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Thaci - KLA - Kosovo - Albanian organ harvesting crimes and investigations
Quote:There are arguments put forward that that those at high levels in the Vatican remained unaware that these two Bishops were running the Ratlines and had not sanctioned it.
Apart from Gowan putting that idea to rest in his article the Vatican is known to have had an intelligence network second to none. Also look at their network in the Gladio operation. The Catholic church was very involved in the Hungarian 'uprising' in the 1950's. A Gladio operation.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Quote:There are arguments put forward that that those at high levels in the Vatican remained unaware that these two Bishops were running the Ratlines and had not sanctioned it.
Apart from Gowan putting that idea to rest in his article the Vatican is known to have had an intelligence network second to none. Also look at their network in the Gladio operation. The Catholic church was very involved in the Hungarian 'uprising' in the 1950's. A Gladio operation.

My father, born south-west of Lwow, was ethnically cleansed to Siberia by the Red Army and NKVD as a 7-year-old child in 1939, as a result of the Nazi-Soviet Pact. My father's family were considered potential anti-communist subversives, as they included Polish Army officers and a headteacher (a dangerous member of the intelligentsia on the NKVD death lists....).

Wiki has a very brief introduction to the history here:

Having escaped from Siberia, thanks to my slav matriarch grandmother, my father was eventually allowed to come to England as a child refugee, because his elder brothers had fought against the Nazis alongside Allied soldiers in the Polish Free Forces. The family home in Skole, Poland, was now part of the USSR and had been forcibly resettled by ethnic Russians, so there was no "Poland" to return to.

In 1956, along with most of the post-WW2 slav diaspora in western Europe, my 23-year-old father was ready to head east to help liberate Hungary and Poland from Soviet communism. I'm told that he would listen religiously to Radio Free Europe, which was exhorting the people of Hungary to rise up. The promise - both explicit and implicit - was that western troops would join any revolution against Soviet communism.

Of course, the Hungarians rose up, and western armies stayed in their bases. After the sell-out of Yalta, and the betrayal of 1956, my father never trusted the Americans again.

As we know now, Radio Free Europe was a CIA propaganda operation, with links to some truly unsavoury right-wing nutcases. And as Magda says, we also know now that Gladio and Vatican elements were involved in the events of 1956.

Rather sadly, if I had something to important to confess, the last person in the world I'd confide in would be a Catholic priest....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Quote:we also know now that Gladio and Vatican elements were involved in the events of 1956.
As they were in the 'liberation' of Poland from the clutches of the Red Menace in 1989. They then promptly handed Poland over to the neo cons and other lunatics and business interests. All this after having to knock off one pope to have some one more useful installed.

Quote:Rather sadly, if I had something to important to confess, the last person in the world I'd confide in would be a Catholic priest....
Yeah, they'd probably be jacking off in the next box.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Organ Harvesting Atrocities: Identifying Kosovo Albanian Butchers

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One of the photos Kosovo Albanian terrorists took in Albania, after NATO aggression against Serbia, posing with the Serb who had just been shot in the head from the close range.

Kosovo Albanian Butchers Posed with Their Mutilated Victims

On Monday, Serbia’s War Crimes Prosecution positively identified eight members of Kosovo Albanian terrorist organization KLA (UCK), who were photographed with their victims, Kosovo and Metohija Serbs, kidnapped during and after NATO aggression against Serbia who, prior to being killed or left to die in agony, had their vital organs extracted for sale.
Serbian media reported that Prosecution on Monday identified eight KLA terrorists who committed war crimes against the Kosovo Serbs kidnapped and transported to northern Albania, near the border with Serbian Kosovo and Metohija province, during and after NATO aggression against Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. According to the War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević, KLA war criminals were identified from the photos prosecution recently came in possession.
- Eight KLA terrorists were identified on Monday, and we expect this number to grow in the following days. As soon as we published the photos which, beside the KLA members, also show the killed and mutilated Serbs, a number of Serbia and Montenegro citizens contacted us. Members of the families of Kosovo Serbs kidnapped since the summer of 1999 believe among the photographed Serbian victims are individuals still listed as missing, - Vukčević told Belgrade media.
In the interest of investigation, Vukčević refused to give the names of the freshly identified criminals, pointing out “some of the identified have been known by their crimes for quite a while”. He added the Prosecution is working on the case classified as “Human Organ Trafficking”, which involves identification of the criminal chain of Albanian terrorists who have been kidnapping Kosovo Serbs and other non-Albanians in southern Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija, and transporting them to private prisons and death camps on the territory of state of Albania during and after 1999, for the purpose of extracting their vital organs for sale.
[Image: kla-terrorists-victim-300x219.jpg]
Kosovo Albanian terrorists posing with the kidnapped Serb, holding the knife above the victim’s throat. Summer of 1999, Albania.

