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18-03-2009, 06:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 18-03-2009, 06:44 PM by Peter Lemkin.)
Walt Brown Wrote:For Peter Lemkin, who has asked me to put materials at risk by shipping them outside of the US to Prague, I suggest you seek therapy. Your requests have been answered, yet you have adopted, by choice or otherwise (illegal to be in the US?), the position of an expatriate, and then you had the collosal gall to write to me about a recent visit to the United States, but, Walt, please ship me the materials in Prague, even though I was just in the US. I'm sure that will open the door for the rest of the research community to view those materials.
Walt, the materials would not be at risk. They would be copies first of all, and I suggested a secure way - and in your first reply you agreed to send here. It is NO less secure than your storage space. It is not illegal for me to be in the USA. I have made clear elsewhere why I came here - and explained it IN DETAIL to YOU. Yes, I did go back for the first time in eight years and spent 4 nights in a hotel while getting my 1987, 350,000 miles Volvo going - every other day and night camping in a tent that leaked some and has no locks for 60 days vacation in the Rockies high in the mountains - not the best place to have it sent. And then I'd have had to take it back to my HOME and OFFICE in Europe [I have NO place in the USA now] Plus, my bags get COMPLETELY searched by TSA every time - I explained all this to you - so that would have been a 'great' way to move 'em! [plus the added convenience travelling with a very large dog and one or two more additional bags - to my three plus dog carrier the size of two - should they 'make it'] I asked you for, and was willing to pay for scans and thus a few DVDs. You insisted on and agreed to copies [which I agreed to reluctantly take], but only IF not sent out of the USA - I guess to deny me, not as a logical 'security' measure. I work with many all over the world on the JFK case, as you likely know, and was going to make whatever I found public and/or share significant documents with other interested and competant researchers. If I still lived in the USA I don't see how that would ensure others greater access. Your angry statement to me doesn't even reflect your last email - less so the one prior - much less so our other email exchanges and initial phone conversation. I don't get it. Nor the venom at me and the others. Don't know what more to say.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
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I think we have heard all we will hear from Walt Brown. He is under no obligation to anyone to do a thing. History or justice be dammed. Name calling, posting potential embarrasing information, being hateful to a man who has devoted his life to this -(Jack)-those are the kind of responses he makes to an honest request. Oh and of course his threats to sue.
Why would he respond this way???
I thank all who suggested that Walt turn over Jay's files to a university. That was an excellent suggestion. Walt complains, rightly in this economy, about the storage cost, so that suggestion covers all bases.
My husband Erick and I assisted Walt in seeing to it that Jay's wish regarding his remains be carried out, and that Sunday night I thought Walt to be an honorable man. I wish he would do the right thing for the sake of the research community, history and to honor Jay and his work.
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07-05-2009, 07:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-05-2009, 07:56 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
I had waited some months until Walt might have cooled down from this thread and two weeks ago emailed him a polite message asking once again for the materials long ago promised [!] and never sent.....[with increasing conditions I had to fullfil with every contact]......then a flat refusal.[all this before Charles Drago's open letter]
Today, I received a very angry response and further refusal (and additional conditions - with no promise of a positive response should I comply). I think chances are slim any of us will have access to those materials for the forseeable future.
In his response he seemed to state that I had posted (or was co-complicit in) what Charles had. He stated "I don't like to read my name on a public forum and be accused of being an accessory to a cover up because I have not made public a few million sheets of paper."] and "In the meantime, until YOU mail to ME All of your research materials, as you would have me do for you, don't waste my time."
For good measure (and collegiality), in reply to my polite request and reminder of the promised materials he ended with "If you want to get in my face, "make my day." I work for the people who subscribe to the journal and who purchase my books or cd's. Period." don't hold your breath on the Harrison papers. I tried. I was told he'd get around to it over two years. I'm now totally refused. [and requested to first submit ALL of my research materials - including some sensitive ones I made him aware I had.] :y:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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Peter Lemkin Wrote:In his response he seemed to state that I had posted (or was co-complicit in) what Charles had. He stated "I don't like to read my name on a public forum and be accused of being an accessory to a cover up because I have not made public a few million sheets of paper."
