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Gladio: a documented 'false flag' terror campaign
Carsten Wiethoff Wrote:There is a good article about Gladio in Sweden (possible connection to Palme murder) downloadable from

LeWinter is not mentioned in it, but the following sentence alerted me:

[size=12]Dagens Nyheter [/SIZE][size=12]report suggested that "SOPSis the operative branch of ACC. Its tasks are to planand to hide secret operations. A third organ, calledITAC, is supporting SOPS with information andintelligence means. The delegates of ACC and SOPSmet regularly every month in different Europeancapitals. Headquarters allegedly were in Brussels,but the meetings also took place in Mons (Belgium),[/SIZE]

[size=12]as well as in cities in Denmark and Norway."
Correction: LeWinter is is mentioned (in the spelling "Le Winter") as the source for the April 28,1992 article of Dagens Nyheter, from which the reference to "ITAC" stems. So this is also a self reference, which is of course no indication whether it is true or not.
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
It is furthermore
unclear why the Swedish Parliament has
been very reluctant to investigate the history of the
Swedish stay-behind and why no public report was
after the EU-Parliament had explicitly asked
all countries in Europe to carry out such investiga-
tions. Finally, and most dramatically, it also remains
mysterious whether the secret army played a role
in the assassination of Prime Minister Olof Palme,
and if so, what exactly the role of the secret network
was. The reason why so many important questions
remain to date without an answer derives from the
poor quality of the data available on the subject. As
historians we only possess a number of interviews
given by previous members of the army at the end
of their lives, in the 1980s and (mainly) the 1990s.
Some of these scattered interviews were, together
with some information from governmental inquiries
analyzed in a research report by Oscar Hedin, later on
popularised in a series of newspaper articles together
with journalist Thomas Kanger. Hedin today is an
acclaimed documentary producer, yet at the time
when he carried out these interviews he was just a
student of political science. It seems a bit odd that
in Sweden, despite the importance of the subject, it
is left to students to shed some light on the entire
.89 Of course, also the memoirs of Colby are an
important source on the Swedish stay-behind. Yet
also Colby, who had commanded death squads in
boost his importance as a defender of democracy, as
time, as a former agent, he had to be very cautious
about the information he disclosed, as the Cold War.
We come to the conclusion that the lack of sources
is the main problem when it comes to researching
NATO's stay-behind armies. Book length studies
which try to present the international structure on the
stay-behinds are rare and often say little or nothing on
Swedish stay-behind network 90 Since information often
can not be checked against documentary evidence,
it is hard to evaluate the value of the interviews that
were made with veteran soldiers. That notwithstanding,
it is probably useful to be careful about how
these persons characterize the activities which they
participated in and their importance, and also to bear
in mind that the army had the character of cells, which
means that individuals had little chance to evaluate
the overall structure of the endeavour. What remains
is the use of sources at hand in order to at least get as
good a picture as possible of the secret armies. We
are two authors, a Swedish and a Swiss historian,
who have written this paper together, and we both
consider this work a democratic exercise which
hopefully will help other researchers interested in
the topic. We were surprised that the Scandinavian
Journal of History was not willling to publish our
It seems important to us that the destruction
of written sources does not prevent historians from
general and the history of the Swedish stay-behind
army in particular.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Secret Warfare: Operation Gladio and NATO's Stay-Behind Armies

