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LBJ "Mastermind" Disinformation to be Reissued
Phillip Nelson's simple-minded, wholly disinformative LBJ: The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination is about to be reissued in a revised edition -- replete with a fawning Jim Fetzer blurb on its cover.

Among the gems Nelson plans to use to attempt to re-make his thoroughly and long-discredited case, he tells us that, "A few citations from Judyth Baker's book were also added, to 'fill-in' certain (otherwise mysterious) parts of Oswald's journeys, such as the Clinton LA trip and his journey through Texas and appearances in San Antonio and at Sylvia Odio's home, on his way to Mexico."

Need we know more?

We must spare no effort to expose Nelson for what he is: a smug spreader of disinformation who is, to be generous, so out of his depth on subjects relating to deep politics as to make his every sentence simply laughable. We must also keep in mind that Nelson's disinformation may reflect not his ignorance, but rather his mission to serve the agendas of JFK's murderers.

In its own way, Nelson's book is far more harmful to our struggles to achieve truth and justice for JFK than are the works of Posner and Bugliosi. The latter two are wolves in wolves' clothing; fangs bared, they savage the truth at every turn.

Nelson, on the other paw, comes to us dressed in wool.

When his revised disinformation is in hand, let us resolve to expose it in all of its ignorance and malignancy.
Just posted to

Anyone with reasonable access to the evidence in the murder of President Kennedy who does not conclude that JFK was the victim of a conspiracy is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.

Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of the conspiratorial circumstances of JFK's murder, the political and deep political contexts in which the conspiracy developed, and the intellectual, emotional, and political constraints suffered by LBJ at the time and afterward who concludes that LBJ was the "mastermind" of JFK's assassination is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.

Understand this book for what it is: an element within a larger disinformation operation designed to A) fragment the JFK research community, B) support the false Sponsor status of LBJ so as to protect the assassination's true Sponsors, and C) provide to a willing mainstream media an easy target of opportunity for their own anti-conspiracy efforts.

As the 50th anniversary of JFK's murder approaches, we can expect an avalanche of books and films created to carry out the operation described above. Nelson and his thoroughly discredited LBJ-as-"mastermind" disinformation, while particularly offensive, is but the tip of a polluted iceberg. False Sponsors will be coming out of the woodwork, as will their cognitively impaired and/or criminal champions.

Make no mistake: Lyndon Baines Johnson was a major Facilitator within the Sponsor/Facilitator/Mechanic structure of the JFK conspiracy. But to label him its "mastermind" is to bestow upon LBJ false Sponsor status -- an act that further insulates the true Sponsors of 11/22/63.

Nelson's book is a travesty of justice. Every dollar spent on it is a contribution the cover-up of JFK's conspiratorial murder.

Charles Robert Drago -- author of the Introduction to "A Certain Arrogance," by George Michael Evica, and co-founder of the Deep Politics Forum.

The OSS veterans of World War II were changing regimes and staging coups globally from the creation of the CIA in 1947.

Iran 1953, anyone?

In service to clients whose interests transcend nationalism, ideology, religion or personal ambition.

With no help from terra cotta warriors Nixon, Johnson or Hoover.

Nixon, Johnson and Hoover did not order, plan or execute the assassination of John F. Kennedy, though they served to support the suppression of any true investigation and the promotion of the designated patsy.

Any suggestion that any of them, or any mobster or oil man or Cuban or KGB directorate served as "mastermind" of the coup is as wildly wide of the mark as Oswald- or Greer-Did-It.

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There is also another new one...oilmen, mafia etc......

Message body
What's old is new again.

Like Nelson, Mark North is simply reconfiguring long-discredited disinformation with the goal of Facilitating false Sponsorship for LBJ.

Wittingly or otherwise, these charter members of the Ignorati are coverup Facilitators, pure and simple. So too everyone in a position to know better who endorses their vile products.
Added to my review today:

PLEASE NOTE: The all-important "JFK and the Unspeakable" and its morally courageous author, James Douglass, also are targets of Nelson and his accessories-after-the-fact. Every time you read the likes of the failing James Fetzer favorably compare Douglass and his sublime, deeply insightful work to Nelson and his fetid disinformation, you are reading an effort to further the uncertainty and "I'm OK, You're OK" illusion upon which the JFK cover-up has been erected.

Shame on Jim Fetzer, Vince Palamara, and Noel Twyman for their gushing, simple-minded endorsements of Nelson's disinformation -- and, by extension, for their all-too-significant contributions to the cover-up.
Excerpt from "Mastermind" thread on Lancer in response to Phil Nelson:

>No, Mr. Doyle, no such interpretation is intended, or
>appropriate. I was simply trying to make a point regarding
>that one word, which has produced such acrimony, irrespective
>of what's in the book.

