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new book by Albarelli
A Secret Order: Investigating the High Strangeness and Synchronicity in the JFK Assassination [Paperback], by H. P. Albarelli Jr. (Author) (availability unknown, pre-order)
[Albarelli is the author of "A Terrible Mistake"]


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"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Good Old Ed...... I like him. He wuz' a good one, he wuz'.
I have been absent for a while--so probably somebody has already noted this--the Albarelli book "Coup in Dallas" has been delayed again until November, 2020. 

How can people on this website defend Skyhorse in this ridiculous situation?  Does anybody have any background on what is going on here?

James Lateer
I have a contact who knew Hank A., knows the new 'author' finishing it up, and knows the publisher. According to him [he as actually read the draft that Hank Albarelli turned in originally to the publisher], while the delay is lamentable, there is nothing suspicious or untoward going on. They are doing some editing, adding some items that were just in note form when Albarelli died, doing the index, finding photos..... The publisher is also having a rough time financially just now, which may have much to do with it. I'm looking forward to it myself!!!....and also disappointed it has been repeatedly delayed.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Up until two days ago the ebook was listed as to be released on Nov. 11th. I had it on my calandar and went to order an ebook. NOW, the ebook and the book are delayed [for about the sixth time] until late in January 2021 - and I would not hold my breath on that date either. Very dissapointing, as this is directly on a subject I am currently researching. I believe this book has now been delayed about 2 full years from the original publishing date.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
(12-11-2020, 09:25 AM)Peter Lemkin Wrote: Up until two days ago the ebook was listed as to be released on Nov. 11th. I had it on my calandar and went to order an ebook. NOW, the ebook and the book are delayed [for about the sixth time] until late in January 2021 - and I would not hold my breath on that date either. Very dissapointing, as this is directly on a subject I am currently researching. I believe this book has now been delayed about 2 full years from the original publishing date.

Well it has been an incredibly long almost 3 year wait...but I think the book will finally be out two weeks from today [16th of November] in Hardback, audiobook and ebook formats. I have NO idea what took so long other than Albarelli died after the book was mostly finished, but before the editing and vetting of sources and references began. There must also have been some problems with the publishers or who owned the rights - I simply do not know. I only know from my conversations with Albarelli and from someone who has read, but won't lend me a copy, the draft Albarelli did - this book is going to be a blockbuster on what I believe to be a very real and important angle on the JFK assassination AND other black false-flag operations by the same general cabal, not usually on the radar of most who follow the assassination and are too lost in Dealey Plaza to look for both the real authors of this coup d'etat and the why for it [who benefited!]. I have placed my order. If they delay it again [I think they have over ten times so far], I'll tear out my hair....and ask again of my friend to see a copy of the draft.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
They changed the date once again to today. I just ordered mine successfully here in will take some days yet to get here, but I'm excited. Dick Russell who read the book as it was at the time of Albarelli's death in order to write the Foreward gave me a hint or two as to what was in it and how good it was. I knew Hank Albarelli and his death at a relatively young age was a loss. [I/We have lost so MANY great researcher friends!] Those of you in the USA, if I were you, I'd get in the car or on my bicycle now and go out and get a copy! I'll have more to say, as I'm persuing parallel lines of research as this book is on. This book focuses little on the number of shooters in DP and more to the who was behind it and how they structured it so no one would ever uncover it...but we have all but done. Now, we need to take action to get justice, as the propaganda apparatus that cloaks this and other truths of black deep political acts [911 being just one of hundreds I could also name] are as powerful as ever and if you can't see what they have planned for the USA and then the World, wake up and smell the Anthrax! [Trump was only the 'starters' on the menu.....] I think Trump will not run next Presidential election, but Trumpism is far from dead and the neo-fascist totalitarian state it is not just the Planet from Ecological human stupidity and greed that threatens all of us. This plan to roll back the 'Enlightenment' and the experiment with democracy has been ongoing since the Enlightenment, but really kicked into high gear at the end of World War II. I know to many that sounds somewhat unconnected to the JFK Assassination, but I'd suggest everyone read the presecient article by Mae Brussel entitled 'The Nazi Connection to the JFK Assassination'. The Nazis involved were partnering with and working UNDER Americans. It makes one wonder who 'really won' the War.......or if it is over yet, and has just gone sub rosa.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I'm frustrated as hell. The book can NOT be purchased yet here in Europe, so I ordered it from USA and it has been about a month in coming or not ever coming to me....meanwhile here is a review from Bill Kelly who must have gotten an advance copy...