- New evidence and testimonies shedding light on these gruesome crimes will help us complete the report which will be submitted to the Council of Europe’s special rapporteur on the KLA organ trafficking, Dick Marty, expected to visit Belgrade, Priština and Tirana [Albanian capital] by the end of April this year, - Vukčević said.
Serbian War Crimes Prosecution believes the set of photos which shows KLA war criminals and some of their victims was taken in the place called Padese, in May 1999, by the terrorists themselves. Caption on the back of one photo, written with the blue marker, reads “Košare, N. Albania, 22. 5. 99″ [Košare is an outpost on the border between Serbia and Albania]. Kosovo Albanian terrorists have also taken two of the photos where some of their victims can be seen: on one, Albanian wearing paramilitary uniform is holding a knife over the victim’s throat, and on the other, KLA terrorists are standing above the victim which was just shot in the head from close range.
Indisputable Evidence About the KLA-Run Death Camps in Albania, where Vital Organs were Harvested from Kidnapped Serbs

- These, as well as other photographs we have in our possession — one of which shows the destroyed Yugoslav Army barracks Košare, taken from the Albanian side of the border, confirm KLA terrorists were stationed in this region, near the border with Serbia. For the first time, the Prosecution has testimonies of Albanians who were imprisoned in the death camps in northern Albania, where the kidnapped Kosovo Serbs were tortured, butchered and killed. According to their testimonies, one of these camps was situated in the house near Durres [seaport in western Albania], and the other in the village Kukes [northern Albania], - Prosecutor said.
Spokesman of the Serbian Prosecution Bruno Vekarić said Serbia will request additional information from the officials in Tirana, about the trafficking of organs extracted from the kidnapped Kosovo Serbs on the territory of Albania during and after the 1998-1999 Kosovo war.
- New evidence confirms these crimes took place in northern Albania and we shall send an official request to the Tirana prosecution, seeking additional information about the facts we uncovered thus far, - Vekarić said, stressing the latest evidence is only additional confirmation of the previously established data.
- This is only in addition to what we already knew, that the KLA had training camps, logistic basis, prisons and death camps, as well as temporary medical facilities where they were harvesting the vital organs for sale, on the territory of Albania, - said Vekarić.
[Image: kla-terrorists-border-300x257.jpg]
KLA terrorists who were running a death camp for kidnapped Kosovo province Serbs in Albania, near the border with Serbia. Summer 1999

Based on the new evidence, the Prosecution now has a much clearer picture of the tragic events and macabre war crimes that took place in Albania. Among else, three indisputable facts were thus confirmed: that the KLA-run death camps in northern Albania existed, that kidnapped Kosovo Serbs were being transported over the border, to Albania, and that the provisional medical facilities where the kidnapped had their organs extracted for sale were also situated in Albania.
UN-Established Locations of the Mass Graves with Remains of Mutilated Serbs in Albania

