however, for us to ensure that the young boy was kept in care…'' he said.

The police raids in north Queensland uncovered a significant volume of material but it was encrypted and Argos investigators did not have the pass phrases to unlock it.

Using the material that was not encrypted, the taskforce victim identification team spent months piecing together a timeline of the men's life.

"These two individuals were meticulous about cataloging nearly everything they did, all of their travel. The young boy featured very heavily in most of this material. Everything from airports to theme parks….they documented everything which was to their detriment,'' he said.

The information also helped police identify some of their associates.

"So the backend of all this work being done, we had encrypted material we had a strong suspicion contained child exploitation images. We had a boy in care and the two offenders at large in Los Angeles protesting their innocence and the matter progressing through the (US) Family Law Court,'' Insp Rouse said.

At the time Newton and Truong claimed authorities were targeting them because of their homosexuality.

Insp Rouse rejected the men's claims saying Argos targets anyone who harms children.

"If you're harming a child - I don't care what your gender is - we will take action. Our interest is the child, not your sexual preference."

Through their strong ties with their overseas counterparts, Argos learned the US Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) was investigating the Boy Lover network.

USPIS investigator Brian Bone was alerted to the photos of Adam found on the New Zealand offender and recognised he was the same boy who featured pornographic footage and images uncovered in several of their investigations.

Argos sent all of the evidence they had collected to the US along with the technique Newton and Truong, both computer experts, had used to encrypt their hard drives.

The men were arrested in February last year.

Newton and Truong have previously claimed in media interviews their son was born to a Russian surrogate mother they found on the internet.

Once US authorities confronted Truong with the evidence gathered from parallel investigations, he provided the pass phrases to investigators. Newton refused to co-operate.

When the drives were unlocked, it was "blatantly apparent" to investigators Newton and Truong had bought Adam into their lives for exclusive purpose of sexually exploiting him among the Boy Lovers network.

"The evidence told us effectively that these two men are intrinsically linked with child sex offenders, with a preference for young boys, going back a long way and they have travelled the world and sexually exploited that young boy…"Insp Rouse said.

Earlier today Australian time, a US Judge jailed 42-year-old Newton for 40 years imposing the maximum sentence for the federal crimes of conspiracy to sexually exploit a minor and conspiracy to possess child pornography.

The District Court in Indianapolis was told Adam was made available for sex for at least eight men when he was between the ages of two and six.

Two other men, American residents John R Powell, 41, a Florida-based lawyer, and Jason Bettuo, a 36-year-old Michigan tennis coach, have also been charged.

US Attorney Joseph H Hogsett said between 2010 and 2011, Newtown and Truong travelled to San Francisco to meet with Powell and Bettuo who filmed themselves having sex with Adam.

Powell also travelled to the men's Cairns home in this time to do the same with Adam.

The trafficking of the sex abuse images over the internet and the US mail system kicked off the original USPIS investigation.

"Personally.. I think this is probably the worst (pedophile) rings.. if not the worst ring I've ever heard of,'' USPIS Investigator Brian Bone said.

"For more than one year and across three continents, these men submitted this young child to some of the most heinous acts of exploitation this child has ever seen,'' Mr Hogsett said after the court hearing.
Truong, 36, has pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentencing of charges of conspiring to sexually exploit a child, and possessing child pornography.

Adam's future is unknown and he is currently in the care of an American family.

Newton and Truong have previously claimed in media interviews that after several failed attempts to find a surrogate in the US, their son was born to a Russian surrogate mother they found on the internet.

"We decided that we would have a child, that it was time for us to have a family. We wanted to experience the joys of fatherhood and we started our surrogacy over in the United States back in 2002," Truong said at the time.

"We have heard about a lot of scams and certain people who represent themselves as so-called surrogate mothers who are really out there just to make money," he said.
The men claimed Mark was the biological father and Adam's mother handed him to them when he was five days old.

Investigation into the men's activities is continuing.

Insp Rouse said the taskforce had interviewed several sex offenders in Queensland and Australia who had been communicating with Newton and Truong.

Detectives have also interviewed several Queensland children who came into contact with the pair.

"Based on the activity of these individuals - you'd have to have suspicions any child that would have had contact with these men - I would have to think is a high likelihood of being affected in some way"

"We have conducted a number of interviews with a number of children, however we do not have any disclosures of sexual abuse,'' he said.