For the record:
1. All that I write, unless noted to the contrary, is attributable to me and to me alone.
2. I accused Walt Brown of nothing. He is solely responsible for his actions, and only history can judge him fairly.
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08-05-2009, 09:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-05-2009, 09:15 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
Charles Drago Wrote:Peter Lemkin Wrote:In his response he seemed to state that I had posted (or was co-complicit in) what Charles had. He stated "I don't like to read my name on a public forum and be accused of being an accessory to a cover up because I have not made public a few million sheets of paper."
For the record:
1. All that I write, unless noted to the contrary, is attributable to me and to me alone.
2. I accused Walt Brown of nothing. He is solely responsible for his actions, and only history can judge him fairly.
While the clarification is fine for those reading the thread, there was - or should not have been - any confusion on Walt Brown's part. I made it clear I had nothing to do with the Open Letter after it was put up and, besides, I've had a two year exchange with him on the materials requested and he first said to be coming when he had the time.....then with when he had the time plus certain conditions...then when he had the time and more conditions [that I only take possession of them in the USA]....then when hell froze over [plus certain conditions, one being that I first send to him all my research materials].
Again, if anyone has any knowledge of anyone having had access to any of Jay's materials since Jay's death, I'd like to hear about it. I also hope Walt calms down and stops his somewhat over-reactive anger. Yes, no one would appreciate being questioned or called to task publicly, I've had it done to me and know how it feels. I thought the purpose we were all in this was to find and expose the truth of the events of Dallas [with all the attendant persons, motives, players, forces, cover-ups, documents, witnesses, etc.] The research community has had a few too many internecine battles for my taste. A few gallant souls are very (or have been very) kind forthcoming and sharing with other legitimate researchers. Others are squarrels and horders and won't share for a variety of different reasons. I offered to pay Walt for his work copying or scanning and went further to offer to collect money for a new scanner for him from the research community. What I got was a 'make my day' spit. Very sad.
I'm informed by two persons that among other things Jay interviewed Seiwell about Plumlee and Dallas 11/22/63, generally and there is even a taped interview with transcripts.
I'm sure there is lots of other interesting materials. I wonder if any will ever see the light of day.......I can only hope so. Sadly, I think I will never see any, given Walt's temper and penchant for escalation of a situation, rather than working to defuse and resolve it.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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09-05-2009, 02:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-05-2009, 02:26 AM by Tosh Plumlee.)
Let me get something straight right now in reference to Captain Edward G Seiwell of the Fourth Army Dallas Texas. Jay Harrison was the only researcher who talked with Seiwell after I gave him his location when I found him living in Dallas with his daughter. After, I had located him after many years of searching, I went and talked to him (Seiwell) and asked him if it was OK for Jay to interview him.
I also asked him if any other researchers had contacted him in the past years. His answer was; NO. I asked him if Jim Marrs had contacted him. His answer NO ... and Peter I ask if you had contacted him... again NO. I asked if Larry Hancock had contacted him again, NO. AND TOO, I asked if anyone from Oliver Stone had contacted him... again NO. Now I had told all these people about him and where he could be found. NADA. Now in my view there was no follow up from anybody after I gave them the information to confirm various matters concerning activities of the 4th Army Dallas, Love Field. To me that research was not done or followed up on...If there was any type of follow up or research it was very limited ... it was flat lazy sloopy follow up work at best. Or it could have been that nobody believed me, including you and Jim...The only one who did believe me and did detail follow up work was JAY HARRISON..
Jay Harrison was the only researcher who took the time and did the leg work to track him down from my information and interviewed him on tape. I was there and I have a copy of that tape. This was many years after I had told Jim Marrs and You too, Peter where Seiwell was and how to get in touch with him... You and Jim and even Oliver Stone and Joe West DID NOT EVEN TRY to talk to him. As well as Larry Hancock. Now that Seiwell is dead (91 years old) You people come out of the wood work and claim things that are not true. You feel that some owe you their hard earned work.
The whole matter of Jays work and that of Seiwells's is a damn good example of twisting the facts that makes me so damn touche about the qualifications of so called researchers. After the man is DEAD then you want his material Seiwell's as well as JAY's.. And some of you feel it is owed to you for the sake of history. BS I lived it... Jay researched it.. It was and is for this very reason that I told Walt "Not to give any of Jays material concerning Me to ANYONE without my consent"...