Earlier, Serbian War Crimes Prosecution established the location of three mass graves, all in northern Albania, which contain remains of Serbs, victims of the organ harvesting and trafficking — two in the swamps in the vicinity of the village Burrel and third, 1.6 kilometers from the infamous yellow house, where the kidnapped Serbs had their organs extracted.
According to the report by the UN investigators, these mass graves contain mainly the remains of kidnapped Serbs, but there are also the bodies of Roma and “disloyal” Albanians, whom KLA, in cooperation with Albanian state officials, was transporting to the psychiatric hospital in Burrel, where their organs were extracted and sold to rich patients in the West and Middle East.
The location of the mass graves was marked in the March 2004 UN report, and Serbian Prosecution came in possession of the copies of these documents and maps, along with the photos taken by the UNMIK forensic experts back in 4 February 2004, which someone kept hidden from the public for almost five years.
Those photos show incriminating evidence found in the yellow house and around it, including muscle relaxants used for surgical interventions, surgical instruments, syringes, containers for medical refuse, gauze leftovers, surgical scissors and blades, scalpels…
[Image: kla-terrorists-photo-caption-300x174.jpg]
Caption on the back of one of the photos in possession of Serbian Prosecution, establishing the place and time of Kosovo Albanian atrocity. The caption reads “Kosare, N. Albania, 22. 5. 99″

Representatives of Belgrade War Crimes Prosecution forwarded to the Association of the Families of Killed, Kidnapped and Missing Kosovo Serbs a list containing the names of 11 individuals cited by Albanian witnesses as the known victims of KLA organ trafficking chain in northern Albania. Bruno Vekarić said that families of the kidnapped Serbs are helping the Prosecution in the process of identification of the victims and their kidnappers and executors.
Gordana Tomanović, one of the representatives of the Association of the Families of Killed, Kidnapped and Missing Kosovo Serbs, said the families are eager to find out what happened to their loved ones.
- The families are constantly calling us, hoping this breakthrough in the investigation will help them find out what happened to their loved ones. We are in contact with the War Crimes Prosecution and we shall soon receive the latest evidence they uncovered, - Tomanović said.
This Association has its own documentation and material gathered during the past decade, including video footage which shows that among the columns of Kosovo Albanians who, during NATO aggression against Yugoslavia, at the request of KLA leaders, were leaving Serbia and crossing over the border into Albania and FYR of Macedonia, were also the kidnapped Kosovo and Metohija Serbs.
Guilty: KLA Leaders, in Cooperation with Albanian State Officials

After the latest wave of testimonies, documentation and material evidence recovered, the Prosecution contends that the key organizers of this chain of most horrific crimes since Josef Mengele’s experiments on live death camp inmates, are former leaders of Kosovo Albanian paramilitaries, headed by the former “commander of the KLA Western front”, Ramush Haradinaj, who controlled the KLA units on the border with Albania.
In addition to Haradinaj, witnesses have also named former KLA spokesman, currently head of Kosovo Albanian provisional “parliament”, Jakup Krasniqi, former chief of KLA paramilitary police Sabit Geci and Jevdet (Gjevdet) Krasniqi.
In the past month, testimonies by the former KLA members revealed KLA transported two waste disposal trucks from Kosovo province through Paštrik, one with corpses of killed Serbs, and the other carrying the kidnapped Kosovo Serbs, who were subsequently tortured and killed in Kosovo Albanian-run death camps in Tropoje and Peshkopi, in Albania.
The main individuals responsible for transfer of victims from southern Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija, according to the witnesses, are Daut Haradinaj (Ramush Haradinaj’s brother), Sami Lushtaku and Jakup Krasniqi.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda - thank you for posting this.

So, here we have the hunters taking trophy photos of their human prey.

Where is the MSM coverage?

Oh right, silly me, I forgot. Confusedhot:

The MSM meta-narrative is that the Kosovans are the good guys and the Serbs are the butchers, so this hard evidence doesn't fit the script.

And MSM can't go too far off message, can it....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Of course Jan, can't have people coming to the wrong conclusion and thinking for themselves. That is the valuable role of the MSM. I'm glad you are on message and understand. Free range minds are so unpredictable. It will lead to anarchy I tell you. Confusedheep:

Mean while there is some variation in the interpretation of events between the Germans and the British. Some one is going to have to get on message damn it:
Ahtisaan, Alcatraz and Queen’s Liars

