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The plane crashes of 9/11 were fabrications . . .
Charles Drago Wrote:
Ed Jewett Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:All intelligence operations have at least two objectives.

One of the 9-11 objectives is observed on this thread.

And that is precisely why I am insisting that those who propose the "video fakery proves no planes hit the Twin Towers" hypothesis produce some credible evidence to support their claims.

Otherwise, it is just diversionary garbage which can be used by the ruling elites to discredit deep political analysis of 9/11.

And here you are having a discussion with another member of the executive group with whom you undoubtedly share alignment and agreement on mission in which you use the same dismissive language of "diversionary garbage" and then offer some pablum like "the ruling elite" without specificity. (It's roughly akin to Orling's TPB.)


Have you lost control of your senses?

"Executive group"???

"Undoubtedly share alignment"???

What's happened to you?



Ah, Charles... I see you have awoken, at least long enough to lob another ad hominem vaguely aligned with an allegation of psychiatric or psychological deficiency or dysfunction.

Who runs the Deep Politics Forum, Charles? Who calls the shots? Who are the administrator, the moderators, etc.? Who makes the decisions? It is an enterprise, by any defintiion. It has a mission, its own web site, the software and bandwith necessary to that, the costs inherent to that...

Or perhaps it runs on its own and has been robotized?

Back-channel communications among that leadership have been stipulated. One of you is referred to as a "sensai" (though perhaps I am misinterpreting that as a mis-spelled word).

This question (not of "plane or "no plane", but of 9/11 as a whole) is the essential deep political question of the moment. ... decade... future.

And the leadership (stipulated) behind the mission statement on the front page has consistently failed to acknowledge or address the obvious. Or even debate its obviousness. Or even acknowledge its presence. The big hairy smelly elephant on a rampage....


I'll have to withdraw from any more responses for the moment; it's a long Easter weekend already pre-secheduled for five separate events.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
I think we need a clear definition of what deep politics actually is. I quote from Wikipedia:

Deep politics is a phrase coined by researcher and academic Peter Dale Scott, which he describes thus;
"My notion of deep politics… posits that in every culture and society there are facts which tend to be suppressed collectively, because of the social and psychological costs of not doing so. Like all other observers, I too have involuntarily suppressed facts and even memories about the drug traffic that were too provocative to be retained with equanimity."[SUP][1][/SUP]
Scott has extensively researched political processes that fly under the radar of conscious political activity, are omitted from discourse on the right and the left, and are many times intertwined with global drug traffic. Here is Scott's definition of "parapolitics";
par a pol i tics (pa˘r ə po˘l ə tı˘ks), n. 1. a system or practice of politics in which accountability is consciously diminished. 2. generally, covert politics, the conduct of public affairs not by rational debate and responsible decision-making but by indirection, collusion, and deceit… 3. the political exploitation of irresponsible agencies or parastructures, such as intelligence agencies… Ex. 1. The Nixon doctrine, viewed in retrospect, represented the application of parapolitics on a hitherto unprecedented scale.' 2. Democracy and parapolitics, even in foreign affairs, are ultimately incompatible.'[SUP][2][/SUP]
Although valuable, Scott ultimately found the label of parapolitics too limiting;
"…the investigation of parapolitics, which I defined (with the CIA in mind) as a system or practice of politics in which accountability is consciously diminished.' . . . I still see value in this definition and mode of analysis. But parapolitics as thus defined is itself too narrowly conscious and intentional . . . it describes at best only an intervening layer of the irrationality under our political culture's rational surface. Thus I now refer to parapolitics as only one manifestation of deep politics, all those political practices and arrangements, deliberate or not, which are usually repressed rather than acknowledged."[SUP][3][/SUP]
David MacGregor is another academic who applies the ideas of parapolitics and deep politics to his own research. Here are some of his observations;
"Deep politics is a revision of Scott's original concept of parapolitics first developed in The War Conspiracy. It responds to criticism that political conspiracies, like the murder of Kennedy, are too difficult to arrange and keep hidden…[SUP][4][/SUP] "Scott came to see parapolitics as "too narrowly conscious and intentional to describe the deeper irrational movements which culminated collectively in the murder of the President." In contrast deep political analysis presupposes "an open system with divergent power centers and goals" The collapse of the First Italian Republic in the mid-1990s, involving large-scale criminal influence in government, offers a telling example. It originated as an American parapolitical operation to suborn the threat of communism which parachuted prominent U.S. Mafia hoods into power in post-war Italy "y the 1980s this . . . strategem had helped spawn a deep political system of corruption exceeding Tammany's, and (as we know from the Andreotti trial of 1995) beyond the ability of anyone to call it off". Another example… is the CIA-financed jihad against Russian occupiers in Afghanistan that flooded Europe with opium and helped create Osama bin Laden, a modern version of the Old Man of the Mountains, who's 11th Century followers the Assassins "sacrificed for him in order to perpetuate his crimes"[SUP][4][/SUP]

My take away is that deep politics is a mechanism to effect policy undemocratically (authoritarian)... This may involve false flag operations, but it is not limited to [B]instigating events
and can include opportunism taken undemocratically ex post facto to advance a hidden agenda. As such 911 could be a false flag deep political event or an ex post facto opportunistic event.

