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  Evidence of a Frontal Shot --- Part IV / The X-Rays
Posted by: Gil Jesus - 02-03-2024, 02:16 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies


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  Evidence of a Frontal Shot --Part III: The Autopsy Photos
Posted by: Gil Jesus - 27-02-2024, 01:40 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies


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Posted by: Richard Gilbride - 22-02-2024, 02:45 AM - Forum: JFK Assassination - Replies (1)


As its synopsis states, "Outlines how the Book Depository's west freight elevator, with the assistance of several employees, was used for the escape of the 6th-floor hit team; and helps debunk the false narrative of PrayerMan and the lunchroom hoax"

This was filmed last October at the local library. Numerous problems delayed its release. I'm reasonably happy with the result, although I rushed the delivery a bit. It totals only 21 minutes. Since a lot of information is presented rapidly, the viewer might wish to refer to the parent essay:


This is a precise criminological assessment of the role of the Texas School Book Depository Company in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This is a role that only became apparent thanks to the efforts of William Weston in the 1990s, and myself a decade later, and it took a further decade to hammer it into a finely-honed paradigm. Key insights were garnered thanks to the work of Barry Ernest and Brian Doyle.

The move of the Book Depository into Dealey Plaza the winter beforehand, coupled with its elevator shenanigans, definitively implicates the hidden hand of the US intelligence agencies in Kennedy's murder. The planning for that began in earnest, in my opinion, after the Cuban Missile Crisis.

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  Harvey In Hungary
Posted by: Brian Doyle - 20-02-2024, 09:05 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - Replies (7)

The usual nay-sayers at the Education Forum are posting that it is ridiculous that two boys would be found by accident and that they would grow up to resemble each other so closely that they would be recruited in to the Harvey & Lee doppleganger program...Those nay-sayers are, of course, correct because it is silly to suggest random boys would accidentally evolve in to identical doubles...However, as usual, no one is stepping up to confront those nay-sayers and tell them that their criticism is a straw man that doesn't go far enough to detect the real situation they are pretending to examine...Yes, it is ridiculous that random boys would grow up to resemble each other perfectly...What the nay-sayers are failing to do is determine what that tells us evidence-wise...

What that tells us is the conspirators knew in advance that the boys would resemble each other perfectly because they had planned it from the start...And the only way they could plan that would be to genetically manipulate the boys from birth with cutting-edge identical twin experimentation...The plotters didn't hope the boys would grow up to perfectly resemble each other - they knew from the start because they made it happen...Identical twins were planned and separated at birth...Harvey was gotten to Hungary at birth and protected by the Hungarian family connected to Gardos...The Deep nature of the people involved protected it...The people already identified as being involved in this all had access at this Deep level...This is the highest level of trade craft and such practices are exploited by Intel because they are so far out no one suspects them... 

Once you understand what the intelligent evidence forces then you realize that Harvey was planted in Hungary in order to have a background in Russian language...Hungary was the correct choice because of its pre-Soviet occupation status and proximity to the USSR...Once Harvey had absorbed Russian influence he was then sent to America to be Americanized...He was sent to US Intelligence infiltrators in Manhattan with a Hungarian background where he then became Harvey Oswald...Paul Jolliffe is making the mistake of thinking Eckdahl and Dulles stumbled on to Harvey at this point and just so happened to recognize his similarity to a boy far away in New Orleans a thousand miles away...That suggestion is ridiculous and only assists the unthinking skepticism of the nay-sayers...Dulles didn't stumble on to this in the 40's...He (or OSS others) planned and protected it from the start...The nay-sayers are not thinking the whole thing out or following where the evidence leads...

The Marguerite Oswald connection has all been figured out...Known Intel assets were recruited in to the program from there and cooperated with this obvious positioning...The original purpose was obviously penetration of the Soviet Union for espionage purposes to take advantage of one person not being able to be in two places at the same time...Marguerite Oswald said openly that Lee was working with Intelligence...Lee is brought to Manhattan to test the twins in close proximity and start mixing their official records, merging them in to one identity...

