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Mary's Mosaic: Entering Peter Janney's World of Fantasy
What you're doing Tom is like pointing out all the bogus theories in the Kennedy Assassination and then coming to the conclusion that therefore the suggestion that there was a conspiracy must be wrong. It doesn't work that way. They way it works is like the little bit pregnant rule. When you find reasonable proof of conspiracy it negates all the flaws you are pointing out.
Tom Scully Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:[quote=Albert Doyle]
... You're trolling Mr O'Blazney and not answering the progress of points clearly detailed in this thread.

The harder you don't answer something the more credible it becomes. The car had no documentation because it was a CIA plant.

But you are not asking any questions, are you? You're just living in the good ole days when Crump trial witness William L. Mitchell was "missing" and thus could be passed off as a "CIA assassin".
You think you can still credibly claim a unrepaired Rambler that Wiggins said he could not account for and his co-worker Bill Branch was last described sitting in the seat of, with the Rambler keys and no mentioned means of transport back to his work place, has to be a See Eye Aye "plant". Is it possible that anyone knows more about these circumstance than you claim to know? Are you even serious
about any of this? You've posted more responses on this thread and on the book review site than any other human being, yet what can you point to as a fact that you can support and have contributed in
any of your three years long posting campaign? You also debated me in a thread on this topic on the old Lancer forum. Through it all, you've only repeated Janneyr's third hand and somewhat discredited
claims and interpretations, but here you are, lecturing DiEugenio. Damore's researcher O'Blazney, and the researcher who located the "missing" William L. Mithcell..... me. If I located the Rambler today,
with a chain of detail back to the 51 year old event as solid as the chain I presented in IDing "missing Mitchell," I have not the least doubt you would keep repeating your posts, anyway. Is it a fish or a troll
that is unaware it is wet?

Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:............
Your turn, Mr. Doyle. I'll have to channel 'My Three Uncles' in order to post anything of value here. Thanks again, Tom. You can tell them all about it, if you'd care to. Please continue sharing your valuable research with us, one of the few who've moved the cause forward, a march against time. Stars in your Crown.

Mark, I think what I find most curious is Mr. Doyle-Yates's total lack of curiousity. He has not indicated any interest in the slightest in you, or how you came to be Leo Damore's researcher. He simply re-posts (for the past three years and four months) what has impressed him in Mary's Mosaic, the Janney novel that was fronted as a non-fiction book by a "CIA-DC insider," once removed. I am sure you can recall that I badgered you with questions related to your knowledge of the events presented from Janney's POV?

Nothing I've presented since August, 2012, or posted, or anything Mark has said, has influenced in the silghtest, the
Doyle-Yates posted interpretations related to the circumstances of Mary Meyer's murder. In contrast, my discoveries have certainly influenced both Mark, the former researcher of Leo Damore, and prompted Janney to issue a sequel to his book, file a publicity stunt lawsuit, and to finally admit that his "missing" Miitchell was not a CIA assassin and that Damore could not have been in contact with the actual Crump trial witness and now non-missing and non-assassin, William L. Mitchell. But...... not Doyle-Yates, he just keeps on posting along.... the same unsupported interpretations.

I found out about Mark's "uncles" independently, and when I did, I asked Mark if he thought Damore was an astute enough researcher to tap Mark's talents because of these familial
questions, and Mark cannot say, for sure. In looking up this info for this post, I came upon an email in which you shared your interaction with Henry Wiggins and of the fire at the M Street Esso gas station, just before you arrived intending to comb through its old boxes of customer records. There were two ESSO stations with the same ownership, Bill Branch employed at one, and Henry Wiggins at the other. Roundtree's investigator, Purcell, is the only source attributed as unsuccessful in locating a record of the customer call about the Rambler. Roundtree is quoted by Burleigh advising that investigator Purcell also never found Ray Crump's alibi girlfriend.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7518&stc=1]

Quote:Justice Older Than the Law: The Life of Dovey Johnson ...
Katie McCabe, ‎Dovey Johnson Roundtree - 2009 - ‎Biography & Autobiography
I pretty nearly turned the city of Washington inside out, looking for that womanor rather, my assistant, Purcell Moore, did. Purcell had helped me on many a ...

