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parkland hospital press conference?
sounds like a nice review hadnt seen that thanks you are good for something positive

good show old chap

Peter Lemkin Wrote:The book he mentions does exist. I found its name and ISBN number, no reviews...but the same author reviewed another book:

Customer Review
May 12, 2011
Steven S. Airheart

This review is from: The Girl on the Stairs: My Search For A Missing Witness To The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy (Paperback)
Like many others I have had a burning desire to know the truth in the murder of John F. Kennedy in 1963. In fact, my interest peaked in the early 1990's when I wrote my own book entitled Searching the Shadows, published in 1993. My research led me to believe that a conspiracy in the death of the President was obvious, and that a great deal of misleading information had been fed to the American people. Much of that information, unfortunately, is still being touted as fact. Barry Ernest's book, The Girl on the Stairs, brings us a fresh outlook on the little known story of assassination eyewitness Victoria Adams. Adams worked on the 4th floor of the Texas School Book Depository, two floors below the alleged snipers nest occupied by alleged sniper Lee Harvey Oswald. Seconds after the shots were fired Adams and co-worker Sandra Styles rushed down the stairs to see what had happened below in Dealey Plaza. At the same time they were on the stairs Lee Oswald was supposed to be there as well, according to the Warren Commission. Adams, with corroboration from Styles stated that no one else shared the stairwell at that time, therefore disrupting the Commission's attempt to weave a tale of Oswald's guilt. Barry Ernest effectively tells her story, the attempts to discredit her, and his pursuit of the ever elusive truth in the JFK case. Well crafted, thoroughly researched, and interesting throughout--The Girl on the Stairs ranks high on my list of JFK books. Well done. Steven Airheart
i just found this from the mcadams site ..(now dont go thinking its bad) actually states the parkland doctors news conference..i found out when googling ..

QUESTION- Doctor, describe the entrance wound. You think from the front in the throat? DR. MALCOM PERRY- The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front of the throat; yes, that is correct. The exit wound, I don't know. It could have been the head or there could have been a second wound of the head. There was not time to determine this at the particular instant.

of course the master of deception mcadams twists the doctors statement by pointing to other so called Dr "errors" ..he claims the doctors were speculating rather wildly ...i can strangle that mcadams sometimes ...maybe i will take away his cia stipend. oops that was pure speculation ...Smile
Apparently the video of the parkland news conference is considered a "holy grail" by video archivists ... there is a tv blog site which confirms funny the site is run by two lone gunman believers....i mean such an important historical video is "lost"
further proof of government suppression. the question now is does any one at a tv studio or anywhere that had access to this video testified to seizure of the aformentioned...please reply if you have any info ...
For those interested......[size=12]JFKresearch Assassination Forum
August 27, 2007, 05:43 PM


This article is originally from the alts, found some years back, it was posted by Michael Parks...thanks...

........It came from "The Texas State Journal of Medicine", dated January, 1964. It was written in
late November/early December, 1963 before the 'OFFICIAL' story was set in stone.

I have been told, it is somewhat different, in content in some regards, than how it is found now on the web.?
..Though I have not is possible it could be....


Michael Parks..

Part One.


PARKLAND Memorial Hospital, Dallas, treats an average of 272 emergency cases a day. It is
adjacent to and is the major teaching hospital for the University of Texas Southwestern Medical
School. It is staffed by the faculty of the medical school and has 150 interns and residents in
all medical specialties. It is a modern hospital, well equipped, one of which any community
might be proud. Today and for none of these reasons-Parkland has a new reputation all over the
world, and historians are typing its name into manuscripts that will be textbooks for
generations to come. This has happened because three particular gunshot victims were carried
there out of the bright November sunlight, two to die and the third to leave by wheelchair
almost two weeks later, his arm in a sling.

Many Texas physicians have visited Parkland hospital; many have worked or trained there.
Members of the Parkland staff are their acquaintances and friends. Many Texas physicians know
personally the surviving gunshot victim, Gov. John Connally; some personally knew President John
F. Kennedy, who died in Trauma Room 1; perhaps a few even knew Lee Harvey Oswald, the man
charged by Dallas authorities with the assassination of the President and who was himself shot
two days later.

The assassination of President Kennedy, the wounding of Governor Connally, and the fatal
shooting of Oswald are events of profound import to people everywhere, but they have special,
personal meaning for Texans. So because a Texas hospital and Texas physicians figured
prominently in this tragedy, the Texas State Journal of Medicine records for its readers of the
medical profession a full account of treatment given a never-to-be-forgotten trio.
When President John F. Kennedy in a moribund condition entered Parkland on Nov. 22, there was
never opportunity for medical history taking. Such a history, had it been taken, would have
shown that the patient "had survived several illnesses, the danger of war, the rigor of exposure
in icy water, and . . . had waged grueling electoral campaigns in spite of a serious and painful
back injury."

