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9/11 Weekend - New hypothesis to Explain 9/11 - Part I
Mr Burnham,

I am not represent my beliefs... I attempt to present the observerables and the engineering and science as they apply. You don't have to believe me. The facts are what they are and in the end they will be clear to anyone who is capable of understanding them.
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:Mr Burnham,

I am not represent my beliefs... I attempt to present the observerables and the engineering and science as they apply. You don't have to believe me. The facts are what they are and in the end they will be clear to anyone who is capable of understanding them.

You "am not" condescending either.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
sorry for the typos and syntax errors... I make them constantly..

I have nothing more to say on this. I've attempted to present a observation based technical analysis. If you don't want to accept the science or engineering ideas I write about... it is your prerogative.
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:Charles this has nothing to do with honor.

Stop declaring the obvious with an air of discovery.

Nothing you've posted on DPF does.

Weren't you just leaving?
kinda sorta maybe... but I am not starting any threads and I am not repeating what I've already written. I've posted links and the interested readers can decide.

Nothing else to say about the matter.

Be safe.
I find the FBI counterterrorism chief John O'Neill to present as proof of intelligence foreknowledge and complicity: he warned; he was sidelined.

No-flies flew; blaming this on "mistakes were made" or "Jamie's Wall" or any other typical bureaucratic Dog-Ate-My-Homework fail in the face of an enormity unlike any prior event.

Towers fell, with remarkable alacrity.

In looking at the diagrams and photographs of the construction I posited some preparation of a passive nature could hasten this dramatic collapse:

exemplia gratia: remove some nuts from bolted core column splices above a certain level (circa 70 if I recall)--ayee caramba, if you have three-story runs ready to be bumped off-line, the force is downward on air--

A wooden crate of Talavera tile was delivered to the summer home of a shoe baron for us to install. As the two import fellows were lowering it from the truck something happened--

--not one of six-hundred twelve-inch hex were usable--not one--

--"It just came down," one of the fellows explained.

In another case I swear they frayed the rope for the DuPont single membrane roofing roll--

So, Peter, please, tell more about a) retrofitting of elevators and/or renovations causing dust on floors below; b) black vans in the weeks prior.

David, what do you know about nuclear weapons--Peter mentions Judy Woods--and her breathless "microwave-like weapons" which "cooked" the occupants was a feature of her appearance on George Noory's Coast-to-Coast AM

The event was a casus belli for two wars, one to remove a threat to Saudi and/or Iran, the other to control the world's heroin, and for other purposes (suspension of civil liberties leading to the POTUS' power to condemn anyone on earth to death-by-drone, airport fascism, etc.)

The method leveraged the overt plane impact into catastrophic collapse to attain the imperative psychospiritual collapse

much as the OKC Bomb was an extension of the Bush-Clinton Weaver-Waco imposition of jackboot rule over the plebes

Wesley Clarke's tanks with flammable CS into the kerosene-lit hay-bale-barricaded sanctuary and the shaped charge on the Concrete Room killing a score of women and children show us the dark nature of the Machines of Loving Grace
People Could Have Planted Bombs In the World Trade Center Without Anyone Noticing

Preface: This essay does not argue that bombs brought down the Twin Towers or World Trade Building 7. It simply addresses the often-made argument that no one could have planted explosives without people noticing.

Tightrope walker Philippe Petit snuck into the World Trade Center with a friend in 1974 with massive amounts of equipment, smuggled the equipment to the top floor and rigged up a highwire for his tightrope walking stunt without being detected.

In 1978, the 59-story story Citicorp building was secretly retrofitted at night over the course of several months without the knowledge of tenants, the general public, or the media:

In 2009, Raw Story noted:

A Government Accountability Office investigator smuggled live bomb components into a federal building in just 27 seconds, then assembled a bomb in a restroom and ventured throughout the building without being detected, a leaked tape revealed Wednesday.

In addition, congressional investigators were able to penetrate every single federal building they probed without any difficulty 10 in all.

And see this.

