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"Dulles Airport" Shadow disproves US Government's 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
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[TD]"Dulles Airport" Shadow disproves US Government's 9/11 Conspiracy Theory[/TD]
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[TD]The 9/11 Commission Report (published 22 July 2004) gave false and misleading information based on fabricated evidence where it said of the alleged 9/11 hijackers at Washington Dulles International Airport: "All five hijackers passed through the Main Terminal's west security screening checkpoint…. The checkpoint featured closed-circuit television that recorded all passengers, including the hijackers, as they were screened." (From Chapter One, "We Have Some Planes," 9/11 Commission Report, page 3)

[Image: EditedDullesAirportAAFlight77Suspectlowe...00h198.jpg]

As the bird by wandering,
as the swallow by flying,
so the curse causeless
shall not come.
Solomon, Proverbs 26:2
Now we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the purported "Dulles Airport" 9/11 surveillance video is a complete fraud that was used to frame Arabs for the heinous crime of the century. Bibi Netanyahu has said more than once that 9/11 was "good for Israel"; does he also mean that a new and a real investigation of 9/11 will be bad for the Zionists? Read on! Updated 25 May 2011 with Appendix A! Updated again on 2 August 2011 with Appendix B, 9/11 "Dulles Airport" video fraud for Dummies!
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[TD]"Dulles Airport" Shadow disproves US Government's
9/11 Conspiracy Theory
By Stephen M. St. John
27 January 2011
(Appendix A added 25 May 2011:
Miscellaneous Correspondence)
(Appendix B added 2 August 2011:
9/11 "Dulles Airport" Video Fraud for Dummies!)

Nearly a decade after the heinous crimes known simply as "9/11" we can finally conclude with absolute certainty that our nation has been laboring under very strong delusion about what really happened that day.
The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority recently confirmed the location and view of the video surveillance camera at "West Security Checkpoint #1" at Washington Dulles International Airport on 11 September 2001. (See aerial photos below.) This new information helps call into question the authenticity of the video used by the Associated Press to promote the publisher's release of the 9/11 Commission Report in 2004 and by the US Department of Justice to convict Zacharias Moussaoui in 2006. This surveillance video allegedly shows five Arab hijackers passing through the security checkpoint on their way to boarding American Airlines Flight 77 on the morning of 9/11.
[Image: EditedDullesAirportPedestrianoutsideterm...00h470.jpg]Now that we know for sure the camera pointed north and passengers walked south through the checkpoint, we have a reliable framework from Dulles Airport authorities in which to analyze the sun's shadows cast by passersby seen outside the terminal entrance in the far background of the video. (See MWAA letter and still photo from surveillance video below.) These shadows are pointed south at a heading of approximately 180°, which means the sun had to have been rising very near the north cardinal point of the compass that morning. This of course is impossible and the only conclusion to be made is that the video is a total fraud. It could not possibly have been made at Dulles Airport, but was made elsewhere, at a place and time as yet unknown, and then falsely presented first to the public and then to a jury as having been filmed at Dulles.
Whatever the true provenance of this purported "Dulles Airport" video, it staggers the mind to imagine a scenario not indicative of foreknowledge and preparation for the framing of Arabs in a classic "false flag" military intelligence black operation. Such a ruse to commence unjustified and immoral invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq is an act of treason at home and the supreme war crime abroad according to international law, particularly the 1950 Nuremberg Principles.
In a very real sense, these invasions and occupations began at the airport gates on 9/11. Yet we have NEVER seen ANY credible video surveillance evidence of ANY of the passengers or hijackers at ANY of the three airports from which the flights of 9/11 are said to have departed. Think about that! Billions of people around the world were mesmerized by the images of two alleged hijackers passing through a security checkpoint, but few know the video came from Portland Maine International Airport. This Portland tape and the bogus "Dulles" tape are all we have in the category of routine airport surveillance video evidence for 9/11. How can this be explained? How could we have gone to war without demanding answers first? Where was the fourth estate?
Now we know why our government could not respond in a forthright way to the Taliban's good faith offer to hand over Osama Bin Laden upon presentation of evidence of his involvement in the crime of the century. Our government lacks evidence. It also lacks integrity. It did then; and it does now. The current administration countenances the manifest criminality of the previous one, and sixteen months after having been apprised of the bogus 9/11 "Dulles Airport" tape, it is at the very least an accessory after the fact.
The bogus "Dulles Airport" video is just the tip of the iceberg of accumulated evidence undermining the official findings of the 9/11 Commission Report. It is unique, however, in that the video presumably has a chain of custody of evidence which will lead to the Praxis of Evil that actually pulled off 9/11 and the cover-up. But cornered rats bite!
Indeed, the Co-Chairmen of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton, have already indicated in their bookWithout Precedent that they were "set up to fail" in their investigation of 9/11. What better argument can there be for the establishment of a new and a real investigation of 9/11?
And what better way is there to conduct such an investigation than by the establishment of a 9/11 International Independent Investigation Commission and Tribunal? Is it not fitting and proper to examine by its very own methods the regime that pushed so very hard beyond all proper limits for the international probe into the Hariri assassination?
An international judicial body is more apt to deal with the international components of 9/11 such as foreign infiltrations and espionage as well as high tech piracy of telecommunications, computer, radar and flight control systems.
The sun and its shadows are unimpeachable witnesses at Dulles Airport, and basic astronomy and geometry give the proof of our government's fraud and force. A choice now presents itself not just to citizens of the USA, but to all the nations of the earth. Do we follow the light in pursuit of 9/11 truth and justice? Or do we join or maintain the ignoble conspiracy of silence and of shunning surrounding this very grave matter?
For me, the choice is easy. Let's examine the events and circumstances of 9/11, the cover-up and the "shock & awe" doctrine. Let the truth be told, and let justice be done!
©Stephen M. St. John 2011

