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Jesse Ventura's JFK Conspiracy Program
Johnnie Wayne Prewett Wrote:Only avowed Roman Catholic to be president. Summer of 63, Buddhist priest are protesting RC Diem led government oppression [so percieved by the Buddhist leaders] by burning themselves to death in front of Western journalist. NYTimes publishes article revealing some RC aspects of the war. Most of SV army is Buddhist, though officer corp heavily RC. VATICAN IS NOT STUPID. Vatican does not want the war in Vietnam tied to a Roman Catholic president. JFK becomes worth more as dead martyr than living president. Many high level RCs in key positions.

ONLY the Vatican had both motive and means to be "mastermind" of the JFK shooting and subsequent coverup/misdirection.
From Grassy Knoll to Maryknoll.

Issue the arrest warrants.

I wonder who'll get the first collar?
Ok...I've been following the JFK case since I was 14 years old, I have read nearly all of the available literature, and I think I might actually know something about who actually commissioned JFK's murder. Let's do some math first...between 1963-1972, excluding MLK and Malcolm X, there were three political shootings...two assassinations, and one attempted assassination. Notice what I said...two assassinations, one attempted assassination...and the attempted assassination is key to my theory. The shootings that I speak of are JFK, RFK, and George Wallace. Remember, after JFK won in 1960, Nixon swore that Kennedy Stole the election from him with the help of the Mafia...although it could be said that Kennedy's Mafia guys were more effective than Nixon's, but that's another point altogether. Nixon would have run for President in 1964, but after he lost the California governor's race in 1962, he basically made himself a liability. Remember, the plot to kill JFK basically was hatched in 1961-1962, soon after he came to power. In 1968, RFK most definitely would have won, and he would have reopened the investigation into his brother's death...RFK was no fool, he had a pretty good idea of who actuallykilled his brother, otherwise he wouldn't have asked then-CIA Director John McCone if his guys...the CIA...had done it. RFK had to be eliminated, because if he wins, the Vietnam war would have ended a lot sooner than it did, and the CIA would have been scattered to the winds as a result of a Justice Department investigation into JFK's death. The key shooting for me, though, is George Wallace. As most of us well remember, Nixon won by a landslide in 1972...a landslide he wouldn't have had if Wallace had run. Remember, Wallace actually won two primaries and would have split Nixon's vote in half, possibly giving McGovern the election by default, or throwing it into the Electoral College. Oh yes...there's Watergate. We all know by now that the "official" version of Watergate is, to quote Gordon Liddy, "about as accurate as a pamphlet for the Flat Earth Society". And he might know. Remember the Watergate tapes...the incessant mentions of the "Bay of Pigs" ? H. R. Haldeman stated in his book "The Ends of Power", that that was a code for the Kennedy assassination. And remember, Nixon threatened Richard Helms directly with exposure of the "Bay of Pigs". If Nixon wasn't either the prime mover in the plot, or at least plugged into it at a very high level, how would he know to use the assassination to threaten the CIA ? Furthermore, how would he know to use the assassination to threaten Richard Helms in particular ? And why was Nixon so scared of what E. Howard Hunt would say about the "Bay of Pigs", that he paid Hunt $2 million to keep his mouth shut ? Remember, $2 million was much more in 1972 than it is today...about the equivalent of $15 to $18 million today. And what about the fact that all but two of the Warren Commissioners had either past, present, or future connections with Richard Nixon ? The two that didn't, Hale Boggs and Richard Russell, both believed there had been a conspiracy...and Boggs died in a plane crash over Alaska as he was trying to reopen the investigation. Too many coincidences involving Richard Nixon...and I don't generally believe in coincidence. Yes, this was a grand conspiracy that involved the CIA and many shadowy forces behind the scenes. But from Caesar forward, all conspiracies have a point man...a prime mover who wants power above all else. And as history has shown us, Nixon is that man. My two cents Wink

Charles Drago Wrote:What would be most helpful to me as I read the "mastermind" book are your responses to my previous questions, Jim.

And to these:

What is your model for the JFK conspiracy?

Are you familiar with the Evica/Drago three-tiered (Sponsor/Facilitator/Mechanic) model?

Was LBJ at the very top of the Sponsorship level of the JFK conspiracy?

Did LBJ have the ultimate authority to order the hit on JFK?

Did LBJ have the ultimate authority to take this world-historic action even if the financial, industrial, and military interests who were above Cold War differences objected?

Was LBJ the "mastermind" of the anti-FDR plot broken up by Smedley Butler?

Did LBJ rule the world?

By the way, I define "Sponsor" as, in this case, a master to whom presidents and other grand puppets answer.
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
Well, since I've done my venting on who I actually think commissioned JFK's murder, I have a few other things to add to the discussion.

1. Lee Harvey Oswald...or whoever he was, was a CIA agent. How else do you logically explain his going to Russia, supposedly bearing military secrets, actually defecting, and then when he debriefing, no nothing. And this during the height of the Cold War ? I don't think so.