Examination of the pair's finances has also raised questions with investigators of how the men supported their global lifestyle with no obvious means of income.

"There was no real money trail that indicates they are in a form of employment that would sustain the lifestyle they've had and you can draw your own conclusion with respect to the amount of travel they've done and where they've been and the purpose of that travel," Insp Rouse said.
Insp Rouse said Argos had encountered members of the Boy Lovers network in child sex investigations between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast several years ago.

If either Troung or Newton ever return to Australian shores, Taskforce Argos will pursue them, Insp Rouse said.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
I am reposting this from the Splintering Frame thread:

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Does anyone know if Hitler was also a part of German esoterism and to what degree?

Thurn und Taxis


Guido von List

SS Ahnenerbe
The Great Game, the Vril-ya and Theosophy[/URL]
Nazi Black Sun technology & the Will to Power[/URL]

Jan, in the Great Game link, there is mention of the ubiquitous presence of pedophilia. Do you suspect that the pedophilia of which you write amongst the elites have connections to Nazi esoterism as described in the Great Game thread (#20)?

Quote:Reichenbach postulated that there was an actual, magnetic, Odic force that humans produced, most strongly when they were young. The old could produce only inadequate amounts of the force, but they were able to soak up the overproduction of the young through contact with them, though only if both parties were compatible (the force did not flow randomly). Hitler did not understand this necessarily to be physical contact, but he did view the flow of these magnetic waves as the very key to the success of any military or para-military unit. The officer and his men ideally formed an Odic community. The same would be true for the Nazi Party as well: Wagener, the mystery of the political organization and the organization of the SA has been solved! It's not racially determined, it's grounded in this problem! The more Hitler thought about it, the more he became convinced that he had felt this Odic force: it's the same when I spend time with young men. I have always said that I draw strength to continue my work from the beaming eyes of my young storm troopers. It's the very same thing.

EDIT: To rephrase: is there a trajectory begun in Operation Paperclip which continues Nazi esoterism, which includes as a part of their religious practices the trafficking and sexual abuse and in some cases sacrifice of children, for the purpose of obtaining their life force.

After re-reading these materials and re-visiting Lavenda, the answer is Yes.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
So, the 20-year-old investigation of organised child abuse in Welsh orphanages is finally found and published.

Hurrah for transparency!

'Fraid not.

It's been destroyed by the thick black pen of redaction and reduced to a fairy story with the Wicked Old Wizards and Witches still free to abuse another day....

Quote:'Gutting' of Jillings child abuse report angers victims

Although findings have been published almost 20 years after being suppressed, many passages have been redacted

Steven Morris
The Guardian, Monday 8 July 2013 19.34 BST

Former Bryn Estyn boys home in 1992
The former Bryn Estyn boys home in 1992, described by one boy as 'the Colditz of residential care'. Photograph: Malcolm Croft/PA

A decision to continue to withhold crucial details from a damning report on widespread abuse in children's homes has been strongly criticised by victims, lawyers and child protection experts.

The Jillings report into physical and sexual abuse of boys and girls in north Wales in the 1970s and 80s was finally published on Monday almost 20 years after it was suppressed on advice from lawyers.

But many passages in the 300-page document have been redacted, leading to suspicions that some of those involved in abuse or the flawed investigations into it are still being afforded protection they should not have.

One former victim said it was a scandal that so much of the document was still being censored. "This report was all about getting to the truth, hearing the voices of those who were abused," he said. "And still we're not allowed to hear the whole truth all these years later."

A legal expert in abuse in residential care, Alison Millar from the law firm Leigh Day, said: "We are in an Alice in Wonderland situation. The report is effectively gutted so that important sections dealing with the very issue of what the panel found did go wrong are excluded."

There was also criticism of the decision to pulp the report in 1996 after council lawyers and insurers warned that publishing it could lead to a stream of compensation claims. Ray Jones, professor of social work at Kingston University, said: "It seems clear that commercial interest trumped the interest in care of children."

Former social services chief John Jillings and his panel spent two years investigating abuse at homes including the notorious Bryn Estyn centre in Wrexham, which was described by one boy as "the Colditz of residential care".

The panel heard details of how boys were sexually abused by staff and forced to perform sex acts on each other in exchange for cigarettes, money and privileges. Panel members also heard how staff members brutalised boys physically, even ordering older residents to "discipline" younger ones by urinating or defecating on them.