Jay got a lot of background on my family and what my father did in the War years for Uncle Sam and the OSS, at Love Field. Jay was damn good at what he did. So again I say I want nothing more to do with the investigations into JFK. And too, I do not want anymore of my personal life passed around for others to twist and fit into their wild theories about how things really went down in Dallas... I tried to point researchers to the location of many facts which could be established but most could not get past their egos and pet theories to really go and look. The Seiwell case is a perfect example. If what I had to say did not jive with others preconcieved ideas and speculations, then I was the one who was Wrong. And too, I was called a liar and a fabricator with a wild story by some of these so called "EXPERTS".
Now, you can sent this reply to Walt. So get off his case and that of mine... Capt Edward G Seiwell is dead and gone... you missed out and nothing you can say or do will change that. You Peter and others have screwed the record up for the last time, in my view. By the way where is the 'Wilson" material promised many years ago? Where is all the secret stuff that you and you alone uncovered? "....but can't tell at this hush hush". All of you from this quarter Look at yourselves. Patheic.
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Tosh Plumlee Wrote:Let me get something straight right now in reference to Captain Edward G Seiwell of the Fourth Army Dallas Texas. Jay Harrison was the only researcher who talked with Seiwell after I gave him his location when I found him living in Dallas with his daughter. After, I had located him after many years of searching, I went and talked to him (Seiwell) and asked him if it was OK for Jay to interview him.
Do you remember what date or even the year Jay would have talked to Seiwell?
"History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." --James Madison
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09-05-2009, 04:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-05-2009, 04:38 AM by Tosh Plumlee.)
It was around the time that we moved the Rambler from where Jay had it stored to my daughter's farm, (spring 2002) about a year before my grandson died around June 2003 I think (Sept 2003 sticks in my mind) However, Jay was very secretive and indicated to me he had talked to Seiwell a few years before that date. I had talked with Seiwell's daughter a few months before Sept. (from memory) I think Seiwell died around 2006 or 7 but not sure. Thats what the daughter told me later. However, I think we did the tape around 2002-3 if I remember right, maybe a little before ???. I do not have those files with me to take a look at. I did see a death notice but can't remember where or when.
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09-05-2009, 05:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-05-2009, 09:00 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
Tosh Plumlee Wrote:Let me get something straight right now in reference to Captain Edward G Seiwell of the Fourth Army Dallas Texas. Jay Harrison was the only researcher who talked with Seiwell after I gave him his location when I found him living in Dallas with his daughter. After, I had located him after many years of searching, I went and talked to him (Seiwell) and asked him if it was OK for Jay to interview him.
I also asked him if any other researchers had contacted him in the past years. His answer was; NO. I asked him if Jim Marrs had contacted him. His answer NO ... and Peter I ask if you had contacted him... again NO. I asked if Larry Hancock had contacted him again, NO. AND TOO, I asked if anyone from Oliver Stone had contacted him... again NO. Now I had told all these people about him and where he could be found. NADA. Now in my view there was no follow up from anybody after I gave them the information to confirm various matters concerning activities of the 4th Army Dallas, Love Field. To me that research was not done or followed up on...If there was any type of follow up or research it was very limited ... it was flat lazy sloopy follow up work at best. Or it could have been that nobody believed me, including you and Jim...The only one who did believe me and did detail follow up work was JAY HARRISON..
Jay Harrison was the only researcher who took the time and did the leg work to track him down from my information and interviewed him on tape. I was there and I have a copy of that tape. This was many years after I had told Jim Marrs and You too, Peter where Seiwell was and how to get in touch with him... You and Jim and even Oliver Stone and Joe West DID NOT EVEN TRY to talk to him. As well as Larry Hancock. Now that Seiwell is dead (91 years old) You people come out of the wood work and claim things that are not true. You feel that some owe you their hard earned work.
The whole matter of Jays work and that of Seiwells's is a damn good example of twisting the facts that makes me so damn touche about the qualifications of so called researchers. After the man is DEAD then you want his material Seiwell's as well as JAY's.. And some of you feel it is owed to you for the sake of history. BS I lived it... Jay researched it.. It was and is for this very reason that I told Walt "Not to give any of Jays material concerning Me to ANYONE without my consent"...