The text and photos of this article are published at
A previous exposition of my discovery, "Dulles Airport" Shadow casts Doubt on US Government's 9/11 Conspiracy Theory, can be read at:

Stephen M. St. John is a researcher mainly on Middle East peace and related subjects including 9/11.
He maintains his website at


The aerial photo below was kindly provided by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority and shows the Main Terminal at Washington Dulles International Airport in relation to the main parallel runways that go north/south at 10°/190° headings.
[Image: MWAAAerialViewofDullesAirport.JPG]

The aerial photo below of the Main Terminal at Washington Dulles International Airport was kindly provided by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority after being edited to show the location of the video surveillance camera at "West Security Checkpoint #1" and its view northward.
[Image: MWAADullesMainTerminalWestSecurityCheckp...60h464.jpg]

The letter shown below from the Associate General Counsel of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, Naomi C. Klaus, confirms that "Passengers entering the terminal to catch flights come in on the north side of the terminal. On September 11, 2001, passengers going to the gates to board airplanes would have walked south through the security checkpoints. At that time, there was a video camera facing north focused on lane 1."
[Image: MWAA05January2001LetterfromNaomiKlausDis...60h630.jpg]

The photo shown below is a still taken from the United States Department of Justice Exhibit NT00211, the purported 9/11 "Surveillance videotape from Dulles Airport West Security Checkpoint #1." The videotape, which the Associated Press used on 21 July 2004 to promote the publisher's release of the 9/11 Commission Report the very next day, and which the US Department of Justice used in 2006 to convict Zacharias Moussaoui, was downloaded from the United States Courts website for the Eastern District of Virginia.

(See you scroll down to Exhibit NT00211 and then click for download.)

Inasmuch as we now have confirmation from the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority that passengers entering the terminal to catch flights come in on the north side of the terminal, and that on 11 September 2001 passengers going to the gates to board airplanes would have walked south through the security checkpoints, and that at that time, there was a video camera facing north focused on lane 1, we can readily see that the sun's shadow cast by a passerby just outside the terminal entrance in the far background of the video (outlined in a yellow oval), points south at an approximately 180° heading. This means the sun had to have been rising very near the north cardinal point of the compass on the morning of 11 September 2001 in Herndon, Virginia. This of course is impossible. The video is therefore bogus.
[Image: DullesAirportAAFlight77SuspectlowerleftA.JPG]
©Stephen M. St. John 2011

Stephen M. St. John
Post Office Box 720274
San José, CA 95172
United States of America
stephen@show-the-house. com

Appendix A
Miscellaneous Correspondence

Hon. Robert Douglas Nicholson, MP
James Rajotte, MP


Please let me congratulate both of you on your reelections to the Parliament of Canada.

