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mary moorman interview radio
I neglected to mention at least one thing. I may have said this in a previous post, but it's getting a bit fuzzy, because I have also written several long memos-to-file on all this stuff, and can't be sure of what I said and when I said it.

The first installment of the JFK-themed "Stover Hour" programs featured a camera expert. They talked about the Moorman Polaroid, the Bell and Howell Zapruder used, and a few other cameras. This expert also works at the BRass Armadillo. He's a young guy with a booth there and a large collection of vintage cameras.

I spoke to him for a while this past Tuesday, after the show I participated in. He appears to be the missing link, in a sense. Like Stover, he has a passing interest in the JFK case, and somehow he got to know Mary Moorman. This may go back a few years, I don't know. He told me he emails her regularly, and apparently they chit-chat about all sorts of trivial matters, like mowing the lawn.

At some point, as I understand it, he told Stover about this connection. And that, apparently, is how Mrs. Moorman's appearance at the Brass Armadillo came to be. I don't sense anything particularly suspicious, only curious, and am content to accept that the only slight-of-hand has to do with selling the original Moorman Polaroid. It could involve large sums of money. If it were me I wouldn't want to publicize it.

That said...another oddity, heretofore unmentioned, is that while the Brass Armadillo, or Stover, or someone offered to (and did) pay the expenses of Mrs. Moorman and her husband to come to Colorado, they elected to drive rather than fly. I've never made the drive but it must take a couple of days. Maybe they don't like to fly, maybe they enjoy long drives (especially with someone else paying for gas)...I don't know. It seems odd. I'd fly especially at age 78. Probably nothing.

Peter Lemkin Wrote:John, Thanks for the long explanation, which I didn't find dull, at all. It now seems more mysterious than my first reaction. I think your speculation may be right on target. She further hides some of her reason for apparent 'calm' and 'peace' [no problems since 11/22/63] behind her strong religious beliefs, which I have no reason to doubt.

Some think much of the importance of where [EXACTLY] Moorman was at the moment she took the photo. I find that a somewhat trivial point, and if she, as she said, had once stepped into the street and then back away, I know I might have a hard time remembering where I was for a certain photo.

Still hard to understand is how a guy who does Antique shows also does Dallas material and got to have Moorman on his show....weird. But what isn't about this case.

I do think that Hill might have embellished her story some, but on the threats it seems to ring more true, to me, than Moorman's "its all been a picnic" attitude.

What, to me, is VERY important and goes to the complicity of the SS is what the limo did, in terms of slowing and/or stopping. She was not pressed on that - or anything else, for that matter. It was a real softball game, not that I'd wish to 'grill' her - only go over some points enough that a definitive answer was obtained.

That little letter or note attachment is very interesting and perhaps one more example [of the nearly 100 to my count] of some pre-knowledge of the assassination floating around.
Maybe she doesn't like the TSA cancer machines or sexual assaults. :nuke::mistress:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Interesting piece of the puzzle. Yes, the camera might bring as much or more than the photo, oddly enough. He did mention a lot of technical details of the camera and the special add-on to it that he felt explained the high quality of the exposure, now that I think of it.

As to Moorman driving, all I can say is I get so many hassles from TIA, myself [but she may not], if I could, I'd never fly again! I'm in Europe, and have with desperation looked for ships that would take me and my dog back to the USA for a visit. They do not exist. Only luxury liners at great cost and no dogs allowed. My dog was almost killed last trip by TIA....but that story doesn't belong on this thread.....
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Mary Moorman's camera is long gone lost, evidently. Someone must have told me that the other night, because I think I speculated, in a previous post, that it might be at the Sixth Floor Museum.

Yes, the ever-increasing aggravations when flying could be another reason they chose to drive. I didn't think of that.

That video from the other night still has not been posted. I have to admit, I'm curious to see it now. Mary Moorman's husband telephoned me yesterday. They both caught my Tuesday appearance live, and I thought he was going to yell at me for being mildly critical of his wife. But no, he was actually quite complimentary for my comments that were limited to the events in Dealey Plaza. (I was nervous as hell and generally am not a good radio/TV interview subject.)

Mr. Krahmer (correct name) is convinced of some kind of conspiracy. Perhaps Mrs. Krahmer (Moorman) is, too more than she was willing to say on May 24.

Peter Lemkin Wrote:Interesting piece of the puzzle. Yes, the camera might bring as much or more than the photo, oddly enough. He did mention a lot of technical details of the camera and the special add-on to it that he felt explained the high quality of the exposure, now that I think of it.

As to Moorman driving, all I can say is I get so many hassles from TIA, myself [but she may not], if I could, I'd never fly again! I'm in Europe, and have with desperation looked for ships that would take me and my dog back to the USA for a visit. They do not exist. Only luxury liners at great cost and no dogs allowed. My dog was almost killed last trip by TIA....but that story doesn't belong on this thread.....
This is something I found today on the web site. There's a discussion area on the site I had not previously noticed. I'm presenting it just as I found it. I don't know who the "myself and others" are.