Chronology 1940 In England Prime Minister Winston Churchill creates the secret stay-behind army Special Operations Executive (SOE) to set Europe ablaze by assisting resistance movements and carrying out subversive operations in enemy held territory. After the end of World War Two the stay-behind armies are created on the experiences and strategies of SOE with the involvement of former SOE officers.
1944 London and Washington agree on the importance of keeping Western Europe free from Communism. In Greece a large Communist demonstration taking place in Athens against British interference in the post war government is dissolved by gunfire of secret soldiers leaving 25 protesters dead and 148 wounded.
1945 In Finland Communist Interior Minister Leino exposes a secret stay-behind which is being closed down.
1947 In the United States President Harry Truman creates the National Security Council (NSC) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The covert action branch of the CIA, the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) under Frank Wisner sets up stay-behind armies in Western Europe.
1947 In France Interior Minister Edouard Depreux reveals the existence of a secret stay-behind army in France codenamed „Plan Bleu".
1947 In Austria a secret stay-behind is exposed which had been set up by right-wing extremists Soucek and Rössner. Chancellor Körner pardons the accused under mysterious circumstances.
1948 In France the "Western Union Clandestine Committee" (WUCC) is being created to coordinate secret unorthodox warfare. After the creation of NATO a year later the WUCC is being integrated into the military alliance under the name "Clandestine Planning Committee" (CPC).
1949 The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is founded and the European headquarters is established in France.
1951 In Sweden CIA agent William Colby based at the CIA station in Stockholm supports the training of stay-behind armies in neutral Sweden and Finland and in the NATO members Norway and Denmark.
1952 In Germany former SS officer Hans Otto reveals to the criminal police in the city of Frankfurt in Hessen the existence of the fascist German stay-behind army BDJ-TD. The arrested righ-wing extremist are found non guilty under mysterious circumstances.
1953 In Sweden the police arrests right winger Otto Hallberg and discovers the Swedish stay-behind army. Hallberg is set free and charges against him are mysteriously dropped.
1957 In Norway the director of the secret service NIS, Vilhelm Evang, protests strongly against the domestic subversion of his country through the United States and NATO and temporarily withdraws the Norwegian stay-behind army from the CPC meetings.
1958 In France NATO founds the Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC) to coordinate secret warfare and the stay-behind armies. When NATO establishes new European headquarters in Brussels the ACC under the code name SDRA 11 is hidden within the Belgian military secret service SGR who has its headquarters next to NATO.
1960 In Turkey the military supported by secret armies stages a coup d'état and kill Prime Minister Adnan Menderes.
1961 In Algeria members of the French stay-behind and officers from the French War in Vietnam found the illegal Organisation Armee Secrete (OAS) and with CIA support stage a coup in Algiers against the French government of de Gaulle which fails.
1964 In Italy the secret stay-behind army Gladio is involved in a silent coup d'état when General Giovanni de Lorenzo in Operation Solo forces the Italian Socialist Ministers to leave the government.
1965 In Austria police forces discover a stay-behind arms cache in an old mine close to Windisch-Bleiberg and force the British authorities to hand over a list with the location of 33 other MI6 arms caches in Austria.
1966 In Portugal the CIA sets up Aginter Press which under the direction of Captain Yves Guerin Serac runs a secret stay-behind army and trains its members in covert action techniques including hands on bomb terrorism, silent assassination, subversion techniques, clandestine communication and infiltration and colonial warfare.
1966 In France President Charles de Gaulle denounces the secret warfare of the Pentagon and expells the European headquarters of NATO. As the military alliance moves to Brussels secret NATO protocols are revealed that allegedly protect right-wingers in anti-communist stay-behind armies.
1967 In Greece the stay-behind army Hellenic Raiding Force takes over control over the Greek Defence Ministry and starts a military coup d'état installing a right wing dictatorship.
1968 In Sweden a British MI6 agent closely involved with the stay-behind army betrays the secret network to the Soviet secret service KGB.
1969 In Mocambique the Portugese stay-behind army Aginter Press assassinates Eduardo Mondlane, President of the Mocambique liberation party and leader of the FRELIMO movement (Frente de Liberacao de Mocambique).
1969 In Italy the Piazza Fontana massacre in Milano kills sixteen and injures and maimes 80 and is blame on the left. Thirty years later during a trial of right-wing extremists General Giandelio Maletti, former head of Italian counter-intelligence, claims that the massacre had been carried out by the Italian stay-behind army and right wing terrorists on the orders of the US secret service Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in order to discredit the Italian Communists.
1970 In Spain right wing terrorists including Stefano delle Chiaie of the Gladio stay-behind army are hired by Franco's secret police. They had fled Italy following an aborted coup during which right-wing extremist Valerio Borghese had ordered the secret army to occupy the Interior Ministry in Rome.
1971 In Turkey the military stages a coup d'état and takes over power. The stay-behind army Counter-Guerrilla engages in domestic terror and kills hundreds.
1972 In Italy a bomb explodes in a car near the village Peteano killing three Carabinieri. The terror, first blamed on the left, is later traced back to right-wing terrorist Vincenzo Vinciguerra and the Italian stay-behind code named Gladio.
1974 In Italy a massacre during an anti-fascist demonstration in Brescia kills eight and injures and maims 102, while a bomb in the Rome to Munich train "Italicus Express", kills 12 and injures and maims 48.