Parkland records show that the President arrived at the emergency room sometime after 12:30
p.m. (There is conflict as to the exact moment.) At 1 p.m. Dr. William Kemp Clark, associate
professor and chairman of the Division of Neurosurgery of the University of Texas Southwestern
Medical School, declared him dead. During the interim of less than 30 minutes, continuous
resuscitative efforts were made.
Later that day, several attending physicians filed reports. The following identifies these
physicians and gives the gist of their reports:

Charles J Carrico - Dr. Carrico was the first physician to see the President. A 1961 graduate
of Southwestern Medical School, he is 28 and a resident in surgery at Parkland.
He reported that when the patient entered the emergency room on an ambulance carriage he had
slow agonal respiratory efforts and occasional cardiac beats detectable by auscultation. Two
external wounds were noted; one a small wound of the anterior neck in the lower one third. The
other wound had caused avulsion of the occipitoparietal calvarium and shredded brain tissue was
present with profuse oozing. No pulse or blood pressure were present. Pupils were bilaterally
dilated and fixed. A cuffed endotracheal tube was inserted through the laryngoscope. A ragged
wound of the trachea was seen immediately below the larynx. The tube was advanced past the
laceration and the cuff inflated. Respiration was instituted using a respirator assistor on
automatic cycling. Concurrently, an intravenous infusion of lactated Ringer's solution was
begun via catheter placed in the right leg. Blood was drawn for typing and crossmatching. Type
0 Rh negative blood was obtained immediately.
In view of the tracheal injury and diminished breath sounds in the right chest, tracheostomy
was performed by Dr. Malcolm 0. Perry and bilateral chest tubes inserted. A second intravenous
infusion was begun in the left arm. In addition, Dr. M. T. Jenkins began respiration with the
anesthesia machine, cardiac monitor and stimulator attached. Solu-Cortef (300 mg.) was given
intravenously. Despite those measures, blood pressure never returned. Only brief
electrocardiographic evidence of cardiac activity was obtained.

Malcolm 0. Perry - Dr. Perry is an assistant professor of surgery at Southwestern Medical
School from which he received his degree in 1955. He I9 34 years old and was certified by the
American Board of Surgery in 1963.
At the time of initial examination of the President, Dr. Perry has stated, the patient was
noted to be nonresponsive . His eyes were deviated and the pupils dilated. A considerable
quantity of blood was noted on the patient, the carriage, and the floor. A small wound was
noted in the midline of the neck in the lower third anteriorly. It was exuding blood slowly. A
large wound of the right posterior cranium was noted, exposing severely lacerated brain. Brain
tissue was noted in the blood at the head of the carriage.
Pulse or heart beat were not detectable but slow spasmodic respiration was noted. An
endotracheal tube was in place and respiration was being controlled. An intravenous infusion
was being placed in the leg. While additional venesections were done to administer fluids and
blood, a tracheostomy was effected. A right lateral injury to the trachea was noted. The
cuffed tracheostomy tube was put in place as the endotracheal tube was withdrawn and
respirations continued. Closed chest cardiac massage was instituted after placement of
sealed-drainage chest tubes, but without benefit. When electrocardiogram evaluation revealed
that no detectable electrical activity existed in the heart, resuscitative attempts were
abandoned. The team of physicians determined that the patient had expired.

Charles R. Baxter - Dr. Baxter is an assistant professor of surgery at Southwestern Medical
School where he first arrived as a medical student in 1950. Except for two years away in the
Army he has been at Southwestern and Parkland ever since, moving up from student to intern to
resident to faculty member. He is 34 and was certified by the American Board of Surgery in 1963.
Recalling his attendance to President Kennedy, he says he learned at approximately 12 :35
that the President was on the way to the emergency room and that he had been shot. When Dr.
Baxter arrived in the emergency room, he found an endotracheal tube in place and respirations
being assisted. A left chest tube was being inserted and cut-downs were functioning in one leg
and in the left arm. The President had a wound in the midline of the neck. On first
observation of the other wounds, portions of the right temporal and occipital bones were missing
and some of the brain was lying on the table. The rest of the brain was extensively macerated
and contused. The pupils were fixed and deviated laterally and were dilated. No pulse was
detectable and ineffectual respirations were being assisted. A tracheostomy was performed by
Dr. Perry and Dr. Baxter and a chest tube was inserted into the right chest (second interspace
anteriorly). Meanwhile one pint of O negative blood was administered without response. When
all of these measures were complete, no heart beat could be detected. Closed chest massage was
performed until a cardioscope could be attached. Brief cardiac activity was obtained followed
by no activity. Due to the extensive and irreparable brain damage which existed and since there
were no signs of life, no further attempts were made at resuscitation.