There is no statement or testimony claiming that Wiggins or Branch repaired the "missing" Rambler, only that Wiggins lifted the hood after unlocking the passenger door, and Branch sitting in the Rambler when Wiggins left the scene to return to the M Street Esso station to call police. There is no account I can locate that explains how Bill Branch was transported from his seat in the Rambler, back to his workplace. Wiggins was transported back to the murder scene by DC police, and then later to the roadway by police, where he had last seen Branch and the Rambler. He said he noticed the Rambler was gone, but how did Branch leave the scene???????????? Janney wrote that they had a key to the Rambler, but there is no description of either of them even attempting to start the Rambler with the key or of doing any pre-repair diagnosis, so what would there have been any related billing record for, related to repairing the Rambler? Did Bill Branch walk off, with transport away from the Rambler undescribed by Janney, and simply leave the key with the Rambler?

As I've stated before, all of Doyle-Yates's conclusions are unjustified because he does not have enough information to reach them.

Back to Marks' family. This woman, Katherine, was Mark's grandmother.:

This was her household in the 1910 US Census, when she was age 20. Her li'l brother grew up to be father of a close friend, according to his HSCA security classified testimony, of David Atlee Phillips, and this nephew of Katherine (Jeremiah A. O'Leary, Jr.) and first cousin of Mark's mother, served as a pallbearer at Lee Harvey Oswald's funeral. He and Aynesworth were ubiquitous in Dallas, that weekend.:

[TABLE="width: 656"]
[TD]William J O Leary[/TD]
[TD] Head[/TD]
[TD] M[/TD]
[TD] 40[/TD]
[TD] Ireland[/TD]
[TD] Margaret O Leary[/TD]
[TD] Wife[/TD]
[TD] F[/TD]
[TD] 48[/TD]
[TD] District of Columbia[/TD]
[TD] Michael W Flynn[/TD]
[TD] Stepson[/TD]
[TD] M[/TD]
[TD] 23[/TD]
[TD] District of Columbia[/TD]
[TD] Katherine Flynn[/TD]
[TD] Stepdaughter[/TD]
[TD] F[/TD]
[TD] 20[/TD]
[TD] District of Columbia[/TD]
[TD] Jeremiah O Leary[/TD]
[TD] Son[/TD]
[TD] M[/TD]
[TD] 13[/TD]
[TD] District of Columbia ....[/TD]

Mark's grandmother, Katherine's brother was Mike Flynn. Katherine had a son, Mark's unlce Bill. Bill brought together Huntley and Brinkley at NBC and he hired Walter Sheridan
to "cover" Jim Garrison's investigation. Sorry, Mark, to read of the recent loss of your cousin, Bill's son.

December 20, 1993
...In a memo, he also recalled that "I stood just 12 feet from Jack Ruby when he killed President Kennedy's assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. I danced the Big Apple with Eleanor Roosevelt."...
Jeremiah Aloysius Patrick O'Leary Jr., a Washington native, was born into a family with deep journalistic roots in the area. His father covered Congress for the Star for a half-century. An uncle, Mike Flynn, had edited the Washington Times-Herald, and a cousin, William McAndrew, served as president of NBC news....

......This could only have been for one of two reasons: (1) Porter, a pansy, had been paying off to some young men around town; (2) and probably more important, Porter was the only one who knew about Shelton's chicanery. He had been milking the tail for some time, including Times-Herald newsprint diverted to his own printing plant. Unquestionably, Mrs. Campbell persuaded Porter to leave town, then lifted the evidence out of his apartment. She admitted part of this in a sworn disposition. Also important is the facct that the Washington Times-Herald editor, Mike Flynn, apparently was able to get his brother-in-law, D.C. Police Chief Barrett, to send two Washington police to Clarksburg, West Virginia, the same night that Porter fell out of the window - or was pushed. It was they who took over Porter's papers and arranged the story given out to the press by the West Virginia police. Harry Costello claims that when Porter hit the ground one side of his face - this side which did not strike the ground - was bruised from an aparent beating. Later Porter's body was cremated and his cousin who arrived to see the body was kept in Evie Robert's apartment at the Mayflower while the cremation was taking place. Apparently they were in an awful hurry to get the body out of the way. (William C. Shelton, general manager, and michael W. Flynn, managing editor, were two of seven Times-Herald executives who inherited the paper under the terms of the disputed will. Harry Costello occasionally did investigative work for Drew.)" (Source: Tyler Abell, Ed., Drew Pearson Diaries 1949-1959. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, p. 16-17).....