Along with Martha Hall Findlay and Greg Thompson, who were not reelected, you replied to my e-mail about my discovery of 9/11 fraud through your aides L. Bisson (Manager, Ministerial Correspondence Unit) and Amal Chaaban (Constituency Office Manager, Edmonton-Leduc). Now I'd like to give you an important update.

On 28 April 2011 the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States docketed my case against the US Department of Justice with number 10-10204. Inasmuch as this case revolves around my discovery of a bogus 9/11 "Dulles Airport" surveillance video, which is the subject of my original e-mails to you, and which is exculpatory evidence for Osama bin Laden, I believe you will understand my distress upon learning that the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, ordered the cold-blooded execution of the star witness at any fair trial for the heinous crimes of 9/11 the very next day!

On 29 April 2011, I sent e-mails to each of the distinguished participants of the Bellagio Forum 2011. I add to this e-mail for your information and perusal a copy (below) of one such e-mail to Judge Eugenio Raul Zaffaroni, Supreme Court of Argentina.

For more information on the Bellagio Forum 2011, including a list of participants and their contact information, I add the published link here:

Now that your reelection campaigns are finished, please let me ask you to focus on the issues that I've raised with a view toward action for 9/11 truth and justice.

Very truly yours,
Stephen M. St. John

(e-mail of 29 April 2011 to Judge Zaffaroni)

Eugenio Raul Zaffaroni
Judge, Supreme Court of Argentina
Emeritus Professor of Law
University of Buenos Aires

Dear Judge Zaffaroni,

I address this letter to you and all other participants of the Forum Bellagio 2011.

The 7 April 2011 Bellagio Declaration strives for the "effectiveness of interventions for the prevention and control of various forms of crime, conflicts and violence in the current global context." In the spirit of this worthy goal, I submit to you and each of your Bellagio colleagues a subject well within the range of your expressed interests.

Specifically, I write to bring to your attention a very grave and urgent matter of state, which is proof that the United States Government framed Arabs for the crimes of 9/11 so as to create a pretext for war without real justification.

The Obama Administration's 4 April 2011 decision to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba will only prevent a proper discovery process and perpetuate the BIG LIE and myth of 9/11.

As a citizen of the USA, I hope you will carefully consider my information and analysis and share both with all of your colleagues and fellow citizens.

Below is my short article, "Dulles Airport" Shadow disproves US Government's 9/11 Conspiracy Theory. Photos and links are provided, and are available also on my website at For your convenience, I have also attached copies of the text with photos in PDF and MS Office Word 2007 formats. Also you will find copies of my resume in case I can be of further service.

The foundation of a sovereign state is justice, and there is a moral imperative to root out fraud and prevent unjustified force. Therefore, I ask for your utmost attention to the issues that I present.

I'd appreciate hearing back from you on this, and welcome your comments.

Very truly yours,
Stephen M. St. John

Post Office Box 1223
Newark, CA 94560

e-mail of 16 May 2011

To the esteemed Members of the Senate & National Assembly of Pakistan

Citizen of the United States of America Stephen M. St. John wishes to address the honorable and esteemed Members of the Senate and National Assembly of Pakistan with respect to their Joint Resolution #44 on the unilateral US Forces Action in Abbottabad on 2 May 2011.

Citizen St. John deplores his government's action as a desperate attempt to circumvent truth and justice with regard to the heinous crimes committed in New York and Washington on 11 September 2001. He notes that the order for the high tech lynching of Osama Bin Laden was given on 29 April 2011, exactly one day after the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States had docketed his case against the US Department of Justice [#10-10204, 28 April 2011] in a matter revolving around a bogus 9/11 "Dulles Airport" surveillance video.

This fabricated video surveillance evidence, as shown in attachments to this e-mail and on Citizen St. John's website ("Dulles Airport" Shadow disproves US Government's 9/11 Conspiracy Theory at, was used to frame Arabs for the high-tech false-flag military-intelligence black operation known simply as "9/11." This fabricated video surveillance evidence is exculpatory evidence for Osama Bin Laden in any fair trial that might arise in the pursuit of 9/11 truth and justice.

And so Citizen St. John asks the esteemed Members of the Senate & National Assembly of Pakistan, what conclusion can be drawn when the star witness at the trial of the century is snuffed out in a snuff film just three days after action at the Supreme Court of the United States threatens to pierce and penetrate the conspiracy of silence and of shunning built around this sensitive issue of warmongering fraud and force?