Hank Albarelli, Jr.'s Coup In Dallas - A Preview

 Coup in Dallas – A Preview
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Coup In Dallas – The Decisive Investigation into Who Killed JFK – by H. P. Albarelli, Jr. with a forward by Dick Russell (Skyhorse Press 2021)
We know Hank Albarelli from his fine book “A Terrible Mistake,” about the CIA- LSD laced death of US Army biochemist Dr. Frank Rudolph Olson, and his “A Secret Order – Investigating the High Strangeness and Syncroncity in the Kennedy Assassinaton,” so we can trust him to delve further into the JFK assassination matrix with a background that gives him some insight into the covert world of intelligence.
This book is not an easy read, as Hank Albarelli passed away before it could be finished, and it was to his good forture to have a good team behind him that saw it though to press, including Dick Russell, co-authors Leslie Sharp and Alan Kent, along with graphic artist Pete Sattler and Charles R. Drago, and cheered on by attorney Steve Rosen, document expert Malcolm Blunt, Stuart Wexler and with the finishing touches made by publisher Tony Lyons.
Without buying everything the book says, I do agree on a number of key elements – the assassination of the President in Dallas was not only a conspiracy but a more specific covert intelligence operation, as well as a coup, because those actually responsible were not investigated and the high level cover-up continues today – in the name of national security and the continued withholding of assassination records.
This book does set the “lay of the land,” and gives deep political background and a bit of history to the multiple characters and corporations that are entwined in the assassination story and their inter-relationships.
I will call this a preview of the book, as I will have to wait to review it more thoroughly after I give the book a second read to fully digest it all, but it is chock full of new information, especially concerning the corporate backdrop of the covert operation that occurred at Dealey Plaza and new names – most notably one with the unlikely name shared with a pirate - Jean Pierre Lafitte.
In the course of Albarelli’s research for the Olson book he used the letters and note books of US Federal Bureau of Narcotics and CIA agent George Hunter White. White led Albarelli to one fascinating character – Jean Pierre Lafitte, who Hank says worked with White out of the CIA’s Bedford Street safehouse in New York’s Greenwich Village. Hank says he later worked closely with CIA’s Counter-Intelligenc chief James Jesus Angleton.
 Albarelli learned that Lafitte was living in New England, but when he got there Lafitte had already died. He did obtin much valuable information from his widow Rene, including limited access to Lafitte’s 1963 datebook. He also learned that Lafitte once lived in New Orleans and was briefly employed by the William Riley Coffee company, where he used the alias “Jean Martin.” Lafitte, Albarelli tells us, was associated with the CIA’s James Jesus Angelton.
Jean Lafitte is described by Albarelli as the “project manger” for “Lancelot,” the code name for the assassination used by Lafitte in his datebook.
Now every covert operation has a code name, we know that for a fact. So far the covert op that left the president dead with a bullet to his head has variously been called Operation Zipper, "the Big Event," and now Lancelot, though I prefer just calling it The Dealey Plaza Operation.
Hank Abarelli had access to two key and unique sources – besides  Jean Lafitte and his datebook, he had access to Otto Skorzen’s private papers, that US Air Force officer Major Ralph Ganis allowed him to review after he purchased them at an internet auction.
After agreeing to assist Ganis in writing a book, and working together for awhile, they decided to each write their own book. I met Ganis in Dallas a few years ago and reviewed his book, The Skorzeny Papers – here:
 [ ].
It took awhile for the Skorzeny Papers to be exaimined and understood, and Ganis makes a good case for Skorzeny’s post WWII operations being extended from Madrid and Ireland to Dallas, I don’t think Skorzeny was the strategic mastermind of the Dealey Plaza operation, as Hank does, but he makes a strong case for Lafitte being the “Project Manager,” based mainly on his datebook entries.
We know a lot about Skorzeny’s wartime exploits as a commando pioneer – freeing Italian dictator Beneto Musselini from his mountain top prision in a daring glider attack, and leading the English speaking Germans in American uniforms behind the Allied lines during the Battle of the Buldge. But his post war experiences are lesser known and we must depend on Ganis and Albarelli to fill us in, especially how they are connected to Dallas.
Skorzeny’s role in the JFK assassination has escaped the attention of every researcher, except for Ganis and Albarelli, so we must delve into this line of inquiry much futher.
The same goes for Jean P. Lafitte, for as far as I know this is the first time and place he is mentioned in regard to the assassination of the President, and labeling him the “project manager” certainly requires some convincing.
Like Skorzeny and his wife Ilse, Oswald and Marina, Gordon Novel and his wife Miss New Orleans, and Carl Jenkins and his wife, Lafitte’s wife Rene certainly was knowledgeable about his operations, and told Albaelli some of what she knew:
“Rene clearly remembered Otto Skorzeny: ‘He was imposing; his presence dominated a room, any room.’ Ilse Skorzeny: ‘She was all business. Maby the women behind the man, meaning the brains.’ Lee Harvey Oswald: ‘I only saw him a few times. Pierre didn’t care for him. A confused young man. Pierre always said: He’s desequilibre’.’ Marina Oswald: ‘We felt sorry for her. She had no idea what was going on. He seemed to stick to her like glue but shared noting with her.’ Jean Souetre: ‘Oh, he was very handsome, but a modest person, and very serious about his beliefs.’ Thomas Eli Davis, Jr.: ‘You couldn’t help but like him.’ Charles Willoughby: ‘A dedicated soldier. A life too dedicated, with a sky-is-falling mindset.’”