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  Evidence of a Frontal Shot --- Part II / The Exit Wound
Posted by: Gil Jesus - 14-02-2024, 01:31 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies


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  Evidence of a Frontal Shot --- Part I / The Entry Wound
Posted by: Gil Jesus - 06-02-2024, 02:32 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies


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  Speer Says Deep Politics Forum Has "Withered To Nothing"
Posted by: Brian Doyle - 24-01-2024, 09:56 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies

Pat Speer recently commented on the Education Forum that several websites tried to counter the Education Forum but the Education Forum prevailed and those other forums had all "withered to nothing"...

15 years ago this website was not shy in announcing that it was a counter to the Education Forum and its mis-management of JFK research...

I am still limited in internet access because my house was ripped in half by Hurricane Ian killing my mother, so the short version is that the ill-tempered and unrestrained Charles Drago disrupted the forum by attempting a power move that called me a CIA think tank of multi posters and demanded my banning...Having failed that attempt the two egotists Burnham and Drago quit the forum in protest further weakening its mission all because they couldn't discipline themselves towards the greater cause...The instability caused by that schism ended up in my being banned even though I was correct that Jim DiEugenio had violated the DPF site rules by promoting Greg Parker's bogus Prayer Man theory...Jim has still not admitted he was wrong on that theory...I see someone has removed those previous member-protecting rules and the site has now become a read-only inactive forum...Even though I carried out the purpose ("ethos") of this site in my refuting of Prayer Man I am still given a cowardly one star knife in the back by some anonymous person with access to the star ratings...

Part of the reason for this is the post-50th Anniversary research scene has reduced research to the main sources and pulled in from the democratic equal opportunity by merit this website set out to achieve...Moderators who are abusing their privilege have made the research internet a popularity club and forsaken normal academic research standards...It is less than honest for those who are still active to not admit this has led to the Education Forum no longer being opposed by this website and therefore a defaulting to the EF and its dubious practices...Researchers whose only hope was DPF have been thrown under the bus and researchers like DiEugenio and Josephs have defected over to that forum...Those persons have given Pat Speer a cheap win with his "withering" claim...Pat doesn't come over here because he knows he wouldn't get away with the murder he does over on the EF...

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  Why Jeremy Bojczuk Is A Fraud
Posted by: Brian Doyle - 24-01-2024, 09:24 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies

Bojczuk is a fraud because, like Von Pein, he adapts the "perfect evidence or nothing" canard...Bojczuk is over on the Education Forum saying the Harvey & Lee theory is damaging to credible JFK research because of its potential to blow back on the research community as a crazy theory that taints all JFK research...As if he were sincere and speaking as a concerned conspiracy researcher...

However if you look in to Bojczuk's background he was a firm member of Greg Parker's ROKC troll farm and its subversive undermining of JFK research...Bojczuk never once aimed his phony criticism towards Parker's troll farm or any of its nutty claims...Like a true Lone Nutter wolf in sheep's clothing Bojczuk saves his criticism for one of the most important and exotic cases of conspiracy evidence in the form of Armstrong's discovery...

There's a simple way to determine that Bojczuk is a phony...Of all the theories that are ripe for ridicule and calls for protecting the research community from the Prayer Man theory is on the top of the list, yet ROKC member Bojzcuk never aims his so-called righteous indignation towards that bogus theory that came from the trollish mind of Greg Parker...I have more than proven that Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton - yet Mr make his living off of calling bullshit Bojzcuk never once mentioned this or criticized any of Parker's other crazy crap with the same zeal...Bojzcuk practices the exact same silence over my research as David Von Pein, even though it would be a real victory for him to point it out...The reason why Bojzcuk and Von Pein stay silent about my refutation of Prayer Man is because they don't want to give me any credit lest it lead to further crediting of my serious other discoveries...

Bojzcuk and his actions perfectly fit that of a COINTELPRO subversive...He attacks the most exotic and damning conspiracy evidence in the form of Armstrong and supports the worst Trojan Horse bullshit theories like Prayer Man and Parker...Bojzcuk is a fraud because he pretends to be demanding rigor but his real purpose is to avoid recognizing the more than obvious evidence that has already been shown...Because the Education Forum is negligent in judging content Lone Nutter trolls like Bojzcuk have the advantage because they never have to account for their input and are always given equal status in relation to those who have done the hard work of proving the best evidence... 

