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TSBD Doorway man - Oswald or Lovelady?
Is there no depth to which Jim Fetzer will not sink?

Is there no trap into which Jim Fetzer will not sashay?

With each successive embrace of a fool, charlatan, and/or agent provocateur, the once-beloved and respected Jim Fetzer distances himself from and diminishes the noble quests for truth and justice for John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Elsewhere in our cyber world, Jim currently is spatting with a former ally -- yet another in the long list of ignorati he champions and then abandons. I speak of the sex-obsessed Texan who long ago was exposed -- he'd like my use of that word -- on these pages as a perverted intellectual lightweight. "You call yourself a historian," Jim recently wrote to him in full derision mode.

Oh well ... Better late than never.

So is it only a matter of time before Jim dumps the savage disinformation agent who promotes the LBJ/"Mastermind" ruse and the snake oil salesman (literally!) Cinque?

The extremely significant issues relating to the identity of the controversial figure in Altgens 6 have been dragged through the mud of Cinque's mind here and elsewhere to the extent that they have been taken off the serious discussion table. In other words, provocation accomplished.

When we at DPF sent Cinque packing, that was the cue for the vengeful egomaniac Jim Fetzer to jump into Cinque's cesspool. "I'll fix those DPF bastards!" Jim likely told himself -- over and over again.

We are left to wonder which of the Boobsie Twins initiated contact. Oh, to have been a bug on the electronic wall when that call was made ...

The decline and fall of Jim Fetzer is heartbreaking to all of us who still love and who, once upon a time, respected the man.

Jim, where once you stood with Mantik and Aguilar and Evica, you now choose to stand with Cinque and Nelson and Morrow.

If you are still in command of your faculties, shame on you.

If your are not, may you find and accept the loving help you so desperately need.
Quite why Fetzer needed to issue a joint statement with Mr Cinque when a thread already exists is pretty odd. He has his Veterans Today platform that he uses. I don't know why? He has a perfectly okay website with which too spread his message.

All this garbage CD is coming from a man who has had the unique, distinct and dubious honour of having three seperate thread's running simultaneously decrying him.

A feat I have never seen repeated anywhere.

I mean arent there enough threads dealing with Fetzer? How about the fact Fetzer never really answered any of my questions pertaining to his lying concerning my work. Further that he also lied about his involvement with king kook Nicco Haupt. He wrote "NICO IS A VERY ODD FELLOW, WHO HAD SOME INSIGHTS ABOUT 9/11 EARLY ON. WHY THIS FEEBLE ATTEMPT AT GUILT BY ASSOCIATION?" Fetzer said he met up with Haupt 'Early on'.

But 9/11 was in 2001. Haupt met JF sometime in about 2005-2006. Thats hardly early on thats four/five years after. He implies that he hasn't had anything to do with this 'Odd Fellow' since. Turns out that I found out he was still in touch with Haupt in March 2010 and possibly later. Remember, I found this crap out when it was barely 2011!!!!! Further that the two were having a grand old chat!!!!!!

Guilt by association indeed Mr Fetzer.

I'd love for Jim to explain me his lies concerning Haupt. As I would love for him to explain his blatant lies concerning my GWB piece. Not only that why has he not tried to track down Ron from the Ventura show? Jim Di wants to help JF find out who the guy is.

Hell, the information Ron gave Ventura would be a goldmine for you JF. How could you not be interested in finding out who this guy is. Or do you really believe he is fearing for his life. If so you are very gullible!!!!! I noted you endorsed the use of Rons documents as authentic top secret documents. How appalling is that? That is breath takingly naive.

Further we all know you're likely going to go for the bollocks JFK-MJ-12 angle. Stop mucking around. Put us out of our misery.

I mean you're hanging out with disinfo merchants like John Lear. Lear believed that Eisenhower met with Nordic Aliens with Bill Cooper. Now if you believe that kind of crap you'd believe anything........funnily enough you do Mr Fetzer. You seem to proudly believe everything you hear. What part of disinformation do you not get? As for Cinque don't make me laugh. He's been destroyed on Lancer a forum his good friend JF is banned from. Yet JF will likely say he could turn up if he wanted. Like he believes he could present at COPA and Lancer. Dreams are so very, very free and yes CD I agree that Cinque will be ditched on Fetzer's pyre with the rest. Just wait John Hankey will as well.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
Ralph Cinque Wrote:I request that Mr. Doyle refer to Doorman as Doorman and NOT as Lovelady. If I were to do likewise and start referring to Doorman as Oswald, then we would be totally mired in confusion. Is that what you want? So, let's not do that. Let's keep everything straight. I know you think he's Lovelady. You don't have to remind me. Call him Doorman.

I do not necessarily agree with your position--and I have grave doubts. However, Doorman should be referred to as Doorman (or an equally unbiased moniker) as opposed to a moniker that begs-the-question.

Similarly, the Dark Complected Man should not be referred to as "The Cuban" and The Umbrella Man should not be referred to as "Louis Witt" each one begs-the-question.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
And so Don Quixote and Pancho rose above the hill's crest. Quixote donned in fine polished armour ready for battle as the finest of the king's men. Pancho riding ahead with text in hand reading aloud how he will prove the windmill is not a windmill, as the fools all say, but is instead a fire-breathing dragon awaiting to be slain...
Greg Burnham Wrote:
Ralph Cinque Wrote:I request that Mr. Doyle refer to Doorman as Doorman and NOT as Lovelady. If I were to do likewise and start referring to Doorman as Oswald, then we would be totally mired in confusion. Is that what you want? So, let's not do that. Let's keep everything straight. I know you think he's Lovelady. You don't have to remind me. Call him Doorman.

