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Evaluating the Case against LBJ

Well, the DPF crew chimes in on LBJ as the mastermind of the plot.
It is my belief that with JFK's policies stepping on many toes, quite possibly many of those "in the know" may have had strong suspicions about an assassination, but were not aware of specifics and knew that it was unlikely that they were in a position to prevent it. As for LBJ, I cannot believe he knew ahead of time about Dealey Plaza and would still allow himself to be that close to the shooting area. JMO.


You're assuming he had a choice.
Charles Drago Wrote:You're assuming he had a choice.

I should have said , "I cannot believe he was the mastermind", instead of, "I cannot believe he knew ahead of time". But, a very good point, Mr Drago.:captain:


Some place LBJ at the center of an event in Dallas at approximately 12:30 pm Central Time Friday November 22, 1963.

For the ten reasons explored in the CTKA essay I believe these persons are limping along with a Copernican model of the cosmos.

Further I would add that assessments from George Michael Evica, L. Fletcher Prouty, Peter Dale Scott, Charles Robert Drago and others have compellingly posited a model of the world's human interplay as driven by supranational, suprapolitical, suprareligious elements.

Namely, power.

Further, this element has so driven events long before the Dallas act, and since that act to this day.

Case in point, Afghanistan as a heroin source and for other reasons than those stated.

The rolling wave toward regime change falsely dubbed an Arab Spring when it is likely not to do with democracy but a power play serving unspoken interests.

To the extent that the Johnson-did-it theory is pushed as obsession, it obviously supplants truth.

For, there's no way in hell this transitory blowhard who caved like a little girl in March 1968 and died January 1973 dared such an act, nor could have acted in South America on behalf of Rockefeller et al, nor in subsequent regions on behalf of power.

The correct designation of Johnson is false-sponsor/facilitator (witting or unwitting not determined).

A thousand points show Johnson did not "mastermind" that deed.

Correct placement of "that deed" in the constellation of power play removes any possibility.

Donald Gibson does much to indicate Dean Acheson in the origin of the commission. Johnson danced to the tune written by another.

His vulnerability was exploited by the prime facilitator (in service to sponsors unnamed).

Johnson could be counted upon to A) go along with the limited "investigation"; B) approve the desired war policy vis-a-vis Vietnam; C) vouchsafe the role and position of CIA.

For these and for other reasons Johnson was allowed to ascend to the presidency.

In my view Nixon threatened CIA with his desire to be the potentate of intelligence, hence was deposed by machinations devised by Helms and carried out by McCord, Barker, Hunt, Sturgis et al.

The next pitfall to avoid is naming CIA as sponsor.

Individuals in CIA are likely to have facilitated the act (as they had done in regime change and assassination worldwide before and after) but the agency did not officially do anything but fall in line to protect its rice bowl.

As did all the agencies as was the design, which included Angleton's WW III virus identified by John Newman, Oswald and the CIA 1995/2008.

It wasn't Lemnitzer-LeMay, though LeMay got himself to Bethesda to help enforce obedience to the coverup, as did Greer-Kellerman.

The cleansing of the LBJ myth is part of a better model for the world.

Currently the terrorism model replaces the Cold War model.

But as Nixon went to China with Henry to see Mao and Chou to flank the USSR, so, too, the triad foreseen by Blair-Orwell was enabled.

Russia fears China in Siberia. Russia and China woo Iran--as did Brzezinski-Gates in CFR 2004 "Iran: Time for a New Approach" canceling the Bush model of the Axis of Evil.

Putin didn't use polonium. Did Putin order it.

We know what happened to the one Chinese leader who opposed Strike Hard at Tiananmen--house arrest until death.

Soros says Obama and Romney, not much difference.

Someone is making decisions. But it isn't a POTUS, nor a VPOTUS, nor a temporary occupant of an Article II position.

How about a laugh with Ned Beatty about how the cow ate the cabbage
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:

Well, the DPF crew chimes in on LBJ as the mastermind of the plot.

Looks like a great piece, I will read it after court this morning, just read the first part and want to ad that it did not, sadly, begin with Sample's Men on the Sixth Floor book in 96, Craig Zirbel had LBJ as the mastermind in 91. "The Texas Connection". I read it when it first came out and recall that it was riddled with errors.

I do not think there is a person here at DPF who think LBJ was "the mastermind".

Dawn Meredith Wrote:I do not think there is a person here at DPF who think LBJ was "the mastermind".

Not of the 'regulars', agreed. He was likely in the know very late in the game and without the 'details' [so he'd be under control himself, when the time came]. He was a SOB who wouldn't have objected to such a murder...but there is no evidence he was behind it. However, by the time he was at Parkland and in AF 1 it was becoming fairly 'clear' to the bastard what the general situation was, and what he had to do; and what NOT to say - nor pursue! I think he had some advance word of a plot...maybe not when in the day, and definitely not the details..but once it happened, he was 'ON SCRIPT'. He deserves an 'academy award' and a posthumous treason trial.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
All members in this forum are in agreement that LBJ was not the mastermind of the assassination, with the exception of Prof. Fetzer and a few others.
We cannot know if LBJ was aware of the plot before it happened but there is a chance that when Allen Dulles, one of the conspirators and right hand man of the instigators
visited him at his Texas ranch, gave him a few hints.
I doubt it that Dulles told him that JFK was about to be executed at LBJ's state, but he probably discussed with him the troubles the US foreign policy was facing abroad
and that JFK was a disappointment and probably too clever for his own good. They probably agreed on all issues, and Dulles might have told him that JFK was about too
loose the elections, or even worse strange things could happen that will force JFK to resign or maybe an ilness or some unfortunate incident might remove him from office.
All LBJ had to do, if something strange happened, was to cooperate with Dulles and the people above him when the situation was to become dire, and in exchange they will help him with the scandals he was facing and maybe help him to become the next President. But this is only a speculation.
But it is a documented fact that LBJ was part of the cover up and there is not a single doubt about that.

PS. I would like to personally and publicly thank Seamus Coogan and Phil Dragoo for contributing, editing and helping to write this article which i consider to be a joint effort.
I also like to thank Jim DiEugenio for checking, correcting and publishing this article to the CTKA site.

When exactly did Dulles visit LBJ at his ranch? I must have missed that in your article.

Regarding Allen Dulles in Texas in 1963, a photo (which admittedly may have been taken in 1960) appeared in 1963 showing Dulles at LBJ's Johnson City ranch.


From George Michael Evica, A Certain Arrogance, Second Edition, TrineDay, 2006-2011, page 281 Essay Eight: The Oil-Intelligence-Unitarian Universe of Lee Harvey Oswald:


After the assassination, "(Allen Dulles) joked in private that the JFK conspiracy buffs would have had a field day if they had known. . .he had actually been in Dallas three weeks before the murder. . .that one of his mistress Mary Bancroft's childhood friends had turned out to be a landlady for Marina Oswald. . .and that (the) landlady was a well-known leftist with distant ties to the family of Alger Hiss."


Oh really. A "landlady."

Harry Truman a haberdasher.

Ruth, Ruth, Ruthwe couldn't have done it without you.

Allen Dulles goes to be in the bubble with those to whom he wishes to communicate securely.

Oh a wink is as good as a nod.

Nodding back, and the the left. Back, and to the left.

Attached Files
.jpg   LBJ, Dulles at Johnson City ranch.jpg (Size: 79.27 KB / Downloads: 16)

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