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"The wounding of Connally certainly took the pressure off Castro's alleged involvement, as the Governor, when he realized that he would recover from his wounds, indicated that he would get those whoe had apparently betrayed him in any real investigation - what forced LBJ to get Chief Justice Warren involved in the massive coverup of the Dallas assassination."
Please show me the proof for all three levels of the above allegation:
1.) Connally stating the he was betrayed in the plot to kill JFK.
2.) How that made LBJ enlist Warren.
3.) How these got Castro off the hook.
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I am still involved in researching your hatchet jobs on the above.
I am just appalled about what you have written about James W. Douglas's JFK and the Unspeakable. You have picked up every little bit about LBJ you can find, put it completely out of context, and implied repeatedly - what you have apparently never done about anyone else - that he was the mastermind of the JFK assassination.
For example, about the ending of William Attwood's attempt to normalize relations with Castro, you quoted from the book: "By December 17th, it was clear that President Johnson was brushing it all aisde. Retroactively, Attwood came to conclude that it had already ended in Dealey Plaza. He finalized his thoughts about the excellent progress made up to this point with this: 'There is no doubt in my mind. If there had been no assassination we probably would have moved into negotiations leading towards normalization of relations with Cuba.' (p. 177)"
This was inevitable, given the help that Havana and Moscow had given the American plotters - what was best illustrated by the provocative letter that LHO had apparently written to the Soviets about wanting to go back there, and Johnson was forced to bury so that there would not be a showdown with the communists over Cuba after the assassination. Of course, you go along with Douglas in implying that this too showed LBJ being behind the Dallas killing.
About the Laos settlement that JFK arranged, you stated: "The Pentagon, the CIA, Lyndon Johnson and the Nhu brothers all looked askance at Laos as a model for Vietnam."
Of course, if you had read Halberstam correctly, you would know and should write that LBJ was the leading, successful opponent of Ike's last minute attemp to save the French at Diienbienphu. (p. 136ff.) LBJ did not want the USA to play policeman in Southeast Asia.
Still you concluded about Douglas's terrible book. "It is the best book in the field since Breach of Trust."
For the whole terrible review, posters should consult this link:
Once I have looked at these books you have so commended, finished going through the rest of the Halberstam book, read closely your aricles about it, and written my conclusions about your work, then I shall provide the evidence you want about the consequences of the wounding, accidental or deliberate, of Connally.
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You must be reading another James Douglass and another Jim DiEugenio from mine. Neither of the one's I read support the theory that LBJ did it.   mallprint:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
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“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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Certainly Jim DiEugenio's review of James Douglass' book does support the theory that LBJ was behind the 1963 coup, and everything I have seen about the book itself does too, especially Robert Morrow's link, entitled "Lyndon Johnson and the CIA murdered John Kennedy in the 1963 Coup," where the book is placed second on a list of 341 books, and is illustrated with JFK trying to stop LBJ from giving the finger to someone, mostly likely the communists:
In addition, I must note your completely misreading the issuance of an arrest warrant for former FSB Colonel Alexander Poteyev as a sign of Putin trying to recruit all Americans as Russian spies when, it fact, he was finally going after naive sleepers who had been recruited by him, and handled by missing Christopher Metsos.
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Fascinating review, Jim.
Halberstam attempts to describe LBJ and Vietnam without Kennedy's NSAM 263 and Johnson's NSAM 273.
Douglass painted a broad arc of dramatic tension between the peacemaker in the light and the Morlockian legions of darkness.
Halberstam plays Mickey the Dope about Lodgewho appears as a defiant mutineer in Unspeakable as the fires of war glow on the horizon.
Johnson was an obscene bully who appeared gray and broken March 1968 to wimp out like the barroom boor in Casino after a taste of the Joe Pesci character.
CIA asset and pisser-on-conspiracy-theories Cronkite convinced Johnson Tet was the North in resurgenceCol. Bui Tin later said it was the end for the North.
Johnson for all his bravado refused the Chiefs' request to bomb Hanoi and mine Haiphong when they were granted a fifteen-minute meeting standing in a small room in the White House
Col. Bui Tin credited both the support of Jane Fonda and the antiwar element as well as the failure of the U.S. command to realize the importance of the Ho Chi Minh Trail and to break it.
Nixon and Kissinger would continue the war; would go to China. Nixon would fall to another CIA coup.
Kennedy was removed for his opposition to the national security state's plans.
His replacement certainly profited his own donors Brown & Root, as well as the Paines' Bell Helicopter fortunes, secured access to Golden Triangle heroin, played to the Domino Band until Mr. Nixon cleared his throat.
The terra cotta warriors filed off in sequence, yet the larger band plays on.
