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Preparations & Ideas for the 50th
Mark Prior Wrote:
Bill Kelly Wrote:Hi Mark,

A lot of what you have requested is already being done by COPA - check out their web site - Coalition On Political Assassinations, and Facebook pages devoted to Freeing the Files and getting Congressional oversight of the JFKAct.

The most important event coming up is Wed. Aug. 29th at the National Archives and Records Administration in DC

Dan Alcorn has called attention to this important meeting that I think we all should add imput to regarding JFK assassination records:

I sent an e-mail around yesterdaycalling attention to the open public forum that will be held by the NationalArchives on August 29 seeking public input on the declassificationprocess. It occurred to me later that the Archives is accepting questionsfor the forum in advance, so that those who are not in the DC area could submitquestions for the forum. Here is the notice with the e-mail address ofthe Archives official who is point of contact for this forum:

The NDC will be hostingits third annual open forum on Wednesday, August 29, from 10 a.m. to 12 noonin the McGowan Theater at the National Archives Building.The theme for this year's forum will be "NDCChallenges at Two Years: What did we learn, and how are we moving forward?" Youmay contact Don McIlwain, or 301-837-0587 foradditional information or to submit advance questions. Additional informationand details will follow.


I will be responding to the other points as soon as I can.


Hello Bill,

I read Adele's emails between you & her, and signed your petition I've been to your blog and visited the COPA website. I don't know if COPA is your website, or if you're affiliated with it, or if COPA just reposts your articles. But I have to say (and I don't know if it were the navigation, that one has to log in, or if it's just the content) I didn't see where or how the Coalition On Political Assassinations was taking "point" on organizing other groups & forums. It's a great name, and that is what I would be expecting of them with a name like that - I don't see how Mary Ferrell or CTKA, etc. coordinate with COPA

The thing that concerns me, about everything, is that we seem to have several different initiatives, conferences and endeavors that are operating independently of one another. Kind of sounds like the CIA (lol).

I think we need, for lack of a better name, an "information committee" which would keep tabs on & communicate with the different project leaders to keep them informed of what's going on with other groups and report to the other groups the progress/status of all project leaders.

Thoughts, anyone?


Okay Mark, here's my 10 Point Program, dealt with in more detail at my blog:



Ten Point Ten Step Program to solving the JFKAssassination to a legal and moral cetrtainty

Forgo arguing or debating conspiracy theories get thegovernment to do what it is supposed to do free the files inquire strangedeaths investigate homicides and prosecute those responsible for committingcrimes related to the assassination, including the theft and destruction ofrecords, perjury, conspiracy, destruction of evidence and obstruction ofjustice.

The long held goals of obtaining the release of the USgovernment records on the assassination of President Kennedy, the properquestioning of living witnesses, the investigation and prosecution of thoseresponsible fore committing crimes and the establishing a research center forthe study of political assassinations can still be reached, must be reachedwithin the next few years, .

1) NARA NDX Wed. August 26[SUP]th[/SUP] NARADC
2) CongressionalOversight Hearings on JFK Act
3) October26[SUP]th[/SUP] 20[SUP]th[/SUP] Anniversary of JFK Act
4) CongressionalBriefing of Witnesses
5) JFKMock Grand Jury Questioning of Witnesses
6) JFKSpecial Federal Grand Jury DC
7) DallasCounty Grand Jury inquiry into murder of J.D. Tippit
8) 50[SUP]th[/SUP]Anniversary Events October, 2012 Cuban Missile Crisis/ Nov. Dallas/ May29JFK Birthday/ Countdown to Nov. 22
9) EstablishJFK Research Center for the Study of PoliticalAssassinations
10) EstablishJFK Hidden History Museum Theater Café Document Shop
Good points BK but how can anyone get a Grand Jury in Dallas? I know the DA was initially receptive to looking into this entire case . I made it a point to talk with him at a legal class a few years back, I had also come with some JFK assassination bullett points. But he looked like he was going to faint when he learned why I wanted to speak with him. He said he'd contact me but never did and more recent efforts to contact him personally in writing have been unresponded to. I think someone got to him back then. Not a bribe but a threat. He's a great guy but I don't see him getting involved in any of the Dallas 63 affair, be it Tippit or JFK.

I certainly would love to be proven wrong.