Jay got a lot of background on my family and what my father did in the War years for Uncle Sam and the OSS, at Love Field. Jay was damn good at what he did. So again I say I want nothing more to do with the investigations into JFK. And too, I do not want anymore of my personal life passed around for others to twist and fit into their wild theories about how things really went down in Dallas... I tried to point researchers to the location of many facts which could be established but most could not get past their egos and pet theories to really go and look. The Seiwell case is a perfect example. If what I had to say did not jive with others preconcieved ideas and speculations, then I was the one who was Wrong. And too, I was called a liar and a fabricator with a wild story by some of these so called "EXPERTS".
Now, you can sent this reply to Walt. So get off his case and that of mine... Capt Edward G Seiwell is dead and gone... you missed out and nothing you can say or do will change that. You Peter and others have screwed the record up for the last time, in my view. By the way where is the 'Wilson" material promised many years ago? Where is all the secret stuff that you and you alone uncovered? "....but can't tell at this hush hush". All of you from this quarter Look at yourselves. Patheic.
Thanks for that friendly little ditty. Tosh you know how poor I've been [and even why], and that I'm in Europe. That is why I didn't try to contact Seiwell. Besides, I already knew that Jay has interviewed him. I did send word to others in TX to try to pull files, but I have no control over what others do. Much effort has gone into Tom's materials and continues. I don't want to discuss it here. But you can't have it both ways - asking things be made available/done and trying to stop them being made available - even if it is 'because' of family background materials [which I doubt - but even if true not IMO sufficient]. I'm very sorry Larry or Jim didn't try to contact Seiwell. They were a hell of a lot closer and both had the funds to do so - I guess they just didn't have the time or for some reason the interest - although I think Seiwell would have been very interesting for many reasons - your story only being one. Anyway, some of the information exists in two places - One is Walt's storage [apparently] and the other you know (and you told me) the whereabouts of. Are you going to help us and try to make either one available [or not thwart that], or just whine about the researchers - making up 'reasons' why things can't or shouldn't be seen? What researcher is going to go around publicizing what your father may have done in the OSS - and if he did it, so he did it - whatever it was. Are we out to find the true history of our intertwined past, or only the 'convenient' parts? Convenient for whom? I want the whole truth now matter who is inconvenienced, thank you. The inconvenient TRUTH, if it needs be. Remember how many times you warned me how much trouble/pain/problems I was likely getting into working with you on a book? Well, take your own admonitions, buck-up, and help out - not ridicule and play monday-morning quarterback. Please. There is enough blame to go around to all - including you, me, each of us - but I'd rather concentrate on the positive and move ahead on whatever fronts can be. There are still many and I'm sure Jay did good work on Seiwell and his connections. Funny how you don't seem to mind Walt not yet making that available. How are we to read that? And, how'z about the 'other' material on Seiwell? He who is without 'sin', cast the first stone, friend. And kindly stop seeing us as some 'bloc', we are individuals with our own lives, interests, financial or other life problems, priorities, constraints and strengths - not to mention physical locations and beliefs as to what is most likely to bring results. You've never explained to me what you know about our Project collapsing and any part you might have played in that - knowingly or not. And I've not made a big deal about it - nor your blaming me for what Tom wouldn't do and honor, etc. We have little control over others, accept through friendships and repaying favors, exchange et al. I'll leave it at that. There is much more that could be said. So, no throwing stones this way, please.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
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Peter: When you first heard about Seiwell you were here in the United States (1991)... When Wilson was contacted and we were in Bolder Colorado talking to him you were in the United States this was long before your problems in California of which you have said I and our research was the cause off. Hell that was before the turn of the cent .
In 1997 I told you I had located Seiwell and I told you where he was... Now do not twist this like I am the bad guy and did not help on this... I am done on this subject... save your post for something creative and worthwhile and stop the whinning about what you or I did or did not do.. move on and DO something. Again in your post I read "... but I can't talk about it here...".. I am sick of you saying that... year after year over and over... if you have something then by all means put it out for all or forget it.
You like a shotgun..., splatter it out there in many different threads and many different subjects...bitch a little here bitch a little there all about the dirty old USof A... I see you as a Radical... My friend the Radical... I should write a book about you. good title..