1974 In Denmark the secret stay-behind army Absalon tries in vain to prevent a group of leftist academics from becoming members of the directing body of the Danish Odense University whereupon the secret army is exposed.
1974 In Italy General Vito Miceli, chief of the military secret service, is arrested on charges of subversive conspiracy against the state and reveals the NATO stay-behind secret army during trial.
1976 In Germany in the secret service BND secretary Heidrun Hofer is arrested after having revealed the secrets of the German stay-behind army to her husband who was a spy of the Soviet secret service KGB.
1977 In Turkey the stay-behind army Counter-Guerrilla attacks a demonstration of 500'000 in Istambul by opening fire at the speaker's platform leaving thirty-eight killed and hundreds injured.
1977 In Spain the secret stay-behind army with support of Italian right-wing terrorists carries out the Atocha massacre in Madrid and in an attack on a lawyer's office closely linked to the Spanish Communist party kill five people.
1978 In Norway the police discovers a stay-behind arms ache and arrests Hans Otto Meyer who reveals the Norwegian secret army.
1978 In Italy former Prime Minister and leader of the Christian Democratic Party, Aldo Moro, is taken hostage in Rome by an armed secret unit and killed 55 days later because he wanted to include the Italian Communists in the government.
1980 In Italy a bomb explodes in the waiting room of the second class at the Bologna railway station, killing 85 and seriously injuring and maiming a further 200. Investigators trace the crime back to right-wing terrorists.
1980 In Turkey the commander of the stay-behind army Counter-Guerrilla, General Kenan Evren, stages a military coup and seizes power.
1981 In Germany a large stay-behind arsenal is being discovered near the German village of Uelzen in the Lüneburger Heide. Right wing extremists are alleged to have used the arsenal in the previous year to carry out a massacre during the Munich October bear festival killing 13 and wounding 213
1983 In the Netherlands strollers in the forest discover a large arms cache near the Dutch village Velp and force the government to confrim that the arms were related to NATO planning for unorthodox warfare.
1984 In Turkey the stay-behind army Counter-Guerrilla fights against the Curds and kills and tortures thousands in the following years.
1984 In Italy right-wing terrorist Vincenzo Vinciguerra in court reveals Operation Gladio and the involvement of NATO's stay-behind army in acts of terrorism in Italy designed to discredit the communists. He is sentenced to life and imprisoned.
1985 In Belgium a secret army attacks and shoots shoppers in supermarkets randomly in the Brabant county killing twenty-eight and leaving many wounded. Investigations link the terror to a conspiracy among the Belgian stay-behind SDRA8, the Belgian Gendarmerie SDRA6, the Belgian right-wing group Westland New Post, and the Pentagon secret service Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
1990 In Italy judge Felice Casson discovers documents on Operation Gladio in the archives of the Italian military secret service in Rome and forces Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti to confirm the existence of a secret army within the state to parliament. As Andreotti insists that Italy had not been the only country involved in the conspiracy the secret anti-communist stay-behind armies are discovered across Western Europe.
1990 In Switzerland Colonel Herbert Alboth, a former commander of the Swiss secret stay-behind army P26, in a confidential letter to the Defence Departement declares that he is willing to reveal „the whole truth". Thereafter he is found in his house stabbed with his own military bayonet. The detailed parliamentary report on the Swiss secret army is being presented to the public on November 17.
1990 In Belgium the NATO linked stay-behind headquarters Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC) meets on October 23 and 24 under the presidency of Belgian General Van Calster, director of the Belgian military secret service SGR.
1990 In Belgium on November 5 NATO categorically denies the allegations of Prime Minister Andreotti concerning NATO's involvement in Operation Gladio and secret unorthdox warfare in Western Europe. The next day NATO explains that the denial of the previous day had been false while refusing to answer any further questions.
1990 In Belgium the parliament of the European Union (EU) sharply condemns NATO and the United States in a resolution for having manipulated European politics with the stay-behind armies.
1991 In Sweden the media reveals that a secret stay-behind army existed in neutral Finland with an exile base in Stockholm. Finnish Defence Minister Elisabeth Rehn calls the revelations "a fairy tale", adding cautiously "or at least an incredible story, of which I know nothing."
1991 In the United States the National Security Archive at the George Washington University in Washington files a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request concerning the secret stay-behind armies with the CIA in the interest of public information and scientific research. The CIA rejects the request with the standart reply: "The CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or non-existence of records responsive to your request."
1995 In England the London based Imperial War Museum in the permanent exhibition "Secret Wars" reveals next to a big box full of explosives that the MI6 and SAS had set up stay-behind armies across Western Europe.
1995 In Italy the Senate commission headed by Senator Giovanni Pellegrino researching Operation Gladio and the assassination of former Prime Minister Aldo Moro files a FOIA request with the CIA. The CIA rejects the request and replies: "The CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or non-existence of records responsive to your request."
1996 In Austria stay-behind arms caches set up by the CIA are discovered. For the Austrian government Oliver Rathkolb of Vienna University files a FOIA request concerning the secret stay-behind armies with the CIA. The CIA rejects the request and replies: "The CIA can neither confirm nor deny the existence or non-existence of records responsive to your request."
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Agee, Philip and Wolf Louis. Dirty Work. The CIA in Western Europe. Secaucus: Lyle Stuart Inc.,1978.