Mr. Doyle-Yates, please forgive my criticism of you in this post if you've been busy PMing Mark O'Blazney and peppering him with question to satisfy your extremely well hidden

Albert Doyle Wrote:What you're doing Tom is like pointing out all the bogus theories in the Kennedy Assassination and then coming to the conclusion that therefore the suggestion that there was a conspiracy must be wrong. It doesn't work that way. They way it works is like the little bit pregnant rule. When you find reasonable proof of conspiracy it negates all the flaws you are pointing out.

If you cannot locate your wallet or the remote for your tee vee, do you jump to a conlcusion the CIA must be behind the disappearance? You react to incomplete information as if
it was complete enough to draw reliable conclusions, you do it habitually, and your results speak for themselves, as do Janney's "work".
Discredited, unfounded, contradicted by the known evidence, and I've proven that "missing" status is actually supporting evidence of nothing. Note the arrogance and what it took to demolish it.:
The Autodaf of Lisa Pease and James DiEugenio Tomas de Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition return in a new era of suppression of freedom of thought and adherence to a rigid dogma - namely their own prejudices!

By Peter Janney
July 6, 2012

..........It doesn't seem to matter to Pease that "Mitchell" has never been able to be located since the trial, or that his known address during that time was documented as a "CIA safe house" by three separate former CIA employees. ......

Quote:Harvard Alumni Directory - Page 1057
1965 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
Med. c53-57 ABmcl Mitchell, Mark Brendan, 3039 Pulwa Lane, Honolulu 17, Hawaii Arch. gsd58-e2 BArch Mitchell, Miss Mary .... Ed Adm. g25-29 AM 26, PhD 29 MltcheU, WUliam Lockwood, 1500 Arlington Blvd. , Apt. 1022, Arlington, Va.
[URL="*EDWARD+C.%2C+Exec.+Secy.%2C+NASA+Hq.%2C+Washington%2C+D.C%2C+Home:+1500+Arlington+Blvd.+%2C+Arlington%2C+Va.+%22"]Astronautics & Aeronautics - Volume 2 - Page 274
1964 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
Home; 309 Oak Park Dr. , Tullahoma (A) WELSH, DR. EDWARD C., Exec. Secy., NASA Hq., Washington, D.C, Home: 1500 Arlington Blvd. , Arlington, Va.
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
Tom Scully Wrote:
Tom Scully Wrote:
Albert Doyle Wrote:[quote=Albert Doyle]
... You're trolling Mr O'Blazney and not answering the progress of points clearly detailed in this thread.

The harder you don't answer something the more credible it becomes. The car had no documentation because it was a CIA plant.

But you are not asking any questions, are you? You're just living in the good ole days when Crump trial witness William L. Mitchell was "missing" and thus could be passed off as a "CIA assassin".
You think you can still credibly claim a unrepaired Rambler that Wiggins said he could not account for and his co-worker Bill Branch was last described sitting in the seat of, with the Rambler keys and no mentioned means of transport back to his work place, has to be a See Eye Aye "plant". Is it possible that anyone knows more about these circumstance than you claim to know? Are you even serious
about any of this? You've posted more responses on this thread and on the book review site than any other human being, yet what can you point to as a fact that you can support and have contributed in
any of your three years long posting campaign? You also debated me in a thread on this topic on the old Lancer forum. Through it all, you've only repeated Janneyr's third hand and somewhat discredited
claims and interpretations, but here you are, lecturing DiEugenio. Damore's researcher O'Blazney, and the researcher who located the "missing" William L. Mithcell..... me. If I located the Rambler today,
with a chain of detail back to the 51 year old event as solid as the chain I presented in IDing "missing Mitchell," I have not the least doubt you would keep repeating your posts, anyway. Is it a fish or a troll
that is unaware it is wet?