Hoover heart attack 1972, Johnson heart attack 1973, Nixon resignation 1974, Rockefeller appointed by Stooge Ford to investigate CIA which is handed to GHWBush.
Yet Halberstam missed the Monumental Discontinuity.
Vietnam Policy as a dove thrown in a blender and pureed.
No one can be that stupid.
Duplicitous, indeed.
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How about Halberstam's treatment of Lodge when Diem finally learns that the Americans are plotting his overthrow about which Halberstam published this damning, verbatim exchange:
DIEM: Some units have made a rebellion and I want to know what is the attitude of the U.S?
LODGE: I do not feel well enough informed to be able to tell you. I have heard the shooting, but am not acquainted with all the facts. Also, it is 4:30 A. M. in Washington and the U. S. Government cannot possible have a view.
DIEM: But you must have some general ideas. After all, I am a Chief of State. I have tried to do my duty. I want to do now what duty and good sense require. I lelieve in duty above al.
LODGE: You certainly have done your duty. As I told you only this morning, I admire your courage and your great contributions to your country. No one can take away from you the credit for all you have done. Now I am worried about your physical safety. I have a report that those in charge of the current activity offer you and your brother safe conduct out of the country if you will resign? Have you heard this?
DIEM: No. (And then after a pause) You have my telephone number.
LODGE: Yes. If I can do anything for your physical safety, please call me.
DIEM: I am trying to re-establish order.
(Quoted from Halberstam, p. 290.)
I can never recall an American official being shown up as such a lying son-of-a-bitch as Lodge, especially since he could not even save their lives in his coup. And I see no evidence of any so-called Mickey Mouse in its reporting.
Oh, and LBJ was the most opposed Washington official to Diem's overthrow, ultimately thinking that it was responsible for JFK's
Won't answer any more bullshit about the matter.
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Trowbridge H. Ford Wrote:Certainly Jim DiEugenio's review of James Douglass' book does support the theory that LBJ was behind the 1963 coup, and everything I have seen about the book itself does too, especially Robert Morrow's link, entitled "Lyndon Johnson and the CIA murdered John Kennedy in the 1963 Coup," where the book is placed second on a list of 341 books, and is illustrated with JFK trying to stop LBJ from giving the finger to someone, mostly likely the communists:
In addition, I must note your completely misreading the issuance of an arrest warrant for former FSB Colonel Alexander Poteyev as a sign of Putin trying to recruit all Americans as Russian spies when, it fact, he was finally going after naive sleepers who had been recruited by him, and handled by missing Christopher Metsos. :pointlaugh:Using the Robert Morrow as a call to a higher power for yourself will get you laughed out of here. His reputation as a reputable researcher is non existent. It is frankly, embarrassing that anyone would refer to him at all. He has only read 6 books apparently. Just because he copied and pasted a list does not make him an authority on anything, particularly anything to do with JFK. We all know he is not but you do not apparently. :flypig:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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I am not engaged in an popularity contest with the members of this forum, only interested in investigating and hopefully solving deep political questions.
It seems that Morrow has read the Douglass one, especially putting it second on the list, and adding the most appropriate photo of LBJ for the claim.
I shall read the Douglass book myself because most posters in this business are mostly not reliable.
And if in the meantime, I find someone really defining that the "unspeakable" about Dallas really is, I shall report it, come what may.
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Magda Hassan Wrote:Trowbridge H. Ford Wrote:Certainly Jim DiEugenio's review of James Douglass' book does support the theory that LBJ was behind the 1963 coup, and everything I have seen about the book itself does too, especially Robert Morrow's link, entitled "Lyndon Johnson and the CIA murdered John Kennedy in the 1963 Coup," where the book is placed second on a list of 341 books, and is illustrated with JFK trying to stop LBJ from giving the finger to someone, mostly likely the communists: :pointlaugh:Using the Robert Morrow as a call to a higher power for yourself will get you laughed out of here. His reputation as a reputable researcher is non existent. It is frankly, embarrassing that anyone would refer to him at all. He has only read 6 books apparently. Just because he copied and pasted a list does not make him an authority on anything, particularly anything to do with JFK. We all know he is not but you do not apparently. :flypig:
Yup, Magda - Robert Morrow as source of authority is one huge belly laugh. :rofl::cheer::danceing::poketongue:
According to wikispooks, Trowbridge is a "former US Army Counter Intelligence Corps" asset, and he states on his codshit blog that he delivers "serious nonsense with a hint of genius".
I agree about the nonsense....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."
Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon
"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
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I have nothing to do with the running of It's administrator is Edward Chanter, and its title and description are his making. He just posts my articles in the name of freedom of expression, and when he sees fit.
In fact, I have no blog, just rely what people like Chanter, Peter Presland, and others choose to post from me, and post about me.
Are you ever going to get beyond the cheap, ignorant shot?