Bale, Jeffrey McKenzie. "The 'Black' Terrorist International: Neo-Fascist Paramilitary Networks and the 'Strategy of Tension' in Italy, 1968-1974." UMI Dissertation Services. UMI Number 9529217. Michigan: Ann Arbor, 1996.

Barbacetto, Gianni. Il Grande vecchio. Dodici giudici raccontano le loro inchieste sui grandi misteri d'Italia da piazza Fontana a Gladio. Milano: Baldini& Castoldi, 1993.

Baud, Jacques, Encyclopédie du renseignement et des services secrets. Paris : Lavauzelle, 1997.

Bellu, Giovanni Maria. I giorni di Gladio. Milano: Sperling & Kupfer Editori, 1991.

Bettini, Emanuele. Gladio: La republica parallela. Milano: Ediesse, 1996.

Blum, William, Killing Hope: US Military and CIA interventions since World War II. Maine: Common Courage Press, 1995.

Brozzu-Gentile, Jean-Francois. L' affaire Gladio. Paris: Editions Albin Michel, 1994.

Bye, Ronald and Sjue, Finn. Norges Hemmelige Haer - Historien om Stay Behind. Oslo: Tiden Norsk Verlag, 1995.

Celik, Selahattin. Die Todesmaschinerie: Türkische Konterguerilla. Köln: Mesopotamien Verlag, 1999.

Colby, William. Honorable Men: My life in the CIA. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978.

Collin, Richard. The De Lorenzo Gambit: The Italian Coup Manqué of 1964. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1976.

De Lutiis, Giuseppe. Il lato oscuro del potere. Associazioni politiche e strutture paramilitari segrete dal 1946 a oggi. Roma: Editori Riuniti, 1996.

Fasanella, Giovanni e Sestieri, Claudio con Pellegrino, Giovanni. Segreto di Stato: La verità da Gladio al caso Moro. Torino: Einaudi Editore, 2000.

Ganser, Daniele. NATO's Secret Armies. Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe. London: Frank Cass, 2005.