The mainstream truth movement sees 911 as a false flag operation as their starting point, dismissing and not considering that disaster capitalism is alive and well and another *deep state political* tactic. The latter may mean that 911 was not as much a MIHOP as a LIHOP or even a LIHOI.. Let it happen over incompetence... but regardless the deep state was not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. They still would engage in PR and cover stories to cover their asses.
Ed Jewett Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Ed - as usual, I see a lot of scattergun noise and a lack of any critical evaluation from you.

Once again, which of these hypotheses - the use of computer generated images (CGI), the use of video compositing (VC), or the use of holograms - do you consider credible in the WTC context?

Jan, the argument goes like this. Since these are the only three possibilities, and since real, live, non-hologram witnesses saw planes crash into the buildings, obviously, one is obliged to choose option three. What a crock.

You have their names, addresses, affidavits, testimony, links, attributed sources, and assurance/assistance to the fact that they are open to counter-inquiry and cross-examination, I assume.

Ed, I am referring to this quote by Jan, which I think is fair to Fetzter:
Quote:As Prof Fetzer acknowledges, the use of computer generated images (CGIs) and the use of video compositing (VC) is ruled out because of the numerous witnesses who saw planes hit the Twin Towers not on television, but with their own eyes in the streets of New York.
If it fairly represents Fetzer, that kind of argument is fallacious.
Happy Easter, Ed.

Hear Brubeck's "Forty Days."
Charles Drago Wrote:Happy Easter, Ed.

Hear Brubeck's "Forty Days."

Not bad:

Albert Doyle Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:Happy Easter, Ed.

Hear Brubeck's "Forty Days."

Not bad:


Indeed. Not bad at all.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Strange Meadowlark

Not to be confused with Strange Mockingbird, an operation of the Central Intelligence Agency using media assets to present that view desired by said agency.

Last night in conquest of the Amazon the announcement of President Eisenhower's naming Nelson Rockefeller chairman of the Special Group December 1954 with the express advice and consent of John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles.

Of course the buildings were targets. John O'Neill was sabotaged by his FBI comrades, just as Agent Rowley's warning of flight school activity was ignored. The myriad anomalies parallel those of other operations designed to subjugate the many, empower the few, and maintain the free flow of narcotics at market prices.

It was just this week that George Noory entertained a guest who described satellite-borne weapons directed on the towers to effect their molecular disintegration.

A Los Alamos tech with a penchant for irony described a new cloaking method utilizing a camera recording the sky above an airplane and its projection on the underbelly.

Judy Wood's microwaves. No matter that the ABL is shelved having disappointed.

Normal black ops, false flag old-school is really quite enough here.

As with OKBomb there was guilty foreknowledge. O the shock. Was Pearl Harbor foreseen. Still a matter of contention.

Did Acheson intentionally omit Korea from the 1950 strategy; was this copied in April Glasby's assurance Kuwait was regional.

Politicians have plotted for three millennia, or more.

They've use Trojan Horses. Men Who Never Were.

The really neat weapons were H.G. Wells' invention used seamlessly by Orson Welles.

Are the Mars Attacks schoolers witting accomplices of the execrable Shermer aka I'm a Trail of Slime, the Ministry of McCarthy outing conspiracistssee my list.

We had to open up those poppy fields. The Russians did their bit. It was our turn. And now we both share use of the Manas transit station.

Just as Seamus exposed Dulles' fingerprints on earliest UFO propaganda so we have the smoke machines churning out the directed energy weapons, on top of Greer-did-it School of Conspiracy of the Absurd.

The creation of OBL and KSM and the iconic tower assaults in broad daylight, the shocking tragedy.

11-22 was another shock wave. Ask Nixon how that Watergate attack workedon him.

This is how the game is played.

The Arab Spring was inherent in the 2004 CFR paper Iran: Time for a New Approach by Brzezinski and Gates. Luminati breaking up that old axis of evil of mine.

Business is business.

Blitz attack in the first year of the new regime led to a decade of opium production profits. Iran was relieved of a threat; the Saudis, too.