2. Lee Harvey Oswald...or whoever he was, was also an FBI informant. How else do you logically explain his being arrested in a fracas over his carrying Communist material, and the first person he wants to see is an FBI special agent ? And this request is granted ?? That's like a dope dealer being busted with ten kilos of coke, and instead of asking for a lawyer, asking for a DEA agent instead.

3. Lee Harvey Oswald...or whoever he was, probably tried to warn someone about the impending assassination. Why else would he send a telegram to the Secretary Of the Navy ten days before the assassination, and five days before the assassination, the FBI sends a telex to all SAC's about an attempt on the President's life ? Remember, Oswald was a Marine...which means he was under the jurisdiction of the Navy.

4. When you take all of the above facts that I have outlined above, it's apparent that Lee Harvey Oswald...or whoever he was, was involved with intelligence. He might as well have had "I SPY" written in big red letters on his forehead.

5. And when you take all of the above into account, along with all of the other literature on the subject, you then know who the chief mechanics were that killed John F. Kennedy.

And all comments, positive or otherwise, are welcome Smile
"Logic is all there is, and all there is must be logical."

"Truth is logic, and logic is truth."

"In a nation run by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile and the rest of us are fucked until we can put our acts together: not necessarily to win, but mainly to keep from losing completely." - Hunter S. Thompson

"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on." - William S. Burroughs
I was glad to see that Jesse apparently used one of my
scans out of Chief Currie's book, attached.

Around ten years ago, someone on the DellaRosa forum
first noticed the GHWB resemblance, and asked me to
do a comparison. I did, and posted it on the forum. It is
the familiar one where you see Bush in a red oval with
GHWB? over the oval. Shortly thereafter I made this
scan with a much higher resolution. I will have to double
check, but I think this comparison is the one Jesse used.


Attached Files
.jpg   bushcurrytsbd.jpg (Size: 50.23 KB / Downloads: 20)
Nixon was definitely their preferred option in the 1960 election but he was no different to LBJ in that he was some one elses tool. High up and powerful, yes, but he was sponsored too. He didn't get where he got on his own. No doubt Nixon was willing to sell himself to the highest bidder as he pretty much offered to do on entering politics. But who was buying and selling him?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Johnnie Wayne Prewett Wrote:
Johnnie Wayne Prewett Wrote:Only avowed Roman Catholic to be president. Summer of 63, Buddhist priest are protesting RC Diem led government oppression [so percieved by the Buddhist leaders] by burning themselves to death in front of Western journalist. NYTimes publishes article revealing some RC aspects of the war. Most of SV army is Buddhist, though officer corp heavily RC. VATICAN IS NOT STUPID. Vatican does not want the war in Vietnam tied to a Roman Catholic president. JFK becomes worth more as dead martyr than living president. Many high level RCs in key positions.

ONLY the Vatican had both motive and means to be "mastermind" of the JFK shooting and subsequent coverup/misdirection.

Johnny: Have you ever actually read anything scholarly on this case?

Jack White Wrote:I was glad to see that Jesse apparently used one of my
scans out of Chief Currie's book, attached.

Around ten years ago, someone on the DellaRosa forum
first noticed the GHWB resemblance, and asked me to
do a comparison. I did, and posted it on the forum. It is
the familiar one where you see Bush in a red oval with
GHWB? over the oval. Shortly thereafter I made this
scan with a much higher resolution. I will have to double
check, but I think this comparison is the one Jesse used.


The forehead hairlines and chins are inconsistent.

The TSBD figure has too much hair where indicated, and a chin that that does not extend far enough beyond the lower lip.

At least to these four eyes.
Jack White Wrote:I was glad to see that Jesse apparently used one of my
scans out of Chief Currie's book, attached.

Around ten years ago, someone on the DellaRosa forum
first noticed the GHWB resemblance, and asked me to
do a comparison. I did, and posted it on the forum. It is
the familiar one where you see Bush in a red oval with
GHWB? over the oval. Shortly thereafter I made this
scan with a much higher resolution. I will have to double
check, but I think this comparison is the one Jesse used.


Given what we know of him and his being in or very near Dallas from his own is what I'd call too close to be a coincidence......bastard and bastard family - fascists and murderers all.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Johnnie Wayne Prewett Wrote:
Johnnie Wayne Prewett Wrote:Only avowed Roman Catholic to be president. Summer of 63, Buddhist priest are protesting RC Diem led government oppression [so percieved by the Buddhist leaders] by burning themselves to death in front of Western journalist. NYTimes publishes article revealing some RC aspects of the war. Most of SV army is Buddhist, though officer corp heavily RC. VATICAN IS NOT STUPID. Vatican does not want the war in Vietnam tied to a Roman Catholic president. JFK becomes worth more as dead martyr than living president. Many high level RCs in key positions.

ONLY the Vatican had both motive and means to be "mastermind" of the JFK shooting and subsequent coverup/misdirection.

Johnny: Have you ever actually read anything scholarly on this case?


Hmmmmm, .......

1 relating to the serious study of a particular subject
2 someone who is scholarly spends a lot of time studying
and knows a lot about a particular subject."


If you know of a scholarly work which you think would cause me to see another more likely mastermind, then I'd be glad to read it.

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