Also agree that the arguments need to end.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:... I had also come with some JFK assassination bullett points. But he looked like he was going to faint when he learned why I wanted to speak with him.
Bullet points? :lol: :bolt:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Good points BK but how can anyone get a Grand Jury in Dallas? I know the DA was initially receptive to looking into this entire case . I made it a point to talk with him at a legal class a few years back, I had also come with some JFK assassination bullett points. But he looked like he was going to faint when he learned why I wanted to speak with him. He said he'd contact me but never did and more recent efforts to contact him personally in writing have been unresponded to. I think someone got to him back then. Not a bribe but a threat. He's a great guy but I don't see him getting involved in any of the Dallas 63 affair, be it Tippit or JFK.

I certainly would love to be proven wrong.

Also agree that the arguments need to end.

Good for you, Dawn...but not surprised someone has read him the 'riot act'. They weren't going to let Dallas pursue a case in '63, and they won't 50 years later. The truth, they believe, must still be suppressed.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Good points BK but how can anyone get a Grand Jury in Dallas? I know the DA was initially receptive to looking into this entire case . I made it a point to talk with him at a legal class a few years back, I had also come with some JFK assassination bullett points. But he looked like he was going to faint when he learned why I wanted to speak with him. He said he'd contact me but never did and more recent efforts to contact him personally in writing have been unresponded to. I think someone got to him back then. Not a bribe but a threat. He's a great guy but I don't see him getting involved in any of the Dallas 63 affair, be it Tippit or JFK.

I certainly would love to be proven wrong.

Also agree that the arguments need to end.

Good for you, Dawn...but not surprised someone has read him the 'riot act'. They weren't going to let Dallas pursue a case in '63, and they won't 50 years later. The truth, they believe, must still be suppressed.

That was a mistake me putting that in there - that is not a public effort being undertaken but private.

In any case, Dallas County, though the cooperation of the current DA, has let off more innocent people than any other county in the country, which means that the criminals who actually committed those crimes are still running free. They do have a process for investigating such cold cases, and we are trying to determine if it will be possible to run the Tippit murder through that process, which will include only one or two county investigators who are also investigating other such crimes. It will also include the presentation of new evidence and witnesses to special grand jury convened just for that one case.

It is more likely that a special federal grand jury will be convened in DC but it will be limited.

Before there can be any talk of grand jury investigations, the other six items above it must be completed successfully and that is unlikely to happen anytime soon, though they certainly can be.

Bill Kelly Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Good points BK but how can anyone get a Grand Jury in Dallas? I know the DA was initially receptive to looking into this entire case . I made it a point to talk with him at a legal class a few years back, I had also come with some JFK assassination bullett points. But he looked like he was going to faint when he learned why I wanted to speak with him. He said he'd contact me but never did and more recent efforts to contact him personally in writing have been unresponded to. I think someone got to him back then. Not a bribe but a threat. He's a great guy but I don't see him getting involved in any of the Dallas 63 affair, be it Tippit or JFK.

I certainly would love to be proven wrong.

Also agree that the arguments need to end.

Good for you, Dawn...but not surprised someone has read him the 'riot act'. They weren't going to let Dallas pursue a case in '63, and they won't 50 years later. The truth, they believe, must still be suppressed.

That was a mistake me putting that in there - that is not a public effort being undertaken but private.

In any case, Dallas County, though the cooperation of the current DA, has let off more innocent people than any other county in the country, which means that the criminals who actually committed those crimes are still running free. They do have a process for investigating such cold cases, and we are trying to determine if it will be possible to run the Tippit murder through that process, which will include only one or two county investigators who are also investigating other such crimes. It will also include the presentation of new evidence and witnesses to special grand jury convened just for that one case.

It is more likely that a special federal grand jury will be convened in DC but it will be limited.

Before there can be any talk of grand jury investigations, the other six items above it must be completed successfully and that is unlikely to happen anytime soon, though they certainly can be.