The planes hit the towers. Was there an E-4 loitering, actuating electronically key devices to initiate the catastrophic failure.

Regarding 93, ValueJet made such a small hole in the Everglades. I haven't seen any Barbara Olson books since 2000.

The Pentagon. Maybe that's just old school constructionas the bomber hit didn't take down the Empire State Building, one plane the masonry pentagram did not destroy.

Contrived? Of course. Outrageous, fascist, Machiavellian and in poor taste. To be sure.

But by conventional means.

No need to wake the Castle's Merlin.


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Charles Drago Wrote:Happy Easter, Ed.

Hear Brubeck's "Forty Days."

I have three copies of it, the best likely the latest featuring Millitello, though it's hard to beat the original. They are loaded onto my iPod, and I listen to them frequently.

I'll see your "Forty Days" with this:

I also had two copies of something you ought to read, if you haven't: "Resistance and Contemplation" by James Douglass. I gave one of them away to a friend who has since abandoned me in his haste to suck up more of the neo-con millions and participate in their continued "transformation" of the world, including his native country; he's recently become a US citizen but I told him I cannot in good conscience rise for the national anthem when it is played at his son's forthcoming appearance in the Fens.


Welcome to your life
There's no turning back
Even while sleep
We will find you
Acting on your best behaviour
Turn your back on mother nature
Everybody wants to rule the world
It's my own design
It's my own remorse
Help me to decide
Help make the most
Of freedom and of pleasure
Nothing ever lasts forever
Everybody wants to rule the world
There's a room where the light won't find you
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
When they do I'll be right behind you
So glad we've almost made it
So sad they had fade it
Everybody wants to rule the world
I can't stand this indecision
Married with a lack of vision
Everybody wants to rule the world
Say that you'll never never never need it
One headline why believe it ?
Everybody wants to rule the world
All for freedom and for pleasure
Nothing ever lasts forever
Everybody wants to rule the world


It will have been a hyper-busy weekend.... I prepped for a sleep-over featuring a little boy almost four who is a handsome and intelligent young man who is often adamant -- like his father and perhaps me -- in his anti-authoritarian attitudes, and his kid sister: cute, loving, feisty and exclaiming her identity at age 1.5, followed by preparations to join wife's father at Easter services tomorrow with wife, then traveling to visit her mother in the nursing home, then traveling to spend Easter egg hunt with steaks grilled event at the cherubim's other grandma's house, then racing home to catch the premiere of this year's Chopped All-Stars second annual championship ( I discovered them last year when Nate Applebaum won and I wrote to him, and he called me on the phone). I do love to cook.

The weekend also featured a deep read (this the second time through) of Ann Jauregui's immense and intense little book entitled "Epiphanies" (along with side references to related texts like Mayer's "Extraordinary Knowing"), and the receipt of the new Holosync discs along with a special extra freebie entitled "The Conscious Thought Generator" (The Map of Realty Expander [TM]). The relevant parts (and the weekend's musings) will be written up for forthcoming blog entries. [The last entry "Why Bother?..." set an immediate blog record for number of hits.]

During the sleepover, the four-year old got to play with "the grand piano" attached to the computer. Not yet savant material, he spent most of the time going up and down the available five octaves with one finger and on the fourth trip said "When things get repeated, they form a pattern."

How fascinating.... Perhaps I'll get him a membership at DPF for his fifth birthday.

Having listened to the first Holosync disc ["Awakening 2.0"] as instructed, this thought came to mind when I was five minutes into it: Every one of us comes with the necessary "factory-installed" equipment to accomplish some of the extra-ordinary metacognitive capacities discussed in the books listed in the bibliography at Summon The Magic. It's merely a question of whether we want to acknowledge, explore, develop and add customization in finding the appropriate and functional higher quality "after-market" enhancements.

"Forty Days" speaks musically without words about the internal challenges that arise when lost in meditation in the ultra-silence of the desert (echoed by Jauregui's accounts of her evenings and days in Death Valley). "Resistance and Contemplation" speaks from the Merton example of monastic meditation. The bibliography of "Epiphanies" is a tour de force in post-modern physics and spirituality, and I will continue to mine it.

Easter is one of the major celebrations of the theory of immanence, something also understood in their own way by New England's transcendentalists on whose periphery sat Sarah Orne Jewett. Gaffney's, whose book "Black 9/11" is pre-ordered, also wrote of Jesus' initiatory teachings on immanence.

Happy Easter.

[TABLE="width: 855"]
[TD]If you bring forth what is within you,
what you bring forth will save you.
If you do not bring forth what is within you,
what you do not bring forth will destroy you.

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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