Robert N. McClelland - Dr. McClelland, 34, assistant professor of surgery at Southwestern
Medical School, is a graduate of the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. He has
served with the Air Force in Germany and was certified by the American Board of Surgery in 1963.
Regarding the assassination of President Kennedy, Dr. McClelland says that at approximately
12:35 p.m. he was called from the second floor of the hospital to the emergency room. When he
arrived, President Kennedy was being attended by Drs. Perry, Baxter, Carrico, and Ronald Jones,
chief resident in surgery. The President was at that time comatose from a massive gunshot wound
of the head with a fragment wound of the trachea. An endotracheal tube had been placed and
assisted respiration started by Dr. Carrico who was on duty in the emergency room when the
President arrived. Drs. Perry, Baxter, and McClelland performed a tracheostomy for respiratory
distress and tracheal injury. Dr. Jones and Dr. Paul Peters, assistant professor of surgery, ;
inserted bilateral anterior chest tubes for pneumothoraces secondary to the tracheo-mediastinal
injury. Dr. Jones and assistants had started three cutdowns, giving blood and fluids
immediately. In spite of this, the President was pronounced dead at 1:00 p.m. by Dr. Clark, the
neurosurgeon, who arrived immediately after Dr. McClelland. The cause of death, according to
Dr. McClelland was the massive head and brain injury from a gunshot wound of the right side of
the head. The President was pronounced dead after external cardiac massage failed and
electrocardiographic activity was gone.

Fouad A, Bashour - Dr. Bashour received his medical education at the University of Beirut
School of Medicine in Lebanon. He is 39 and an associate professor of medicine in cardiology at
Southwestern Medical School.
At 12 :50 p.m. Dr. Bashour was called from the first floor of the hospital and told that
President Kennedy had been shot. He and Dr. Donald Seldin, professor and chairman of the
Department of Internal Medicine, went to the emergency room. Upon examination, they found that
the President had no pulsations, no heart beats, no blood pressure. The oscilloscope showed a
complete standstill. The President was declared dead at 1:00 p.m.

William Kemp Clark - Dr. Clark is associate professor and chairman of the Division of
Neurosurgery at Southwestern Medical School. The 38-year-old physician has done research on
head injuries and has been at Southwestern since 1956.
He reports this account of the President's treatment:
The President arrived at the emergency room entrance in the back seat of his limousine.
Governor Connally of Texas was also in this car. The first physician to see the President was
Dr. Carrico.

Dr. Carrico noted the President to have slow, agonal respiratory efforts. He could hear a
heart beat but found no pulse or blood pressure. Two external wounds, one in the lower third of
the anterior neck, the other in the occipital region of the skull, were noted. Through the head
wound, blood and brain were extruding. Dr. Carrico inserted a cuffed endotracheal tube and
while doing so, he noted a ragged wound of the trachea immediately below the larynx.
At this time, Drs. Perry, Baxter, and Jones arrived. Immediately thereafter, Dr. Jenkins and
Drs. A. H. Giesecke, Jr., and Jackie H. Hunt, two other staff anesthesiologists, arrived. The
endotracheal tube had been connected to a respirator to assist the President's breathing. An
anesthesia machine was substituted for this by Dr. Jenkins. Only 100 per cent oxygen was

A cutdown was performed in the right ankle, and a polyethylene catheter inserted in the vein.
An infusion of lactated Ringer's solution was begun. Blood was drawn for typing and
crossmatching, but unmatched type O Rh negative blood was immediately obtained and begun.
Hydrocortisone (300
mg.) was added to the intravenous fluids.

Dr. McClelland arrived to help in the President's care. Drs. Perry, Baxter, and McClelland
did a tracheostomy. Considerable quantities of blood were present in the President's oral
pharynx. At this time, Dr. Peters and Dr. Clark arrived.

Dr. Clark noted that the President had bled profusely from the back of the head. There was a
large (3 by 3 cm.) amount of cerebral tissue present on the cart. There was a smaller amount of
cerebellar tissue present also.

The tracheostomy was completed and the endotracheal tube was withdrawn. Suction was used to
remove blood in the oral pharynx. A nasogastric tube was passed into the stomach. Because of
the likelihood of mediastinal injury, anterior chest tubes were placed in both pleural spaces.
These were connected to sealed underwater drainage.