Bill, the last thing I'd want to do is upset some delicate backchannel efforts - and I wish you all the luck in the World on all of them. But, the cat being out of the bag on this one, the ONLY way I could see he'd feel comfortable doing something in the Big D would be if someone with a LOT of political clout [or a group of such persons] were to 'watch his back' and 'give him political cover'. Now, as to who and how to approach such persons you're probably as clever as anyone. A few names come to my mind as a distant maybe - this is not one most want to stick their neck out for - unless THEY in turn have the PEOPLE 'watching their back' and 'giving them political cover'. Politicians may often be corrupt or working for their own aggrandizement - or that of the Oligarchy, but they are not so stupid as to not know that there has long been a cover-up and it continues. i.e. one can expect a reaction to any such grand jury - both above board and sub rosa. Visibility and backing by others and mostly by the Public is the only thing that can make them feel safe enough to attempt it. There are all too few 'Garrisons' around to have the moral fortitude to do it because it is the right and legal thing to do.....most want some assurance they are not 'walking the plank' alone and have a safety net of numbers, support and back-up politically and in public opinion. That is the place to start. IMHO. Of course, you'll also be making the right thing to do for all the right reasons arguments; but trust me, sadly, it is their own mortal security that will have greater sway. That they can survive it and be a hero! Garrison, by the way is IMO a good selling his attempts were subverted and need to be completed, if in some different directions than before - both because of new information and some false leads/blind alleys he was tricked into pursuing. His narrow regional focus also would not apply today as the best tactic....but that would not be the case in Big D, as long as a wider outlook and net were also cast.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:... I had also come with some JFK assassination bullett points. But he looked like he was going to faint when he learned why I wanted to speak with him.
Bullet points? :lol: :bolt:
Ya rather bad choice of words. I was in a hurry as I was meeting very early with a DA in San Marcos, so I should not have even posted. What it was was a short essay I had written many years ago summing up the government's case, laying out just what the MBT really means, as well as a short excellent piece by a researcher. I just wanted him to have an overview in case he'd never studied this case. I always assume that most have not. At least not lawyers as I have been discussing it with them since becomeing an attorney twenty seven years ago.

Regarding the 50th, unless things change we had all better prepare to be arrested as well. Another reason it will be great to have literally many thousands of people there on the 22nd. The jails will not hold us all, and it may garner media attention and cause people to wonder just what the hell is up.

It is really quite frustrating to know WHAT can be done at this point. I mean we are up against the shadow powers that be, the entire government, the mainstream media. Our meager efforts indeed seem very futile. Time has been on their side.

Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:... I had also come with some JFK assassination bullett points. But he looked like he was going to faint when he learned why I wanted to speak with him.
Bullet points? :lol: :bolt:
Ya rather bad choice of words. I was in a hurry as I was meeting very early with a DA in San Marcos, so I should not have even posted. What it was was a short essay I had written many years ago summing up the government's case, laying out just what the MBT really means, as well as a short excellent piece by a researcher. I just wanted him to have an overview in case he'd never studied this case. I always assume that most have not. At least not lawyers as I have been discussing it with them since becomeing an attorney twenty seven years ago.

Regarding the 50th, unless things change we had all better prepare to be arrested as well. Another reason it will be great to have literally many thousands of people there on the 22nd. The jails will not hold us all, and it may garner media attention and cause people to wonder just what the hell is up.

It is really quite frustrating to know WHAT can be done at this point. I mean we are up against the shadow powers that be, the entire government, the mainstream media. Our meager efforts indeed seem very futile. Time has been on their side.


Really, the 'electric-coolaide-acid-test of whether you are a real JFK researcher or even an honest student of the event, will be if or if you are not arrested on the at this moment, anyone there who is not part of the 'official approved' disinformation activities [LHO did it all by his lonesome, while a 'commie' nut, with three magic bullets] are very likely to be moved/corralled/and arrested by the Police. So be it. It will be a grand get-together of all the good people who have not yet succumbed to age [but they will be celebrated from inside prison!] Like some of the Birmingham Jail 'get-togethers', we'll plan further from there. See you all then! Be there, or be written off. Only valid excuse will be great physical which case, think of some 'surrogate' way of being present!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Does the Texas AG have any input on this?

Below is a quote from him about Planned Parenthood.He calls them a terrorist organization.Yes,we're in Texas now folks...........

Quote:In a court filing defending the ban earlier this year, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott had compared Planned Parenthood to a terrorist organization, writing: "[The] First Amendment does not prohibit application of federal material-support statute to individuals who give money to 'humanitarian' activities performed by terrorist organizations."
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Keith Millea Wrote:Does the Texas AG have any input on this?

Below is a quote from him about Planned Parenthood.He calls them a terrorist organization.Yes,we're in Texas now folks...........

Quote:In a court filing defending the ban earlier this year, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott had compared Planned Parenthood to a terrorist organization, writing: "[The] First Amendment does not prohibit application of federal material-support statute to individuals who give money to 'humanitarian' activities performed by terrorist organizations."

We are in Texas.

But the roots of Planned Parenthood lie in the Eugenics movement.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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