I'm sorry but your comments strike me with a particular disingenuousness. I don't think your patronizing reference to the word "Mastermind" quite answers what is at hand here. Sure a good case can be made for Lyndon Johnson being a criminally-natured person, and even should be in order to educate the public about the true nature of those involved in JFK's assassination, however never should this be used to bring sole attention to a scapegoat being used to deter further looking in to the greater culprits. There's numerous reasons why Lyndon Johnson would not possibly deserve the central role you insist on. There's too much evidence to show serious control from outside powers and state security institutions and their politically-biased members. When one looks at the bigger picture it becomes clear that forces were involved well beyond Lyndon Johnson or his control and that the fact he was asking if he was being shot at tells you right there he wasn't commanding anything. I don't find it genuine to say Johnson got some CIA members to go along when the pattern of covert control, especially in the false sponsor arrangements, showed a degree and scope of influence well above and beyond old bull**** Lyndon. Those with a better grasp of the greater spheres of influence would see Lyndon was set-up with charges to compromise him and make him desperate enough to court a filthy assassination. That kind of pattern is typical of CIA and a pure fingerprint of their modus operandi showing through. Douglass detects this right away. Hoover was also fatally-compromisable. The reason Kennedy was killed is because he couldn't be caught in such devious devices and was therefore a threat to their underhanded control. Johnson was placed in the vice presidency as a hedge by this power. Johnson did NOT place himself. Your assertions show a visible lack of honest appreciation of the true nature of this maneuvering and trying to force an interpretation that isn't accurate to the facts. I'm sorry, but I thought Charles was being tough on you and was ignoring the service you were doing in exposing Johnson, but I can see from your writing that you have a purposeful contempt for the truth in this matter and I'm forced to side with his opinion. To insult the efforts of some seriously coherent and well-researched attempts to show the true greater background outside of Johnson is, in my mind, to show open contempt for established Kennedy assassination history and what is best known about it. It's simply preposterous to suggest members of CIA said to themselves "Hey, Lyndon's gonna do it, let's help him along". This is a violation of the clear pattern of influence and which side controlled the other. It's clear from our form of government that one single person could never pull-off such a feat. We are not a monarchy and have bureaucratic systems of check and balance that would make it impossible for one man to do such a thing and not be noticed. This in itself tells any honest person the who and how of the assassination's control.

What should we expect next from this source? A book entitled 'George Bush - Mastermind of 9-11'???

Albert Doyle Wrote:>No, Mr. Doyle, no such interpretation is intended, or
>appropriate. I was simply trying to make a point regarding
>that one word, which has produced such acrimony, irrespective
>of what's in the book.

I'm sorry but your comments strike me with a particular disingenuousness. I don't think your patronizing reference to the word "Mastermind" quite answers what is at hand here. Sure a good case can be made for Lyndon Johnson being a criminally-natured person, and even should be in order to educate the public about the true nature of those involved in JFK's assassination, however never should this be used to bring sole attention to a scapegoat being used to deter further looking in to the greater culprits. There's numerous reasons why Lyndon Johnson would not possibly deserve the central role you insist on. There's too much evidence to show serious control from outside powers and state security institutions and their politically-biased members. When one looks at the bigger picture it becomes clear that forces were involved well beyond Lyndon Johnson or his control and that the fact he was asking if he was being shot at tells you right there he wasn't commanding anything. I don't find it genuine to say Johnson got some CIA members to go along when the pattern of covert control, especially in the false sponsor arrangements, showed a degree and scope of influence well above and beyond old bull**** Lyndon. Those with a better grasp of the greater spheres of influence would see Lyndon was set-up with charges to compromise him and make him desperate enough to court a filthy assassination. That kind of pattern is typical of CIA and a pure fingerprint of their modus operandi showing through. Douglass detects this right away. Hoover was also fatally-compromisable. The reason Kennedy was killed is because he couldn't be caught in such devious devices and was therefore a threat to their underhanded control. Johnson was placed in the vice presidency as a hedge by this power. Johnson did NOT place himself. Your assertions show a visible lack of honest appreciation of the true nature of this maneuvering and trying to force an interpretation that isn't accurate to the facts. I'm sorry, but I thought Charles was being tough on you and was ignoring the service you were doing in exposing Johnson, but I can see from your writing that you have a purposeful contempt for the truth in this matter and I'm forced to side with his opinion. To insult the efforts of some seriously coherent and well-researched attempts to show the true greater background outside of Johnson is, in my mind, to show open contempt for established Kennedy assassination history and what is best known about it. It's simply preposterous to suggest members of CIA said to themselves "Hey, Lyndon's gonna do it, let's help him along". This is a violation of the clear pattern of influence and which side controlled the other. It's clear from our form of government that one single person could never pull-off such a feat. We are not a monarchy and have bureaucratic systems of check and balance that would make it impossible for one man to do such a thing and not be noticed. This in itself tells any honest person the who and how of the assassination's control.

What should we expect next from this source? A book entitled 'George Bush - Mastermind of 9-11'???


Please identify these correspondents and the provenance of their comments.
Nelson, North and others with the LBJ-OCD may be compared to Ptolemy adding circles to circles to explain retrograde motion observed in planets on elliptical orbits.

No amount of circles added to a corrupt politician arising out of career of opportunistic criminality can account for the elegance of the galaxy of military-intelligence serving the highest supranational interests.

The hoisting of the Landslide Golden Calf (Cecil B. de Mille) is laughable yet dangerous in its intended obscuring of the sponsors.

Lyndon Baynes Johnson picked up his skirts and ran from the field of battle in March, 1968, and took his heart attack in the I'm-an-old-man tone of Nikita Sergeyevitch in October 1964.

That is, between the heart attack of North's true love J. DiCaprio Hoover and the resignation August 8, 1974 of the Anthony Hopkins Eevil Supervillain Ricardo Milhaus.

Langley's witch has summoned all these winged monkeys to fly to the defense of LBJ.
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Langley's witch has summoned all these winged monkeys to fly to the defense of LBJ.



"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)

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