Neurological examination revealed the President's pupils to be widely dilated and fixed to
light. His eyes were divergent, being deviated outward; a skew deviation from the horizontal
was present. No deep tendon reflexes or spontaneous movements were found.
When Dr. Clark noted that there was no carotid pulse, he began closed chest massage. A pulse
was obtained at the carotid and femoral levels.

Dr. Perry then took over the cardiac massage so that Dr. Clark could evaluate the head wound.
There was a large wound beginning in the right occiput extending into the parietal region.
Much of the right posterior skull, at brief examination, appeared gone. The previously
described extruding brain was present. Profuse bleeding had occurred and 1500 cc. of blood was
estimated to be on the drapes and floor of the emergency operating room. Both cerebral and
cerebellar tissue were extruding from the wound.
By this time an electrocardiograph was hooked up. There was brief electrical activity of the
heart which soon stopped.
The President was pronounced dead at 1:00 p.m. by Dr. Clark.

M. T. Jenkins - Dr. Jenkins is professor and chairman of the Department of Anesthesiology at
Southwestern Medical School. He is 46, a graduate of the University of Texas Medical Branch in
Galveston, and was certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology in 1952. During World War
II he served in the Navy as a lieutenant commander.
When Dr. Jenkins was notified that the President was being brought to the emergency room at
Parkland, he dispatched Drs. Giesecke and Hunt with an anesthesia machine and resuscitative
equipment to the major surgical emergency room area. He ran downstairs to find upon his arrival
in the emergency operating room that Dr. Carrico had begun resuscitative efforts by introducing
an orotracheal tube, connecting it for controlled ventilation to a Bennett intermittent positive
pressure breathing apparatus. Drs. Baxter, Perry, and McClelland arrived at the same time and
began a tracheostomy and started the insertion of a right chest tube, since there was also
obvious tracheal and chest damage. Drs. Peters and Clark arrived simultaneously and immediately
thereafter assisted respectively with the insertion of the right chest tube and with manual
closed chest cardiac compression to assure circulation. Dr. Jenkins believes it evidence of the
clear thinking of the resuscitative team that the patient received 300 mg. hydrocortisone
intravenously in the first few minutes.

For better control of artificial ventilation, Dr. Jenkins exchanged the intermittent positive
pressure breathing apparatus for an anesthesia machine and continued artificial ventilation.
Dr. Gene Akin, a resident in anesthesiology, and Dr. Giesecke connected a cardioscope to
determine cardiac activity.
During the progress of these activities, the emergency room cart was elevated at the feet in
order to provide a Trendelenburg position, a venous cutdown was performed on the right saphenous
vein and additional fluids were begun in a vein in the left forearm while blood was ordered from
the blood bank. All of these activities were completed by approximately 12:50 at which time
external cardiac massage was still being carried out effectively by Dr. Clark as judged by a
palpable peripheral pulse. Despite these measures there was only brief electrocardiographic
evidence of cardiac activity.

These described resuscitative activities were indicated as of first importance, and after
they were carried out, attention was turned to other evidences of injury. There was a great
laceration on the right side of the head (temporal and occipital), causing a great defect in the
skull plate so that there was herniation and laceration of great areas of the brain, even to the
extent that part of the right cerebellum had protruded from the wound. There were also
fragmented sections of brain on the drapes of the emergency room cart. With the institution of
adequate cardiac compression, there was a great flow of blood from the cranial cavity,
indicating that there was much vascular damage as well as brain tissue damage. President
Kennedy was pronounced dead at 1 p.m.

It is Dr. Jenkins' personal feeling that all methods of resuscitation were instituted
expeditiously and efficiently. However, he says, the cranial and intracranial damage was of
such magnitude as to cause irreversible damage.

end part one....

[Image: modify_inline.gif]
Part Three LHO..from

Michael Parks

This article came from "The Texas State Journal of Medicine", dated January, 1964.



Part III

Lee Harvey Oswald

On Nov. 24, two days after the shooting of President Kennedy and Governor Connally, an ironic
event brought to Parkland the man whom Dallas police had charged with the murder of the
President. Lee Harvey Oswald, 24, had been shot.
Initial care and surgery were handled by Parkland physicians, including some of those who had
cared for the President and the Governor. Oswald was brought into the emergency room at 11:32
a.m., to the operating room at 11:42 a.m. and at 1:07 p.m. he was pronounced dead in spite of
all efforts.