[/url] [url=][Image: corrupt-brits-300x209.jpg]
Depravity of Queen’s Subjects

Britain hailed Tuesday the “huge progress” made by Priština Albanians in the year since they unilaterally declared independence of southern Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija.
“The last year has seen huge progress. Kosovo’s leaders have established lasting democratic institutions,” British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said, without cracking up or breaking down in violent convulsions.
Sadly, no measure of Miliband’s unexpectedly exhibited humorous streak can cover up the abysmal failure of a criminal project of tearing up Serbia, heartily backed by his state, apparently still eager to colonize far and wide.
Less inclined towards comedy, Germans note “dismal reports” on a year-long experiment of mafia state on Serbian territory.
Citing “chaos and lawlessness”, Deutsche Welle points out that “in spite of billions of euros that have been pumped into Kosovo since the end of the war a decade ago”, province’s “moribund economy” is still entirely dependent on their Western sponsors’ foreign capital, while “half of the workforce is unemployed and many Kosovo Albanians barely survive on remittances from relatives working in the European Union.”
According to the German national news agency DPA, province’s firmly ingrained, widespread lawlessness enables “local smugglers to engage in the illicit trade of everything from petrol to human beings”.
“Corruption is rampant not only among local politicians and bureaucrats, but has filtered up to international officials,” Germans report.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Mean while there is some variation in the interpretation of events between the Germans and the British. Some one is going to have to get on message damn it:

Quote:According to the German national news agency DPA, province’s firmly ingrained, widespread lawlessness enables “local smugglers to engage in the illicit trade of everything from petrol to human beings”.
“Corruption is rampant not only among local politicians and bureaucrats, but has filtered up to international officials,” Germans report

Magda - call me an old cynic, but I suspect this is more a case of "hey, drug, gun & people trafficking is very profitable, and our German officials want some of those bribes too...."
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Well, I'm sure that a piece of the franchise will get the Germans back on message. Ahhh the good old days.Cheers
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Ten years ago the BBC was too busy creating a media image of the Serbs as the new Nazis when it was the old nazis they should have been reporting on. They seem to have just recently 'discovered' that the Serbs were maybe not so bad after and may after all have just been trying to hold their nation together from the outside interference of others with their own agenda particularly the Nordic Aryan Teutonic Order or NATO as it is more commonly known.

Better late than never I suppose even if the belated coverage is to publicise their new doco. It looks like it is seeking to absolve NATO and other occupying forces of any complicity in these crimes. Those sneeky Albanians were just too dang smart for them. I'm not sure what the BBC aganda is here.

Some recent BBC coverage below:

The Kosovan disappeared

[Image: o.gif] [Image: _45647076_img_1192.jpg]
Crossing Continents
Thursday, 9 April, 2009
At 1102 BST on BBC Radio 4

Crossing Continents uncovers disturbing evidence of atrocities by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) during and after the Kosovo War ten years ago.
The headlines about the war have consistently focused on Serb war crimes against ethnic Albanians.
However, after a five-year investigation, Crossing Continents can now reveal another side to the conflict which the world was not meant to see.
Using documents and recorded interviews he has been gathering since 2004, reporter Michael Montgomery reveals what happened after the Nato bombing stopped and the Kosovar refugees began returning to their homes.
Little has so far been established of the hundreds (Edit Magda: thousands actually) of Serbs and other non-Albanians who remain unaccounted for after the war.
Through painstaking examination of the evidence, Michael shows for the first time how some of them met their death and where their remains could be buried.
It is a story of abduction and murder, but this time most of the victims are Serbs, and the alleged perpetrators Albanian, members of the KLA.
He examines how it was that many of these kidnaps and murders took place under the noses of Nato and the United Nations, who were already in Kosovo when the abductions took place.
Secret camps
Michael travels to Western Kosovo, and from there over the border into Albania, following the route along which it is said hundreds of kidnapped men and women were taken to die.
He journeys into Northern Albania, where it is believed that Serbs and others were held at secret camps, and where they were tortured and, in many cases killed.
But some might say those killed within the secret camps were the lucky ones.
In the countryside a few kilometres outside the town of Burrel there is a house where in 2004 a UN forensic science team conducted a search.
Michael was one of only two journalists allowed to be present during the two-day operation. The aim of the search was to seek evidence to support claims that the KLA took several dozen hostages there to have their vital organs removed for sale before they died.
According to documents seen by Crossing Continents, the findings of the forensic experts were of significant interest.
That view is supported in the programme in an exclusive interview with the UN's former top forensic scientist in Kosovo, who took part in the examination of the house.
He supports the allegation that material from the investigation was destroyed by the UN War Crimes Tribunal.
BBC Radio 4's Crossing Continents was broadcast on Thursday, 9 April, 2009 at 1102 BST and will be repeated on Monday, 13 April, 2009 at 20:30 BST.