Gijsels, Hugo. Netwerk Gladio. Leuven: Utgeverij Kritak, 1991.

Graaff, Bob de; Wiebes, Cees. Gladio der vrije jongens: een particuliere geheime dienst in Koude Oorlogstijd. Gravenhage: Sdu, 1992.

Igel, Regine. Andreotti: Politik zwischen Geheimdienst und Mafia. München: Herbig Verlag, 1997.

Inzerilli, Paolo. Gladio: La Verità negata. Bologna: Edizioni Analisi, 1995.

Laurent, Frédéric. L' Orchestre noir. Paris: Editions Stock, 1978.

Mecklenburg, Jens (ed.). Gladio: Die geheime Terrororganisation der Nato. Berlin: Elefanten Press, 1997.

Moroni, Primo; Coglitore, Mario; Scarso, Sandro (eds.). La notte dei Gladiatori. Omissioni e silenzi della repubblica. Padova: Calusca Edizioni, 1992.

Müller, Leo. Gladio - das Erbe des Kalten Krieges: Der Nato-Geheimbund und sein deutscher Vorläufer. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1991.

Pansa, Giampaolo. Il Gladio e l'alloro: l'Esercito di Salo. Milano: Mondadori, 1991.

Peterlini, Hans Karl. Bomben aus zweiter Hand. Zwischen Gladio und Stasi - Suedtirols missbrauchter Terrorismus. Bozen: Edition Raetia, 1992.

Prados, John. President's Secret Wars. CIA and Pentagon Covert Operations since World War II. New York: William Morrow Inc., 1986.

Serravalle, Gerardo. Gladio. Roma: Edizioni Associate, 1991.

Van Ussel, Michel. Georges 923: Un agent de Gladio Belge parle: Temoignage. Brussels : Edideurs La Longue Vue, 1991.

Vinciguerra, Vincenzo. Ergastolo per la libertà: Verso la verità sulla strategia della tensione. Firenze: Arnaud, 1989.

Willan, Philip. Puppetmasters: The political use of terrorism in Italy. London: Constable, 1991.

Willems, Jan de (ed.). Gladio. Brussels: Editions EPO, 1991.

