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Jesse Ventura's JFK Conspiracy Program
The manner, the height, the stance, the hands-in-his-pocket,
the angle of the tilt of his head--this, in my view, is indeed
George Herbert Walker Bush. For all you could ever want to
know, read Russ Baker, FAMILY OF SECRETS. The man has a
genius for dealing with complex political issues. You will not
believe how much you learn that you never realized that you
didn't know. The connections between Nixon and Bush alone
are stunning. There is new information on almost every page!

Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Jack White Wrote:I was glad to see that Jesse apparently used one of my
scans out of Chief Currie's book, attached.

Around ten years ago, someone on the DellaRosa forum
first noticed the GHWB resemblance, and asked me to
do a comparison. I did, and posted it on the forum. It is
the familiar one where you see Bush in a red oval with
GHWB? over the oval. Shortly thereafter I made this
scan with a much higher resolution. I will have to double
check, but I think this comparison is the one Jesse used.


Given what we know of him and his being in or very near Dallas from his own is what I'd call too close to be a coincidence......bastard and bastard family - fascists and murderers all.
Johnnie Wayne Prewett Wrote:If you know of a scholarly work which you think would cause me to see another more likely mastermind, then I'd be glad to read it.

Emphasis added by Drago.


To illustrate the flowering negative impact of the LBJ/Mastermind book.

Efforts to trivialize the Kennedy assassination and all that it reveals about the real world once again are thriving -- in no small measure thanks to Nelson's "hypothesis."

By definition, the "scholarly" study of JFK's murder in which the "mastermind" idiocy is seriously postulated does not exist.

We are morally obliged to recognize, expose, and defeat the campaigns to render the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy as a cartoon.

Mastermind ... You can't say I didn't warn you.
Egad! I thought we had worked through the semantics of "mastermind". As I have explained--and you have agreed--the publishers make decisions about titles, not authors. If you understand what I meant to this extent, then I--and that was my hope, when I published my post, where I had not expected Charles to persist like this!--am not going to debate this further.

Originally posted by James Fetzer:

He was the one person whose engagement was indispensable to [the assassination's] taking place. Everyone else was "replaceable", even Lee Oswald, except for LBJ. He, after all, was the person who would decide whether the full powers of the government would be unleashed to uncover and expose those responsible.

Addendum by Charles Drago:

I heartily agree. Although I would add the words "as it did" after "taking place."

The book by Phillip Nelson, LBJ: MASTERMIND OF JFK'S ASSASSINATION, is quite brilliant and vividly conveys the self-absorbed, dominating and mercurial, obsessive and disciplined mind of the man who would play the pivotal role in facilitating the assassination of his predecessor, the 35th President of the United State, John Fitzgerald Kennedy! I recommend it.

Charles Drago Wrote:
Johnnie Wayne Prewett Wrote:If you know of a scholarly work which you think would cause me to see another more likely mastermind, then I'd be glad to read it.

Emphasis added by Drago.


To illustrate the flowering negative impact of the LBJ/Mastermind book.

Efforts to trivialize the Kennedy assassination and all that it reveals about the real world once again are thriving -- in no small measure thanks to Nelson's "hypothesis."

By definition, the "scholarly" study of JFK's murder in which the "mastermind" idiocy is seriously postulated does not exist.

We are morally obliged to recognize, expose, and defeat the campaigns to render the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy as a cartoon.

Mastermind ... You can't say I didn't warn you.
My intention was not to violate the November Accords, Jim. They were at the forefront of my thinking as I wrote my previous post.

My intention was to use the Vatican-Did-It guy's adoption of the "mastermind" usage to make my point about the dangers of Nelson's word choice.

I still consider our debate to be closed.
James H. Fetzer Wrote:It kinda makes you wonder why Jack Ruby said it wouldn't have happened if somebody else had been vice president. Curious.

Well, that's easy. Johnson was the tool put in place to carry-out the Hoover/Warren Commission cover-up. He didn't blackmail himself into the vice presidency for no reason. He was the shadow government's hedge against a Kennedy upset. In a two party race it isn't very difficult for this black underground to hedge their bets. Johnson was a ringer. But the Johnson dirt is in no way evidence enough to cancel-out all the more than screamingly-obvious real "masterminds" above and beyond Johnson. Stopping short at Johnson and bringing the public's attention to him as a "mastermind" is such an infernal travesty that it almost qualifies as a cover-up in itself.