In fact, there is additional evidence that bombs could have been planted in the World Trade Center without anyone knowing:

Bomb-sniffing dogs were inexplicably removed from the Twin Towers five days before 9-11

The Twin Towers had been evacuated a number of times in the weeks preceding 9/11

There was a power down in the Twin Towers on the weekend before 9/11, security cameras were shut down, and many workers ran around busily doing things unobserved (confirmed here)

A tenant of the World Trade Center hired a "sprinkler repairman" shortly before 9/11, and gave him access to 6 underground levels at World Trade Center building 1

And as an interesting coincidence a Bush-linked company ran security at the trade centers, thus giving it free reign to the buildings

The chief electrical engineer who wired the World Trade Centers (Richard Humenn) says that people working on the elevators could have planted explosives:

Mechanical engineer Gordon Ross, in his talk on the destruction of the Twin Towers, pointed out that:

"Those [core] columns which were situated adjacent to and accessible from inside the elevator shafts failed at an early stage of the collapse.

Those columns which were remote from the elevator shafts, and not accessible from the elevator shafts, survived the early stages of the collapse."*

Indeed, a top demolition expert says that with access to the elevator shaft, a team of loading experts would have access to the columns and beams:

According to USA Today: "On Sept. 11, ACE Elevator of Palisades Park, N.J., had 80 elevator mechanics inside the World Trade Center".

And NIST itself says that, on 9/11, "Elevators 6A and 7A were out of service for modernization". (NIST NCSTAR 1-8, p.97).

In addition, Ace worked in and around structural steel:

A run of approximately 80 vertical feet, employed over 300 running feet of 2-1/2″ x 8″ and 2″x 2″ trough raceway. This run traveled through plaster ceilings, concrete floors and around structural steel.

Indeed, there had been numerous elevator renovation and and asbestos removal projects in the 6 years prior to 9/11 which allowed access to core building structures, including:






And as an interesting coincidence a Bush-linked company ran security at the trade centers, thus giving it free reign to the buildings

The chief electrical engineer who wired the World Trade Centers (Richard Humenn) says that people working on the elevators could have planted explosives:

Mechanical engineer Gordon Ross, in his talk on the destruction of the Twin Towers, pointed out that:

"Those [core] columns which were situated adjacent to and accessible from inside the elevator shafts failed at an early stage of the collapse.

Those columns which were remote from the elevator shafts, and not accessible from the elevator shafts, survived the early stages of the collapse."

Indeed, a top demolition expert says that with access to the elevator shaft, a team of loading experts would have access to the columns and beams:

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
... "You" ain't gonna learn what you don't wanna know.....

and all the discussion in the world will not change that...

One gets the feeling Mr. O knows better but plays the fool and mindless devil's advocate somaybe someone will listen...

It's impossible to have the amount of friction needed to turn concrete to powder AND fall at near freefall speeds... THAT's physics.. no way around it.

RE: my knowledge of nuclear weapons... is from what I've researched... nothing first hand sadly...
but I am firmly of the opinion that technology first appears within the military...

there are only so many possible explanations for what occurred... That HUGE CHUNK of building that toppled and fell SHOULD have hit the ground in very large pieces... not disintegrate...
with the remainder of the building intact...

The building removed itself from the path of collapse... the Core columns were melted away simultaneously and instantaneously...

When the foreknlwedge and planning of this is finally revealed... Silverstein and Cheney will be found at the top of that pyramid.

Quote:When the foreknlwedge and planning of this is finally revealed... Silverstein and Cheney will be found at the top of that pyramid.

I vote facilitators. Cheney as an important facilitator. Silverstein played a role in making sure people stayed out of the way.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Quote:When the foreknlwedge and planning of this is finally revealed... Silverstein and Cheney will be found at the top of that pyramid.

I vote facilitators. Cheney as an important facilitator. Silverstein played a role in making sure people stayed out of the way.

Agree completely Lauren... Dick organized the military exercises that removed theprotection... Larry opened the building to unmonitored/unsecure access..

Silverstein had the most to lose and gain with the WTC complex and the asbestos.
Subsequently he gained the most....

I have a question... WE WON in Iraq, Canada provides 27% of our oil, the TOP 7 non-OPEC nations provide 50% of our oil... and are our FRIENDS...
Saudi Arabia & Venezuala the next 25% and Iraq 3.3% (July 2012)

why is oil and gas still so expensive? is is really just PROFIT...?


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