Dr. Shires.--The surgery performed on Oswald, who had been shot in the upper abdomen and
chest, was done by Drs. Shires, Perry, McClelland, and Jones, and included an exploratory
laparotomy, thoracotomy, and efforts to repair the aortu, vena cava, and multiple organ
injuries. Dr. Shires has said that on previous inspection an entrance wound over the left lower
lateral chest edge was revealed and an exit was identified by subcutaneous palpation of the
bullet over the right lower lateral chest cage. At the time he wag geen preoperatively, Oswald
was without perceptible blood pressure, his heart beat wag heard intermittently at 130 beats per
minute, he had an endotracheal tube in place and was receiving only oxygen by ane8the8ia at the
time he wag moved to the operating room.

Under enaotracheal oxygen anesthesia, a long midline abdominal incision was made. Bleeders
were not apparent and none were clamped or tied. Upon opening the peritoneal cavity,
approximately 2 to S liters of blood, both liquid and in clots, was encountered. This was
removed. The bullet pathway was then identified as having shattered the upper medial surface of
the spleen, then entered the retroperitoneal area where there was a large retroperitoneal
hematoma in the area of the pancreas. Following this, bleeding was seen to be coming from the
right side, and upon inspection, there was seen to be an exit to the right through the inferior
vena cava, thence through the superior pole of the right kidney, the lower portion of the right
lobe of the liver, and into the right lateral body wall.

First the right kidney, which was bleeding, was identified, dissected free, retracted
medially, and the inferior vena cava hole was clamped with a partial occlusion clamp of the
Satinsky type. Following this immobilization, packing controlled the bleeding from the right

Attention was then turned to the left, as bleeding was massive from the left side. The
inspection of the retroperitoneal area re-vealed a huge hematoma in the midline. The stomach had
been penetrated by the bullet. The spleen was then mobilized, as was the left colon, and the
retroperitoneal approach was made to the midline structures. The pancreas appeared to be
shattered in its midportion; bleeding was seen to be coming from the aorta. This was dissected
free. Bleeding was controlled with finger pressure by Dr. Perry. Upon identification of this
injury, it was seen that the superior mesenteric artery had been sheared off of the aorta; there
was some back bleeding from the artery. This was cross-clamped with a small, curved DeBakey
clamp. The aorta was then occluded with a straight DeBakey clamp above and a Potts clamp below:
At this point all major bleeding was controlled, blood pressure was reported to be in the
neighborhood of 100 systolic. Shortly thereafter, however, the pulse rate, which had been in the
80 to 90 range, was found to be 40, and a few seconds later found to be zero. No pulse was felt
in the aorta at this time.

Consequently, the left chest was opened by Dr. Perry through an
intercostal incision in approximately the fourth intercostal space. A Finochietto re-tractor was
inserted, and the heart was seen to be flabby and not beating at all. There was no
hemopericardium. There was a hole in the diaphragm but no hemothorax. A left closed suction
chest tube had been introduced while the patient was in the emergency room prior to surgery, so
that there was no significant pneumothorax on the leM side. The pericardium was opened, cardiac
massage was started, and a pulse was obhinable with massage. The heart was flabby, consequently
calcium chloride followed by 1 mg. epinephrine hydrochloride and 90 mg. Xylocaine Hydrochloride
were injected into the left ventricle. The standstill converted to fibrillation. Following this
defibrillation was done, using 240, 860, 500, and 750 volts, and finally successful
defibrillation was accomplished after a second attempt with the defibrillator. However, no
effective heart beat could be instituted.

A pacemaker was inserted into the wall of the right
ventricle and grounded on skin, and pacemaking was started. A very feeble, small, localized,
muscular response was obtained with the pacemaker, but still no effective heart beat. At this
time Dr. Shires was informed by Dr. Jenkins that there were no signs of life in that the pupils
were fixed and dilated, there was no retmal blood flow, no respiratory effort, and no effective
pulse could be maintained even with cardiac massage. The patient was pronounced dead at 1:07

Anesthesia consisted entirely of oxygen. The patient was never conscious from the time of his
arrival in the emergency room until his death at 1:07 p.m. The subcutaneous bullet was extracted
from the side during the attempts at defibrillation which were' rotated among the surgeons. The
cardiac massage and defibrillation attempts were carried out by Drs. McClelland, Perry, and
Jones. Assistance was obtained from the cardiologist, Dr. Bashour.

Dr. Jenkins.--In a statement concerning resuscitative efforts for Oswald, Dr. Jenkins
reported that Dr. Jones, after being notified through the office of the administrator of the
hospital, informed a surgical and anesthesiology team that Lee Harvey Oswald had sustained a
gunshot wound and was being -brought to the emergency operating room for emergency and
definitive treatment. By the time that the patient, Oswald, was registered into the emergency
operating room, there was assembled a resuscitative team in the emergency operating room
surgical room.