The reason southern man Johnson was so forthright about civil rights legislation was because it was a cost-free prize given to the America public by the murderers of Kennedy in return for their gigantic pay-off. They got everything they wanted - including getting away with it - so why not spread the spoils in order to placate the public? They had plenty after JFK's democratic resistance was eliminated.
I'm really surprised at what is being debated here. The Moon landing
conspiracy is one of the silliest of all conpiracy theories, which is so
mindlessly easy to debunk with one simple idea of logic. *All* of the
NASA employees would have to be in on it. I also am astonished to
see people taking the Obama birth certificate theory with any kind
of seriousness. The right wing hate machine took that one and ran it
into the ground before they decided it made no sense/had no merit.
They didn't want to look silly by using it. Even Ann Coulter rejects it,
but not after saying she wished it were true. If it was you would hear
them go on and on every single day on Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly...

And, E. H. Hunt was a obsessive-compulsive liar his whole life. He
was about deception. Him saying LBJ was the kingpin is laughable. I
know LBJ would have loved to be pres and hated JFK, but he went
along to get along and was happy to take over. His ability to set it
up and manage the coverup is pretty weak. Hunt had his last laugh.
The laugh is on anyone who takes Hunt's kingpin info seriously. As
Hunt gets to Cord Meyer in his list, he is at the point of departure
from reality. Below Cord Meyer it makes sense, which gives a false
air of legitimacy about it all. I have no time to argue this, so reply
away, I can't really see it as a productive use of time on the above
3 conspiracy theories for me to respond. I'm just amazed by it all. ?

Albert Doyle Wrote:
James H. Fetzer Wrote:It kinda makes you wonder why Jack Ruby said it wouldn't have happened if somebody else had been vice president. Curious.

Well, that's easy. Johnson was the tool put in place to carry-out the Hoover/Warren Commission cover-up. He didn't blackmail himself into the vice presidency for no reason. He was the shadow government's hedge against a Kennedy upset. In a two party race it isn't very difficult for this black underground to hedge their bets. Johnson was a ringer. But the Johnson dirt is in no way evidence enough to cancel-out all the more than screamingly-obvious real "masterminds" above and beyond Johnson. Stopping short at Johnson and bringing the public's attention to him as a "mastermind" is such an infernal travesty that it almost qualifies as a cover-up in itself.

The reason southern man Johnson was so forthright about civil rights legislation was because it was a cost-free prize given to the America public by the murderers of Kennedy in return for their gigantic pay-off. They got everything they wanted - including getting away with it - so why not spread the spoils in order to placate the public? They had plenty after JFK's democratic resistance was eliminated.
This is like arguing the film isn't faked when we can actually see the blow-out in frame 374:

And there's plenty of corroboration for Hunt's take on things for those who study the case:

David Starks Wrote:I'm really surprised at what is being debated here. The Moon landing
conspiracy is one of the silliest of all conpiracy theories, which is so
mindlessly easy to debunk with one simple idea of logic. *All* of the
NASA employees would have to be in on it. I also am astonished to
see people taking the Obama birth certificate theory with any kind
of seriousness. The right wing hate machine took that one and ran it
into the ground before they decided it made no sense/had no merit.
They didn't want to look silly by using it. Even Ann Coulter rejects it,
but not after saying she wished it were true. If it was you would hear
them go on and on every single day on Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly...

And, E. H. Hunt was a obsessive-compulsive liar his whole life. He
was about deception. Him saying LBJ was the kingpin is laughable. I
know LBJ would have loved to be pres and hated JFK, but he went
along to get along and was happy to take over. His ability to set it
up and manage the coverup is pretty weak. Hunt had his last laugh.
The laugh is on anyone who takes Hunt's kingpin info seriously. As
Hunt gets to Cord Meyer in his list, he is at the point of departure
from reality. Below Cord Meyer it makes sense, which gives a false
air of legitimacy about it all. I have no time to argue this, so reply
away, I can't really see it as a productive use of time on the above
3 conspiracy theories for me to respond. I'm just amazed by it all. ?

