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Who’s telling the truth: Clint Hill or the Zapruder film?
Unfortunately, I suspect the reason the .gif is not moving is because the file says it's a .jpg.

A jpg is a frame or still image.

A gif is an animation of a series of still frames, and the file should end in .gif not .jpg
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Again, how much of Zapruder's jiggling of the camera is his own and how much is added in the alteration? Even if the Zapruder Film is altered (it probably is, knowing those CIA bastards) you've created a blank canvas in which to insert any creative suggestion you like to fit your theory. For instance, OK, let's accept Connally's "rodeo wave" of his Stetson is forged, why then would CIA continue to have Connally grip his hat all the way down to the floor as seen in the film? This would only draw doubts because it would show Connally never releasing his hat, as it does. Why would they do that? It would only draw suspicion on the film and what it shows. You have them committing a full free-for-all alteration. Since they can do anything they like at that point, why would they commit such an obvious error?

You can't expect an amateur cameraman to not jiggle the camera, especially with loud gunshots and an assassination happening in front of him, as well as testimony he had vertigo and had to be stabilized by another person standing behind him. To be honest with you I see CTer's cutting corners they wouldn't let the other side get away with here.
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Unfortunately, I suspect the reason the .gif is not moving is because the file says it's a .jpg.

A jpg is a frame or still image.

A gif is an animation of a series of still frames, and the file should end in .gif not .jpg

A GIF is not necessarily a moving image. A GIF is a type of image like
a JPG or TIFF. However, it is possible to make an animation from GIF images
called an ANIMATED GIF. It is also possible to make an animation of JPG
images, but it is called an MPEG or MPG.

Albert Doyle Wrote:To be honest with you I see CTer's cutting corners they wouldn't let the other side get away with here.

Just so we're clear, conspiracy in the murder of JFK is established fact. I am not a conspiracy "theorist" in any sense of the word.

Anyone with reasonable access to the evidence in this case who does not conclude that JFK was murdered by conspirators is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.
Jack White Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Unfortunately, I suspect the reason the .gif is not moving is because the file says it's a .jpg.

A jpg is a frame or still image.

A gif is an animation of a series of still frames, and the file should end in .gif not .jpg

A GIF is not necessarily a moving image. A GIF is a type of image like
a JPG or TIFF. However, it is possible to make an animation from GIF images
called an ANIMATED GIF. It is also possible to make an animation of JPG
images, but it is called an MPEG or MPG.


Jack - I concur.

However, if you look at the images which have been posted on the previous page, and described as gifs, they end with .jpg.

Therefore they will not animate, as they are single frames.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

It is with mixed feelings that I come away from your account. It is truly well written and impeccably reasoned, yet haunting--since even its most basic implication is highly disturbing. But, even though the emotional price paid for knowing the truth is sometimes costly, knowing the truth is nevertheless cheap at twice the price.

The mountain of evidence now available to the public, and certainly available to the media, is more than sufficient to prove the case for conspiracy several hundred times over. Still, deception persists and the hood-winking of the American public remains the order of the day.

The question is, of course, "Why?" - The motivation for such malfeasance can no longer be reasonably assumed to be due to the perpetrators of a 47 year old crime still attempting to "get away with it" -- as the vast majority of those directly involved in its commission DID get away with it long ago and many, if not most, of them are deceased! Therefore, the ongoing cover-up must be related to "getting away with something" currently. And what is that "thing" that is so important to keep hidden from the light? What is it that would be revealed to the American citizen and to citizens around the world by this truth coming out?

To paraphrase L Fletcher Prouty as "Man X" in the movie JFK: "Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefitted? Who has the power to cover it up?"

I think the answer to those questions are still of paramount importance today. I further believe the answers are not nearly as illusive as many people have been brain-washed into believing. Perhaps the main issue for those continuing to obstruct justice has more to do with controlling the collective consciousness of the population than it has to do with impunity for the commission of a past crime.