Yalc, Soner and Yurdakaul, Doagan. Reis: Gladio nun Turk tetikcisi. Ankara: Oteki Yay Nevi, 1997.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Terrorism In Western Europe by Ganser can legally be downloaded HERE.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Documents 31 Dec 1956 Memorandum from the US Representative of NATO Military Committee and Standing Group (Lieutenant General Leon W. Johnson) to the US Joint Chiefs of Staff
1 Jun 1959 Report by the Italian Military Secret Service (SIFAR) on Operation Gladio
Mar 1970 US Field Manual 30-31B 18
1978 William Colby, "Chapter Three: A Scandinavian Spy," in Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978), pp. 78-107.
6 Nov 1984 Memorandum from the East German Director of Signals Intelligence (Major-General Horst Männchen) to the Deputy Director of the East German Ministry of State Security (Lieutenant-General Gerhard Neiber)
Oct 1990 Report by Italian Prime Minister (Giulio Andreotti) to the Stragi Commission of the Italian Senate
17 Nov 1990 Parlamentary Investigation of the Swiss Defense Ministry's Secret Army P-26
15 Mar 1991 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by the National Security Archive
1 Oct 1991 Parliamentary Investigation into the Existence of a Secret International Intelligence Network in Belgium
1995 Parliamentary Investigation into Terrorism in Italy
14 Dec 2000 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by Daniele Ganser
28 Dec 2000 First Reply (Request Declined) by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to Daniele Ganser re: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request on Operation Gladio
23 Jan 2001 Appeal to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by Daniele Ganser re: FOIA Request on Operation Gladio
7 Feb 2001 Second Reply (Request Accepted, but Pending) by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to Daniele Ganser re: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request on Operation Gladio
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [for links to download these!]
AÄŸca basit bir kukla deÄŸil by Leyla TavsanoÄŸlu
Language: Turkish (pdf 48kb) Cumhuriyet Newspaper
19 Jan 2006
Türk Gladio'su gerçeği by Uluç Gürkan
Lanuage: Turkish (pdf 49kb) Cumhuriyet Newspaper
19 Jan 2006
Çürüme sürecine girildi by Uluç Gürkan
Lanuage: Turkish (pdf 43kb) Cumhuriyet Newspaper
19 Jan 2006
How our Governments use Terrorism to Control us by Tim Howells
Language: English (pdf 50kb) Online Journal
28 Nov 2005
N.A.T.O. Gladio, and the Strategy of Tension by Three Monkeys Online
Language: English (pdf pdf version 57kb) Three Monkeys Online
Oct 2005
Zweifel an der Theorie vom verwirrten Einzeltäter by Karl Meyer
Language: German (pdf 22kb) Telepolis
26 Sep 2005
Verdeckte Kriegsführung: NATO Strategie der Spannung by Martin Stuber
Language: German (pdf 183kb) Das Bulletin
20 Sep 2005
Ausstieg aus der Gewaltspirale. Interview mit Daniele Ganser by Gerold Aregger
Language: German (pdf 88kb) Gegenwart
15 Sep 2005
Al Qaida has got Nothing on this Terror and Mayhem. Review of NATO's Secret Armies by Phil Chamberlain
Language: English (pdf 1.66MB) Tribune Books
9 Sep 2005
Interview with Daniele Ganser conducted by Giancarlo Rossi (mp3 audio file) Italian State Radio RAI
4 Sep 2005
Strategie der Spannung by Mathias Bröckers
Language: German (pdf 42kb) Writersblog bei Zweitausendeins
11 Jul 2005
Gli eserciti segreti della NATO. Operazione Gladio e terrorismo in Europa occidentale by Daniele Ganser
Language: Italian
Novità: Fazi Editore.
1 Jul 2005
Nato-Geheimarmeen. "Strategie der Spannung" und die Schweiz
Language: German (pdf pdf version 25kb) Amtliches Bulletin der Bundes-versammlung
16 Jun 2005
The Puzzling Story of NATO's Secret Armies During the Cold War: Just What Were They Up to? by Daniele Ganser
Language: English (pdf pdf version 32kb) History News Network, USA
13 Jun 2005
Terrorism in Western Europe: An Approach to NATO's Secret Stay-Behind Armies by Daniele Ganser
Language: English (pdf 164kb) The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations
1 Jun 2005
Wiesen Attentat: Geheimarmee unter Verdacht
Language: German (pdf 108kb) Abendzeitung
17 May 2005
Het spiegelpaleis by Georges Timmerman
Language: Dutch (pdf 238kb) De Morgen
14 May 2005
G gününde nefesleri kesilecek by Yalcin Dogan
Language: Turkish Hürriyet
1 May 2005
Kontrgerilla vahseti (Part 1 and Part 2) by Osman Cutsay
Language: Turkish
26 Apr 2005
»In Nato-Geheimarmee dienten ehemalige SS-Leute« by Peter Wolter
Language: German (pdf 46kb) Junge Welt
14 Apr 2005
Die dunkle Seite des Westens (Part 1 and Part 2) by Gunther Latsch
Language: German (pdf entire document 3.94MB) Der Spiegel
11 Apr 2005
Gli eserciti segreti della Nato by Nenad Stojanovic
Language: Italian (pdf 107kb) Ticino 7