Dr. Jenkins recalls that the following physicians were members of the resuscitation team:
Drs. Jenkins and Akin, with an anesthesia machine and full resuscitative equipment for the
maintenance of ventilation; Drs. Gerry Gustafson, Dale Coln, and Charles Crenshaw, all residents
in surgery, who were prepared to introduce cannulae in-to the veins via cutdowns or percutaneous
puncture; Dr. Jones with chest drainage equipment; Dr. William R. Osborne, resident in
orthopedics, for necessary orthopedic services; and Dr. William Risk, resident in urology, for
evaluation of possible urological damage. Dr. Perry was present to direct the surgical approach.
There were many other medical personnel present in addition to these, but the physicians named
figured importantly in the initial resuscitative experience, Dr. Jenkins said.

As the patient, Oswald, was brought into the operating room, Dr. Akin introduced a #36 cuffed
endotracheal tube and connected it to an anesthesia machine for assisted ventilation or
controlled respiration with oxygen. It was obvious that the patient was in extremis as judged by
his general pallor, the cold extremities, the dusky or ashen gray color of his nail beds, his
gasping respiration, and his dilated pupils and dry conjunctiva. There was a small, oval,
traumatized area in approximately his left anterior axillary line at approximately the sixth
intercostal space, and a foreign object, thought to be a bullet, could be palpated in his right
posterior axillary line at about thoracic dermatome ten.

No time was expended in making these observations and evaluation of the patient's status, for
at the time the endotracheal tube was being inserted, three members of the staff were performing
venous cutdowns, one in each lower extremity and one in the left forearm, These were performed
by Drs. Coln, Crenshaw, and Gustafson. Because of the obvious chest wound and appearance of
pneumothorax on the left, Dr. Jones inserted a chest tube and connected it to a closed waterseal
drainage bottle. The head of the emergency room cart was lowered into a Trendelenburg position.
There was no perceptible peripheral arterial pulsation. How-ever, the cardioscope tracing showed
electrical cardiac activity with a heart rate of approximately 130 per minute. Blood was sent to
the blood bank for immediate typing and crossmatching, and two units of uncross-matched type 0,
Rh negative blood was started by pressure infusion from plastic blood containers.

It was obvious that this patient had sustained such an injury that he was continuing to lose
blood internally very rapidly. Drs. Shires, McClelland, and Perry collaborated in the decision
to move the patient immediately to the main operating suite for emergency laparotomy, since the
suspected path of the bullet would seem to traverse the left leaf of the diaphragm, the aorta
and inferior vena cava, and perhaps the right kidney and part of the liver. (Dr. Risk had
inserted a Foley catheter into the urinary bladder, obtaining only a scant quantity of urine
which was not blood tinged.

With the anesthesia machine still connected to the patient, he was transported to the
elevator and into the operating room which had already been prepared for emergency surgery. The
abdominal incision was made at 11:44 a.m., 12 minutes from the time the patient was first
admitted to the emergency operating room.

The operating team consisted of Drs. Shires, McClelland, Perry, and Jones. The anesthesia
team consisted of Drs. Akin, Jenkins, and Dr. Harlan Pollock, resident on anesthesiology.
In describing the patient's condition and the parasurgical considerations, Dr. Jenkins says
that by the time of the beginning of surgery, type-correct blood (A-1, Rh negative) was
available and was administered under pressure through the three venous cutdowns. Dr. Curtis
Spier, fellow in anesthesiology, cannulated a vein in the right forearm to aid in fluid

Under the influence of blood administration and pulmonary ventilation with 100 per cent
oxygen, the patient's pulse rate slowed from 130-160 to 80 per minute, and by 12 o'clock he had
a discernible peripheral blood pressure, recorded at about 60 systolic, and by 12 :10 p.m. his
blood pressure was 90/60 and his pulse rate remained regular at 80 per minute.
By 12:16 p.m. he had received 3000 ml. of blood and 800 ml. of 6 per cent dextrose in
lactated Ringer's solution. Estimated and measured blood loss at this time was 4000 ml.
By 12 :30 p.m. he had received 6000 ml. of blood and 1 gm. of calcium gluconate
intravenously. His measured blood loss at this time was 6000 ml., and it was also obvious that
an additional quantity was sequestered in his bowel lumen and bowel wall.
At this time the surgical and anesthesia teams consulted about the patient's fluid status and
decided that he needed a quantity of balanced salt solution; therefore, in two of the cutdown
veins, 6 per cent dextrose in lactated Ringer's solution was begun. (Despite this rapid blood
and fluid replacement, the patient's pulmonary status seemed satisfactory in that there was no
perceptible change in compliance, as judged by the resistance to ventilation by compressing the
reservoir breathing bag.