<quote on>
In this area, myself and others involved in the preparation and actual interview can post our thoughts and observations.

One of the discussions, that surfaced early on, is why Mary would grant this interview to a startup antiques related social networking website. The answer actually has several parts.

First, an antiques dealer that specializes in vintage photography along with an interest in the cameras used during the JFK assassination contacted Mary directly about the camera she used. As their camera discussion progressed, the idea came about to talk with Mary more about her famous photo. Josh Miller is the antiques dealer and was very much instrumental on spearheading this event.

Secondly, we offered Mary the opportunity to give her first in-depth interview void of any large network news production. The interview was broadcast live, on the internet and that complete, unedited webcast version is available.

We also employed a local video crew to make a two-view recording of the interview. The will produce a high-quality version of the interview and then deliver to me the product along with both original recordings.

The interview was live... no broadcast delay (other than that which is normal for web streaming).

The interviewer, Gary Stover conducted the interview without compensation. He solicited questions from the public, to ask Mary. He was the final decision maker on what questions to ask.

Note: Gary does a weekly one-hour antiques show on
<quote off>
Hi all,

For anyone who may be interested, the May 31 interview with yours truly has at last been uploaded. Go to the main page, click on Videos, and it should be in the first group of thumbnails.

I am not a dynamic speaker. I AM my own harshest critic. Yet I shall resist the temptation to point out the various flaws in what I said.

But I will say that it only gets interesting toward the end. It's about an hour long.

I haven't seen the whole thing. I skipped ahead to the last bit. As I watched it I got an email from a woman who said she had added the graphics and captions to the interview. She took responsibility for erroneously placing a caption calling me the author of "False Mystery," which is a collection of Vince Salandria's assassination writings. (During its assembly I had the power to credit myself as the book's editor, although there wasn't much editing involved.)

I hadn't even noticed, but then I skipped a big chunk. She said she is going to correct the error and re-upload. I mention it solely for anyone who might happen to see the erroneous version.
I have always wondered why, when so many had had their photos confiscated, Mary Moorman got her's back. What if she never did?! What if the three times it was borrowed, it was copied and perhaps even changed in minor ways she'd not notice [other than the fingerprint] and she was returned a copy - the original in the hands of the cover-up crowd?! In fact, the fingerprint would be consistent with someone touching a not-yet-fixed or not-yet-dry copy, more than the original which was dry and fixed! After all, there is no official nor really even unofficial 'chain of custody'. :mexican:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
hi Peter, well it's a thought but i do doubt it.....mary's photo btw was not dry, that is why the fingerprint, you can get this info i believe in jean's book or by scouring the google...if i recall.Confusedpinwheels:jean added the solvent on them as marry handed them to her, the last i belie ve there was a bit of a hesitation and then Jean got it put the solvent on and as the reporter featherstone ?? approsched she shoved it in her pocket with the rest not dry..i have no idea if it's jean's fingerprint,nor has anyone else that know of, as some credit goes to someone else handling them..some think...take care for now that's all i recall, if you get to the nitty about it, it would make for further info on the subject....and yes, mary's new interview, has made the go around come around again,mary on the grass.... as some of the neocon's have been swinging left and those who chose to believe otherwise, which is their perogaive but you would never know it..according to

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Bernice Moore Wrote:hi Peter, well it's a thought but i do doubt it.....mary's photo btw was not dry, that is why the fingerprint, you can get this info i believe in jean's book or by scouing the google...if i recall.Confusedpinwheels:jean added the solvent on them as marry handed them to her, the last i belie ve there was a bit of a hesitation and then Jean got it put the solvent on and as the reporter featherstone ?? approsched she shoved it in her pocket with the rest not dry..i have no idea if it's jean's fingerprint,nor has anyone else afai know, as some credit to smeone else handling them...take care for now that's all i recall, if you get to the nitty about it, it would make for further info on the

MM said that the fingerprint only appeared after the second return from the FBI. Early [within a few hours of the original] copyies were made - do we have them? Do they have the fingerprint? I've certainly seen copies without. I'll try to work on this after I get over my current incapacitating illness.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
John Kelin Wrote:Hi all,

For anyone who may be interested, the May 31 interview with yours truly has at last been uploaded. Go to the main page, click on Videos, and it should be in the first group of thumbnails.

I am not a dynamic speaker. I AM my own harshest critic. Yet I shall resist the temptation to point out the various flaws in what I said.

But I will say that it only gets interesting toward the end. It's about an hour long.

I haven't seen the whole thing. I skipped ahead to the last bit. As I watched it I got an email from a woman who said she had added the graphics and captions to the interview. She took responsibility for erroneously placing a caption calling me the author of "False Mystery," which is a collection of Vince Salandria's assassination writings. (During its assembly I had the power to credit myself as the book's editor, although there wasn't much editing involved.)

I hadn't even noticed, but then I skipped a big chunk. She said she is going to correct the error and re-upload. I mention it solely for anyone who might happen to see the erroneous version.

thank you john for all the information that you have posted for us, stay well...b

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