Of his first book, “A Secret Order,” Albarelli says: it was his “first book-length foray into the JFK assassination. I had been fascinated by what I had learned about Thomas Eli Davis, Jr. I instinctively knew there was far more on Davis’ story and that it was closely connected to the events in Dallas, November 22, 1963. I was also fascinated with certain events in Mexico City concerning Lee Harvey Oswald: a well-known poet and author Elena Garro, her daughter; Warren Broglie at the Hotel Luma and its cast of unsvory characters, seemingly right out of a Bogart film; Charles William Thomas, CIA and State Department employee; and, last but far from least CIA Mexico City asset, Viola June Cobb, with whom I became a very good friend. In fact, June is the godmother of my grandson, Dylan Jackson Albarelli Centellas….”
Here Hank mentions the Hotel Luma, that I first heard of in a book about an American bullfighter in Mexico who came to meet Oswald, something we dont read in official records, and the Luma bartender Warren Broglie, undoubtedly a spy for somebody. Albarelli tells us had previously worked at the Havana Hilton with US Army Reserve (ACSI) Col. Frank Brandsetter, who Hank says was in Dallsa on the day of the assassination at the invitation of Col. Jack Crichton. Then he delves into names associated with the infamous “Twist Party” that Oswald didn’t attend but entire books have been written about.
Fortunately there is an opening chapter entitled “A Roadmap,” that breaks down each chapter into a brief synopsis.
I will only quote from one – the last reference to Pierre Lafitte Datebook – Select Entries and Images.
“The terms and conditions of access to the exclusive collection of private papers of Pierre Lafitte, including the 1963 datebook, impacted the determination of which screenshots from the datebook cold be reproduced for this book. We analyzed the entire collection and determined to prioritize certain of those entries that are highlighted in the narrative. The resulting screenshots, found in Exhibits, should give the reader an idea of the challenges in deciphering the handwriting and interpretation of the meaning of the text. The next challenge was to provide readers sufficient images of the surrounding entries – even those that include context, and to reveal to some extent the day-to-day world of the author of the datebook, the project manager of the assassination, Pierre Lafite. We hope we have successfully met the challenge.”
An example of one such entry in Lafitte’s datebook: “On the wings of murder. The pigeon way for unsuspecting Lee. Clip, clip his wings. – November 9, 1963.”
Before I review any more of Lafitte’s datebook entries, I will enter each Lafitte datebook notation into the Wood JFK Master Chronology, to see if they match up with other entries.    ]
As for the narrative, the book opens with the 1942 assassination of French Vichy Admiral Francois Jean Darlan.
Now I know a little bit about this from the biographies of Ian Fleming, the author of the 007 James Bond novels, as Fleming, as Assistant to the Director of British Naval Intelligence, was parachuted into France during the Nazi invasion with the mission of convincing Admiral Darlan to turn over his French fleet to the British. Fleming failed in this mission, and many British troops were lost in North Africa when they attacked the French fleet there. But Albarelli places the responsibility for the assassination of Darlan on General Donovan and the OSS, when I believe the British he more to do with it, much like they did in training the commandos who killed Nazi official Hydrich in Prague.
Of course before you can even begin to understand the assassinaton of President Kennedy you must at least be familiar with other similar assassinations, like Darlan, Hydrich, and failed attempts at assassination like that of the German military’s  attempt to kill Hitler on July 20, 1944, code named “Valkyrie,” and the failed attempt of the French military to kill Charles deGaul.
As the CIA’s Desmond FitzGerald told the Joint Chiefs of Staff in September 1963, the CIA was engaged in a “detailed study” of the July 20 attempt on Hitler in order to use it against Castro. In my own study of the Valkyrie attempt to kill Hitler, I came up with five different aspects of that plan that were also adapted for use in Dallas that fit like a glove, including the use of the “Home Guard” as they were called in Germany, the National Guard and Army Reseves in the USA. They were the “boots on the ground,” to do the dirty work tasks that had to be done.
Col. Jack Crichton formed the 488th Army Intelligence unit, which he said was composed of about a hundred men, nearly half of which were also members of the Dallas Police Department, including many of whom were involved in key activities related to the assassination.
Now Albarelli tells us that “The 488th annual training in ’63 took place at The Pentagon, one of only two attachments from Texas to be in DC that summer.”
I have been engaged in assisting, part time, in the training of US Army Reserve soldiers and National Guards for the past ten years and I have never, ever heard of any detachment being trained or receiving their annual maneuvers at The Pentagon. It’s just unheard of.
We help train the Reserve troops in scenarios they are likely to face if deployed overseas, and any training at The Pentagon would have had to be in prepartion for an operation they would be expecting to encounter in the near future.
In any case, that is the jist of what’s to come, as I re-read the book with a more eye for detail, but I like the assumptions this book begins with – it was a conspiracy, it was a covert intelligence operation, it was a coup d’etat, and we can figure out how they did it by diasecting the backgrounds of the key characters, their corporate ties and how they operated.
Speaking of diasecting, my next review will be that of Dr. Cyril Wecht’s new book “Diasecting the Asssassination of President Kennedy.”  
I will also be posting a trancript of the CAPA Viritual Conference Program on Gene Wheaton and Carl Jenkins Connections to the JFK Assassination I prepard with the assistance of Matt Ehling, William M. Law and Lee Shephard, as soon as possible.
Stay tuned, there’s more to come.

 William Kelly
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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