Mark, I think what I find most curious is Mr. Doyle-Yates's total lack of curiousity. He has not indicated any interest in the slightest in you, or how you came to be Leo Damore's researcher. He simply re-posts (for the past three years and four months) what has impressed him in Mary's Mosaic, the Janney novel that was fronted as a non-fiction book by a "CIA-DC insider," once removed. I am sure you can recall that I badgered you with questions related to your knowledge of the events presented from Janney's POV?

Nothing I've presented since August, 2012, or posted, or anything Mark has said, has influenced in the silghtest, the
Doyle-Yates posted interpretations related to the circumstances of Mary Meyer's murder. In contrast, my discoveries have certainly influenced both Mark, the former researcher of Leo Damore, and prompted Janney to issue a sequel to his book, file a publicity stunt lawsuit, and to finally admit that his "missing" Miitchell was not a CIA assassin and that Damore could not have been in contact with the actual Crump trial witness and now non-missing and non-assassin, William L. Mitchell. But...... not Doyle-Yates, he just keeps on posting along.... the same unsupported interpretations.

I found out about Mark's "uncles" independently, and when I did, I asked Mark if he thought Damore was an astute enough researcher to tap Mark's talents because of these familial
questions, and Mark cannot say, for sure. In looking up this info for this post, I came upon an email in which you shared your interaction with Henry Wiggins and of the fire at the M Street Esso gas station, just before you arrived intending to comb through its old boxes of customer records. There were two ESSO stations with the same ownership, Bill Branch employed at one, and Henry Wiggins at the other. Roundtree's investigator, Purcell, is the only source attributed as unsuccessful in locating a record of the customer call about the Rambler. Roundtree is quoted by Burleigh advising that investigator Purcell also never found Ray Crump's alibi girlfriend.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7518&stc=1]


There is no statement or testimony claiming that Wiggins or Branch repaired the "missing" Rambler, only that Wiggins lifted the hood after unlocking the passenger door, and Branch sitting in the Rambler when Wiggins left the scene to return to the M Street Esso station to call police. There is no account I can locate that explains how Bill Branch was transported from his seat in the Rambler, back to his workplace. Wiggins was transported back to the murder scene by DC police, and then later to the roadway by police, where he had last seen Branch and the Rambler. He said he noticed the Rambler was gone, but how did Branch leave the scene???????????? Janney wrote that they had a key to the Rambler, but there is no description of either of them even attempting to start the Rambler with the key or of doing any pre-repair diagnosis, so what would there have been any related billing record for, related to repairing the Rambler? Did Bill Branch walk off, with transport away from the Rambler undescribed by Janney, and simply leave the key with the Rambler?

As I've stated before, all of Doyle-Yates's conclusions are unjustified because he does not have enough information to reach them.

Back to Marks' family. This woman, Katherine, was Mark's grandmother.:

This was her household in the 1910 US Census, when she was age 20. Her li'l brother grew up to be father of a close friend, according to his HSCA security classified testimony, of David Atlee Phillips, and this nephew of Katherine (Jeremiah A. O'Leary, Jr.) and first cousin of Mark's mother, served as a pallbearer at Lee Harvey Oswald's funeral. He and Aynesworth were ubiquitous in Dallas, that weekend.:

