14-11-2011, 04:24 AM
Here's my latest column on Veterans Today, which introduces and complements Doug Horne's:
"Reason and Rationality in Public Debates: The Case of JFK"
I am doing a series of six two-hour programs on JFK this coming week, where the first (Monday)
iwith Karyn Holt-Harcourt, daughter of Chauncey Marvin Holt; the second (Wednesday) with John P.
Costella on the Zapruder film; and the third (Friday) with David W. Mantik on the medical evidence.
They can be heard "live" on revereradio.net and will then be archived at radiofetzer.blogspot.com.
Warm regards,
Here's my latest column on Veterans Today, which introduces and complements Doug Horne's:
"Reason and Rationality in Public Debates: The Case of JFK"
I am doing a series of six two-hour programs on JFK this coming week, where the first (Monday)
iwith Karyn Holt-Harcourt, daughter of Chauncey Marvin Holt; the second (Wednesday) with John P.
Costella on the Zapruder film; and the third (Friday) with David W. Mantik on the medical evidence.
They can be heard "live" on revereradio.net and will then be archived at radiofetzer.blogspot.com.
Warm regards,