I have never seen Bojczuk recognize my new discovery of Sarah Stanton hearing Oswald say he wasn't going down to watch the motorcade but was going back in to the Break Room instead...Like most of the Education Forum, that puts the lie to their claim of seeking the most important evidence...

The problem with the Education Forum and research community can be put in a nutshell with this...The reason Bojczuk isn't called out on this on the Education Forum is because they have such a corrupted bias towards Prayer Man that it keeps them from using the best weapon they could against the fraud Bojczuk...What a nasty tangled web we weave when we attempt to deceive...Because of their loyalty to this corrupted Prayer Man pack they have made a train wreck out of JFK research and failed to take their best punches...

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  Jim Hargrove Chooses Politics Over Good Research
Posted by: Brian Doyle - 12-01-2024, 10:17 PM - Forum: JFK Assassination - No Replies

Jim Hargrove, whom I respect and admire, has taken a wrong turn in research by citing Victoria Adams' admission, in her 1966 interview with Mort Sahl and Mark Lane, that she saw Lovelady on the 1st Floor, as being proof of Armstrong's claim that Lovelady & Shelley were in the Depository turning off the power...Let's cut right to the chase, Hargrove is doing this in order to politically side with his co-researcher Armstrong and back his version of events...

Lovelady & Shelley could not be in the Depository if they were seen headed up to the Knoll and Rail Yard in Couch/Darnell like they were...4 years ago when I tried to convince Armstrong he was making a mistake in denying Lovelady & Shelley were seen in the Couch/Darnell film headed up the Elm St extension Armstrong reacted nastily and cut me off...Even though I heartily support Armstrong and think his Westbrook chapter cracks the case and is genius detective work, he has the personal flaw of trying to force his Lovelady & Shelley electrical shut-off theory over the visible evidence...There's no doubt the two men going up the extension are Lovelady & Shelley and therefore not only could they not be inside shutting off the power but they had too much distance to cover to get back in time to meet Adams...

I find myself banned and censored from the Education Forum where this wrong information is being organized and promoted...So I am unable to tell Jim Hargrove that Armstrong is ignoring the fact Lovelady & Shelley had heard about Kennedy having his brains blown out from Gloria Calvery at the base of the steps...This inspired Lovelady & Shelley to want to head up to the Knoll to see for themselves, so Hargrove and Armstrong need to input what was in the heads of Lovelady & Shelley and what motivated them...I am trying to communicate to Hargrove that Buell Frazier made clear that he tried to catch up to Lovelady & Shelley on the extension but that they had lost him...Hargrove needs to input and absorb that the reason Lovelady & Shelley lost Frazier is because they headed up to the Knoll to see what Calvery had told them in person...Once you grasp this you then have to input the distance around the Depository west loading dock and realize there is no way Lovelady & Shelley made it back in the west side in time to see Adams & Styles...

Because Hargrove has taken the wrong fork in the evidence road he has cut himself off from the profound reason why Lovelady & Shelley's stories changed...The commonly accepted reason why Lovelady & Shelley altered their accounts of leaving the steps is thought to be to push back the time Adams & Styles got to the 1st Floor...That is partly true, however there was a more important reason why Lovelady & Shelley pushed their times back...Both men pushed their times back from 3 to 10 minutes because they were trying to void out Shelley's witnessing of a second stop of Oswald in the Lobby by a second un-named cop...The more important reason why Lovelady & Shelley lied about their times was because they were trying to cover-up Shelley bailing fellow CIA operative Harvey out of being detained by the cops at the front door and Shelley then helping Harvey out the rear Loading Dock...Because Armstrong is trying to force his theory of Lovelady & Shelley turning off the power against the actual evidence this critically important evidence is being stymied so Jim Hargrove can make it easier on himself with Armstrong...

Armstrong & Hargrove need to understand that Adams was probably gotten to and was lying about seeing Lovelady in order to make it easier on her husband whom she lived with in the Naval Intelligence stronghold of San Diego...They should register that we know many of the most dangerous witnesses were either murdered or gotten to so it isn't that far a stretch with Adams...

I need to be on the Education Forum so I can force these people to recognize this best evidence...

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  South Africa's document on Gaza Genocide
Posted by: Lauren Johnson - 04-01-2024, 02:38 AM - Forum: DPF Articles Discussion - No Replies


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