[TABLE="width: 656"]
[TD]William J O Leary[/TD]
[TD] Head[/TD]
[TD] M[/TD]
[TD] 40[/TD]
[TD] Ireland[/TD]
[TD] Margaret O Leary[/TD]
[TD] Wife[/TD]
[TD] F[/TD]
[TD] 48[/TD]
[TD] District of Columbia[/TD]
[TD] Michael W Flynn[/TD]
[TD] Stepson[/TD]
[TD] M[/TD]
[TD] 23[/TD]
[TD] District of Columbia[/TD]
[TD] Katherine Flynn[/TD]
[TD] Stepdaughter[/TD]
[TD] F[/TD]
[TD] 20[/TD]
[TD] District of Columbia[/TD]
[TD] Jeremiah O Leary[/TD]
[TD] Son[/TD]
[TD] M[/TD]
[TD] 13[/TD]
[TD] District of Columbia ....[/TD]

Mark's grandmother, Katherine's brother was Mike Flynn. Katherine had a son, Mark's unlce Bill. Bill brought together Huntley and Brinkley at NBC and he hired Walter Sheridan
to "cover" Jim Garrison's investigation. Sorry, Mark, to read of the recent loss of your cousin, Bill's son.

Mr. Doyle-Yates, please forgive my criticism of you in this post if you've been busy PMing Mark O'Blazney and peppering him with question to satisfy your extremely well hidden

If you cannot locate your wallet or the remote for your tee vee, do you jump to a conlcusion the CIA must be behind the disappearance? You react to incomplete information as if
it was complete enough to draw reliable conclusions, you do it habitually, and your results speak for themselves, as do Janney's "work".
Discredited, unfounded, contradicted by the known evidence, and I've proven that "missing" status is actually supporting evidence of nothing. Note the arrogance and what it took to demolish it.:
The Autodaf of Lisa Pease and James DiEugenio Tomas de Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition return in a new era of suppression of freedom of thought and adherence to a rigid dogma - namely their own prejudices!

By Peter Janney
July 6, 2012

..........It doesn't seem to matter to Pease that "Mitchell" has never been able to be located since the trial, or that his known address during that time was documented as a "CIA safe house" by three separate former CIA employees. ......

Quote:Harvard Alumni Directory - Page 1057
1965 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
Med. c53-57 ABmcl Mitchell, Mark Brendan, 3039 Pulwa Lane, Honolulu 17, Hawaii Arch. gsd58-e2 BArch Mitchell, Miss Mary .... Ed Adm. g25-29 AM 26, PhD 29 MltcheU, WUliam Lockwood, 1500 Arlington Blvd. , Apt. 1022, Arlington, Va.
[URL="*EDWARD+C.%2C+Exec.+Secy.%2C+NASA+Hq.%2C+Washington%2C+D.C%2C+Home:+1500+Arlington+Blvd.+%2C+Arlington%2C+Va.+%22"]Astronautics & Aeronautics - Volume 2 - Page 274
1964 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
Home; 309 Oak Park Dr. , Tullahoma (A) WELSH, DR. EDWARD C., Exec. Secy., NASA Hq., Washington, D.C, Home: 1500 Arlington Blvd. , Arlington, Va.

Thanks, Tom. Didn't know about Billy. Nor Irene, either, if not for you. Like Peter M., the Snow Leopard, we all return to nature to cap off a Good Life.
Tom Scully Wrote:If you cannot locate your wallet or the remote for your tee vee, do you jump to a conlcusion the CIA must be behind the disappearance? You react to incomplete information as if
it was complete enough to draw reliable conclusions, you do it habitually, and your results speak for themselves, as do Janney's "work".
Discredited, unfounded, contradicted by the known evidence, and I've proven that "missing" status is actually supporting evidence of nothing. Note the arrogance and what it took to demolish it.:

In my opinion it would be research negligence to ignore all the serious red flags Janney credibly pointed out like serious Intel association such as Angleton and his interest in the diary, Mitchell lying about the funding for his England hiatus, the CIA friends and family members who knew it was Mary before the cops had identified the body, Mr Janney pretending he hadn't known, the CIA insiders who said it was well-known Mary Meyer was one of their jobs, the missing fiber evidence, Joe Shimon, and Wiggins saying he felt like he was set-up. You offer a Parker-like over narration in order to avoid the more incriminating evidence. I find it weird that you would have no hesitation or fear in denying one of the worst victims of the assassination her due cause.