[Image: NationalSecurityCouncilwatchkillingofOsa...60h318.jpg]

In light of the foregoing, Citizen St. John urges the people of Pakistan and their representatives in the Senate and National Assembly to include a demand for a new and a real investigation of the events of 9/11, the cover-up and the "shock & awe" doctrine in the terms of engagement with the USA.

Very truly yours,
Stephen M. St. John

Post Office Box 1223
Newark, CA 94560

Appendix B
9/11 "Dulles Airport" Video Fraud for Dummies!

How do I know it was the sun casting shadows from the passersby seen outside the terminal entrance? Well, this is actually an educated guess on my part. The general brightness of the area seen outside the terminal entrance looks like sunshine. The shadows of all the passersby, both far and near, are pointing in the same general direction. Common sense tells me the sun is the source of light causing the shadows. But if you still have doubts about this, or if you believe the CIA can spin the earth so the sun rises in the north on a September morning in Herndon, Virginia, let me say there is other evidence that I have never before disclosed which is at least as strong as the shadows as proof positive the video could not possibly have been filmed at Washington Dulles International Airport. You see, if this purported "Dulles Airport" surveillance video was really filmed at Dulles Airport, you would see just outside the entrance a sidewalk and just beyond this sidewalk a roadway named Saarinen Circle after the Finnish-American architect of Dulles Airport's Main Terminal, Eero Saarinen. Specifically, you would see the departures ramp and ground traffic such as automobiles, taxis and buses bringing passengers for flights scheduled to depart. Photos of the Main Terminal make this abundantly clear. But the video does not show any of these features that you would expect to see if it was really filmed at Washington Dulles International Airport. Below is a still photo from an Associated Press video of the Main Terminal at Washington Dulles International Airport. You see the north face of the Main Terminal where passengers enter and walk southward through the security checkpoint. The Dulles Airport surveillance camera pointed north but the bogus 9/11 "Dulles Airport" surveillance video does not show the sidewalk, the roadway or any motor vehicles which one would expect to see in the background. Instead, there is what appears to be a sunlit plaza outside the terminal entrance. Take a look at the bogus video and see for yourself!
Go to
where you scroll down to Exhibit NT00211 and then click for download.

[Image: DullesAirportMainTerminalAPVideoStill.JPG.w560h443.jpg]


[TD][Image: spacer.gif][/TD]
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[TD][B]©Stephen M. St. John 2007, 2010, 2011[/B]

[B]All original articles written by Stephen M. St. John and published on this website and its forerunner are fully protected by copyright law. All rights are reserved. However, non-commercial dissemination of these articles is allowed and encouraged so long as there is no change to the text or its meaning and proper attribution is given to the author, Stephen M. St. John. The author is not responsible for any changes made to the contents of this website without his awareness and consent, and will as soon as possible restore the true content if and when such changes are discovered.[/B]

[B]Stephen M. St. John[/B]
[B]Post Office Box 720274[/B]
[B]San José, CA 95172[/B]
[B]United States of America[/B]

Source link:
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Sorry Ed, this looks pretty worthless to me. Apart from the north south and time and shadow business which doesn't convince me at all either there are many things that are not right. The poor resolution of the photo particularly at a distance, the possible/likely use of artificial light inside and outside where the pedestrian is, the properties of glass and reflections from them, the possibility that there is water on the pathway outside. These are just a few.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Sorry Ed, this looks pretty worthless to me....

No personal apologies needed, Magda. The graphics may be a little clearer on the original link but, even so, the check for veracity by multiple minds and eyes is what we are about here, and this was just an interesting piece of glass in the mosaic.

When, over time, the puzzle gets re-assembled, it may be discarded, or it might be examined in time as misinformation, disinformation, or just erroneous in general.

Putting the puzzle pieces that are obviously disinformation into a separate box for safe-keeping and re-analysis may help us see things more clearly.

Eventually we can contribute to the landfill of history.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
That's not a shadow, it's a reflection in the high polish of the floor.

Optics my friend. The angle of the reflected light is such that the person is literally having his image reflected in the floor.

Shadow would be that shape either...

Many truthers are seeing things that aren't there and haven't considered OPTICS and all sorts of *optical illusions* which make things appear as they are not.

Amazing that this *researcher* spends so much time of sun angles and so forth and doesn't even consider the possibility that it was a reflection not a shadow...

Nothing here... move on.

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