Albert Doyle Wrote:
James H. Fetzer Wrote:It kinda makes you wonder why Jack Ruby said it wouldn't have happened if somebody else had been vice president. Curious.

Well, that's easy. Johnson was the tool put in place to carry-out the Hoover/Warren Commission cover-up. He didn't blackmail himself into the vice presidency for no reason. He was the shadow government's hedge against a Kennedy upset. In a two party race it isn't very difficult for this black underground to hedge their bets. Johnson was a ringer. But the Johnson dirt is in no way evidence enough to cancel-out all the more than screamingly-obvious real "masterminds" above and beyond Johnson. Stopping short at Johnson and bringing the public's attention to him as a "mastermind" is such an infernal travesty that it almost qualifies as a cover-up in itself.

The reason southern man Johnson was so forthright about civil rights legislation was because it was a cost-free prize given to the America public by the murderers of Kennedy in return for their gigantic pay-off. They got everything they wanted - including getting away with it - so why not spread the spoils in order to placate the public? They had plenty after JFK's democratic resistance was eliminated.
One of the areas of specialization for EHH was the creating of dramatic constructs for disinformation. Like James Jesus Angleton and David Atlee Philips, among other spooks, Hunt was a literati of some accomplishment.

Loyal dramaturgist to the very end, Hunt served up the LBJ/mastermind fiction to protect his true masters -- the true sponsors of JFK's assassination.
Your write as though you believe the American people could be told it was Nelson and his buddies who took out JFK without explaining the role of the facilitators. I think that is a blunder as massive as you think the use of the term "mastermind" is a blunder. Americans can put together that Nixon, Bush, Ford, and LBJ were involved and that makes a great deal of sense. Then in a later round--the graduate seminar--you can explain to them that even more powerful and enduring interests were involved, such as the bankers, the oil men, and everyone else you have in mind. But, as a crucial preliminary step, it is indispensable to identify and nail the facilitators, which is what Jesse's show does so well--the best one-hour ever on JFK!

Charles Drago Wrote:One of the areas of specialization for EHH was the creating of dramatic constructs for disinformation. Like James Jesus Angleton and David Atlee Philips, among other spooks, Hunt was a literati of some accomplishment.

Loyal dramaturgist to the very end, Hunt served up the LBJ/mastermind fiction to protect his true masters -- the true sponsors of JFK's assassination.
James H. Fetzer Wrote:Your write as though you believe the American people could be told it was Nelson and his buddies who took out JFK without explaining the role of the facilitators. I think that is a blunder as massive as you think the use of the term "mastermind" is a blunder. Americans can put together that Nixon, Bush, Ford, and LBJ were involved and that makes a great deal of sense. Then in a later round--the graduate seminar--you can explain to them that even more powerful and enduring interests were involved, such as the bankers, the oil men, and everyone else you have in mind. But, as a crucial preliminary step, it is indispensable to identify and nail the facilitators, which is what Jesse's show does so well--the best one-hour ever on JFK!

Charles Drago Wrote:One of the areas of specialization for EHH was the creating of dramatic constructs for disinformation. Like James Jesus Angleton and David Atlee Philips, among other spooks, Hunt was a literati of some accomplishment.

Loyal dramaturgist to the very end, Hunt served up the LBJ/mastermind fiction to protect his true masters -- the true sponsors of JFK's assassination.

I agree with Jim. In all of these cases, getting your foot in the door
is essential as a FIRST STEP.

It is like Assassination 101 vs. Graduate Thesis.

In every case where I have made progress with the uninformed,
I have found some point they are intrigued by. In the JFK case,
I found that the simplest hook was THE MYSTERY PEOPLE OF DEALEY
PLAZA. I did a 30 minute slide show named this, showing the
umbrella man and many other mystery people. It created such
interest that they begged for more. With 911, the hook is Building 7.
Once you get people interested in it, they are willing to listen to more.
That is the great thing about Jesse. He gets people INTERESTED, so
that they want more.


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