The car disappeared without a trace because it was a CIA set-up prop that had to be in that specific place at that specific time and couldn't be patsied because of its precise role.

I feel Tom was given a Lord's silverware set as far as reference ability, however it was missing a few knives as far as detective skill.
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Tom Scully Wrote:If you cannot locate your wallet or the remote for your tee vee, do you jump to a conlcusion the CIA must be behind the disappearance? You react to incomplete information as if
it was complete enough to draw reliable conclusions, you do it habitually, and your results speak for themselves, as do Janney's "work".
Discredited, unfounded, contradicted by the known evidence, and I've proven that "missing" status is actually supporting evidence of nothing. Note the arrogance and what it took to demolish it.:

In my opinion it would be research negligence to ignore all the serious red flags Janney credibly pointed out like serious Intel association such as Angleton and his interest in the diary, Mitchell lying about the funding for his England hiatus, the CIA friends and family members who knew it was Mary before the cops had identified the body, Mr Janney pretending he hadn't known, the CIA insiders who said it was well-known Mary Meyer was one of their jobs, the missing fiber evidence, Joe Shimon, and Wiggins saying he felt like he was set-up. You offer a Parker-like over narration in order to avoid the more incriminating evidence. I find it weird that you would have no hesitation or fear in denying one of the worst victims of the assassination her due cause.

The car disappeared without a trace because it was a CIA set-up prop that had to be in that specific place at that specific time and couldn't be patsied because of its precise role.

I feel Tom was given a Lord's silverware set as far as reference ability, however it was missing a few knives as far as detective skill.

Thank you for your excellent insight, Mr. Doyle, as has been presented over the years by you in this forum of news, ideas and research. Must admit to have been reading you all since DP's inception. Interesting times. Am glad it exists. Let us all find what we are looking for.
Thanks Tom.

That is some stuff I was not aware of.

And apparently, Janney was not either.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Thanks Tom.

That is some stuff I was not aware of.

And apparently, Janney was not either.

Jim, Tom…………. Why is it so difficult to get some sort of response out of Mitchell? How can this situation move forward if he does not respond ? Has he been financially compensated for his silence ? Just asking, Mr. Mitchell, in case you're reading this. What say YOU, sir ?
Mark, Jim and Tom don't care about that as long as they can get Janney down by book-type criticisms.

Mitchell is obviously a spook and obviously shutting-up.

We have a class of Intel Nazi in this country that can be involved in covert murders and be protected by the government while a moron public watches the Kardashians.
Albert Doyle Wrote:Mark, Jim and Tom don't care about that as long as they can get Janney down by book-type criticisms.

Mitchell is obviously a spook and obviously shutting-up.

We have a class of Intel Nazi in this country that can be involved in covert murders and be protected by the government while a moron public watches the Kardashians.

Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:
Doyle-Yates Wrote:Mark, Jim and Tom don't care about that as long as they can get Janney down by PROVEN FACT-type criticisms.

Mitchell is obviously a ????? and obviously ??????.

We have a class of Intel Nazi (Godwin's Law) in this country that can be involved in covert murders and be protected by the government while a moron public watches the Kardashians.


Mark, I also want to reply to your other question. The Crump Guilt Project, a non-profit LLC,
has probably paid former Crump murder trial witness William L. Mitchell to remain in a silent,
but not missing posture. I expect a new LLC, "I know Mitchell is a CIA assassin even though
there is not the slightest proof of it," is in the offing.

If you're still engaged in research work as you were for Leo Damore, Doyle-Yates's alternative
universe will put you out of a job. "Book-Type" criticisms are irrelevant in the Doyle-Yates purview.
On the other hand, if his view gains traction, we can all pull whatever fantasy from where the
sun don't shine, paste an "everybody knows" label on it once the steam and the smell die down,
and post it with a bullying, red baiting disclaimer. All that matters to George Will and Anderson
Cooper was that Sanders and his new bride visited the Soviet Union and it is unimportant that
they were among a party of 12 practicing détente in 1988 in a sister city program involving Burlington, VT, a city Sanders was representing as its mayor.
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.

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