10 Apr 2005
Secret Warfare: From Operation Gladio to 9/11 by Claudio Celani and Michael Liebig
Language: English (pdf 149kb) Executive Intelligence Review EIR
8 Apr 2005
Ãœber sich selbst hinauswachsen Wege aus dem gewalterzeugenden Bewusstsein by Thomas Meyer
Language: German (pdf 261kb)
Der Europäer
1 Apr 2005
Parlamentarier fordern Veröffentlichung des Cornu Berichts by Josef Lang
Language: German
Amtliches Bulletin Nationalrat
16 Mar 2005
Shattered Bridges by Samia Nkrumah
Language: English (pdf pdf version 13kb)
Al Ahram, Kairo
3 Mar 2005
Geheime Armeen. Interview mit Daniele Ganser by Andreas Weibel
Language: German (pdf 98kb) GSOA Zeitung
1 Mar 2005
Geschichte lässt sich auf Dauer nicht fälschen by Thomas Meyer
Language: German (pdf 490kb) Der Europäer
1 Mar 2005
A NATO titkos hadseregei by Pál Léderer
Language: Hungarian (pdf pdf version 137kb) Nepszabadsag Online
28 Feb 2005
Sword Play by Chris Floyd
Languge: English (pdf pdf version 97kb) The Moscow Times
18 Feb 2005
The Pentagon's 'NATO Option' by Lila Rajiva
Language: English (pdf pdf version 18kb)
10 Feb 2005
Les Armées Secrètes de l'OTAN by Nicole Duparc
Language: French (audio file mp3 format) Radio Suisse Romande
3 Feb 2005
Forschung in der Unterwelt by Daniel Stern
Language: German (pdf 532kb) Die Wochen-
zeitung (WOZ)
3 Feb 2005
Konferenz "Nato Geheimarmeen und P26". Die dunklen Seiten des Westens Language: German ( pdf version 70kb) ETH Life
3 Feb 2005
Naton salaiset armeijat ja terrorismi (Nato's secret armies and terrorism) (pdf 1.16MB) Part 2 (pdf 789kb), translated by Antti Jauhiainen
Language: Finnish Rauhan Puolesta (Pro Peace)

2 Feb 2005
Interview mit Daniele Ganser in Geschichte in Augenblicken
Language: German (audio file WAV format) Radio Eins Berlin
28 Jan 2005
Interview mit Daniele Ganser
Language: German (audio file in WAV format)
29 Dec 2004
NATO-Geheimarmeen und ihr Terror by Daniele Ganser
Language: German (pdf 85kb) Der Bund, Bern
20 Dec 2004
Interview mit Daniele Ganser im Echo der Zeit
Language: German (audio file in WAV format) Schweizer Radio DRS
16 Dec 2004
CIA finanzierte staatlich organisierten Terror by Katrin Holenstein
Language: German (pdf 159kb) Basler Zeitung (baz)
15 Dec 2004
Die Geheimarmeen der NATO by Daniele Ganser
Language: German (pdf 585kb) Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)
15 Dec 2004
La sanglante traque aux "rouges" by Ron Hochuli
Language: French ( 178kb) La Liberté
15 Dec 2004
NATO's Secret Armies Linked to Terrorism?
Language: English ( 44kb)
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Some good things in there Peter. And great you found a legal download of the book!
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Some good things in there Peter. And great you found a legal download of the book!

No, its not the book...only one of his articles covering the subject.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:No, its not the book...only one of his articles covering the subject.
Oh, I see now. I misread it. Very good in any case.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Yes, I believe Russbacher and LeWinter were almost certainly incarcerated in the same location.
Jan, in the FOIA complaint document by Al-Fayed vs. USA as published by cryptome

there is an interview mentioned with LeWinter, having taken place at Wilhelmshöhe. I consider it proven that LeWinter was in that prison sanatorium. Of course I can not explain, what this means.
On the other hand I am sure that he never received any "international Rilke prize", as he claims in most of his "biographies". That is just a lie that he tried to back up with a fake statement by some German poet as recently as 2003. I also do not trust in the least all his military service data and CIA related statements, as long as independent verification is unavailable.

48.[sic] In recent interviews with LeWinter, including one on April 12, 2000, at Wilhelmshöhe Prison, he has suggested that one or more CIA employees participated in the fraud scheme. He has also stated that the forged CIA documents offered to Al Fayed were based, at least in part, upon an e-mail LeWinter received from a "CIA contact in Langley". According to LeWinter, this information was shared with Macmillan, himself allegedly formerly affiliated with the CIA, who then prepared the documents incorporating the information received from the CIA contact.
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".

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