At 12 :37, Dr. Akin, who was monitoring the heart sounds with a chest stethoscope, reported
that the cardiac tones were becoming weaker and the pulse rate was slowing from the previous
rate of 80, to 60, to 40, to 30, and then became imperceptible. (These changes in rate were
verified by a change in electrical activity as shown on the cardioscope.) Palpation of the heart
through the diaphragm from the abdominal operating site was performed by Dr. Shires, who
reported that he could not feel cardiac activity and he noted that the aorta had now ceased to
pulsate. Dr. Perry opened the left chest with an incision at approximately the fourth
interco8tal space, extending from the sternum laterally to the left anterior axillary line.
Under direct vision it was verified that rhythmic cardiac activity had ceased, the heart was
dilated. Ten milliliters of 10 per cent calcium chloride were injected into the chamber of the
left ventricle.

The heart, which had been flaccid prior to this injection, showed an increase in
muscular tone and was not dilated. One mg. of epinephrine hydrochloride in 90 mg of 1 per cent
lidocaine was injected into the left ventricular chamber, reducing the heart in overall size.
Ventricular fibrillation ensued. Manual cardiac systole (cardiac massage) was begun by Dr.
Perry while the internal defibrillation apparatus was readied. Four attempts at ventricular
defibrillation were made, with Dr. McClelland applying the defibrillation paddles to the heart,
utilizing successively voltages of 240, 360, 600, and 760 without successfully effecting
defibrillation. Between the applications of the defibrillation paddles, manual cardiac systole
was continued alternately by Drs. Perry and McClelland.

At 12 :55 p.m., the internal pacemaker, provided by Dr. Bashour, was attached to the heart,
but the electrical stimulus provided by this pacemaker was not effective in producing visible
cardiac systole. Two other attempts at internal defibrillation were made. The second
defibrillating current produced asystole, but the internal pacemaker still did not stimulate
effective cardiac activity.
Manual cardiac systole was re-started, causing palpable carotid pulse, but the patient's
obvious external appearance was that circulation was ineffective as judged by the development of
an ashen gray cyanosis. With an ophthalmoscope, Dr. Jenkins had periodically checked the retina
for circulation during the resuscitative processes, and the retina could be visualized until
1:06 p.m., when it was apparent that the lens had become opaque, and retinal circulation was not

The patient was pronounced dead at 1:07 p.m. The bullet which was palpable in the
right posterior axillary line was removed and sent out by the operating room supervisor, Miss
Audrey Bell, to be turned over to the legal authorities.
As a summary of fluid replacement, this patient received 16 and 1/2 units of blood and 4200
ml. of 6 per cent dextrose in lactated Ringer's solution.

It is Dr. Jenkins personal feeling that all methods of resuscitation were instituted
expeditiously and efficiently. Having observed this patient from the time he was wheeled into
the emergency operating room, Dr. Jenkins felt that Oswald sustained a period of cerebral
hypoxia or anoxia for the period of time lapsing between the gunshot wound which he received and
the time that effective ventilation with oxygen was started in the emergency operating room.
Considering the cerebral changes which would begin at the time of initial anoxia, notably
cerebral edema, Dr. Jenkins felt that many vital centers, including the cardiovascular center,
were irreparably damaged, despite all resuscitative measures, introducing the final cardiac
asystole. The trauma which patient Oswald had sustained was too great for resuscitation.


The information on the third patient Gov. John Connally, is not available, so far....i have never found the Connelly part...sorry bout that...b

Thanks for your time.....


Is anyone surprised that a detailed description of the medical procedures applied to Gov Connally are not available?
A.J. Blocker Wrote:Is anyone surprised that a detailed description of the medical procedures applied to Gov Connally are not available?

Even after he died it was NOT allowed for the bullet fragments to be taken out - as they, alone, disprove the official theory...anything to keep the Potemkin Village the stagefront for the Empire.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
A.J. Blocker Wrote:Is anyone surprised that a detailed description of the medical procedures applied to Gov Connally are not available?

Even after he died it was NOT allowed for the bullet fragments to be taken out - as they, alone, disprove the official theory...anything to keep the Potemkin Village the stagefront for the Empire.

It was not allowed is possibly a key statement, but by whom? During the early/mid 2000s, Nellie Connally visited a B & N book store near my home and I made an effort to attend. Unfortunately I had the time wrong and the book signing for "From Love Field" had already began when I arrived. She discussed the events of 11/22/1963, and devoted a few minutes for Q & A, but not wanting to ask a question already answered, I just listened. And I have kicked myself many times for being less than 10 feet from and in a small crowd listening to a major participant in U S history, and not taking advantage of it. I have to say, she appeared to talk to that small crowd in the same manner as I have seen her on national TV.