If ever an admission is forthcoming as to the true nature of the events of November 22, 1963 in Dallas it is feared that a "revolution" of MIND will take place. Such a revolution in thinking will free the American people from the bonds of deception and restore to them a government of, by and for WE THE PEOPLE. Such knowledge is seen as dangerous not only for its catalytic effect, but also for the cathartic ramifications it would have on the establishment.

We the people would very likely clean house...and THAT is something to be feared by those in power.

Excellent work, Jim!


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
I believe there's a possible false assumption with the rearward brain and blood material. That pattern is possible from an exploding head from a rear shot. Hill saw an intact section of skull, scalp, and hair on the seat. Assumably the plug that detached from the wound. However if this was the forceful ejection of a piece of Kennedy's head from a gunshot exit wound it seems it would have ejected further according to the position Kennedy was in at the time. However if this was a section knocked-out by a shot from the rear it would remain in one piece as it did, and not eject too far, and plop down - as it did.

this NIX gif below, hopefully working here as it shows a fragment being shot out the back of jfk's head..

i have posted a second gif, just seeing it if takes..Jan, if not will send both to Magda, as i have her email address.thanks b..

Attached Files
.jpg   moore_nix-frag.jpg (Size: 8.69 KB / Downloads: 9)
.jpg   moore_bood+splatter_nix 1.jpg (Size: 8.03 KB / Downloads: 4)
magda or, could you please enable the small nix gif above, for research, thank you...b
Here as well is a possible strike area from the south side overpass to jfk b

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.jpg   moore_shot_sth...jpg (Size: 42.03 KB / Downloads: 6)
Except there was an entry wound in the right temple and the X-rays show a pattern of tiny pieces of lead or, more likely, mercury that were distributed from the explosion of the frangible bullet that created the shock wave that blew his brains out to the left rear with such force that, when Officer Bobby Hargis, who was riding to the left rear, was hit with them, he initially thought that he himself had been shot. That Clint Hill observed a massive, gaping fist-sized hole in the back of his head does not suggest a shot from the rear. It is certainly not the position of David W. Mantik, John Costella, Jack White, Charles Crenshaw, David Lifton, David Healy or me. For an overview that synthesizes what we have discovered about the assassination, where this synthesis is mine, see "Dealey Plaza Revisited: What Happened to JFK?", I highly recommend reviewing Mantik's study of the medical evidence in MURDER IN DEALEY PLAZA (2000), where his analysis confirms Crenshaw's personal observation that a bullet entered in the immediate vicinity of the right temple. While Chuck was of the opinion that it was a tangential shot that went directly out the back of his head, it is David's conclusion, based upon the distribution of metallic fragments, that it was a frangible bullet that fragmented upon impact, where Bob Livingston, a world authority on the human brain and an expert on wound ballistics, explained to me that the shock waves from the exploding bullet blew his brains out the back of his head, which had already been weakened from a shot in the vicinity of the EOP and which included cerebellar as well as cerebral tissue. Of special interest is his expert opinion that even a causal interaction of the two shots to the head would not have dislodged cerebellar tissue unless the tough membrane that covers it, the tentorium, had previously been ruptured. On that basis, he inferred that the shot that hit JFK in the throat had to have fragmented, one part going upward and cutting the tentorium, the other downward into his lung. The death of the president was therefore a result of the causal interaction of three shots, the shot to his throat, the shot to the back of his head, and the shot that entered his right temple and exploded with the dramatic effects that I have described above. Thanks to Bernice for raising a question that invited me to expand on this crucial point, which is essential to understanding the causes of death.

Bernice Moore Wrote:I believe there's a possible false assumption with the rearward brain and blood material. That pattern is possible from an exploding head from a rear shot. Hill saw an intact section of skull, scalp, and hair on the seat. Assumably the plug that detached from the wound. However if this was the forceful ejection of a piece of Kennedy's head from a gunshot exit wound it seems it would have ejected further according to the position Kennedy was in at the time. However if this was a section knocked-out by a shot from the rear it would remain in one piece as it did, and not eject too far, and plop down - as it did.

this NIX gif below, hopefully working here as it shows a fragment being shot out the back of jfk's head..

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