In his report Jillings was critical of the response of police and social services to allegations of abuse. The report claimed: "Time and time again the responses to indications that children may have been abused has been too little and too late."

The panel attacked north Wales police and social services at the now disbanded Clwyd county council for allegedly making it difficult for it to obtain documents it felt it needed.

Panel members expressed concern that there was no independent police mechanism to investigate serving or former officers implicated in abuse.

There was also a long section in the report about insurers Zurich Municipal which, it was claimed, warned of a "bandwagon of claims" if the panel placed adverts looking for people who might have information about abuse.

The report claimed the interests of the county council's insurers, Zurich Municipal, "played an important part in the events surrounding the investigation of child abuse".

The panel conceded in the report they could not investigate the rumours that famous people visited the homes to abuse children, nor that paedophile rings were operating.

To the anger of Jillings and many victims the report was suppressed and only published in the wake of the outcry that followed a Newsnight programme last year that led to Lord McAlpine being wrongly identified as involved in abuse.

North Wales police declined to comment. Zurich said "serious concerns" were raised by the council, the police and others about the potential to identify victims and the "level of unsupported allegations".

The six councils that replaced Clwyd claimed "significant new statutory legislation and guidance has been implemented" since Jillings.

They added: "The report can not be published in its entirety because it contains personal data and material that is considered defamatory."
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
This is his defence?!?!?

BISHOP Michael Malone repeatedly said he had never seen a trove of documents obtained by the commission's investigators, even though they all came from the diocese headquarters and some came from filing cabinets in his own office.

Quote: Bishop never looked at files: inquiry

]July 10, 2013, 11:14 p.m.

Church sex abuse going on a long time

Priest boasted of beating police charges

VIDEO: Statement by Joanne McCarthy

COMMENT: From the inquiry - Ian Kirkwood

TRANSCRIPTS: Special Commission of Inquiry

BISHOP Michael Malone says he never looked at confidential files about his priests despite the paedophilia controversy that raged during his 16 years in charge of the Maitland-Newcastle diocese of the Catholic Church.

In an extraordinary afternoon of evidence before the Special Commission of Inquiry sitting in Newcastle, the retired bishop agreed that some of his evidence "defied belief".

But he insisted it was true, and repeatedly said he had never seen a trove of documents obtained by the commission's investigators, even though they all came from the diocese headquarters and some came from filing cabinets in his own office.

Some of Bishop Malone's early evidence yesterday about the circumstances of his taking over the diocese from Bishop Leo Clarke in 1995 drew sympathetic laughter from many in the 50-strong gallery.

Bishop Malone said Bishop Clarke was was out of there like a rocket'' once he had relinquished control.

Asked why he had been moved from Gosford to run Maitland-Newcastle, Bishop Malone said: I'm scratching my head about that still.

It was completely out of the blue. I had no idea.''

He said dealing with paedophile priest Denis McAlinden was his first duty in charge but the only thing that Bishop Clarke would say when he asked him about it was that McAlinden had behavioural issues''.

Bishop Malone said that when he asked about the secret'' matters he knew would exist under church canon law, Bishop Clarke's answer was that he would find out about'' them in time.

Asked to describe his feelings at the situation that confronted him, Bishop Malone, who served as head of the diocese until 2001, said: Shock would be the right word.''

But the gallery mood seemed to change as counsel assisting the commission, Julia Lonergan, asked Bishop Malone at length about the files recovered earlier this year from the diocese headquarters.

Some of the answers elicited audible gasps from paedophile victims and their families and supporters in the gallery.

Asked about checking the file of McAlinden, Bishop Malone said I didn't think to do that because I had enough already to act on''.

Ms Lonergan said it defied belief'' that he would not familiarise himself with the history of McAlinden, who was eventually stripped of his priesthood.

Malone: In hindsight, yes, but I thought there was enough to go on.''

Later, Bishop Malone said: I don't know where your investigators found all these documents.

Presumably they accessed the archives of the diocese. That's a luxury I didn't have. I was in charge of a big diocese. Most of my days were planned beforehand.

I didn't have time to go trolling through the archives, especially if I didn't know what I might try to find.''

He knew each priest had a personnel file and he presumed these would have contained confidential information.
See your ad here

Asked if he was telling the commission he had not opened any confidential file about any priest in his 16 years in charge, Bishop Malone said: No, I don't think I did.''