I do not necessarily agree with your position--and I have grave doubts. However, Doorman should be referred to as Doorman (or an equally unbiased moniker) as opposed to a moniker that begs-the-question.

Similarly, the Dark Complected Man should not be referred to as "The Cuban" and The Umbrella Man should not be referred to as "Louis Witt" each one begs-the-question.

To right GB. As when we were discussing the three tramps 'they're all just part of scenery'. To pinch one off Prouty.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
Albert Doyle Wrote:And so Don Quixote and Pancho rose above the hill's crest. Quixote donned in fine polished armour ready for battle as the finest of the king's men. Pancho riding ahead with text in hand reading aloud how he will prove the windmill is not a windmill, as the fools all say, but is instead a fire-breathing dragon awaiting to be slain...

Very clever mate. Great analogy!
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
We've learned nothing further about

the missing quart of strawberries.

- Unsatisfactory.

- Sorry, Captain.

We kept the mess boys and the cook

most of the night. It's a dead end.

- We went over it all endlessly.

- You accomplished nothing.

I've thought the whole thing out.

Someone made a duplicate key

to the icebox.

- There's no indication ...

- Some things we must assume.

When I was an ensign on a cruiser,

five pounds of cheese was missing.

Everybody forgot about it but me.

I found out a chow hound had made

a wax impression of the icebox key.

He confessed and I got a letter of

commendation. It's the same here.

- We can't be sure there's a key.

- I've got a simple plan. We tag every

key on board with the owner's name

Then we strip all hands

to make sure we have all the keys.

Then we test each key

on the icebox padlock.

The one that fits is the thief's.

- We don't know there's such a key.

- I say there's a key.

- The thief could toss it overboard.

-He wouldn't do that after going

to the trouble of making it.

He may hide it, but we'll find it.

- I never thought of that, sir.

-Get on the ball. It should be fun

doing some detective work.

~ ~ ~

If Lovelady were wearing Oswald's shirt,
and Oswald weren't seen in the lunchroom,
it might be Oswald in the doorway.
Establish a board of inquiry.
Collect all the shirts of the crew-
-and put the captain in a strait jacket.
Greg Burnham Wrote:
Ralph Cinque Wrote:I request that Mr. Doyle refer to Doorman as Doorman and NOT as Lovelady. If I were to do likewise and start referring to Doorman as Oswald, then we would be totally mired in confusion. Is that what you want? So, let's not do that. Let's keep everything straight. I know you think he's Lovelady. You don't have to remind me. Call him Doorman.

I do not necessarily agree with your position--and I have grave doubts. However, Doorman should be referred to as Doorman (or an equally unbiased moniker) as opposed to a moniker that begs-the-question.

Similarly, the Dark Complected Man should not be referred to as "The Cuban" and The Umbrella Man should not be referred to as "Louis Witt" each one begs-the-question.

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Phil Dragoo Wrote:We've learned nothing further about

the missing quart of strawberries.

- Unsatisfactory.

- Sorry, Captain.

We kept the mess boys and the cook

most of the night. It's a dead end.

- We went over it all endlessly.

- You accomplished nothing.

I've thought the whole thing out.

Someone made a duplicate key

to the icebox.

- There's no indication ...

- Some things we must assume.

When I was an ensign on a cruiser,

five pounds of cheese was missing.

Everybody forgot about it but me.

I found out a chow hound had made

a wax impression of the icebox key.

He confessed and I got a letter of

commendation. It's the same here.

- We can't be sure there's a key.

- I've got a simple plan. We tag every

key on board with the owner's name

Then we strip all hands

to make sure we have all the keys.

Then we test each key

on the icebox padlock.

The one that fits is the thief's.

- We don't know there's such a key.

- I say there's a key.

- The thief could toss it overboard.

-He wouldn't do that after going

to the trouble of making it.

He may hide it, but we'll find it.

- I never thought of that, sir.

-Get on the ball. It should be fun

doing some detective work.

~ ~ ~

If Lovelady were wearing Oswald's shirt,
and Oswald weren't seen in the lunchroom,
it might be Oswald in the doorway.
Establish a board of inquiry.
Collect all the shirts of the crew-
-and put the captain in a strait jacket.

Love your style Phil...and the thoughts within!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

JFK Special: Oswald was in the Doorway, after all!

by Dr. Ralph Cinque and Jim Fetzer

[Image: 350rwa8.jpg]

The release of the notes taken by Dallas Police Department Homicide Detective Will Fritz during his interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald, the suspected assassin of President John F. Kennedy, in which Lee told Fritz that he was "out front with Bill Shelly" has resurrected a debate of long-standing over whether Oswald was the "Doorway Man" in the famous photograph taken during the assassination by Associated Press photographer James "Ike" Altgens.

In this study, we examine that question. Dr. Fetzer had previously concluded that Oswald was another figure in the Altgens photo, namely, the man who is standing to the right/front of Doorway Man as viewed in the photograph (to Doorway Man's left/front from his perspective) but whose face and shirt have been obliterated. New observations, first advanced by Ralph Cinque, have convinced Fetzer that Cinque is right: the man in the doorway was Lee Harvey Oswald, after all.

In addition to Cinque's arguments that the man in the doorway was wearing Oswald's shirt, Fetzer adds the complementary argument that the shirt of the other figure had to be obscured for the obvious reason that it would have given the game away, which explains why his shirt as well as his face had to be removed. Doorway Man's face, hairline and the pattern of his shirt were "tweaked" to more closely resemble Lovelady or his face may have been transferred to him, but the form, the fit, and the lay of his man's outer-shirt and under-shirt are those of Oswald. So, unless Lovelady was wearing Oswald's clothing, the evidence that we present leaves no room for reasonable doubt.

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