Kosovo civilian abuses revealed

By Nick Thorpe
BBC News, Budapest
[Image: 999999.gif]

[Image: _45647718_cemetaryinkukes.jpg] Witnesses say some KLA victims are buried in Kukes cemetery in Albania

The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) abducted civilians in Kosovo who were then mistreated and in some cases killed, a BBC investigation has found. [Edit Magda: Abducting civillians is not mistreating them? They are only mistreated after being abducted?]
Sources told the BBC that Kosovo Serbs, ethnic Albanians and gypsies were among an estimated 2,000 who went missing.
This took place both during and after the war in Kosovo, which ended in June 1999.
Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, the former KLA political director, has rejected the allegations.
Mr Thaci said he was aware that individuals had "abused KLA uniforms" after the war, but said the KLA had distanced itself from such acts.
He added that such abuse was "minimal".
The BBC News investigation also studies claims that some of those held in Albania were killed for their organs, and that physical evidence gathered by UN investigators in Albania was destroyed by the International War Crimes Tribunal.
A former prisoner of the KLA, an ethnic Albanian from Kosovo who was held in a KLA prison in Kukes, northern Albania, agreed to speak to us on condition of anonymity. His family are terrified for his life.
"They ill-treated people in the corridor," he says. "They also came into the rooms in groups of five or six to question us. And they used knives, guns, and automatic rifles."
His testimony confirms that people of different ethnic backgrounds were kept there, including Serbs.
He told the BBC: "When a person is mistreated... he cries out 'oh mother' in his own language.
"The nights were very quiet, so you could hear them crying out... while they were being beaten, or afterwards."
Sources in Kukes suggest that up to 18 prisoners held at the camp were killed.
Just across the border, in Prizren, in western Kosovo, Brankica Antic lights a candle for her husband Zlatko.

[Image: _45647604_p3150133.jpg] Families light candles in memory of their missing relatives

A Kosovo Serb, she says he was abducted in July 1999 in Prizren by men in KLA uniforms - six weeks after the end of the war, when Nato-led peacekeepers were well established.
At the Monastery of the Holy Archangel near Prizren, candles are lit for loved ones according to the Serbian Orthodox tradition.
Candles are lit either on the top shelf for the living, or the lower, for the dead. Brankica still lights her candles for Zlatko on the top.
"We always light candles for their health and well-being, and we will continue to do so unless and until their bodies are found, and we know for a fact that they are gone," she says.
Zlatko is one of about 400 Kosovo Serbs who were abducted at the end of the war, and are still missing, according to Family Associations of the Missing in Serbia.
Around 150 are still missing from the war period.
A further 1,500 Kosovo Albanians are still missing from wartime, when Serb security forces carried out many, well-documented atrocities against the majority Albanian population [Edit Magda: And the KLA murdered thousands of Albanians who wanted the status quo with Yugoslavia or who would not collaborate with the KLA].
Hundreds of bodies were found in mass graves in Serbia. Our investigation shows that KLA fighters, too, were guilty of serious human rights abuses.

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Spot on Magda.

There's quite a lot of good stuff appearing to mark the 10th anniversary of the Bombing campaign and very effectively expose 'The Official Narrative' for what it is - blatant NATO agenda-serving propaganda. I'm still aghast at the way it appears to have succeeded in Serbia proper though. The general population there are clearly as gullible as our own.

I've just read this at Global Research "Serb Demonization as Propaganda Coup" by Wharton School Prof Ed Herman.

I won't copy the whole thing here but it is well worth reading, as are a number of other 'Global Research' articles on the same subject
Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn


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