Asked where the confidential files were kept, Bishop Malone said at least some were kept in filing cabinets in Bishop Leo Clarke's office, which he acknowledged, when asked by Ms Lonergan, had become his own.

He said the only secret'' documents that Bishop Clarke had alerted him to were in a rather large briefcase in the corner of his office''.

Bishop Malone said he could not recall if the briefcase had information about McAlinden or paedophile priest Jim Fletcher, but he did remember a fairly lengthy'' file about a woman who claimed to be a visionary''.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
In a nutshell, this is his defense: "But how could I have known. I was, am still, and always will be completely incompetent. You should feel sorry for me because I am a complete nit."
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Come on, be fair. He did say his days were 'planned beforehand'; so if those plans didn't include reading the files in his own filing cabinet, what could he do? His hands were tied. The real criminal is the guy who wrote the plans Smile
Lauren Johnson Wrote:In a nutshell, this is his defense: "But how could I have known. I was, am still, and always will be completely incompetent. You should feel sorry for me because I am a complete nit."

Yes Lauren, but the problem is that this is the James Murdoch defence.

I did not know because I did not read key documents and emails in full, and I was too busy to be curious about what was really going on in the oganisation I managed.

This defence means that the Bishop or CEO is incompetent.

And if they're incompetent, they should lose their job.

Of course it can be argued that pleading incompetence is the very last play of, ahem, a desperate scoundrel.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Quote:Yes Lauren, but the problem is that this is the James Murdoch defence.

And it seems to work -- well.

"What can you expect from an idiot like me?"

"Oh yah, you're right. You got me there. You get a free pass."

This kind of thing only works when there is total corruption in the press, the police and the courts.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Just like the Catholic Church, the BBC has spent a fortune on lawyers in the aftermath of the child sex abuse outrages conducted by high profile BBC stars.

If the Beeb continues following the Vatican's path, it will soon be taking out insurance policies against future law suits...

Quote:BBC spends more than £5m on Jimmy Savile-related inquiries

Investigation into shelved Newsnight report cost £2.8m, with more expenditure to come from Stuart Hall review

Mark Sweney and John Plunkett, Tuesday 16 July 2013 11.00 BST

Jimmy Savile: the BBC has spent £5.3m on inquiries related to the disgraced presenter. Photograph: Murdo Macleod for the Guardian

The BBC has spent more than £5m of licence fee payers' money so far on internal investigations and inquiries relating to the Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal.

On Tuesday the BBC revealed that it has spent £5.3m on Savile-related inquiries in the year to 31 March, as it published its 2013 annual report.

The BBC spent just over £2.8m on the Pollard review, led by former head of Sky News, which looked into the handling of the shelved Newsnight investigation into Savile and how management dealt with the scandal once the story broke last autumn.

Costs included Pollard's fee, £81,600, while the BBC paid £893,501 to law firm Reed Smith for legal advice relating to the review and a further £492,437 for "external legal support".

Witnesses' legal costs amounted to a further £391,121, including £107,000 for former director general George Entwistle, £101,000 for ex BBC News director Helen Boaden, who is now radio director, and £86,000 for Entwistle's predecessor Mark Thompson.

Separately, the BBC was also forced to pay Lord McAlpine £185,000 in damages over false child abuse allegations made by Newsnight.

Two other Savile-related inquiries the Respect at Work review led by Dinah Rose QC and Dame Janet Smith's review into the culture and practices of the BBC in the Savile years takes the total the BBC spent to £5.3m to 31 March.

The BBC said that there will be more costs to factor in for the latter two reviews, which also includes Dame Linda Dobbs's review into Stuart Hall, that will be published in due course.

BBC director general Tony Hall has pledged to eliminate bureaucracy and regulation at the corporation, which he says is "inhibiting its creativity".

Hall will take personal charge of a corporation -wide review to "simplify our organisation" following the Pollard review into the Savile crisis which identified the need for cultural change.

Hall said he had already implemented change at the top of the organisation where the emphasis, he said, was "on working as a team and the most important and difficult issues discussed openly and candidly".

He identified "unnecessary bureaucracy and regulation" although he is not the first director general to pinpoint such issues and said he wanted to see "less duplication of effort and more personal autonomy".

"I have been struck by the complexity of the organisation and the inhibiting effect that has on creativity," Hall said in a letter to BBC Trust chairman Lord Patten, published on Tuesday.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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