In a statement, Shaw (Dr. Robert W.) added: "Connally is fully
conscious and responding to questions. The bullet is STILL in his leg. It hasn't been removed. This is very insignificant. There is no injury to the left thigh."
Witnesses heard three shots. Two hit the President, one in the head
and one in the neck. The third shot wounded Governor Connally in the side.
Six shells which fitted the RIFLE were found in Oswald's pocket, police said. But authorities were having a hard time connecting the weapon with Oswald or obtaining any fingerprints from it.
Police also found a pistol holster in Oswald's room, apparently the one which held the .38 caliber pistol which he allegedly used in
slaying a Dallas police officer.
...Fritz said six witnesses, all men, had placed the suspect near the textbook distributing company at 12:30 p.m., the time of the assassination.
"I saw a policeman rush in the front door," Truly (R.S.) said. "I
followed him and went directly to the top floor (the seventh floor)
and onto the roof."
------------------------------ end -------------------------------
First Reports, The Fort Worth =
Star-Telegram, 4/4/77 All emphasis is my own..............Michael Parks =
Texas patrolman says he recalls seeing more than three bullet fragments =
taken from the wounds of former Texas Gov. John Connally the day =
President John Kennedy was assassinated, according to the Dallas Morning =
News. In a copyright story yesterday, the News said Patrolman Charles W. =
Harbison, who guarded Connally=E2s room at Parkland Hospital, as saying =
he recalls turning over to an FBI agent more than three fragments. =
Connally was wounded in the same shooting spree that killed President =
Kennedy here Nov. 22, 1963. The Warren Commission identified Lee Harvey =
Oswald as the assassin and asserted that he alone was responsible. The =
News said Harbison=E2s story is doubly significant when coupled with the =
recollection of Miss Audrey Bell, operating supervisor at Parkland at =
the time of the assassination. Harbison was interviewed by the News =
Saturday. However, yesterday morning he said he =E3can=E2t testify to =
the number of fragments,=E4 and is not about to be =E3pinned down=E4 as =
to the exact number. =E3I was standing there in the hall and someone, I =
don=E2t know who handed me the fragments,=E4 Harbison said yesterday. =
=E3I glanced at them, then turned and gave them to another man. And a =
second man told me to go down the hall where they were taking the =
governor.=E4 Harbison said he wasn=E2t sure who he gave the fragments =
to, but surmised it was a federal agent SINCE THEY WERE THE ONLY PERSONS =
THE HOSPITAL. Miss Bell last week said she recalls that she was given =
FOUR OR FIVE OTHER BULLET FRAGMENTS taken from Connally. The News said =
the two separate groups of fragments now MAKE A TOTAL OF AT LEAST EIGHT =
Investigators for the House Assassinations Committee say they believe =
the bullet, which supposedly struck Kennedy in the BACK and then passed =
THREE FRAGMENTS WERE REMOVED, the News said. The newspaper said =
investigators have already interviewed Miss Bell and concluded her =
testimony, if proven true, COULD DISCREDIT =E3THE VERY CORNERSTONE OF =
television interview, said she did not weigh the bullet fragments and =
had no way of proving other than her recollection that there were more =
than three fragments given her in the operating room. She said she later =
turned them over to two men she believed to be FBI or Secret Service =
COMMISSION. End quote Had Bell and Harbison told stories that backed the =
WC Report, I guarantee their testimonies would have been heard. Through =
selective evidence, I could prove Hoover was not a crook, LBJ was honest =
and Helms was honorable. Heck, I probably could even prove that Oswald =
killed Kennedy and Tippit. Well, maybe not. No one could believe that =
much crap. Michael Parks

Nellie Connally Dies at 87 [Image: Newsphoto-NellieConnally.jpg]Sep 3, 2006: Nellie Connally, wife of former Texas Governor John Connally, died yesterday at the age of 87. She rode in the Presidential limousine with her husband and the Kennedys on the fateful motorcade through Dallas on November 22, 1963, uttering the fateful line "Mr. President, you certainly cannot say that Dallas does not love you" moments before shots rang out. The Associated Press obitiary (see short version in the New York Times and full version in the Washington Times) noted this but failed to mention that both Mrs. Connally and her husband always believed that he had been struck by a separate bullet, which would require the presence of a second gunman in Dealey Plaza. The Reuters obituary did include this fact. Unfortunately, Mrs. Connally had rejected requests to allow removal a fragment from her dead husband's leg which could have settled the question. Mrs. Connally was the last surviving passenger of the Presidential limousine.

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